209 Infos zu Dietrich Kuske
Mehr erfahren über Dietrich Kuske
Lebt in
- Ilmenau
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Logic
- Markus Lohrey
- First-Order
- Informatik
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- University
- Computer Science
- Automatic
- Technische Universität
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
AlMoTh ProgrammeFriday 26 February :30-9:00 Co ee (in room SR 11) 9:00-9:30 Dietrich Kuske, Bordeaux, The Isomorphism Problem for Automatic Structures 9:30-10:00 Alexander ...
ProgrammBernd Borchert, Dietrich Kuske, Frank Stephan: On Existentially First-Order Definable Languages and their Relation to NP: 17:35: Heribert Vollmer, Klaus W ...
Sektionen – DMV-Jahrestagung 2019, SeptemberDietrich Kuske. Numerik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen Andreas Schröder Gerhard Starke. Stochastik, Statistik und Finanzmathematik Hajo Holzmann Anita Winter. Studierendenkonferenz Stefan Kühnlein Frank Loose
FOSSACS Programme - etaps 2020www.etaps.org › programmeThree Variables Suffice for Real-Time Logic; Peter Habermehl and Dietrich Kuske. On Presburger arithmetic extended with modulo counting ...
10 Bilder zu Dietrich Kuske

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Publications of Dietrich Kuske in Acta CyberneticaBACK TO INDEX. Publications of Dietrich Kuske in Acta Cybernetica. Dietrich Kuske. Weighted and Unweighted Trace Automata. Acta Cybernetica ...
Dietrich Kuske - ECCCeccc.weizmann.ac.il › authorAll reports by Author Dietrich Kuske: TR | 13th February Bernd Borchert, Dietrich Kuske, Frank Stephan. On Existentially First-Order Definable ...
4 Hobbys & Interessen
Dietrich Kuske & Markus Lohrey, Automatic structures of bounded...The first-order theory of a string automatic structure is known to be decidable, but there are examples of string automatic structures with nonelementary...
Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu & Markus Lohrey, The isomorphism problem...The main result of this paper states that the isomorphism problem for ω-automatic trees of finite height is at least has hard as second-order arithmetic and...
Dietrich Kuske & Markus Lohrey, Logical aspects of Cayley-graphs: the...We prove that a finitely generated group is context-free whenever its Cayley-graph has a decidable monadic second-order theory. Hence, by the seminal work of...
First-Order and Counting Theories of Ω-Automatic Structures.philpapers.org › rec › KUSFACDietrich Kuske & Markus Lohrey Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4): Some Natural Decision Problems in Automatic Graphs.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kuske | Technische Universität Ilmenauwww.tu-ilmenau.de › profil › fachgebiet-automaten-und-logik › team › pr...+ Büro: Zusebau, Raum 1047Postadresse:Fachgebiet Automaten und Logik Fakultät für Informatik und.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Dietrich Kuske's contact detailsProf. Dr. Dietrich Kuske TU Ilmenau, FG Automaten und Logik, PF Ilmenau. Erfassung von Daten. Während Sie auf meine Webseiten zugreifen, werden automatisch Daten …
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
9. Theorietag der GI-Fachgruppe "Automaten und Formale Sprachen\Frank Drewes: Collagengrammatiken und iterierte Funktionensysteme mit Frank Drewes. Fachbereich 3 { Mathematik/Informatik. Universit at Bremen ...
Vorlesung Ausgewählte Kapitel der Logik: LokalitiätDietrich Kuske und Nicole Schweikardt, Gaifman normal forms for counting extensions of first-order logic. In Proc. ICALP LINK. Martin Grohe und Nicole Schweikardt, First-Order Query Evaluation with Cardinality Conditions. In Proc. PODS 2018, pp LINK.
1 Auszeichnungen
Der Studiendekan der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung,...Der Studiendekan der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung, Prof. Dietrich Kuske » melden. Artikel. CHE-Hochschulranking: Informatik-Studiengang an der TU Ilmenau erzielt Spitzenergebnisse; Bilder aus diesen Artikeln « » Ähnliche Bilder « » Pressesprecher.
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Dietrich Kuske - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectA service of the NDSU Department of Mathematics, in association with the ... Dietrich Kuske. MathSciNet. Dr. rer. nat. Universität Duisburg-Essen
1 Projekte
projects/semdis/swetodblp/march2007/swetodblp_march_2007_part_... Krebs Florian Krebs Friedhelm Krebs Heinrich Krebs Heinz A. Krebs Hermano Ingo Krebs Jens Krebs John F. Krebs Kendall C. Krebs Marie-Odile Krebs Melissa ...
36 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: ilse todt martin kuske dietrich bonhoeffer - AbeBooksNachfolge. von Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Martin Kuske [Hrsg.] und Ilse Tödt [Hrsg.]: und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich...
