111 Infos zu Dorothee Knees

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spannend, amüsant – und mathematisch: 29 Mathe ...summa.stiftungrechnen.de › Aktuelles

Dorothee Knees sowie dem Verlagsagenten und Mitorganisator des jährlichen Berliner Krimi-Marathons Dr. Patrick Baumgärtel sollte festlegen ...

Zwei Berliner Mathematikerinnen untersuchen, wann Materialien brechen...

Kilometer ist der winzige Riss im Radreifen schon unbemerkt mitgefahren. Der ... Dr. Dorothee Knees und Dr. Christiane Kraus vom Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte ...

Berlin im Krimifieber - Die Adresse für Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf

... das Ergebnis überwältigend und bescherte der Jury aus den beiden MATHEON-Mitgliedern Prof. Peter Deuflhard und Dr. Dorothee Knees sowie dem Literaturagenten Dr

2014 — Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation

Dorothee Knees (Uni Kassel): Viscous and rate-independent damage systems Thomas Surowiec (HU Berlin): Theory and Numerical Approaches ...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Dorothee Knees | LinkedIn

berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Dorothee Knees dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.

Dipartimento di Matematica - Università di Pavia - Dorothee Knees

Dorothee Knees. Visitatore. Universita' di provenienza: Kassel; Periodo di visita: ; Telefono: -; Ufficio: -; Gruppo: Analisi Matematica e ...

Dorothee Knees - cvgmtcvgmt.sns.it › person

Dorothee Knees. Email: dknees AT mathematik.uni-kassel.de. Available papers (10):. [plain text] · D. Knees

OPUS 4 | Suchen

Short note on global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity with linear hardening (2008) Dorothee Knees

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Universität Stuttgart - Fakultät 8: Institut für Angewandte Analysis...

Universität Stuttgart - Fakultät 8: Mathematik und Physik

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact - Universität Regensburg

Spokesperson: Dorothee Knees (University of Kassel) Deputy Spokespersons: Helmut Abels (University of Regensburg) , Caroline Kreisbeck (University of ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

MATHEON : mathematics for key technologies in SearchWorks catalog

Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.

Dorothee Knees

Homepage DK

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Dorothee Knees - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Dissertation: Regularity results for quasilinear elliptic systems of power-law growth in nonsmooth domains - Boundary, transmission and crack problems.

1 Projekte

Professur Numerische Mathematik (Partielle TU Chemnitzwww.tu-chemnitz.de › projects › dissipative_solids

; Projektleitung: Roland Herzog, Dorothee Knees und Christian Meyer; Projektmitarbeiterin: Ailyn Stötzner, Masoumeh Hashemi ...

14 Bücher zum Namen



Dorothee Knees | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Dorothee Knees. Results. On global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity with linear hardening Springer Science+Business Media

Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems - Google Books

The analysis and simulation of multifield problems have recently become one of the most actual and vivid areas of research. Although the individual subproblems...

Consistent Higher Order Accurate Time Discretization Methods for...

Furthermore, I want to thank Dorothee Knees, Stephanie Thomas, Stefan Kopecz, Andreas Meister, and Gunar Matthies who sacrificed many of their evenings to ...

10 Dokumente

[ ] A quasilinear differential inclusion for viscous and...

Authors:Dorothee Knees, Riccarda Rossi, Chiara Zanini · Download PDF. Abstract: This paper focuses on rate-independent damage in elastic bodies. Since the ...

Knees, Dorothee [WorldCat Identities]

Regularity results for quasilinear elliptic systems of power-law growth in nonsmooth domains boundary, transmission and crack problems by Dorothee Knees ( )

Global spatial regularity results for elasticity models with ...www.gmu.ge › Files › Knees_Dorothee

Dorothee KNEES. Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of. Kassel, Germany -kassel.

[ ] Convergence analysis of time-discretisation schemes for...

Authors: Dorothee Knees. (Submitted on 19 Dec 2017). Abstract: It is well known that rate-independent systems involving nonconvex energy functionals in ...

16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professorin Dr. Dorothee Kneesgepris.dfg.de/gepris/person

Professorin Dr. Dorothee Knees, Arbeitsgruppe Analysis und angewandte MathematikKassel.

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | Evolution Equations in Pure and...

Dorothee Knees, Chiara Zanini, Alexander Mielke. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Ground states of simple bodies that may ...

dblp: Asymptotic Analysis, Volume 92

Bibliographic content of Asymptotic Analysis, Volume 92

dblp: Dorothee Knees

List of computer science publications by Dorothee Knees

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

On global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity with linear...

We study the global spatial regularity of solutions of elasto-plastic models with linear hardening. In order to point out the main idea, we consider a mode

Regularity of Elastic Fields in Composites | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › chapter

Dorothee Knees; Anna-Margarete Sändig. Dorothee Knees. 1. Anna-Margarete Sändig Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and StochasticsBerlin ...

