59 Infos zu Dora Ziambra
Mehr erfahren über Dora Ziambra
Infos zu
- Azimo
- Business Development
- FinTech
- Chief Compliance
- Officer at Azimo
- Strategy Officer
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dora Ziambra headshot (2) - StartupValley MagazineDora Ziambra headshot (2). +1 · teilen · tweet · teilen · teilen · Info · azimo · ← Previous. Sabine Elsässer. Sabine Elsässer is founder and chief editor of the ...
FemTechLeaders on Brexit: Can London Retain Its Fintech Crown? | Bank...FemTechLeaders reached out to its UK members for their reaction to the Brexit vote, and their take on how it would impact the financial services and technology...
Female FinTech Founders : Women Who Created Kickass FinTech CompaniesFinTech is a combination of finance and technology. Here are female founders who drive FinTech, an attractive and the fastest growing new industry.
Dora Ziambra - Banken-GipfelMenü. Startseite · Personen; Dora Ziambra. Dora Ziambra. Dora Ziambra. Head of Business Development Azimo. Programm anfordern. Programm Downloaden!
2 Bilder zu Dora Ziambra

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dora Ziambra - Hello, I have been a lufthansa miles and...LinkedIn: Dora ZiambraFinanzdienstleistungen, Frankfurt am Main und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Dora Ziambra | LinkedInDora Ziambras berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Dora Ziambra dabei hilft , ...
LinkedIn: Dora Ziambra | Professional Profile - LinkedIncommunity. Dora has 1 job listed on their profile Azimo is a mobile and internet -based social remittance network allowing customers to send money to banks, payout locations, mobile phones and home delivery in 190 countries around the world, ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Dora Ziambra of Azimo speaks at NY-LON Tech Challenge at EmigrantDora Ziambra of Azimo speaks at NY-LON Tech Challenge at Emigrant Savings Bank on February 11, in New York City. Get premium, high resolution news photos...
How Can Fintechs Help Migrants?Jim Mattis confirmed this week that two military bases will be used as temporary areas to house the migrants that have entered the US at the Texas border....
1 Projekte
Dora Ziambra is fundraising for PEAS - Promoting Equality in African...JustGiving - the easiest way to fundraise and donate to charity online
1 Bücher zum Namen
Chief commercial officer of AzimoDora Ziambra, chief commercial officer of Azimo, on what the UK's FinTech community can learn from Wonga's recent demise.
4 Dokumente
Dora Ziambra presentationsView all of Dora Ziambra's Presentations.
Dora Ziambra’s Documents on SlideShareRead and download documents by Dora Ziambra
Dora Ziambra’s Videos on SlideShareWatch videos created by Dora Ziambra
2 Meinungen & Artikel
FemTech & the 5 Women You Need to Follow Right Now - Starling BankThere’s not that many women in fintech. But those we have are pretty awesome as a recent femtech event proved. Here are 5 women you need to follow right now.
The Unbanked and Underbanked Immigrant Dream | UrjanetFintech firms like Remitly and Azimo are helping unbanked and underbanked immigrant populations to achieve the American Dream with mobile payment apps.
28 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Migrants or expats? Technology doesn't discriminate, and neither ...Dora Ziambra. Chief Compliance & Strategy Officer at Azimo. Follow. 11 comments. article-comment__guest-image. Sign in to leave your ...
The Future of Finance: What Banks Can Learn from FinTech - LinkedInDora Ziambra. Chief Compliance & Strategy Officer at Azimo. Follow. 1 comment. article-comment__guest-image. Sign in to leave your ...
En:[Spam] Site da Nicole - Yahoo Grupos... 'Debora Munhoz'; 'Demian Garcia'; 'Dora Ziambra'; 'Dozao'; 'Edna Fukunaga'; ' Edson Leal'; 'Elvis Mauri ferreira'; 'Enrico Campos'; 'Erika De ...
Dora Ziambra - Ada Lovelace FestivalDora Ziambra. azimo I joined the Azimo team in and bring a wealth of experience from across the financial sector. I am also a passionate advocate of ...
Dora Ziambra - COO at Azimo | The OrgDora Ziambra. Chief Commercial Officer at Azimo. View position. Dora is responsible for Azimo's business development, fundraising, strategic partnerships and ...
Dora Ziambra headshot (2) - Europes Leading Startup MagazineDora Ziambra headshot (2). +1 · share · tweet · share · Pin it · Azimo. ← Previous. Sabine Elsässer. Sabine Elsässer is founder and chief editor of the ...
Dora Ziambra headshot - Trend ReportDu bist hier: Startseite / Mobile / Drei Trends, die der Geldtransfermarkt verschlafen hat / Dora Ziambra headshot ...
Leading Ladies: Dora Ziambra. To celebrate International Women’s Day…...My official title here is Head of Business Development, but it’s a constantly evolving role as Azimo is growing so fast. I always say my task is simple: to...
Dora Ziambra on VivinoApple AppStoreGoogle PlayWindows Phone Store. Follow Following Unfollow. Dora Ziambra. Germany. 4 Ratings Rank in Germany. Share this profile.
Stream Dora Ziambra music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for...Play Dora Ziambra and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
Dora Ziambra (@DoraziExplora) のツイート - ツイセーブDora Ziambra(@DoraziExplora)のツイートやお気に入り、アイコン履歴のページです。 過去ログを検索したり、日付ごとにまとめることができます。
'Der internationale Geldtransfermarkt interessiert Banken...Wir haben mit Dora Ziambra, Head of Business Development, bei Azimo gesprochen. Frau Ziambra, warum wird Azimo Banken Konkurrenz bei ...
@rotehunde`s has Follower List on Instagram | OtherstaDora Ziambra. Robert Wade Knudsen (@robwadeknud) Instagram Profile Photo robwadeknud. Robert Wade Knudsen. Susie Foxton (@susiefoxton) Instagram ...
Azimo se pasa a los pagos P2P - ITespresso.esEsta fintech especializada en pagos internacionales incorpora la posibilidad de enviar dinero entre distintos países solo con tener el número móvil.
Bank Business Models: The Last Bastion of Innovation [with Tom] -...@tom's just taken part in the latest FinTech Insider podcast, which you can listen to here. Yesterday's topic was Bank Business Models: The Last...
Diversity Bei StartupCon (EN) - CapscovilGermany's largest startup conference counts on diversity among speakers and attendees by working with Capscovil founder and her Diversity Natives initiative
Brexit oblige, les fintech londoniennes songent à traverser la MancheFace aux menaces que la sortie prochaine du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne...
Fintech Insider Podcast by 11:FS: Ep213 – Bank Business Models: The...In this episode Innovation isn’t having an app – it’s having a new business model. Yet for banks, business models are one […]
Hong Kong: A major fintech hub in the making - Church InternationalThorsten Terweiden, Deputy Head of Fintech, Invest Hong Kong, and Dora Ziambra, Head of Business Dev… Click on a social media icon ...
Hong Kong: A major fintech hub in the makingThorsten Terweiden, Deputy Head of Fintech, Invest Hong Kong, and Dora Ziambra, Head of Business Development, Azimo, talk about how ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dora
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dora; Gottesgeschenk; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; theos = Gott; weibliche Form des lateinischen Namens 'Dorotheus', von griechisch 'Dorotheos'; Name verbreitet durch die hl. Dorothea (3./4. Jahrhundert)Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dora; das Gottesgeschenk; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); theos = Gott; doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; Information zur männlichen Form Theodor:; im Mittelalter Name vieler Heiliger, Theologen und Herrscher
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