44 Infos zu Dorothee Kaudewitz

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Dorothee Kaudewitz | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Dorothee Kaudewitz, with 20 highly influential citations and 14 scientific research papers.

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1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Dorothee Kaudewitz • Cardiovascular Proteomics

RESEARCH GROUP. Ms. Dorothee Kaudewitz . Education : University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich Flute Studies (Performance Diploma in ) …

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Dorothee-kaudewitz.de link, html source & readability review

Dorothee-kaudewitz.de link, html source & readability review and report

5 Infos zur Ausbildung

Association of MicroRNAs and YRNAs with platelet function - Research...

author = "Dorothee Kaudewitz and Philipp Skroblin and Bender, {Lukas H.} and Temo Barwari and Peter Willeit and Raimund Pechlaner and Sunderland, ...

Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Platelet Activation -...

author = "Peter Willeit and Anna Zampetaki and Katarzyna Dudek and Dorothee Kaudewitz and Alice King and Kirkby, {Nicholas S} and Roxanne ...

Circulating MicroRNA-122 is associated with the risk of new-onset...

author = "Peter Willeit and Philipp Skroblin and Moschen, {Alexander R.} and Xiaoke Yin and Dorothee Kaudewitz and Anna Zampetaki and Temo Barwari and​ ...

Effects of Heparin on Temporal MicroRNA Profiles - Research Portal,...

... QUANTIFICATION, ABLATION",. author = "Manuel Mayr and Regent Lee and Dorothee Kaudewitz and Anna Zampetaki and Channon, {Keith M.}",.

6 Dokumente

Kaudewitz, Dorothee (2016): Impact of medication on quantification...

Pinto, Circulating microRNAs: novel biomarkers and extracellular communicators in cardiovascular disease. Circ Res,

Circulation Research February Journal Club Circulating MicroRNAs...

Slide 1Circulation Research February Journal Club Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Platelet Activation Peter Willeit, Anna Zampetaki,...

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? – ScienceOpen

Authors: Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki, Manuel Mayr. Publication date ( Electronic ): 21 October Journal: Current Atherosclerosis Reports.

[PDF] Die Matthäus-Passion von Johann Sebastian Bach BWV Free...

Download Die Matthäus-Passion von Johann Sebastian Bach BWV

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Effects of Heparin on Temporal MicroRNA Profiles - CORE

By Manuel Mayr, Regent Lee, Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki and Keith M​. Channon. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data. No static citation ...

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? | SpringerLink

Authors; Authors and affiliations. Dorothee Kaudewitz; Anna Zampetaki; Manuel MayrEmail author. Dorothee Kaudewitz. 1. Anna Zampetaki. 1.

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Circulation Research February Journal Club Circulating MicroRNAs...

Novelty and Significance What Is Known? Platelets and platelet microparticles contain microRNAs. Platelets shed microparticles on activation. Platelet...

Dr. med. Dorothee Kaudewitz in Erlangen FA für Innere ...www.aerzte.de › erlangen › bayern › dr-med-dorothee-kaudewitz

Dr. med. Dorothee Kaudewitz. Fachärztin für Innere Medizin. Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Medizinische Klinik Erlangen. Jetzt auf Karte ...

Dorothee Kaudewitz

Search results for: Dorothee Kaudewitz ... Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki, Manuel Mayr · Current Atherosclerosis Reports > > 17 > 12 > 1-8.

25,0 Pkt. 1. Preis. 24,0 Pkt. 1. Preis. 24,0 Pkt. 1. Preis. 23,0 Pkt....

... Baden-Württemberg Dorothee Kaudewitz (88) Oberhaching / LW Bayern Anna Matz (88) Neubrandenburg / LW Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Marie-Christine ...

9. Benefizregatta Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar - PDF Kostenfreier...

KLinik V, Sektion Multiples Myelom, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Sina Baumgarten [C], Dorothee Kaudewitz, Eva-Maria Haas, Lukas John Stadt ...

