134 Infos zu Diego Moussallem

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Tenho um Insipon 14, 3421, minha máquina Diego Moussallem ...

LinkedIn: Diego Moussallem | LinkedIn

Diego Moussallems berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Diego Moussallem ...

LinkedIn: Diego Moussallem - Researcher (Ph. D Student) - University of Leipzig ...

Diego Moussallem is a computer scientist native from Brazil (at Rio de Janeiro). He has been living in Germany since 2015, where is a Ph. D. candidate at ...

LinkedIn: Diego Moussallem - Senior Data Scientist | NLP - Globo | LinkedInbr.linkedin.com › diego-moussallem

Diego Moussallem | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | Senior Data Scientist | NLP at Globo | My overall background is in CS, but the majority of my career I have ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Diego Moussallem – Nexus Linguarumnexuslinguarum.eu › team › diego-moussallem

Dr Diego Moussallem. WG Participant. Areas of expertise. Entity Linking, Natural Language Generation, Machine Translation. Working Groups ...

Team | DICE Research Group

Diego Moussallem Michael Röder Tommaso Soru René Speck André Valdestilhas Daniel Vollmers Adrian Wilke Hamada Zahera Infrastructure Simone Auinger Afshin Amini Dr. Abdelmoneim Mahmoud Amer Desouki Rricha Jalota ...

5 Projekte

[DBpedia-discussion] ICSC Resource Track | DBpedia - Wikipedia...

... USA Mohamed Sherif, Paderborn University, Germany Amrapali Zaveri, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Diego Moussallem, Leipzig ...

LinkedIdioms — Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW)

Diego Moussallem (Principle Contact / Maintainer) Mohamed Sherif; Publications)] Hosted by, Funded by,,,,, News. Article accepted in Journal of Web ...

[Dbpedia-communication] Fwd: Website improvement | DBpedia -...

[Dbpedia-communication] Fwd: Website improvement. From: Diego Moussallem <diegomoussallem@gm...> :03:35. Attachments: Message as ...

DBpedia - Wikipedia Data Extraction / [Dbpedia-portuguese] Call for...

From: Diego Moussallem <moussallem@in...> :43:22. Dear all, we cordially invite you to submit to the Resource Track of the 13th IEEE ...

13 Bücher zum Namen

Diego Moussallem | Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › diego-moussallem

Papers by Diego Moussallem with links to code and results.


... in the Portuguese-English Translation of Homographs in Textual Dialogues. Diego Moussallem and Ricardo Choren, Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil.

Advances in Ontology Design and Patterns - Google Books

The study of patterns in the context of ontology engineering for the semantic web was pioneered more than a decade ago by Blomqvist, Sandkuhl and Gangemi....

Semantic Data Mining: An Ontology-based Approach - A. Ławrynowicz -...

Ontologies are now increasingly used to integrate, and organize data and knowledge, particularly in data and knowledge-intensive applications in both research...

11 Dokumente

Diego Esteves, Pablo Mendes, Diego Moussallem, Julio Cesar Duarte, Am…

http: semantics.cc/diego-esteves

Edgard Marx, Amrapali Zaveri, Diego Moussallem and Sandro Rautenberg …

http: semantics.cc/edgard-marx

Addressing open Machine Translation problems with Linked Data.

A talk about current machine translation approaches which use Semantic Web to address some open translation challenges. In this presentation, I introduce two c…

[ ] A Holistic Natural Language Generation Framework for the...

Authors:Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Diego Moussallem, Lorenz Bühmann. (Submitted on 4 Nov 2019). Abstract: With the ever-growing ...

16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Multilingual Verbalization and Summarization for Explainable Link...

Diego Moussallem is a postdoctoral researcher at the Data Science research group (DICE), at University of Paderborn. He worked on different NLP tasks ranging ...

dblp: Marcos Zampieri

List of computer science publications by Marcos Zampieri

dblp: Diego Moussallem

List of computer science publications by Diego Moussallem

dblp: SEMANTICS 2016

Bibliographic content of SEMANTICS 2016

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

THOTH: Neural Translation and Enrichment of Knowledge Graphs |...

Knowledge Graphs are used in an increasing number of applications. Although considerable human effort has been invested into making knowledge graphs available...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

NeuralREG: An end-to-end approach to referring expression generation

· Authors: Thiago Castro Ferreira, Diego Moussallem, Ákos Kádár, Sander Wubben, Emiel ...Dauer: 21:57Gepostet:

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Checks, double checks and triple checks – ACL 2017

Dear readers, As we come toward the period for author responses, we thought we’d update everyone about the status of the review process. This year, we adopted...

69 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Diego Moussallem - Researcher (Ph. D Student) - University of Leipzig ...

