36 Infos zu Dieter Neuschafer
Mehr erfahren über Dieter Neuschafer
Lebt in
- Muttenz
Infos zu
- Wolfgang Budach
- Novartis
- Bioelectronics
- Biosensors
- Markus Ehrat
- Patents
- Current Assignee
- Gert Ludwig Duveneck
- Michael Pawlak
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
dieter ingenschayIberlibroMás de DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCH... Contactar al vendedor · Añadir al carrito · Imagen de archivo. After-Images of the City. Resina, Joan Ramon ; & ... Más de DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCH... Contactar al vendedor · Añadir al carrito · Imagen de archivo. After-Images of the City. Resina, Joan Ramon ; & ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Patent Summary - Canadian Patents Databasebrevets-patents.ic.gc.ca › opic-cipo › cpd › eng › su...found in the technical literature, e.g., an article of Dieter Neuschafer, Wolfgang Budach, et al., Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol. 18 (2003) p.
Dieter Neuschafer - PatentsDieter Neuschafer patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Dieter Neuschafer patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent ...
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Dieter NeuschaferNOVARTIS AG, Muttenz, DE
8 Bücher zum Namen
dieter ingenschay - Antiquarisch/GebrauchtZVABAbriendo caminos : la literatura española desde: DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER ... DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCHAY. ISBN 13: Anbieter: Ammareal Morangis ... Abriendo caminos : la literatura española desde: DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER ... DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCHAY. ISBN 13: Anbieter: Ammareal Morangis ...
AbeBooks: Abriendo caminos : la literatura española desde AbeBooksDIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCHAY. Verlag: Editorial Lumen (1994). ISBN 10: X ISBN 13: Gebraucht Softcover Anzahl: 1. Anbieter: Ammareal DIETER ; NEUSCHAFER INGENSCHAY. Verlag: Editorial Lumen (1994). ISBN 10: X ISBN 13: Gebraucht Softcover Anzahl: 1. Anbieter: Ammareal 8,80 €
La biblioteca dello scrittore: percorsi intertestuali nella ...google.de... DIETER - NEUSCHAFER , HANS - JÖRG , Abriendo cami- nos . La literatura española desde , Barcelona , Lumen , MARTÍN GAITE , CARMEN , Desde la ...
Chłopskie partie polityczne z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej na ...google.de... dieter, neuschafer hans-Jorg, Abriendo caminos. La literatura española desde 1975, bacelona: Lumen, iwasiów inga, Rewindykacje. Kobieta czytająca dziś ...
4 Dokumente
DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW PLASMONIC TRANSDUCER ...University of Ottawavon E Laffont · — [147] Alexandre V Tishchenko, Olivier M Parriaux, and Dieter Neuschafer. Waveguide grating coupling of 2d focused beam under normal incidence: a Seiten
Grating-based sensor combining label-free binding detection and...... can be found in the technical literature, e.g., an article of Dieter Neuschafer, Wolfgang Budach, et al., Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol.
Rheum at | PDF | Proteomics | Monoclonal Antibody - Scribdes.scribd.com › document › Rheum-Atrelationship that covered the anticipated work- We thank Dr. Dieter Neuschafer and Dr. ing range of MCP-1 in serum: 0.15^0.86 ng/ml Wolfgang Budach for ...
The effect of orbital alignment on the forward and reverse electronic ...pubs.aip.org › aip › jcp › article-pdf › 3833_1_onlineWolfgang Bussert,a) Dieter Neuschafer,b) and Stephen R. Leonec). Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, National Bureau of Standards and University of ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Patents Represented by Attorney William K. Wissing - Justia Patents ...patents.justia.com › agent › william-k-wissingDate of Patent: June 20, Assignee: Novartis AG. Inventors: Dieter Neuschafer, Gert Ludwig Duveneck, Michael Pawlak, Uwe Pieles, Wolfgang Budach ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Optical Design and Engineering | (2004) | PublicationsSPIE, the international society for optics and photonics... Dieter Neuschafer. Show abstract. The coupling of a 2D focused beam under normal incidence into a grating waveguide was solved by means of a coupled wave Dieter Neuschafer. Show abstract. The coupling of a 2D focused beam under normal incidence into a grating waveguide was solved by means of a coupled wave ...
Collimation and finite-size effects in suspended resonant ...ResearchGateDieter Neuschafer · Alexandre V. Tishchenko · Olivier Parriaux. The coupling of a 2D focused beam under normal incidence ... Dieter Neuschafer · Alexandre V. Tishchenko · Olivier Parriaux. The coupling of a 2D focused beam under normal incidence ...
Waveguide grating coupling of 2D focused beam under normal incidence:...Olivier M. Parriaux, LTSI, CNRS-Univ. Jean Monnet St. Etienne (France). Dieter Neuschafer, Novartis Pharma AG (Switzerland) ...
