107 Infos zu Dennis Doleschel

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

April Vienna - PosterSessionOnlinewww.postersessiononline.eu › aula_poster

Authors Marius Woitok , Marius Woitok, Miguel Eugenio Zoubek, Dennis Doleschel, Mohamed Ramadan Mohamed,.. Study centre Department of Internal Medicine III, ...

EMIM Programme

Dennis Doleschel 1, Anne Rix 1, Susanne Arns 1, Karin Palmowski 1, Andreas Franke 2, Felix Gremse 1, Ursula Klingmüller 3, Michael Jarsch 2, Fabian ...

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9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Dennis Doleschel | Facebookne-np.facebook.com › dennis.doles...

LinkedIn: Dennis Doleschel | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Dennis Doleschels berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Dennis Doleschel dabei ...

Protocols and Video Articles Authored by Dennis Doleschel

› author › D...

Protocols and Video Articles Authored by Dennis Doleschel JoVEwww.jove.com › author › Dennis_Doleschel

Dennis Doleschel is the author of this article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments: "Hybrid μCT-FMT billedbehandling og billedanalyse"

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Inhibition of tumor growth in vivo by a nanoparticle-based ...jitc.bmj.com › content › Suppl_1

Dennis Doleschel et al., Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Blockade of checkpoint receptor PVRIG unleashes anti-tumor immunity of NK ...

Tripartite antigen-agnostic combination immunotherapy cures ...

Dennis Doleschel et al., Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Symphony of nanomaterials and immunotherapy based on the cancer–immunity ... › e alerts

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Dennis Doleschel

Postdoctoral Researcher / Köln

10 Bücher zum Namen

HEIDI: Doleschel, Dennis: Erythropoietin improves the accumulation...

Dennis Doleschel, Anne Rix, Susanne Arns, Karin Palmowski, Felix Gremse, Ruth Merkle, Florian Salopiata, Ursula Klingmüller, Michael Jarsch, Fabian Kiessling, ... › titel

Advanced Search | Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Für diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.

A Milestone in Frontiers in Pharmacology: 1,000 Published Papers ...books.google.no › books

... Dennis Doleschel and Fabian Kiessling* Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, Germany Ultrasound (US) is ...

Systems Biology and Bioinformatics in Gastroenterology and Hepatologybooks.google.no › books

... Dennis Doleschel, Felix Gremse, Stephanie D. Wolf, Johannes F. Buyel, Ute Albrecht, Johannes G. Bode, Fabian Kiessling and Wiltrud Lederle published:

14 Dokumente

[PDF] Implementation of Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging for in Vitro ...www.diva-portal.org › smash › get › diva2: › FULLTEXT01

· [34] Vera Paefgen, Dennis Doleschel, and Fabian Kiessling. “Evolution of contrast agents for ultrasound imaging and ultrasound-mediated.

[PDF] Patentes - RPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrialrevistas.inpi.gov.br › pdf › Patentes2581


Evolution of contrast agents for ultrasound imaging and...

Evolution of contrast agents for ultrasound imaging and ultrasound-mediated drug delivery. Authors: Vera Paefgen, Dennis Doleschel, Fabian ...

Synthetic Glycopolymers for Highly Efficient Differentiation of ...pubs.acs.org › doi › abs

· ... Marius Maximilian Woitok, Miguel Eugenio Zoubek, Dennis Doleschel, Matthias Bartneck, Mohamed Ramadan Mohamed, Fabian Kießling, ...

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Dennis Doleschel

Dr. Dennis Doleschel, Institut für Experimentelle Molekulare Bildgebung (ExMI)Aachen

Alumni - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY EXMI - Deutschwww.exmi.rwth-aachen.de › cms › EXMI › Das-Institut › Team › ~ndyqv

· Dennis Doleschel. Natascha Drude. Natascha Dumond. Josef Ehling. Lotfi Elkacem. Iris Ermer. Stanley Fokong. Felix Fuge. Pierre Gebhardt.

Regorafenib enhances anti-PD1 immunotherapy efficacy in murine ...jeccr.biomedcentral.com › articles

· Dennis Doleschel, Susanne Koletnik, Anne Rix, Fabian Kiessling & Wiltrud Lederle. Research and Development, Preclinical Research Oncology, ...

Dennis Doleschel – ScienceOpen

cancer xenografts. Authors: Dennis Doleschel, Olaf Mundigl, Axel Wessner …

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Change of Apoptosis and Glucose Metabolism in Lung Cancer Xenografts...

von J Gross · Zitiert von: 1 — Jasmin Gross,1 Karin Palmowski,1Dennis Doleschel,1 Anne Rix,1 Felix Gremse,1 Frederic Verburg,2 Felix M. Mottaghy ,2,3 Fabian Kiessling,1 Wiltrud Lederle, › cmmi

In-vivo detection of the erythropoietin receptor in tumours using...

In-vivo detection of the erythropoietin receptor in tumours using positron emission tomography. Felix Fuge ,; Dennis Doleschel ,; Anne Rix ...

(PDF) Non-Invasive Imaging and Modeling of Liverresearch.amanote.com › publication › non-invasive-...

Non-Invasive Imaging and Modeling of Liver Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy by Sara Zafarnia, Anna Mrugalla, Anne Rix, Dennis Doleschel, Felix.

Nilotinib Enhances Tumor Angiogenesis and Counteracts VEGFR2 Blockade...