View Diego Moussallem's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Diego has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

‪Diego Esteves‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪FARFETCH‬ - ‪‪引用: 405 件‬‬ - ‪Named Entity Recognition‬ - ‪Information Retrieval‬ - ‪Machine Learning‬ - ‪Fact Checking‬ - ‪Natural Language Processing‬

RANLP-Stud Programme Committee

Aleksandar Savkov (Babylon Health). Corina Forascu (University "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi). Darina Gold (University of Duisburg-Essen). Diego Moussallem (Paderborn ...

Tommaso Soru - Google Akademik Alıntılar

... Malavolta,; Sören Auer,; Lorenz Bühmann,; Diego Moussallem,; Markus Nentwig,; Erhard Rahm,; Saeedeh Shekarpour,; Andre Valdestilhas,; Dr. rer. nat.

Linked Open Vocabularies

Your entry point to high quality and reusable Vocabularies to describe Linked Data.

Diego Moussallem | SEMANTiCS 2018

Talks : MEX Vocabulary: A Lightweight Interchange Format for Machine Learning Experiments · Diego Moussallem's picture. Leipzig University

Diego Moussallem | SEMANTiCS semantics.cc › users › diego-moussallem

Diego Moussallem. Talks : MEX Vocabulary: A Lightweight Interchange Format for Machine Learning Experiments · Diego Moussallem's picture.

Diego Moussallem on Flipboard

Diego Moussallem

Diego Moussallem — Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web...

Continuing Education on New Data Standards & Technologies. An automated digital metadata repository.

Diego Moussallem | Universität Leipzig - Academia.eduuni-leipzig.academia.edu › DiegoMoussallem

Diego Moussallem, Universität Leipzig, Department of Computer Science, NLP research group, Faculty Member. Studies Vocabulary, Semantic Web, ...

Diego Moussallem — Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW)

AKSW at web.br in São Paulo ( T09:37:49+02:00 by Natanael Arndt) T09:37:49+02:00 by Natanael Arndt. From October 1st until 6th a delegation from AKSW Group, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK), eccenca GmbH, and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences went to São Paulo, Brazil to meet people from the Web Technologies …

Dr. Diego Moussallem | DICE Research Group

Dr. Diego Moussallem ... My overall background is on CS, but the majority of my career I have spent on NLP. Thus, I have worked on different NLP tasks ranging ...

Tracker summary for Diego Moussallem - Linked Data for Language ...www.w3.org › community › track › users

Tracker summary for Diego Moussallem. Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group Tracker. Open Actions. There are 0 open actions.

CEUR-WS.org/Vol Joint Proceedings of the Posters and Demos...

Ciro Baron Neto, Diego Esteves, Tommaso Soru, Diego Moussallem, Andre Valdestilhas, Edgard Marx RDF data evolution: automatic detection and semantic representation of changes Nathalie Pernelle , Fatiha Saïs , Daniel Mercier , Sujeeban Thuraisamy

Diego Moussallem - Universität Paderborn - VideoLectures.NETvideolectures.net › diego_moussallem

Home · Browse Lectures · People · Conferences · Academic Organisations · EU Supported · About Us · Diego Moussallem ...

CEUR-WS.org/Vol ISWC Posters & Demonstrations Track

ISWC Posters & Demonstrations Track ... Diego Esteves, Diego Moussallem, Ciro Baron Neto, Jens Lehmann, Maria Claudia Reis Cavalcanti, Julio Cesar Duarte;

CEUR-WS.org/Vol paper14 - SPARQL as a Foreign Language

· Tommaso Soru, Edgard Marx, Diego Moussallem, Gustavo Publio, Andre Valdestilhas, Diego Esteves, Ciro Baron Neto: SPARQL as a Foreign Language. In: J. Fernández, S. Hellmann (eds.): Proceedings of the Posters ...

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications...

Diego Moussallem and Ricardo Choren, Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil. Multi-Objective Optimization using Genetic Algorithms in MOTSP (Co2 ...

@prefix rdf:

... Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany DIEGO MOUSSALLEM -leipzig.de Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Diego

Männlicher Vorname (Spanisch): Diego; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); didakhe = lehren; Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt; von einem lateinischen Namen 'Didacus', der wahrscheinlich auf das griechische Wort 'didakhe' Männlicher Vorname (Spanisch): Diego; Jahwe möge schützen; Fersenhalter; er betrügt; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); akeb = die Ferse; akab = betrügen, verdrängen; Bedeutung eigentlich 'Er (Gott) möge schützen'; aber bereits im alten Testament volksetymologisch gedeutet als 'Fersenhalter' und 'er betrügt/er verdrängt'; im alten Testament ist Jakob ein Sohn Isaaks und der Vater von 12 Söhnen, welche die 12 Stämme Israels begründen; Jakob soll bei der Geburt seinen Zwillingsbruder Esau an der Ferse festgehalten haben, um zum Erstgeborenen zu werden (daher obige Namensdeutungen); im neuen Testament sind Jakobus der Jüngere und Jakobus der Ältere zwei Apostel Jesu

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