30 Infos zu Doris Potočnik

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

ISO-FOOD :: Electronic Program

Doris Potočnik Monday, 12:45 pm — 2:00 pm. Migration of bisphenol and their derivatives from food contact material by target and untargeted analyses [PO

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Doris Potočnik

4 Bücher zum Namen

Identification and Control of the Geographic Origin of Plant ...

We would also like to acknowledge the technical support provided by Stojan Žigon and Doris Potocnik for stable isotope analysis. We would also like to thank ...

Современная метрология физико-химических измерений

... Sarah Hill, Simon Cowen, Heidi GoenagaInfante, Mike Sargent, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Mine Bilsel, Adnan Şimşek, Nives Ogrinc, Doris Potočnik, Paul Armishaw, ...

Dynamics of Biogeochemical Systems: Processes and Modeling :...

... Processes and Modeling : Conference Program and Abstracts. Front Cover. Nives Ogrinc, Doris Potočnik, Jadran Faganeli. National Institute of Biology,

Priprava, kalibracija in hranjenje laboratorijskih referenčnih...

... referenčnih materialov za določanje razmerij stabilnih izotopov lahkih elementov. Front Cover. Polona Vreča, Doris Potočnik, Stojan Žigon, Nives Ogrinc.

2 Dokumente

ISO-FOOD ontology: A formal representation of the knowledge within...

... knowledge within the domain of isotopes for food science. Authors: Tome Eftimov , Gordana Ispirova , Doris Potočnik , Nives Ogrinc , Barbara Koroušić Seljak.

Transition to farming – transition to milk culture: a case study from...

Transition to farming – transition to milk culture: a case study from Mala Triglavca, Slovenia. Mihael Budja, Nives Ogrinc, Andreja Žibrat Gašparič, Doris Potočnik, ...

19 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Doris Potočnik » IJS Environment

Doris Potočnik / Assistant. Telephone+ ; . Location Reactor Center Podgorica. masstwin people Doris Potocnik 2.

Doris Potočnik | Jozef Stefan Institute | Slovenia

Dr. Doris Potočnik is currently working as a Fellow in the Department of Organic biogeochemistry group, Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as...

(PDF) Transition to farming – transition to milk culture: a case...

Transition to farming – transition to milk culture: a case study from Mala Triglavca, Slovenia

Baletni rojstni dan varovancev Alene Medič iz Divače - Parada plesa

Veliki rojstni dan je naslov jubilejne 10. baletne revije Društva ljubiteljev baletne umetnosti Divača / DBLU, hkrati društvo praznuje še svojih 15 let…

Barbara Koroušić Seljak


Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

... Simon Cowen, Heidi Goenaga-Infante, Mike Sargent, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Mine Bilsel, Adnan Şimşek, Nives Ogrinc, Doris Potočnik, Paul Armishaw, Lu Hai, ...


2015 conference

Izotopska analiza organskih spojin: osnove, praksa in izzivi - PDF...

Izotopska analiza organskih spojin: osnove, praksa in izzivi Nives Ogrinc, Doris Potočnik, Lidija Strojnik Pomladna šola Potvorbe - terminologija Prodaja ...

Altmetric – ISO-FOOD ontology: A formal representation of the...

Food Chemistry, March DOI, j.foodchem Authors. Tome Eftimov, Gordana Ispirova, Doris Potočnik, Nives Ogrinc, Barbara Koroušić ...

Multi-elemental composition of Slovenian milk: analytical approach...

Citation: Doris Potočnik, Marijan Nečemer, Darja Mazej, Radojko Jaćimović and Nives Ogrinc, Multi-elemental composition of Slovenian milk: analytical.

Md. Zahid Hasan | Academia Sinica, Taiwan | Slovenia

Bor Krajnc Chan-shing Lin Doris Potočnik Janja Vrzel John Vak John Vakonaki John Vakonakin John Vakonakis Johny Vak Johny Vakk Johny Vakk Johny Vakk ...

Outputs - REALMed Project

Picture. Tome Eftimov, Gordana Ispirova, ​Doris Potočnik, Nives Ogrinc and Barbara Koroušić Seljak ISO-FOOD ontology: A formal representation of the ...


Izotopska analiza organskih spojin: osnove, praksa in izzivi Nives Ogrinc, Doris Potočnik, Lidija Strojnik Pomladna šola Potvorbe - terminologija ...

Skupaj na poti do uspeha | Tromba

Nagrado za najboljši poster, ki ni sodeloval pri elevator pitchu je prejela Doris Potočnik, pri nagradi občinstva pa sta ponovno prevladala Rok ...

TY - JOUR TI - Lipids, pots and food processing at Hočevarica ...academic.naver.com › article › export

TY - JOUR TI - Lipids, pots and food processing at Hočevarica, Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia AU - Nives Ogrinc AU - Mihael Budja AU - Doris Potočnik AU ...

zapestjem: podobni izrazi, sinonimi in sopomenke | Kontekst.io

Seznam besed in fraz, podobnih 'zapestjem': kolenom, gležnjem, ramenom, kolkom, laktom. Več rezultatov, sinonimi in sopomenke na kontekst.io.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Doris

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Doris; die Dorerin; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; vom Namen der Dorer, einem altgriechische Volksstamm; der Name des Stammes hat wahrscheinlich eine Beziehung zum Wort 'doron' (Geschenk); in der griechischen Mythologie ist Doris die Tochter des Okeanos und der Tethys

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