94 Infos zu Dirk Kadau
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Infos zu
- Springer-Verlag
- Herrmann
- Dietrich
- Roman Mani
- Granular Matter
- Martin
- Lothar Brendel
- Physics
- Received
- Shear
- Liquid
- Andrade Jr
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Microscopic Mechanism for Shear Thickening of Non ...— Nicolas Fernandez, Roman Mani, David Rinaldi, Dirk Kadau, Martin Mosquet, Hélène Lombois-Burger, Juliette Cayer-Barrioz, Hans J. Herrmann, ... › events
Vorstand bestätigtIm gut besuchten Festsaal des Boothauses bestätigten die Mitglieder des Kanu-Club Friedrichsfeld ihren Vorstand und wählten ihn so erneut in die nächste
1 Bilder zu Dirk Kadau

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
www.aiche.org › proceedings › people › dirk-ka...Dirk Kadau | AIChE AcademyDirk Kadau. Citation name: Kadau, D. Affiliation: University of Duisburg-Essen. Country: Germany. Authored: (115f) Visualization of Shear Motions of Powders in ...
Dirk Kadau | AIChE› people › d...
Max L. Eggersdorfer | AIChEMax L. Eggersdorfer, Dirk Kadau, Hans J. Herrmann and Sotiris E. Pratsinis Annual Meeting. (420p) Multi-Particle Sintering Dynamics: From Fractal-Like ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Dr. Dirk Kadau - Researcher in Physics - ETH Zurich | XINGGruppen-Mitgliedschaften von Dr. Dirk Kadau Tausch Dich mit Dr. Dirk Kadau in XING Gruppen über gemeinsame Themen aus. Querdenker-Club Zürich & Schweiz - The Innovation Network of Zurich & Switzerland Mitglieder Beiträge | 225 Kommentare
1 Persönliche Webseiten
[PDF] The effect of contact torques on porosity of cohesive powders |...— Dirk Kadau. Materials Science Various industrial processes involve materials consisting of grains. The spectrum ranges from coarse ... › ...
8 Bücher zum Namen
DNB, Katalog der Deutschen NationalbibliothekPorosität in kohäsiven granularen Pulvern und Nano-Pulvern [Elektronische Ressource] / von Dirk Kadau Person(en) Kadau, Dirk: Erscheinungsjahr:
ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg
Nanoparticles from the Gasphase: Formation, Structure, Properties -...Gasphase synthesis of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials offers high chemical purity and crystalline quality as well as scalability up to industrial...
The Physics of Granular Media - Google BooksDespite extensive empirical experience, there is both a scientific challenge and a technological need to develop an understanding of the mechanisms underlying...
19 Dokumente
[ ] Density profiles of loose and collapsed cohesive granular...Authors:Dirk Kadau, Hans J. Herrmann. (Submitted on 26 Oct (v1), last revised 6 Jan (this version, v2)). Abstract: Loose granular structures stabilized ...
A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksand - ebscovon D Kadau · · Zitiert von: 11 — Dirk Kadau · José S. Andrade Jr. · Hans J. Herrmann. Received: 26 July Published online: 15 December © Springer-Verlag von M Röck · · Zitiert von: 28 — Dirk Kadau · Lothar Brendel · Dietrich E. Wolf. Received: 4 December Published online: 29 February © Springer-Verlag › login
[ v1] A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksandSubmission history. From: Dirk Kadau [view email] [v1] Mon, 13 Dec :26:05 GMT (1018kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable MathJax ...
EBSCOhost | | A micromechanical model of collapsing...Dirk Kadau · José S. Andrade Jr. · Hans J. Herrmann. Received: 26 July Published online: 15 December © Springer-Verlag Abstract The ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Dirk KadauDr. Dirk Kadau, Institut für Baustoffe (IfB)Zürich, Schweiz
Computer Physics Communications | Proceedings of the Europhysics...Contact dynamics simulations of compacting cohesive granular systems. Original Research Article; Pages ; Dirk Kadau, Guido Bartels, Lothar Brendel, ...
LandOfFree - Scientist - Dirk KadauCheck out Dirk Kadau. Rate and share your experience with other people.
AbschlussarbeitenDirk Kadau, December 1998: 20: Granulare Materie: Trommelmischer und Fluß durch eine Röhre in Theorie und Simulation Tim Scheffler, August 1996: 21:
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Influence of particle elasticity in shear testers : Dirk Kadau : Free...Two dimensional simulations of non-cohesive granular matter in a biaxial shear tester are discussed. The effect of particle elasticity on the mechanical...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Kane'ohe still perfect in Hui Wa'a | The Honolulu Advertiser |...Honolulu Hawaii News - HonoluluAdvertiser.com is the home page of Honolulu Hawaii with in depth and updated Honolulu local news. Stay informed with both...
