86 Infos zu Dirk Elbeshausen
Mehr erfahren über Dirk Elbeshausen
Lebt in
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Boris Ivanov
- Kai Wünnemann
- Gareth Collins
- Jay Melosh
- Museum für Naturkunde
- Evolution
- Ivanov and Jay
- Leibniz-Institut
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Colloquium: Dirk Elbeshausen | Department of Earth and Planetary...The effect of target topography and the impact angle on crater formation - insight from 3D numerical modelling
Institute's ColloquiumInstitutskolloquium; Monday14:00 (WIAS-ESH): Dr. Kai Wünnemann/Dirk Elbeshausen, Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut ...
Veranstaltungen (Archiv) - Weierstrass InstituteDr. Kai Wünnemann/Dirk Elbeshausen, Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung: Computer ...
Gaststudenten 2005Dirk Elbeshausen, Institut für Geophysik der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Betreuer: Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Dominiczak ...
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dirk Elbeshausen | FacebookFacebook: Dirk Elbeshausen | Facebookde-de.facebook.com › people › Dirk-ElbeshausenFacebook: Dirk Elbeshausen | FacebookDirk Elbeshausen ist bei Facebook. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Dirk Elbeshausen und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. Facebook ermöglicht ...
Facebook: Dirk Elbeshausen Profile | FacebookDirk Elbeshausen auf Facebook anzeigen Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Dirk Elbeshausen und anderen Nutzern, die du ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Bundesliga, 34. Spieltag: HSV - BorussiaBundesliga Spieltag HSV Borussia
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Dirk ElbeshausenDr. / Senior Software Engineer / West Lafayette / Confluence, React, C++, Fortran, Mesosphere DC/OS
THE EFFECT OF TARGET TOPOGRAPHY AND IMPACT ANGLE ONDirk Elbeshausen 1,+ and Kai Wünnemann 1 1 Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut an der Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinD Berlin, Germany, + email:...
1 Projekte
Aktivität - RedmineRedmine
8 Bücher zum Namen
Modeling the formation of Menrva impact crater on Titanvon AP Crósta · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... the simulation code used in our research, including Gareth Collins, Kai Wünnermann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Boris Ivanov, and Jay Melosh. › ...
Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IVgoogle.de... courtesy of Dirk Elbeshausen, Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin Contents Introduction: Impact cratering and planetary studies — A fifty-year.
Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution Vgoogle.de... Dirk Elbeshausen for their work developing iSALE. We also appreciated the thoughtful reviews of Boris Ivanov and David Crawford. This work was supported by ...
Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV - Google BooksImpact cratering is now ubiquitously recognized as a fundamental geological and planetological process that has decisively contributed to the formation and...
22 Dokumente
[ ] A nonlinear and time-dependent visco-elasto-plastic...· ... and time-dependent visco-elasto-plastic rheology model for studying shock-physics phenomena. Authors:Dirk Elbeshausen, Jay Melosh.
11th Hypervelocity Impact SymposiumKai Wünnemann, Daniela Nowka, Dirk Elbeshausen, Museum für Naturkunde (Germany); Gareth Collins, Impacts and Astromaterial Research Centre (UK)
The contamination of the surface of Vesta by impacts and the delivery ...ers of iSALE-3D, including Dirk Elbeshausen, Kai. Wünnemann and Gareth Collins, and wish to thank David W. Mittlefehldt for his comments.
Dirk Elbeshausen and Kai Wünnemann - Lunar and Planetary ...› lpsc2013 › eposter
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Journal of Structural Geology | Vol 56, Pages (November 2013) |...Elmar Buhl, Astrid Kowitz, Dirk Elbeshausen, Frank Sommer, ... Thomas Kenkmann. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview.
dblp: Jay MeloshList of computer science publications by Jay Melosh
dblp: Dirk ElbeshausenList of computer science publications by Dirk Elbeshausen
LandOfFree - Scientist - Dirk ElbeshausenCheck out Dirk Elbeshausen. Rate and share your experience with other people.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Title: Formation of the Orientale lunar multi-ring basin - Corecore.ac.uk › download › pdf336 gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE (www.isale-code.de/projects/iSALE), including Kai Wünnemann, Dirk Elbeshausen, and Boris Ivanov.
Hydrocode simulation of the impact melt layer SpringerLinkvon Z Yue · · Zitiert von: 1 — The authors acknowledge the developers of iSALE2D, including Gareth Collins, Kai Wünnemann, Boris Ivanov, Jay Melosh, and Dirk Elbeshausen. › article
The transition from circular to elliptical impact craters -...1. Nov · Dirk Elbeshausen Kai Wünnemann We studied numerically how both circular and elliptical impact structures form and propose a consistent concept of crater formation for arbitrary impact angles.
Hydrocode simulation of the impact melt layer distribution underneath...In this research, we studied the distribution of impact melt layers underneath Xiuyan crater using hydrocode simulation. The target was modeled by granite
3 Meinungen & Artikel
A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact | Nature...We gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE3D, in particular Dirk Elbeshausen and Kai Wünnemann (www.isale-code.de). We thank ...