Sara Zafarnia, Jessica Bzyl-Ibach, Igor Spivak, Yongping Li, Susanne Koletnik, Dennis Doleschel, Anne Rix, Sibylle Pochon, Isabelle Tardy, Seena Koyadan, ...

47 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dennis%20Doleschel?order=date: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library...

Dennis%20Doleschel?order=date: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن کتابوں کی دکانیں | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books

6th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – e-smi.eue-smi.eu › emim › past-meetings › emim-2011

Dennis Doleschel, Aachen (Poster No. 98); Probe Design Lena Schönzart, Berlin (Poster No. 138) Carlos Geraldes/André Martins, Coimbra (Poster No.

Articles - EJNMMI Research - SpringerOpen

Authors: Wiltrud Lederle, Susanne Arns, Anne Rix, Felix Gremse, Dennis Doleschel, Jörn Schmaljohann, Felix M Mottaghy, Fabian Kiessling and Moritz Palmowski. › ...

EJNMMI Research | Articles

EJNMMI Research publishes new basic, translational and clinical research in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. Regular features include ...

Change of Apoptosis and Glucose Metabolism in Lung NCBI

von J Gross · · Zitiert von: 2 — Jasmin Gross, 1 Karin Palmowski, 1Dennis Doleschel, 1 Anne Rix, 1 Felix Gremse, 1 Frederic Verburg, 2 Felix M. Mottaghy, 2 , 3 Fabian Kiessling, ... › pmc

Chemokine Cxcl9 attenuates liver fibrosis-associated angiogenesis ...cir.nii.ac.jp › crid

Dennis Doleschel · David Scholten · Ralf Weiskirchen · Marcus J. Moeller · Fabian Kiessling · Christian Trautwein · Hermann E. Wasmuth ...

Atypon | Please Return Soon

Vera Paefgen, Dennis Doleschel, Fabian Kiessling. (2015) Evolution of contrast agents for ultrasound imaging and ultrasound-mediated drug delivery. Frontiers ...

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_display

By following authors. Flurin Mueller-Diesing. Wiltrud Lederle. Anne Rix. Susanne Koletnik. Dennis Doleschel. Maximilian Snelting. Felix Gremse.

Cy5* | Sigma-Aldrich

Results of 303 — Dennis Doleschel et al. Theranostics, 5(8), ( ). Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhuEpo) is currently under debate ... › se...

DataCite Search

Dennis Doleschel, Anne Rix, Susanne Arns, Karin Palmowski, Felix Gremse, Ruth Merkle, Florian Salopiata, Ursula Klingmüller, Michael Jarsch, Fabian ...

Explore Peeref via keywords, DOI, ISSN, title, or researcher namewww.peeref.com › search

Lipid-encapsulated siRNA for hepatocyte-directed treatment of advanced liver disease: Marius Maximilian Woitok, Miguel Eugenio Zoubek, Dennis Doleschel, ...

In-vivo detection of the erythropoietin receptor in tumours using...

Dennis Doleschel. RWTH Aachen University, Department for Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Medical Faculty, Aachen, Germany ...

(PDF) Chemokine Cxcl9 attenuates liver fibrosis-associated...

Chemokine Cxcl9 attenuates liver fibrosis-associated angiogenesis in mice

Management Guidelines for Children with Thyroid Nodules and ...www.liebertpub.com › doi › pdfplus › thy

Flurin Mueller-Diesing, Wiltrud Lederle, Anne Rix, Susanne Koletnik, Dennis Doleschel, Maximilian Snelting, Felix Gremse,. Fabian Kiessling


Dennis Doleschel, Sabine Hoff, +4 authors, Susanne Koletnik, Anne Rix, Dieter Zopf, Fabian Kiessling, Wiltrud Lederle. less. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, ... › doc

Molecular Imaging To Visualize Biomarkers | FUJIFILM VisualSonics

Sara Zafarnia, Jessica Bzyl-Ibach, Igor Spivak, Yongping Li, Susanne Koletnik, Dennis Doleschel, Anne Rix, Sibylle Pochon, Isabelle Tardy, Seena Koyadan, ... › bio...

Ohne Titelvonj.peniatheorythe.com › fabian-kiessling-aachen

... Dennis Doleschel and Fabian Kiessling* Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, Germany Ultrasound (US) is ...

Optimal and suboptimal protocols for a mathematical model for ...www.aimsciences.org › doi › mbe

Dennis Doleschel et al., Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, A multi-agent-based symbiotic organism search algorithm for DG ...

High accuracy of mesoscopic epi-fluorescence - ProQuest

Lotfi Abou-Elkacem & Saskia Bjrn & Dennis Doleschel &. Vasilis Ntziachristos & Ralf Schulz &. Robert M. Hoffman & Fabian Kiessling & Wiltrud Lederle. › docview

Regorafenib enhances anti-PD1 immunotherapy efficacy in murine...

CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the synergistic immunomodulatory effects of REG and aPD1 combination therapy in mediating a sustained inhibition of colon...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dennis

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Dennis; der dem Dionysos Geweihte; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); dios = von Zeus; von 'Dionysios' (der dem Gott Dionysos Geweihte); Dionysos war der griechische Gott des Weines, einem Sohn von Zeus und Semele; der Name des Gottes setzt sich zusammen aus 'dios' ('von Zeus') und 'nysa', dem Namen eines legendären Berges; der hl. Dionysius (3. Jh.) ist einer der 14 Nothelfer; die Stadt St. Denis in Frankreich ist nach ihm benannt

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