49 Infos zu Dieter Smely

Mehr erfahren über Dieter Smely

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Bücher zum Namen

Vehicular ad hoc Networks: Standards, Solutions, and Research -...

Dieter Smely, Stefan Rührup, Robert K. Schmidt, John Kenney, and Katrin Sjöberg Abstract Direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication must operate reliably ...

2 Dokumente

ITS – Funk für Straße und Sicherheit 08. Mai 2014

Dieter Smely, Kapsch Österreich 14:30 – 15:00 Kaffeepause . 15:00 – 15:30 ITS-G5 – Sicherheitsrelevanter Funkverkehr auf der Straße ist eine

[IEEE International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave...

PROCEEDINGS EDMO VIENNA A Measurement Based Gate Current Model for GaAs MESFETs and HEMTs Including Self-Heating and Impact Ionization. Dieter Smely,...

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Dieter Smely

List of computer science publications by Dieter Smely

DBLP - Arrate Alonso

Arrate Alonso, Dieter Smely, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker : Throughput of Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access MAC Layer for Vehicular Networks ...

dblp: WiVeC 2014

Bibliographic content of WiVeC 2014

dblp: Arrate Alonso

List of computer science publications by Arrate Alonso

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Vehicular ad hoc Networks | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › book

Pages PDF · Decentralized Congestion Control Techniques for VANETs. Dieter Smely, Stefan Rührup, Robert K. Schmidt, John Kenney, Katrin Sjöberg.

On roadside unit antenna measurements for vehicle-to-infrastructure...

Dieter Smely. This author has not been identified. Look up 'Dieter Smely' in Google · Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker. This author has not been identified. Look up ...

35 Webfunde aus dem Netz

World Class Standards STF395 DCC / DSRC coexistence ...slideplayer.com › slide

World Class Standards STF395 DCC / DSRC coexistence Dieter Smely © ETSI All rights reserved July | Workshop Ispra. Published byLouise ...

Connected Vehicles | ICCVE

Dieter Smely is an active member of all ETSI TC ITS work groups, ETSI STF expert, and IEEE SA member. Since he is responsible for standardisation and ...

Smely - Names Encyclopedia

Dieter Smely (1) Jiri Smely (1) Jan Smely (1) Lubos Smely (1) Smely reversed is Ylems Name contains 5 letters % vowels and % consonants.


STF421 ITS G5 TESTING – AN OVERVIEW – CEN DSRC – ITS G5 Coexistence Workshop - Presented by Friedbert Berens, in Ispra, Italy STF421 – An Overview -

Dieter Smely

Search results for: Dieter Smely ... Paul Fuxjager, Stefan Ruhrup, Dieter Smely · IECON th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ...

World Class Standards STF395 DCC / DSRC coexistence Dieter Smely ©...

World Class Standards STF...

Average Downstream Performance of Measured IEEE p...

... Performance of Measured IEEE p Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Links Alexander Paier 1, Roland Tresch 2, Arrate Alonso 1, Dieter Smely 3, Peter Meckel 4, ...

[its] Size of a typical CAM / DENM

Search IETF mail list archives

Andreas Winkelbauer - researchr alias

Performance evaluation of IEEE p infrastructure-to-vehicle tunnel measurementsVeronika Shivaldova, Georg Maier, Dieter Smely, Nicolai Czink, Arrate ...

Batterie aus Sand und Salz: BroadBit testet Technologie mit Kapsch

Das finnische Startup BroadBit Batteries stellt neuartige Batterien her, die höherer Leistung bei geringeren Kosten versprechen.

Decentralized Congestion Control Techniques for VANETs ...www.springerprofessional.de › decentralized-congestio...

Autoren: Dieter Smely, Stefan Rührup, Robert K. Schmidt, John Kenney, Katrin Sjöberg. Verlag: Springer International Publishing. Erschienen in: Vehicular ad ...

Bernhard Ingruber

Bernhard Ingruber, Wolfgang Konrad, Dieter Smely, Gottfried Mageri · th European Microwave Conference, > > 3 > th European ...

Faschingskabarett Musical Guessing

Was gibt es Neues? Darsteller Paul Deutsch, Wolfgang Naray, Doris Rath-Naray, Dieter Smely, Franz Stangl, Manuela Weber ...

ETC Telematics Interface - PDF Free Download

DECENTRALIZED CONGESTION CONTROL FOR ITS G5 ETSI STF469 Dieter Smely 6 th ITS Workshop, Feb 2014, Berlin, Germany ETSI All rights ...

Computermodelle für Mikrowellenleistungstransistoren - PDF Free...

Ing. Dieter Smely, lnstitut fª Elektrische Mess- und Schaltungstechnik, Technische Universit~it Wien, Gughausstrage , A Wien. (E-Mail: Dieter.

Computermodelle für Mikrowellenleistungstransistoren - [PDF Document]

Ing. Dieter Smely, lnstitut fª Elektrische Mess- und Schaltungstechnik, Technische Universit~it Wien, Gughaus- strage , A Wien. (E-Mail: Dieter.

Decentralized Congestion Control Techniques for VANETs |...

Aus dem eBook: Vehicular ad hoc Networks von Dieter Smely, Stefan Rührup, Robert K. Schmidt, John Kenney, Katrin Sjöberg: Direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) ...

EP Bibliographic data | Monaco Industrial Property Office

(73)Owner, Kapsch TrafficCom AG Wien Autriche. (72) Inventors, Dieter Smely /4+ Schwechat Autriche. Oliver Nagy

Vehicular Communication Testbeds – Telecommunications

Thomas Blazek, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker, Golsa Ghiaasi-Hafezi, Dieter Smely, Mehdi Ashury: Vehicular Channel Models: A System Level Performance ...


... of Tapped Delay Line Models, Thomas Blazek, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker, Golsa Ghiaasi-Hafezi, Dieter Smely, Mehdi Ashury, in Proc.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dieter

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dieter; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; kann auch gesehen werden als Kurzform von Dietrich

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