184 Infos zu Dorthe Dahl-jensen
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Lebt in
- Hamburg
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- Professor
- Danish
- University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Research
- Greenland
- Centre for Ice
- Niels Bohr Institute
- Science
18 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: A River of Ice: Scientists Study Greenland's Role in Sea Level Rises...A spectacular research project has commenced in Greenland: Scientists are drilling core samples from a huge ice stream. They want to examine its stability
Parky at the Pictures (In Cinemas ) | The Oxford TimesReviews of Attila Marcel; Life of Crime; M; White Settlers; Finding Fela; and Watermark
New roster of ‘superstar’ research chairs reflects equity rules - The...Of the eight new chairholders to be announced on Wednesday, five are female academics who are leaving their faculty positions in Europe and the United States...
Guardian: A frozen history of climate change – in pictures - The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › environment › gallery › jan › frozen-history-clim...Jan 11, · EastGrip is run by Professors Jørgen Peder Steffensen and Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Their task is to drill, retrieve and analyse ice cores that ...
3 Bilder zu Dorthe Dahl-jensen

20 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dorthe Jensen | FacebookFacebook: Dorthe Jensen | Facebookwww.facebook.com › DorthejenseFacebook: Dorthe Dahl Dahl | FacebookLinkedIn: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen – Professor – University of Copenhagen | LinkedInSe Dorthe Dahl-Jensens profil på LinkedIn – verdens største faglige netværk. Dorthe har følgende job på sin profil: 1 job. Se hele profilen på LinkedIn, og få indblik i Dorthes netværk og job hos tilsvarende virksomheder.
3 Firmen-Beteiligungen
proff: Dorthe Jensen – 8 roller i norsk næringsliv - Proffwww.proff.no › ... › Anbud › SegmenteringProff.no gir deg rolleinformasjon om Dorthe Jensen. Se hennes roller (8) og relasjoner (6) i næringslivet - og hvilke bransjer Dorthe Jensen er aktiv i.
proff: Dorthe Jensen Legetjenester AS Hamar - Se Regnskap,...Proff.no gir deg bedriftsinformasjon om Dorthe Jensen Legetjenester AS, Finn veibeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskapstall, ledelse, styre og eiere og...
proff: Erhvervspsykolog Dorthe Jensen - Ebeltoft - Se Regnskaber, Roller ...vejbeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere.
3 Business-Profile
degulesider.dk: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Brønshøj | person | degulesider.dkKontaktinformation for Dorthe Dahl-Jensen i Brønshøj, telefonnummer, adresse og kontaktinformation.
degulesider.dk: Dorthe Dahl Midtjylland | personer | degulesider.dkKontaktinformation for Dorthe Dahl Midtjylland, telefonnummer, adresse og kontaktinformation.
degulesider.dk: Dorthe+jensen | personer | degulesider.dkkontaktinformation.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dorthe Jensen | SwagelokDORTHE JENSEN Kundesupport · Connect på Linkedin. Dorthe har gennem de sidste 25 år arbejdet med service, ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
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4 Infos zur Ausbildung
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen Profile Page - University of Manitobaumanitoba.ca › environment-earth-resources › dorthe-dahl-jensen-profile-p...Professor Canada Excellence Research Chair Center for Earth Observation Science Wallace Building University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MBMissing: Viersen" | Must include:Viersen" Professor Canada Excellence Research Chair Center for Earth Observation Science Wallace Building University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB Missing: Viersen" | Must include:Viersen"
UM Today | Dreams of iceA new Canada Excellence Research Chair has joined the University of Manitoba, adding to the university’s knowledge in the Arctic. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen focuses on...
UM Today | UM Today the Magazine | Fall | Below the SurfaceTo know what’s happening to our climate is to know the secrets held within ancient ice. New UM research recruit Dorthe Dahl-Jensen travels in time to reveal...
UM Today | New CERC to advance sea ice researchKirsty Duncan, federal Minister of Science and Sport, today announced eight new Canada Excellence Research Chairs recruited to Canada to advance research and...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Dorte Dahl Johansen - IMDbDorte Dahl Johansen, Costume Department: Pyrus på pletten
Dorthe Jensen - Movies - Filmography | MoviefoneBrowse Dorthe Jensen movies, TV shows, appearances, and specials.
1 Traueranzeigen
Dorthe Jensen | Obituaries | nptelegraph.comnptelegraph.com › obituaries › dorthe-jensen· Dorthe Marie Jensen, 90, formerly of Chappell, passed away Oct. 14, 2012, in North Platte.
4 Angaben zur Herkunft
Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Dorthe Kirstine (Jensen) Nielsenwww.wikitree.com › genealogy › Jensen-Family-Tre...Sister of Ane Jensdatter, Peder Jensen, Dødfødt Jensen, Hans Jensen, Dorthe Jensen, Hans Jensen, Hans Jensen, Maren Jensen, Karen Jensen and Christiane ...
Dorthe Jensen Ancestry®www.ancestry.com › dorthe-jensen_Research genealogy for Dorthe Jensen of Gammel Rye S, Tyrsting H, Skanderborg A, as well as other members of the Jensen family, on Ancestry®.
