41 Infos zu Drazen Goricki
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Infos zu
- Croatia
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Chorwaci odnaleźli włoski krążownik - Cywilizacja - rp.plArcheolodzy i płetwonurkowie odnaleźli wrak włoskiego krążownika pancernego „Giuseppe Garibaldi”. Spoczywa na głębokości 122 metrów niedaleko Dubrownika, w...
150th Anniversary of” Battle of Lissa”anniversary) by four Croatian rebreather and technical divers Neven Lukas,Aleks Kvarantan, Drazen Goricki and Leo Lesic. During the minutes bottom time apart of memorial plaquetts deploying, some original ship's ...
Discover the Secrets of the Source of the Cetina RiverI was recently the guest of the fabulous Sinj Tourist Board for the 3rd Cetina Adventure Race, and my superb guide for the day was top snapper Ilija V...
«Trovata nave "Garibaldi" in fondo all'Adriatico. Lasciò Brindisi nel...L'associazione di sub «Dragor Lux» di Zagabria, ha trovato questa settimana il relitto di una nave da guerra che quasi certamente è il
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Drazen Goricki | Facebook1 Bücher zum Namen
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology - Google...This open access peer-reviewed volume was inspired by the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology International Workshop held at Flinders University,...
1 Dokumente
Download Cave diving Cetina in Croatia -109m in HD,MP4,3GP | CodedfilmDownload and stream Cave diving Cetina in Croatia -109m in 3GP MP4 FLV … available in 240p, 360p, 720p, 1080p video formats in Codedfilm Free Download and...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
for two Croatian Megalodon divers, Drazen Goricki and Damir MlinaricPopScreen - Video Search, Bookmarking and Discovery Engine · PopCharts · Sign Up · Log In · Mens Pro Diver Collection Automatic Two Tone Watch #
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Ivan Miloš, (SOV, RK Geronimo) foto Dražen Gorički – Speleološki...Aktivnosti speleološkog odsjeka online. Istraživanja podzemlja, izleti, savjeti i sve ostalo vezano uz speleologiju.
Tödlicher Tauchunfall am Wrack von U 260 ( )... des mir persönlich bekannten kroatischen Tauchers Drazen Goricki (u.a. Instruktor für Kreislaufgeräte/Rebreather der Typen Buddy Inspiration und Megalodon),
Pim's TekdivingPIM'S TEKDIVING PTD is an organization which focuses 100% on technical diving. One can get training from Nitrox diver until Tri-Mix Instructor Trainer.
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
6448croatia: battle cruiser garibaldi found, sunk in 1915"We have filmed the ship and the footage leaves no room for doubt" explained mission leader Drazen Goricki. The "Garibaldi" was built in
Drazen Goricki | FlickrDrazen Goricki hasn't made any photos public yet. About · Jobs · Blog · Developers · Guidelines · Report abuse · Help forum · English · Privacy · Terms · Help.
Goricki - Names EncyclopediaDrazen Goricki (1) Drasko Goricki (1) Jadranka Goricki (1) Janko Goricki (1) Mario Goricki (1) Anica Goricki (1) Anita Goricki (1) Lucija Goricki (1) Martin Goricki ...
Drazen Goricki ProfileDrazen Goricki. I am from Croatia Member since: Saturday, September 25, Amphibico,Seacam. U/W photographer. 53 point member.
Info über Drazen Goricki | FlickrFlickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren...
Drazen Goricki | Tekdive EuropeDražen Gorički is underwater photographer, instructor and diver from Croatia, one of the country's leading technical diving instructors and underwater explorers.
Drazen GorickiThe shipwreck was found in the Dubrovnik waters by the end of this summer by a group of divers from the club Dragor Sub led by Dražen Gorički who also filmed ...
The Demise of SMS Szent István | X-Ray MagDuring WWI, the mighty warship from the Austrian-Hungarian navy was attacked at an unexpected moment. The brave crew of two Italian torpedo boats did not...
Die Quelle der Cetina, Cetina | DestiMap | Destinations On MapDivers in the video: Drazen Goricki cameraman and Damir Mlinaric. Max.depth of diving: -109m. Both divers are diving with a CCR Megalodon and the video ...
Diving the SS Natal – Collision in the Night [BOOK EXTRACT] - Baird...Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn ... Photo: Drazen Goricki ... Marco Valenti (Italy), Christophe Brieger (Germany) and Drazen Goricki (Croatia).
Epaves: le PROTEE et le NATAL par près de 130m de profondeur!Plongées recycleur sur le Protée et le Nata:l 2 épaves mythiques par 130m de profondeur
L’affondamento dell’incrociatore corazzato Giuseppe Garibaldi -...Nell’aprile il gruppo di ricerca Habanero di subacquei cechi si recò a Cavtat presso Dubrovnik dove cercarono di trovare il relitto dell’incrociatore...
Jutarnji list - Otkriven talijanski brod Palestro potopljen u Viškoj...Jutarnji list
IAHD Adriatic - NEWS & MOVIES ARCHIVE - 10th International Underwater...Saturday lectures AST Talks began with a lecture by the Croat Drazen Goricki SMS Szent Istvan expedition 2017, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the SMS ...
Veszprém - Networld partnertalálkozó és konferencia ZadarbanVeszprém Portál
Graduates | Pim's TekdivingDate: Hollis Prism2 eCCR Diver Air Diluent: Achim Schloeffel, Hubertus FenskeInstructor Mod1: William Remezond DIRrebreather Profes ...
Konferencja TEKDive Europe coraz bliżej! -Coraz mniej czasu do rozpoczęcia konferencji TEKDive 2017! W Antwerpii spotkamy się już 28 i 29 października roku. Na miejscu oczywiście czekać będą nas...
Neues Wrack in Kroatien entdeckt - Diveinside NewsNeues Wrack in Kroatien entdeckt - unser Bericht in der Kategorie News in DiveInside - dem frischen Onlinemagazin von Taucher.Net
S.M.S. Viribus Unitis - Austro-Hungarian Battleship - Gallery-Szent...Expedition photos of the dive to the Szent Istvan
Tekdive – WETNOTES.euMatthias Heinrichs, Nina Zschiesche, Drazen Goricki, Carlo Golfetto, Sabine Kerkau, Rolandas Schoen, Tom Kürten, Vic Verlinden, Agnes ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Drazen
Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Drazen; Unbekannt (Wortzusammensetzung);
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Goricki
Der, der aus Gorizia /Görtz (Friaul) kommt
Personensuche zu Drazen Goricki & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Drazen Goricki und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.