Bonhoeffer Dietrich Kuske Martin Todt Ilse - AbeBooksNachfolge Kart. Ausgabe der Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke, Band 4 by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Martin Kuske und Ilse Tödt: and a great selection of related books, art...
Distribcom research team - Irisa/INRIA Renneswww.irisa.fr › Author › Blaise.Genest-eng.htmlBlaise Genest,,Dietrich Kuske, Anca Muscholl. On Communicating Automata with Bounded Channels. Fundamenta Informaticae, IOS Press, 80:1-21,
CONCUR Concurrency Theory: 11th International ...books.google.com › books426 Dietrich Kuske and Rémi Morin Functorial Concurrent Semantics for Petri Nets with Read and Inhibitor Arcs . .
10 Dokumente
[ ] Infinite and Bi-infinite Words with Decidable Monadic...Authors: Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Anastasia Moskvina. (Submitted on 11 Dec (v1), last revised 17 Aug (this version, v3)). Abstract: We study word ...
Is Ramsey's theorem omega-automatic?arxiv.org › csAuthors:Dietrich Kuske. (Submitted on 14 Dec (v1), last revised 3 Feb (this version, v2)). Abstract: We study the existence of infinite cliques in ...
Abstract... of locally finite and of Scott domains and show that with probability 1 our construction produces a universal homogeneous domain. Finally, we consider causal sets which have been used as basic models for discrete space-time in quantum gravity. Joint work with Dietrich Kuske resp. Guo-Qiang Zhang.
[ ] First-Order Logic with Counting: At Least, Weak Hanf...Authors: Dietrich Kuske, Nicole Schweikardt. (Submitted on 3 Mar 2017). Abstract: We introduce the logic FOCN(P) which extends first-order logic by counting and by numerical predicates from a set P, and which can be viewed as a natural generalisation of various counting logics that have been studied in the literature.
43 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Dietrich KuskeProfessor Dr. Dietrich Kuske, Institut für Theoretische InformatikIlmenau
GAMES - Winter School in ChampéryA GAMES winter school took place in Champéry, Switzerland from February 4th to 8th, Dietrich Kuske, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
First-Order and Counting Theories of ω-Automatic jstorwww.jstor.org › stableDIETRICH KUSKE AND MARKUS LOHREY quantifiers for infinite cardinals. We show that any injectively co-automatic structure has a decidable theory in this ...
dblp: Dietrich KuskeList of computer science publications by Dietrich Kuske
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The automorphism group of the universal homogeneous countable ...at.yorku.ca › ...Dietrich Kuske Institut für Algebra, TU Dresden, D Dresden, Germany Coauthors: Manfred Droste (TU Dresden), John K. Truss (University of Leeds).
Branching Automata with Costs — A Way of Reflecting Parallelism in...Extending work by Lodaya and Weil, we propose a model of branching automata with costsin which the calculation of the cost of a parallel composition is handled...
Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders : Dietrich Kuske :...We prove that the isomorphism of scattered tree automatic linear orders as well as the existence of automorphisms of scattered word automatic linear orders...
Dietrich Kuske - Openresearchwww.openresearch.org › wiki › Dietrich_KuskeDietrich Kuske. Jump to: navigation, search. vCardDietrich Kuske. Field: Science. Position: Person. PC member of: CSR Table of Contents ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Deutsche Vereinigung für mathematische Logik und für...... Martin Ziegler (Kassenwart), Dietrich Kuske, Heike Mildenberger, Olivier Roy. Website, http://www.dvmlg.de. Die Deutsche Vereinigung für mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der exakten ...
Schloss Dagstuhl : Seminar Homepage· Dietrich Kuske (Universität Leipzig, DE) Markus Lohrey (Universität Leipzig, DE) Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University – Houston, US) For support, please contact. Dagstuhl Service Team. Documents. List of Participants. Summary.
Schloss Dagstuhl : Participant ListWinfried Dulz (Universität Erlangen, DE) Holger Giese (Universität Paderborn, DE) Wolfgang Grieskamp (Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, US) Radu Grosu (SUNY - Stony Brook, US)
73 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Dietrich Kuske"Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders - Dietrich Kuske We prove that the isomorphism of scattered tree automatic linear orders as well as the ...
Weighted automata. Manfred Droste 1 and Dietrich Kuske - PDF Free...1 1 Weighted automata 2 3 Manfred Droste 1 and Dietrich Kuske 2 1 Institut für Informatik, Universität Leipzig, Germany ...
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kuske | UNICUM Professor des Jahresprofessordesjahres.de › professor › dietrich-kuskeProf. Dr. Dietrich Kuske. Technische Universität Ilmenau. Ilmenau. Informatik. © by UNICUM Stiftung gGmbH.
Dietrich KuskeDietrich Kuske: Seite STACS Session B part : 26 KB: STACS Session B part : 23 KB ...