Shon-Fredrickson-NV - User Trees - Genealogy.comFamily Tree Maker user home page for Shon-Fredrickson-NV.
Dorthe Jensen ( ) | WikiTree FREE Family TreeIs this your ancestor? Explore genealogy for Dorthe Jensen born Skibet, Vejle, Danmark died Dunn, Wisconsin, Amerikas Forenede Stater including...
13 Bücher zum Namen
Most cited authors on climate change12, 195: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, · All PAPS CLIM, 1447, 324, 229, 228, 129, WP? ... W.P? modeling, variability, Max Planck Inst., Hamburg.
The Earth Policy Reader: Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's World - Lester...In this study, the award-winning environmental analyst Lester Brown and his colleagues have charted progress in building the eco-economy - an economy in...
The Frigid Golden Age: Climate Change, the Little Ice Age, and the...Dagomar Degroot offers the first detailed analysis of how a society thrived amid the Little Ice Age, a period of climatic cooling that reached its chilliest...
The Best American Science and Nature Writing Google BooksThe JATOs were there in case it got too hot and the runway at EGRIP, which consists entirely of snow, grew sticky. EGRIP is run by a Danish glaciologist named Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Dahl-Jensen is a soft-spoken woman with bright blue eyes and an asymmetrical sweep of white hair. She's 58 and has been working on the ...
4 Dokumente
Search | arXiv e-print repositoryShowing 1–50 of 1,908 results for author: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Search term or terms. Field. All fields, Title, Author(s), Abstract, Comments, Journal reference, ACM classification, MSC classification, Report number, arXiv identifier, DOI, ORCID, arXiv author ID. Search. Advanced Search. All fields, Title, Author(s), Abstract ...
RAPPORT DE CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE SYNTH£†SE -...u n i ve r s i t y o f co pe n h ag e n Australian National University ETH Zürich National University of Singapore Peking University University of California –...
[physics ] Dynamics of Crystal Formation in the Greenland...... Jesper Ferkinghoff-Borg, Mogens H. Jensen, Mogens Levinsen, Poul Olesen, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Anders Svensson (The Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark.).
CR » v64 » n1 » p Inter-Research Science Publisherwww.int-res.com › abstractsJun 17, · ... Svetlana Jevrejeva2,3, Riccardo E. M. Riva4, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen sea level rise projection is 0.8 m near London and Hamburg, ...
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
INTERPRETATIONS OF COMPLICATED FOLDED STRUCTURES AT THE LOWER PAR...:...Authors: Alexey N. Markov; Pavel G. Тalalay; Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Source: Geography, Environment, Sustainability, Volume 8, Number 1, 2015, pp (12).
dblp: Dorthe Dahl-JensenList of computer science publications by Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Dating consortium – University of Copenhagen - NEEMThe first time scale for the NEEM site was distributed during the November Steering committee meeting by Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. It was based on a flow ...
Greenland ice cores reveal warm climate of the past -- ScienceDailyBetween 130,000 and 115,000 years ago, Earth's climate was warmer than today. But how much warmer and what did it mean for the sea levels? As we face global...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - SEG Wikiwiki.seg.org › wiki › Dorthe_Dahl-JensenMay 21, · Dorthe Dahl-Jensen (born 8 September 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a Danish palaeoclimatology professor and researcher at the Centre for Ice ...Missing: Viersen" | Must include:Viersen" May 21, · Dorthe Dahl-Jensen (born 8 September 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a Danish palaeoclimatology professor and researcher at the Centre for Ice ... Missing: Viersen" | Must include:Viersen"
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - WikidataDanish geophysicist and glaciologist
Dorthe Jensen - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki· Dorthe Jensen. atleta danesa. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined.
Sven Hassel | Sven Hassel Wiki | FandomSven Hassel was born in in Fredensborg, a small village in Denmark, as Børge Willy Redsted Pedersen to parents Peder Oluf and Hansigne Pedersen. He later...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Jannie Dorthe Jensen - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Dorthe Dahl-JensenDorthe Dahl-Jensen (geboren op 8 september 1958, Kopenhagen, Denemarken ) is een Deense paleoklimatologie professor en onderzoeker aan het Centrum ...
Wikipedia: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dorthe_Dahl-JensenDorthe Dahl-Jensen (born 8 September 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a Danish palaeoclimatology professor and researcher at the Centre for Ice and Climate at ...
Wikipedia: Dorthe Jensen (atlet) - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædida.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dorthe_Jensen_(atlet)Dorthe Jensen (født i 12. april 1973) er en tidligere dansk atlet, som stillede op for Aalborg FF frem til derefter Aarhus
Greenland defied ancient warming | NatureBut Antarctic glaciers may be more vulnerable than thought.
83 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - Professor - University of Copenhagen | LinkedInView Dorthe Dahl-Jensen's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Dorthe has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Dorthe Jensen - Director of Partnership - Humana People to People ...community. Dorthe has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
DAHLDorthe - lott_homeGenealogy information for the Lott and Russell families. Cochabamba Bolivia Temple Dedication. Bolivian Quechua - English Dictionary. Quechua Audio and...