Uniformitarian Impact Craters, Part Deux: Carolina Bays Edition |...Alternate title: Carolina Bays are as antithetical to impact craters as any dents in the ground could possibly be. Guest essay by David Middleton Introduction...
Sharing issues with subprojects - RedmineRedmine
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
HVIS Awards... Cayzac, Jessica Meulbroek, Kyle Manning, Gregory Swanson, Angela Stickle, Brendan Hermalyn, James Hogan, Kazuhiro Aso, Yasutaka Otsuji, Young Cho and Dirk Elbeshausen.
Dirk Elbeshausen - eWRC-results.com›
Abschlussarbeiten / ThesesDirk Elbeshausen: Dreidimensionale numerische Modellierung schräger Meteoriteneinschläge - Strategien und Anwendungen : Matija Perne:
AGU - iPosterSessions.comWe gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE-3D, including Dirk Elbeshausen, Kai Wünnemann, Gareth Collins and Tom Davison. Saul, J Ice meteorites: ... › SwiftTuttle
70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft - PDF...... Dirk Elbeshausen Melt production in oblique and giant impacts: Geodynamic consequences for planetary interior 16:00 17:30 Saal 2b oster ostersession AG, ...
A cone on Mercury: Analysis of a residual central peak encircled by...We gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE, including Gareth Collins, Kai Wnnemann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Boris Ivanov, and Jay H. Melosh (see www.
DLR Institute of Planetary Research - Seminar, Three-Dimensional Simulations of Large-Scale Impact Processes: Methods, Results and Chances, Dirk Elbeshausen, Museum für Naturkunde. › tabid › admin-1
Peer-review Publikationen - MEMINwww.memin.de › ox.html › peer-review-publikation...Elmar Buhl, Astrid Kowitz, Dirk Elbeshausen, Frank Sommer, Georg Dresen, Michael H. Poelchau, Wolf U. Reimold, Ralf T. Schmitt, Thomas Kenkmann
DataCite SearchGareth S. Collins, Dirk Elbeshausen, Thomas M. Davison, Kai Wünnemann, Boris Ivanov &. Journal Contribution published via figshare. Manual for the ...
Dwell time at high pressure of meteorites during impact ejection from...von TJ Bowling · · Zitiert von: 9 — We gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE-2D, including Gareth Collins, Kai W{\"u}nnemann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Tom Davison, and Boris Ivanov. › dwe...
Effect of ice sheet thickness on formation of GLOBE Institute... ( www.isale-code.de ), the simulation code used in this work, including Gareth Collins, Kai W{\"u}nnermann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Boris Ivanov and Jay Melosh. › staff-list › ex...
[PDF] The Effect of Topography on the Impact Cratering Process on...@inproceedings{Elbeshausen2012TheEO, title={The Effect of Topography on the Impact Cratering Process on Lutetia}, author={Dirk Elbeshausen and Kai ...
Particle size distribution and strain rate attenuation in...Dirk Elbeshausen. Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und BiodiversitätsforschungD Berlin,…
Geophysics authors/titles May 2018Authors: Dirk Elbeshausen, Jay Melosh. Comments: 20 pages 6 figures. Subjects: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph); Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.
Past Events Landing Page | Department of Earth and Planetary SciencesColloquium: Dirk Elbeshausen. The effect of target topography and the impact angle on crater formation - insight from 3D numerical modelling. Room › categories
A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact - Penn State Purepennstate.pure.elsevier.com › publications › a-steepl...· note = "Funding Information: We gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE3D, in particular Dirk Elbeshausen and Kai W{\"u}nnemann ...
FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JÜLICH GmbH Zentralinstitut für Angewandte...Die Gaststudenten und ihre Betreuer waren: Claudia Albrecht Quang Minh Bui Jens Doleschal Dirk Elbeshausen Jens Grieger Britta Hennecken Tobias ...
PPT - Grafische Datenverarbeitung und Visualisierung PowerPoint...Grafische Datenverarbeitung und Visualisierung. Dynamic Queries - Steuerelemente. Gliederung der Pr ä sentation. Beispiel: „ Dynamic HomeFinder “ Problem:...
iSALEWe gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE-2D, including Gareth Collins, Kai Wünnemann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Tom Davison, Boris Ivanov and Jay Melosh. › terms-...
iSALE-Dellen manualiSALE-Dellen manual
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dirk
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Holländisch): Dirk; Herrscher des Volkes; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; zu verstehen als 'im Volk mächtig' oder 'Herrscher des Volkes'; bekannt durch die Sagengestalt des Dietrich von Bern; der Name hat eine Entsprechung in 'Theoderich', einem Namen gotischer Herkunft
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Conny Meyer
- Louise Coney
- Kai Wünnemann
- Maike Buhrmester
- Sven Elbeshausen
- Lars Elbeshausen
- Vera Elbeshausen
- Franz Elbeshausen
- Birgit Hansen
- Dirk Bardehle
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