89 Infos zu Denis Choumert
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- Chairman
- Vice President
- Cargo
- Polmans Sanjeev Gadhia
- Steven Polmans Sanjeev
- Transport
- Association
- Emir Pineda Roos
20 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Charter to lift global standards for truck and van driversindex1520.comGSA chairman, Denis Choumert, said: «Shippers want to run collection and delivery sites that are welcoming and secure for drivers. It is in our interest, ...
Commentary: Shippers can form alliances tooFreightWaves— Now that the European Shippers' Council (ESC) has rejoined the Global Shippers' Forum, ESC Chairman Denis Choumert is hopeful the Asian ...
Shippers launch damning indictment of 2M allianceTradeWinds... a partnership whose only objective is to increase profit but not improve service,” wrote ESC chairman Denis Choumert in a letter to the US regulator.
URGENT to the EP TRAN Committee - 4th Railway ...Die GüterbahnenYours sincerely,. Marc Huybrechts Denis Choumert François Coart President, CLECAT President, ESC President , ERFA. Download · Newsletter abonnieren.
4 Bilder zu Denis Choumert

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Denis Choumert | FacebookFacebook: Denis Choumert | By Mobilettre - FacebookFacebook: Denis Choumert - Mobilettre - Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Videos › Denis ChoumertLinkedIn: denis choumert | LinkedInVoir le profil professionnel de denis choumert sur LinkedIn. Grâce à LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel au monde, les professionnels comme denis ...
3 Dokumente
smart and sustainable logistics solutions through multimodal ...Europe BASF. • Mark Scheerlinck, General Manager, Centraal Boeking Platform cvba. • Denis Choumert, Chairman, European Shippers' Council ... › media › FFF2017_Barcelo...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FREIGHT TRANSPORT ...Speaker: Denis Choumert – Chairman of European Shippers Council. 15H00 – Green Freight Europe. Speaker: Daniel Jaetsch - EVO. › uploads ›
2 Meinungen & Artikel
World Ocean Summit moves onlineBoatshed— ... Denis Choumert, chairman of the Global Shippers Alliance; Thoriq Ibrahim, founder and president of Maldives Ocean Plastics Alliance; ...
Denis ChoumertFORUM DE L’AITHome · Programme · Exposants · Intervenants · Informations Pratiques · Hackathon · . Denis Choumert ...
48 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Denis Choumert, président de l'AUTF : "L'Eco-transport, ...Actu Transport Logistique— Le président de l'Association des utilisateurs de transport de fret, Denis Choumert, estime qu'il y a un voile pudique autour du débat sur ...
8 questions à Denis Choumert, président de l'AUTF ...Ministère de la Transition écologique8 questions à Denis Choumert, président de l'AUTF (Association des utilisateurs de avis. Archive ouverte | Infrastructures et Mobilité. CHOUMERT (D).
Denis Coumert, Chairman of the European Shippers ...Air Cargo WeekHome ESC chairman, Denis Choumert joins TIACA board Denis Coumert, Chairman of the European Shippers' Council, joins TIACA Board for web ...
"Low Sulfur" regulations: the impact on maritime shipping pricesUpply— The increase in these costs is a discretionary charge and not a mandatory tax," said Denis Choumert, president of the AUTF, urging shippers ...
6th UIC Global Rail Freight Conference (GRFC), UIC - International union of railways... Mr Roel Janssens (UNECE), Mrs Marie-Hélène Vanderpool (IRU), Mr Clemens Först (Rail Cargo Group / UIC Freight Forum), and Mr Denis Choumert (ESC), ...
CLECAT - The Freight Forwarders' Conference Powershoots... Ass. of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG)) - Denis Choumert (Chairman of the ESC) - Nicolas Debaisieux (Carbon Markets, DG CLIM)Graham Floater (Director, ...
ECTU - European Shippers' CouncilLobbyFactsMr Denis Choumert (President). Categories. Category. II - In-house lobbyists and trade/business/professional associations. Subcategory.
ESC Collaboration workshop UIRRShifting the mindset from vertical to horizontal collaboration models (Denis Choumert, ESC). > How can IT tools drive the adoption of the digital ...
ESC to Put Container Shipping Alliances Under ScrutinyNauticExpoIn order to prepare for a more concentrated container liner market, Denis Choumert, Chairman of the ESC, stressed the need for shippers to collaborate on a ...
Fret21, a powerful step forward to a more environmentally ...TK'Blue Agency... will follow as announced Ségolène Royal, French Minister of Environment, Bruno Léchevin (Ademe) and Denis Choumert (AUTF) at Unesco on May 20th
Intermodal transportation doesn't get pushed by the EU ...railtarget.czPresident of the European Shippers Council, Denis Choumert, expressed his expectations. He also told his opinion on many of the visions that are yet to get ...
Nos missionsAUTFL'AUTF représente les Chargeurs français au niveau européen par son président, Denis CHOUMERT, qui préside également l'European Shippers' Council.
The International Air Cargo Association Email FormatRocketReachDenis Choumert. Director. France. View. 2. europeanshippers.eu; free.fr. The International Air Cargo Association Employee Beverly Weinsier's profile photo ...
'EU not pushing hard enough for intermodal case ...RailFreight.com— Denis Choumert, President of the European Shippers Council voiced the expectations of shippers for more intermodal transport services.
ESC and CLECAT urge carriers to switch to a 'new normal'Bulk Distributor— Mr Denis Choumert, President of the European Shippers' Council, noted: “The lack of vessel capacity and container shortages, partly caused ...
Echanger sur tous les grands sujets structurantsSITL Daily— Denis Choumert, Président de l'Association des Utilisateurs de Transport de Fret (AUTF), partenaire historique de la SITL, profite du salon ...
TIACA pilots new online Cargo Service Quality tool for ...Medium— L to R: Rvind Kavuru, Prospecta Technologies; Vladimir Zubkov, TIACA; Denis Choumert, European Shippers' Council; Amar More, Kale Logistics ...
Where next for the Air Cargo Industry?Cargo Forwarder Global— Denis Choumert summarized the situation: “The last 18 months were hectic and messy. We were used to work with steady rates and a steady flow ...
denis choumert | LinkedInLinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like denis choumert discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, ...
Amar More's Postlinkedin.com#aircargo #airfreight #supplychain #logistics Steven Polmans Sanjeev Gadhia Denis Choumert Emir Pineda Pascal Bélanger Liana Coyne Greg Guillaume Neel Jones ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Denis
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Französisch): Denis; der dem Dionysos Geweihte; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); dios = von Zeus; von 'Dionysios' (der dem Gott Dionysos Geweihte); Dionysos war der griechische Gott des Weines, einem Sohn von Zeus und Semele; der Name des Gottes setzt sich zusammen aus 'dios' ('von Zeus') und 'nysa', dem Namen eines legendären Berges; der hl. Dionysius (3. Jh.) ist einer der 14 Nothelfer; die Stadt St. Denis in Frankreich ist nach ihm benannt Denis,Denise - Ist eine Namenskürzung von Denisius und stellt das Original für alle Abweichungen wie z.B. Dennis im Englischen dar. Denisius ist der französische Weingott. Denis stellt den männlichen und Denise den weiblichen Part dar und wird bei der Aussprache auf "e" betont und ohne den letzten Buchstaben ausgesprochen.
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