Regularity results for transmission problems of linear elasticity on...

Boundary value problems for the Lamé operator with piecewise constant material coefficients are investigated on polyhedral domains. Because of geometric...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Lectures 2007

Dorothee Knees (WIAS Berlin): Energy release rate for cracks ...

40 Webfunde aus dem Netz

RUB — Allgemeine Mechanik

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, sechstgrößte Universität in Deutschland

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV)

DOROTHEE KNEES, RICCARDA ROSSI and CHIARA ZANINI European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 (2018) DOI: S

Knees - Names Encyclopedia

Dorothee Knees (1) Kirsten Knees (1) Klaus Knees (1) Renate Knees (1) Susanne Knees (1) Ulrich Knees (1) Willi Knees (1) Reiner Knees (1) Martina Knees (1) Marco

Knees Namensbedeutung und -herkunft

Knees (1) Hartmut Knees (1) Horst Knees (1) Ernst Knees (1) Erika Knees (1) Christa Knees (1) Christoph Knees (1) Dorothee Knees ...Vornamen Andrea Knees (2) Wolfgang Knees (2) Gerhard Knees (1) Gustav Knees (1) Hartmut Knees (1)

OPUS 4 | A vanishing viscosity approach to a rate-independent damage...

Dorothee Knees, Riccarda Rossi, Chiara Zanini. We analyze a rate-independent model for damage evolution in elastic bodies. The central quantities are a stored energy ...

About the summer school MUlti-Rate Processes and HYSteresis

Information on the summer school on MUlti-Rate Processes and HYSteresis

OPUS 4 | Short note on global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity...

Metadaten; Author: Dorothee Knees: URN: urn:nbn:de:0296-matheon-5183: Referee: Carsten Carstensen: Language: English: Date of first Publication: : Institute:

Mehrfeldprobleme in der Kontinuumsmechanik

Mehrfeldprobleme in der Kontinuumsmechanik D. Knees A.-M. Sändig (Hrsg.) ... Jens Frehse, Dorothee Knees, Anna-Margarete S andig Stuttgart, August Program

Modeling of Damage Processes

This group existed from to It was led by Dorothee Knees (until 2014) and Christiane Kraus. The group focussed on the modeling, analysis and simulation of ...

Preprints 2007

Dorothee Knees, Alexander Mielke, and Chiara Zanini: On the inviscid limit of a model for crack propagation; more information >> Preprint Mariapia Palombaro:


Summer School Applied Analysis for Materials Dorothee Knees (Uni Kassel): Evolutionary variational inequalities in the context of inelastic solids

Global spatial regularity for elasticity models with OPUS 4opus4.kobv.de › index › index › year › docId

Dorothee Knees, Andreas Schröder. A global higher differentiability result in Besov spaces is proved for the displacement fields of linear elastic ...

Hirschegg, Austria

Hirschegg, Austria

SAMM Materials with Discontinuities

SAMM Materials with Discontinuities September , 2015, Stuttgart ... Dorothee Knees (U Kassel): Analysis for damage and fracture models:

Institut für Numerische Mathematikwww.applied.math.tugraz.at › vortraege

, Dr. Dorothee Knees (WIAS Berlin, TU Graz). On global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity Uhr, Seminarraum C 3073.

Talks - WebHome < IGDK …

Talks . Talks Talks Talks Talks Date Speaker Title Location Room ; Nov 25, :00 : ... Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees (Universität Kassel)

NuMa - Veröffentlichungen 2009

, N · Peter Gruber, Dorothee Knees, Sergiy Nesenenko und Marita Thomas, Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Time-dependent Models with Internal ...

Preise & Auszeichnungen | Christian Jaschinskiwww.christian-jaschinski.de › preise-auszeichnungen

... Professor Dr. Dr. Peter Deuflhard (FU Berlin) | Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees (WIAS) | Dr. Patrick Baumgärtel (Schoneburg Literaturagentur) | Westkreuz Verlag ...

OPUS 4 | 49N60 Regularity of solutions

boundary conditions (2012); Alice Fiaschi Dorothee Knees Sina Reichelt: We consider integral functionals with densities of p-growth, with respect to gradients, on a Lipschitz domain with mixed boundary conditions. The aim of this paper is to prove ...

Short note on global spatial regularity in elasto OPUS 4opus4.kobv.de › docId › start › rows

Dorothee Knees. We study the global spatial regularity of solutions of elasto-plastic models with linear hardening. In order to point out the main idea, we ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dorothee

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dorothee; Gottesgeschenk; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; theos = Gott; weibliche Form des lateinischen Namens 'Dorotheus', von griechisch 'Dorotheos'; Name verbreitet durch die hl. Dorothea (3./4. Jahrhundert) Lt. Aussage unseres Pfarrers bedeutet Dorothée "Gottesgeschenk"

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