Dietrich KuskeLICS 2016: THIRTY FIRST ANNUAL ACM/IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. PROGRAMINDEXES. Dietrich Kuske. Organization: TU Ilmenau. Web page: http://eiche.theoinf.tu-ilmenau.de/kuske. Pages in this Program. Program · Program for Wednesday, July 6th · Disclaimer | Powered by EasyChair ...
Dietrich Kuske - EasyChaireasychair.org › smart-program › CSL18 › person89Dietrich Kuske. Organization: TU Ilmenau. Web page: http://eiche.theoinf.tu-ilmenau.de/kuske. Pages in this Program ...
On Existentially First-Order Definable Languages and Their Relation...On Existentially First-Order Definable Languages and Their Relation to NP - Volume 33 Issue 3 - Bernd Borchert, Dietrich Kuske, Frank Stephan
Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification[1] Dietrich Kuske and Nicole Schweikardt. First-order logic with counting. In 32nd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ...
DBLP: Dietrich KuskeDietrich Kuske: Compatibility of Shelah and Stupp's and Muchnik's iteration with fragments of monadic second order logic CoRR abs : (2008).
Theories of orders on the set of words | RAIRO - Theoretical...Theories of orders on the set of words - Volume 40 Issue 1 - Dietrich Kuske
Dietrich Kuske 1. Introduction - Semantic ScholarDietrich Kuske. 1. Abstract. It is shown that small fragments of the first-order theory of the subword order, the (partial) lexicographic path ordering on words, the homomorphism preorder, and the infix order are undecidable. This is in contrast to the decidability of the monadic second-order theory of the prefix order [M.O. Rabin ...
Bernd Borchert 1, Dietrich Kuske 2 and Frank Stephan 1 - PDFTranscription. 1 Theoreical Informaic and Applicaion Theore Informaic Appl 33 (1999) ON EXISTENTIALLY FIRST-ORDER DEFINABLE LANGUAGES AND ...
Dietrich Kuske & Markus Lohrey, Some natural decision problems in ...philarchive.org › rec › KUSSNDFor automatic and recursive graphs, we investigate the following problems: (A) existence of a Hamiltonian path and existence of an infinite path in a tree ...
Gemeindekirchenrat - Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. …Wolfgang Bruns, Johannes Hoefert, Dietrich Kuske Am wählten die Gemeindekirchenräte aus dem Pfarramtsbezirk Ilmenau I und II (Ilmenau, Ilmenau-Roda, Manebach, Oehrenstock) in einer gemeinsamen Sitzung zwei Delegierte mit Stellvertretern für die Kreissynode:
Informatik- - studium.baldauf.orgvon Dietrich Kuske. Inhaltsbasierte Suche in P2P-Netzwerken von Friedrich Witschel. Homepage der Vorlesung; Wissensrepräsentation von Gerhard Brewka. Homepage der Vorlesung; Mitschrift; Evolutionäre Optimierung von Peter Stadler. Hauptstudium (2004.WS) teaching guide (Entwurf)
Algorithmic-Logical Theory of Infinite StructuresDietrich Kuske: Compatibility of Shelah and Stupp's and of Muchnik's iteration with fragments of monadic second order logic. Electronic Edition · CiteSeerX ...
Archive ouverte HAL - A Kleene theorem and model checking algorithms...Blaise Genest, Dietrich Kuske, Anca Muscholl. A Kleene theorem and model checking algorithms for existentially bounded communicating ...
LICS Accepted PapersLICS Accepted Papers Valued Abstraction: More Precision at Less Cost Dietrich Kuske and Markus Lohrey.
CSL 2020, January , Barcelona - UPCwww.cs.upc.edu › csl2020 › committeesMasahito Hasegawa, Kyoto University, Japan Dietrich Kuske, TU Ilmenau, Germany Angelo Montanari, University of Udine, Italy Anca Muscholl, University of ...
LSV Seminar - Laboratoire Spécification et Vérificationwww.lsv.fr › SeminairesDietrich Kuske. Date: Tuesday, October at 11:00AM; Place: Salle de Conférence (Pavillon des Jardins); Speaker: Dietrich Kuske (TU Ilmenau).
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dietrich
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dietrich; Herrscher des Volkes; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; zu verstehen als 'im Volk mächtig' oder 'Herrscher des Volkes'; bekannt durch die Sagengestalt des Dietrich von Bern; der Name hat eine Entsprechung in 'Theoderich', einem Namen gotischer Herkunft
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Bernd Borchert
- Benedikt Bollig
- Anca Muscholl
- Manfred Droste
- Markus Lohrey
- Paul Gastin
- Thomas Schwentick
- Martin Kutrib
- Kathrin Kuske
- Maria Hilbk
- Klaus Kuske
Personensuche zu Dietrich Kuske & mehr
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