The Magic of Ice Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. - ppt downloadIsotropic Flow Law: Glens Flow Law ij = As e n-1 s ij (15) trace(s 2 ) = 2s e 2 = (s x 2 +s y 2 +s z 2 +2(s xy 2 +s xz 2 +s yz 2 )) The strain rate is thus not only ...
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - European Geosciences Unionwww.egu.eu › julia-and-johannes-weertman › dorth...The Louis Agassiz Medal is awarded to Dorthe Dahl-Jensen for her outstanding scientific contributions in polar glaciology and her leadership in ...Es fehlt: Neumünster, Holst" The Louis Agassiz Medal is awarded to Dorthe Dahl-Jensen for her outstanding scientific contributions in polar glaciology and her leadership in ... Es fehlt: Neumünster, Holst"
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - WikiwandDorthe Dahl-Jensen [1] is a Danish palaeoclimatology professor and researcher at the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of...
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - Curriculum vitae - Staff at the Niels Bohr Institutenbi.ku.dk › english › staff › dorthe-dahljensen(6d9a...Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Professor. Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth. Tagensvej 16, København N, ...Es fehlt: Neumünster, Holst" Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Professor. Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth. Tagensvej 16, København N, ... Es fehlt: Neumünster, Holst"
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen – ice2iceDorthe Dahl-Jensen. Professor. Disclaimer. ice2ice receives funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework ...
Dorthe Dahl Jensen receives the Mohn prize | ARCTIC ...You are here. Home ›; Dorthe Dahl Jensen receives the Mohn prize ... Dorthe Dahl Jensen receives the Mohn prize Link to news article.
Dorthe Dahl Jensen | InformationHer finder du de seneste artikler af Dorthe Dahl Jensen på information.dk
Episode 16: Dorthe-Dahl Jensen – Forecast: climate conversations with...Dorthe Dahl-Jensen is one of the leaders of the second generation of Danish ice core scientists, following on from pioneers like Willy Dansgaard and Sigfus...
Royal AcademyCenterleder, professor. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Titel: Centerleder, professor. Grad: ph.d. Fagområde: Isfysik, glaciologi, klimaforskning. Tilknytning. Niels Bohr ...
Dorthe JENSEN | Profile | World Athleticsworldathletics.org › dorthe-jensenDorthe JENSEN. Vs. Gudrún ARNARDÓTTIR. European Cup 1st League Group 2. Date:29 JUN Round:F. Dorthe JENSEN. 8.th Gudrún ARNARDÓTTIR.
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen - Curriculum vitae - Staff at the Niels Bohr...Curriculum vitae. Name. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Born. September, 8, 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark. Nationality. Danish. Present position. Professor, Niels Bohr ...
Dorthe Jensen - Dansk Arbejdsgiverforeningwww.da.dk › om-da › medarbejdere › dorthe-jensenDorthe Jensen er ansat som statistisk konsulent i DA Statistik, hvor hun varetager opgaver med at kvalitetssikre løn-, fraværs- og ulykkesstatistik samt ...
Deutsche Synchronkartei | Darsteller | Dorthe Dahl-JensenStart · Darsteller; Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Anzahl Sprechrollen: 1. Filme. von Claudia Gáldy (als Dorthe Dahl-Jensen) in Watermark (2013). Die Darsteller-Fotos stammen von der TMDb. Mehr Informationen. Werbung. sprecherdatei.de - Synchronsprecher direkt buchen! Sprecher Agentur ...
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen | RevolvyDorthe Dahl-Jensen (born 8 September 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark)[1] is a Danish palaeoclimatology professor and researcher at the Centre for Ice and ...
CO Meeting Organizer EGU2018EGU Microstructure in EastGRIP | Highlight Ilka Weikusat, Johanna Kerch, Daniela Jansen, Jan Eichler, Tomoyuki Homma, Ina Kleitz, Wataru Shigeyama, Nicolas ...
Dorthe Jensen - Roles at Peak Consulting Group - The Orgtheorg.com › org › peak-consulting-group › org-chartDorthe Jensen. Management Consultant. Join to edit. No bio yet. Social ...
Dorthe Dahl Jensen - AfricaBriefDorthe Dahl-Jensen, EN, %. Dorthe Dahl Jensen, DA, %. Dorthe Dahl -Jensen, FR, %. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, DA, 5.56%. Dorthe Dahl Jensen ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dorthe
Dorthe ist ein dänischer Mädchenvorname und bedeutet "Geschenk Gottes" oder "Gottes Gabe". Dorthe ist eine Ableitung von Dorothea aus dem griechischen. Doro=Geschenk; Thea=Gott. Berühmte Persönlichkeit: Dorthe Kollo (deutsch-dänische Sängerin) war/ist verheiratet mit dem Operntenor René Kollo. Dor
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dahl
- mittelhochdeutscher Wohnname "tal" -> "Tal" für einen aus dem Tale
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