42 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dirk Kadau› site › dir...
Publications - Dirk KadauISI Researcher ID: B D. Kadau, G. Bartels, L. Brendel, and D. E. Wolf. Contact dynamics simulations of compacting cohesive granular systems. Comp. Phys.Comm. 147(1-2), 190–193 (2002). doi: S (02) ; K. Kadau, P. S. Lomdahl, P. Entel, D. Kadau, M. Kreth, T. C. Germann, B. L. Holian ...
Dirk Kadau - Google ScholarUnknown affiliation - Cited by
Waikiki Beachboys Canoe Club - Yahoo GroupsDr. Dirk Kadau IfB, HIF E18 ETH Zuerich, Hoenggerberg CH Zuerich, Switzerland Email: dkadau@... Tel + Fax +
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
Kadau - Names EncyclopediaDirk Kadau (1) Bozena Kadau (1) Kadau reversed is Uadak Name contains 5 letters % vowels and % consonants. Anagrams: Dakau Daaku Adkua Akadu Akdau Aakdu
Kadau Namensbedeutung und -herkunft - NamespediaNutzung: 7 % Vorname, 93 % Nachname Nachname Kadau wird mindestens 74-mal in mindestens 4 Ländern benutzt. Familiennamen Kadau. Vornamen Dirk Kadau (1) › details › Kadau
(PDF) Can one make a powder forget its history? | Dirk Kadau und...By Dirk Kadau and Dietrich Wolf in Computer Simulation and Volume Fraction. It is shown that computer simulations can qualitatively reproduce experiments, ...
Dirk Kadau | Others - Academia.edu› Dir...
(PDF) Magnetic friction in Ising spin systems | Dirk Kadau -...Magnetic friction in Ising spin systems Dirk Kadau,1, 2 Alfred Hucht,1 and Dietrich E. Wolf1 arXiv: v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 13 Oct Dept. of ...
Kadau, Dirk: 免费的Z-Library数字图书馆Dirk Kadau, José S. Andrade, Hans J. Herrmann. 日志: Granular Matter. 年: Dirk Kadau, Dominik Schwesig, Jörg Theuerkauf, Dietrich E. Wolf. 日志:. › ...
(PDF) A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksand | Dirk Kadau -...A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksand
Dirk KadauSearch results for: Dirk Kadau ... Roman Mani, Dirk Kadau, Hans Herrmann · Granular Matter > > 15 > 4 > We show how liquid ...
au:Kadau_D in:physics - SciRate Search@misc{ , author = {Roman Mani, Dirk Kadau, Hans J.~Herrmann}, title = {{L}iquid migration in sheared unsaturated granular media}, year = {2012}, ...
www.academia.edu › From_shear_bands_to_rapi...From shear bands to rapid flow: editorial | Dirk Kadau ...Granular Matter (2010) 12:209–210 DOI s x From shear bands to rapid flow: editorial Scientific Conference in Monte Verità, ...
Oktober | pro-physik.deDirk Kadau Seite 17 Waschbrettpisten im Labor weiterlesen. Chiara Menotti und Maciej Lewenstein Seite 19 Ultrakalt und magnetisch weiterlesen. Forum Thomas Dittrich Seite 23 Physik in Kolumbien weiterlesen. Bildung - Beruf Gerd Ulrich Nienhaus
au:Kadau_D in:cond-mat - SciRate SearchThe stability of sand castles is determined by the structure of wet granulates. Experimental data about the size distribution of fluid pockets are ambiguous about ...
CFD simulation of particle deposition in exhaust gas treatment ...Autoren: Dorian Holtz, Conrad Gierow, Robert Bank, Dirk Kadau, Flavio Soppelsa. Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Erschienen in: Heavy-Duty-, ... › cfd-simulation-of-p...
A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksand - ProQuestDirk Kadau Jos S. Andrade Jr. Hans J. Herrmann. Received: 26 July Published online: 15 December Springer-Verlag Abstract The discrete ...
aiche.confex.com › aiche › techprogramSession: # Measuring and Modeling the Response of ...... Visualization of Shear Motions of Powders in the True Biaxial Shear Tester Michael Roeck, Martin Morgeneyer, Joerg Schwedes, Lothar Brendel, Dirk Kadau, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dirk
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Holländisch): Dirk; Herrscher des Volkes; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; zu verstehen als 'im Volk mächtig' oder 'Herrscher des Volkes'; bekannt durch die Sagengestalt des Dietrich von Bern; der Name hat eine Entsprechung in 'Theoderich', einem Namen gotischer Herkunft
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