44 Infos zu Detlev Proch

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Detlev Proch Dr. - zealbotszealbots.com › author › detlev-proch-dr

Impact Factor : 0.0, Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), Jan . 7 " 25 References.

11 Bücher zum Namen

Optical Phase Conjugation (Hardcover)

Optical Phase Conjugation (Hardcover) / Editor: Malcolm C. Gower / Editor: Detlev Proch ; ; Optics (light), Physics, Science & Mathematics, ...

Optical Phase Conjugation - Malcolm C. Gower - Innbundet...

Verified by Visa · MasterCard SecureCode · Optical Phase Conjugation - Malcolm C. Gower Detlev Proch Innbundet. Del med andre. Omtale. Legg i ønskeliste.

Optical Phase Conjugation by Detlev Proch - Hardcover from...

Springer, *Price HAS BEEN REDUCED by 10% until Monday, March 15 ( sale item)* 388 pp., Hardcover, previous owner's name to front free endpaper, ...

Optical Phase Conjugation (Hardcover) | Eight Cousins, Inc

By Malcolm C. Gower (Editor), Detlev Proch (Editor). Call for price: It is unlikely that we will be able to order this item. Please call

7 Dokumente

Proch, Detlev [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Detlev Proch. Modifiziertes CNDO-CI-Verfahren zur Interpretation der Ionisierungs- und Anregungsenergien von Pi-Systemen by ...

Ro-vibronic energy transfer from N2(a1πg) to CO (A1π) studied by...

Ro-vibronic energy transfer from N2(a1πg)to CO (A1π) studied by resonance enhanced MPI spectroscopy. GUOHE SHA, DETLEV PROCH, and KARL L.

OSA | State selective ionization of nitrogen by resonance-enhanced...

State selective ionization of nitrogen by resonance-enhanced photoionization of a cold jet. STEFAN OPITZ, DETLEV PROCH, and THOMAS TRICKL. Find other ...

Report of the Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton DTICwww.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a pdf

Detlev Proch. Page Yale Univ., Dept. Chemistry. MPI Fuer Quantenoptik. P.O. Box Postfach New Haven, CT Garching ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Dr. Detlev Proch - Gepris - DFG

Dr. Detlev Proch. Als Beteiligte Person abgeschlossene Projekte. Untersuchung der Wellenpaketdynamik an konischen Durchschneidungen in kleinen ... Es fehlt: editorial ‎costa ‎rica

Zur geometrie des 6a-thiathiophthens - ScienceDirect

JUrgen Rroner und Detlev Proch. Inmtitut fur Anorganimche Chemia der Dnivermitilt #lUnchen. (Reoeived in Germany 10 May 1972; received ...

Thesis - Tumb1.Biblio.Tu-Muenchen.De

Ein herzlicher Dank gilt auch Detlev Proch, der stets ein offenes Ohr fiur al kus, Detlev Proch, Thomas Witte, Dirk Zeidler und Wendel Wohlleben. lars.

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Detlev Prochgepris.dfg.de › gepris › person

Dr. Detlev Proch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (MPQ)Garching.

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Detlev Proch | PubFacts

Detlev Proch

Investigation of phase-conjugated stimulated Brillouin scattering at...

Following the novel concept of applying phase conjugate mirrors for lensless imaging we have ... Author(s): Anton K. Pfau; Detlev Proch; Friedrich G. Bachmann ...

Publications Authored by Detlev Proch | PubFacts

Publications Authored by Detlev Proch

Christine Bucher | PubFacts

Christine Bucher

2 Meinungen & Artikel


Detlev Proch <[log in to unmask]>. Mon, 26 Aug :06:14 + lines. PhD position, Comput. Biochem., CSCS/ETH Zurich. Dirk Deubel <[log in to ...

A PhD position is vacant in the femtosecond reaction ...

(Phone: + ) Dr. Detlev Proch MPI fuer Quantenoptik Box 1327, D Garching e-mail: [log in to unmask]

11 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Optical Phase Conjugation - Malcolm C. Gower, Detlev Proch •...

Phase Conjugation. by: Malcolm C. Gower (author) Detlev Proch (author).

CoNE - Proch, Detlev

Dr. Proch, Detlev. Laser Chemistry, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Max Planck Society. Forscherprofil. Position: Laser Chemistry, Max Planck Institute ...

Investigation of phase-conjugated stimulated Brillouin scattering at ...www.spiedigitallibrary.org › full

Anton K. Pfau, Detlev Proch, and Friedrich G. Bachmann "Investigation of phase- conjugated stimulated Brillouin scattering at 248 nm for application to ...

Optimal coherent control of the molecular FWM response by arbitrarily...

SPIE Digital Library Proceedings

People with Surname PROCH living in Germany | Locate-Friend.Com -...

People with Surname PROCH living in Germany. Christa Proch, Christel Proch, Christian Proch, Christian Proch, Claudia Proch, Corinna Proch, Daniel...

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

... Detlev Proch, Marcus Motzkus, Karl-Ludwig Kompa, Werner Fuss, Thom as Witte, Jake Yeston, Detlev Proch, Marcus Motzkus, and Karl-Ludwig Kompa.

E-kataloog ESTER...

Title, Optical phase conjugation / edited by Malcolm Gower, Detlev Proch. Imprint, Berlin : Springer, c Description, XVIII, 388 lk. : ill.

Optical Phase Conjugation - Malcolm C. Gower, Detlev Proch - Book |...

Optical Phase Conjugation - Malcolm C. Gower, Detlev Proch - ISBN: This introductory text discusses in detail the nonlinear optical methods and...

Optical Phase Conjugation Herausgeber… - for £5 16

Redactor: Malcolm C. Gower, Redactor: Detlev Proch: Optical Phase Conjugation (1994) ISBN: Tapa dura, Label: Springer-Verlag Berlin ...


... Jake S.Yeston, Thomas Witte, Werner Fus, Marcus Motzkus, Detlev Proch, Karl -Ludwig Kompa, and C.Bradley Moore PP $$ ARTICLES Theoretical ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Detlev

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Detlev; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; leiba = der Nachkomme, der Sprössling, das Erbe; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Proch

"Proch"=Polnisch für "Staub".

Personensuche zu Detlev Proch & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Detlev Proch und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.