16 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Calibration and normalization method for biosensorsGoogle PatentsDieter Neuschafer: Stephen C. Schulz: Brian T. Cunningham: Lance G. Laing: Peter Y. Li: Brant Binder: Gangadhar Jogikalmath: Alex Borsody; Current Assignee (The ... Dieter Neuschafer: Stephen C. Schulz: Brian T. Cunningham: Lance G. Laing: Peter Y. Li: Brant Binder: Gangadhar Jogikalmath: Alex Borsody; Current Assignee (The ...
Leone Group Google SitesHenning Meyer. John Smedley. Karen Carlton Jamie Donaldson. Wolfgang Bussert Andy Langford. Chuck Hamilton. Dieter Neuschafer. Harold Haugen ... Henning Meyer. John Smedley. Karen Carlton Jamie Donaldson. Wolfgang Bussert Andy Langford. Chuck Hamilton. Dieter Neuschafer. Harold Haugen ...
Process for detecting evanescently excited luminescenceGoogle PatentsDieter Neuschafer: Markus Ehrat. Worldwide applications HU. Application number: HU A. Filing date: Legal status: AT. Application number ... Dieter Neuschafer: Markus Ehrat. Worldwide applications HU. Application number: HU A. Filing date: Legal status: AT. Application number ...
Volume Table of ContentsSPIE digital library... Dieter Neuschafer. Proceedings Volume Optical Design and Engineering, (2004) https://doi.org · Read Abstract +. The coupling of a 2D focused Dieter Neuschafer. Proceedings Volume Optical Design and Engineering, (2004) https://doi.org · Read Abstract +. The coupling of a 2D focused ...
Waveguide grating coupling of 2D focused beam under ...SPIE digital libraryvon AV Tishchenko · · Zitiert von: 5 — ... Dieter Neuschafer. Author Affiliations +. Alexandre V. Tishchenko,1 Olivier M. Parriaux,1Dieter Neuschafer2 1LTSI, CNRS-Univ. Jean Monnet St. Etienne (France) von AV Tishchenko · · Zitiert von: 5 — ... Dieter Neuschafer. Author Affiliations +. Alexandre V. Tishchenko,1 Olivier M. Parriaux,1Dieter Neuschafer2 1LTSI, CNRS-Univ. Jean Monnet St. Etienne (France)
专利快速检索-快速检索全球专利,免费商用专利数据库-IPRDB知嘟嘟; 申请号: US ; 申请日: ; 申请人: Dieter Neuschafer , Gert Ludwig Duveneck , Michael Pawlak , Uwe Pieles , Wolfgang Budach; 发明人 ; 申请号: US ; 申请日: ; 申请人: Dieter Neuschafer , Gert Ludwig Duveneck , Michael Pawlak , Uwe Pieles , Wolfgang Budach; 发明人 ...
ES T3 - Proceso para detectar luminiscencia ...patents.google.com › patentOther languages: English; Inventor: Gert L Duveneck: Dieter Neuschafer: Markus Ehrat; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate.
PROCESS FOR DETECTING EVANESCENTLY LUMINISCENCE ...patents.google.com › patentOther languages: Spanish; Inventor: Gert L Duveneck: Dieter Neuschafer: Markus Ehrat; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate.
CA A1 - Sensor platform and method for the parallel detection...Application filed by Novartis Ag, Dieter Neuschafer, Gert Ludwig Duveneck, Michael Pawlak, Uwe Pieles, Wolfgang Budach Publication of ...
EP A Grating-based sensor combining label-free...CHEM., vol. 75, 2003, pages 2571; DIETER NEUSCHAFER, WOLFGANG BUDACH ET AL., BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, vol. 18, 2003, pages
Volume Table of ContentsSPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Methods for Screening Cells and Antibodies - Patent application... can be found in the technical literature, e.g., an article of Dieter Neuschafer, Wolfgang Budach, et al., Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol.
CA A1 - Process for detecting evanescently excited luminescence...Inventors, Gert L. Duveneck, Dieter Neuschafer, Markus Ehrat. Applicant, Gert L. Duveneck, Dieter Neuschafer, Markus Ehrat, Ciba-Geigy Ag.
CA A1 - Procede de detection d'une luminescence a excitation...Applicant, Gert L. Duveneck, Dieter Neuschafer, Markus Ehrat, Ciba-Geigy Ag. Export Citation, BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan. Classifications (11), Legal Events (1).
US A - Sensor platform and method for the parallel detection of...The invention relates to a sensor platform based on at least two planar, separate, inorganic dielectric waveguiding regions on a common substrate and to...
EP A2 - Grating-based sensor combining label-free binding...A grating-based biosensor comprising a substrate having a periodic surface grating structure, wherein the periodic grating structure is constructed in a...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dieter
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dieter; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; kann auch gesehen werden als Kurzform von Dietrich
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