Cardiac Regeneration and Vascular Biology Conference Convention...

19 Plasma MicroRNA Levels Are Associated with Platelet Function: Effects of Medication and Genetic Variation Philipp Skroblin 1, Dorothee Kaudewitz 1, Peter ...

Altmetric – MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease?

Kaudewitz, Dorothee, Zampetaki, Anna, Mayr, Manuel, Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki, Manuel Mayr. Abstract. MicroRNA (miRNA, miR) measurements in ...

[PDF] Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Platelet...

Peter Willeit, Anna Zampetaki, Katarzyna Dudek, Dorothee Kaudewitz, A S King, Nicholas S. Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for ...

Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Platelet Activation -...

Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Platelet Activation Peter Willeit 1, 2, Anna Zampetaki 3, Katarzyna Dudek 3, Dorothee Kaudewitz 3, Alice King 4, ...

Effects of Heparin on Temporal MicroRNA Profiles

Dorothee Kaudewitz. autor. Anna Zampetaki. autor. Keith M. Channon. Bibliografia. 1. Liebetrau, C.& Möllmann, H.& Dörr, O. et al., "Release kinetics of ...

Die Matthäus-Passion von Johann Sebastian Bach BWV PDF Free Download

... Slenczka 5 Peter Lamm 5 Olivia Brunner 6 Viktor Töpelmann 6 Dorothee Kaudewitz 7 Clara Baesecke 7 Marlene Bock 8 Moritz Wagmüller 8 Johanna Heller.

Circulating MicroRNA-122 Is Associated With the Risk of New-Onset...

Peter Willeit,,⇑,; Philipp Skroblin,; Alexander R. Moschen,; Xiaoke Yin,; Dorothee Kaudewitz,; Anna Zampetaki,; Temo Barwari,; Meredith Whitehead,; Cristina M.

Clinical Presentation and Genetic Variants in Autoinflammatory ...www.researchsquare.com › article

... Hans-Peter Tony, Jürgen Rech, Karoline Krause, Birgit Köhler, Dorothee Kaudewitz, Martin Nitschke, Christian Haas, Hanns-Martin Lorenz, Martin Krusche ...

Lost Boston / Jane Holtz Kay

2 Peter Willeit , Philipp Skroblin , Alexander R. Moschen , Xiaoke Yin , Dorothee Kaudewitz , Anna Zampetaki , Temo Barwari , Meredith Whitehead , Cristina M.

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? - PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Authors. Dorothee Kaudewitz , Anna Zampetaki , Manuel Mayr. Affiliations. 1 King's British Heart Foundation Centre, King's College London, 125 Coldharbour​ ...

MicroRNAs in Cardiovascular Disease – topic of research paper in...

Anna Zampetaki, Dorothee Kaudewitz, Manuel Mayr · MicroRNAs in cardiovascular disease: an introduction for clinicians Nilesh J Samani, Simon ...

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Jugend Musiziert '05: Landeswettbewerb Hof ( ) - Freaky Page...

Et vi, ca continue :P Dorothee Kaudewitz,Andrea Mädgefrau,Laura Paul, Eva Riechert haben am Landeswettbewerb in Hof für das instrumentale ud vokale...

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? – topic of research...

Similar topics of scientific paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki, Manuel Mayr.

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? | Read by QxMD

MicroRNA Biomarkers for Coronary Artery Disease? Dorothee Kaudewitz, Anna Zampetaki, Manuel Mayr. Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2015, 17 (12): 70.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dorothee

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dorothee; Gottesgeschenk; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; theos = Gott; weibliche Form des lateinischen Namens 'Dorotheus', von griechisch 'Dorotheos'; Name verbreitet durch die hl. Dorothea (3./4. Jahrhundert) Lt. Aussage unseres Pfarrers bedeutet Dorothée "Gottesgeschenk"

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