170 Infos zu Duane Michals
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- American
- McKeesport
- University
- Fotograf
- Pennsylvania
- Photographie
- Taschenbuch
- Magritte
- Photographer
- Photography
- Artist
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Der US-amerikanische Künstler Duane Michals erhält den ...Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V.Der in New York ansässige Duane Michals, wird mit dem Kulturpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) geehrt.
Duane Michals, PortraitsSilver Eye Center for PhotographyThe internationally celebrated artist and McKeesport native, Duane Michals returns to Silver Eye to sign his book, Duane Michals: Portraits (Thames & Hudson ...
Duane Michals – The PortraitistMy Helsinki— Duane Michals – The Portraitist presents the first comprehensive overview of portraits by Duane Michals, a pioneering photographer who in ...
APA New York Presents Duane MichalsAmerican Photographic Artists— Legendary photographer Duane Michals has been making pictures that tell stories for six decades. His stories, these experiences, ...
84 Bilder zu Duane Michals
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Duane Michals | FacebookWorks – Duane Michals – Artists/MakersNelson AtkinsWorks of: Duane Michals. Filter; Collect. List, Images. Primary Maker (A-Z), Title (A–Z), Object number (Ascending), Primary Maker (Z-A), DATE (Older First).
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Ausstellungen HEIMAT und DUANE MICHALS | Facebook1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Duane MichalsDirector, The Pleasures of the Glove
1 Projekte
Duane MichalsArtnetDuane Michals (amerikanisch, geb ) ist ein Fotograf, der Foto-Sequenzen innovativ nutzt, um Emotionen und universelle Themen wie Liebe, ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
DUANE MICHALS: Das Theater des täglichen Lebens. The theatre of real life. Photo stories in Duisburgvon Duane Michals, Klartext-Verlagsges., 2004, Gebundene Ausgabe
Duane Duck. Duane Michals. Photographs Sequences Textesvon MICHALS Duane, Museum of Modern Art, 1985, Taschenbuch
Duane Michals. Photographien (Ausstellungskatalog)von Duane Michals, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, 1989, Taschenbuch
The photographic illusion, Duane Michals (Masters of contemporary photography)von Duane Michals / Ronald Bailey, Thomas Y. Crowell Company., 1975, Gebundene Ausgabe
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Duane MichalsJSTORvon D Seidner · · Zitiert von: 1 — David Seidner: I feel like I know all the answers already. Duane Michals: I'll lie then. D.S.: You said in an interview in Le Monde that "Photographers ...
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Visions and Images: Duane MichalsInterviewer: Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel Part of the Diamonstein-Spielvogel Video Archive in the Duke University Libraries: library.duke.edu (VC 2003) , YouTube
BlinkX Video: El pecho de andy - Vuelo NocturnoAudio con algunas secuencias del fotógrafo Duane Michals. Espero que les guste. Hasta ahora no he encontrado ninguna canción de esta gran banda colgada en youtube , YouTube
BlinkX Video: things are queerphoto by Duane Michals , YouTube
Duane MichalsVimeoDuane Michals is an American photographer and filmmaker. Since has made over forty short films that have premiered at The Morgan Library Museum, ...
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: juliaeleguidaPhoto: Balthus por Duane Michals http://t.co/8gMH2nua
Twitter-Nachrichten: infokultureMagritte with hat. René Magritte ph. Duane Michals http://t.co/seHH48kA
Twitter-Nachrichten: Katherine Abruzzese (KatAbruzzese)Photoset: alecshao: http://t.co/jOzN87Bp
Twitter-Nachrichten: Pere Chuliá (perechulia)Duane Michals http://t.co/imwrDcR9
46 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Duane MichalsGoogle Arts & CultureDuane Michals is an American photographer. Michals's work makes innovative use of photo-sequences, often incorporating text to examine emotion and ...
'Chance Meeting' | Duane Michals - Explore the CollectionsVictoria and Albert MuseumLabel for 'Making It Up: Photographic Fictions' (3 May January 2014): Duane Michals (born 1932) Chance Meeting Michals uses sequences of ...
DUANE MICHALS (1932). The Woman is frightened by a ...Koller AuktionenLiteratur: Duane Michals, Real Dreams, Photo stories by Duane Michals, London, (Abb. n.p.) Provenienz: - Allan Porter, Luzern.
DUANE MICHALS - Admiraadmiraphotography.comDuane Michals (b , McKeesport, Pennsylvania) receives a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Denver in and works as a graphic designer until ...
Duane Michals - Issue 11Don't Take PicturesDuane Michals is an American photographer who creates narratives within a series of images. Born on February 18, in McKeesport, PA, Michals received his BA ...
Duane Michals - Maine Media Workshops + CollegeMaine Media Workshops + CollegeDuane Michals (b , McKeesport, PA) is one of the great photographic innovators of the last century, widely known for his work with series, ...
Duane Michals - Museum of Contemporary Art North MiamiMuseum of Contemporary Art North MiamiDuane Michals (born McKeesport, PA) is an artist based in Pennsylvania. This american photographer makes innovative use of photo-sequences, ...
Duane Michals - PocheFnac.chFnac : Photo Poche n° 12 Tome 12, Duane Michals, Duane Michals, Centre National De La Photographie". .
Duane Michals - Talk ArtAcast— Duane Michals is an artist who has been much imitated, highly influential and endlessly re-inventive. He celebrated his 91st birthday the week ...
Duane Michals Fotografie – 4 im Angebot bei ...1stDibsWählen Sie aus 4 authentischen Duane Michals fotografie im Angebot bei 1stDibs. Entdecken Sie alle von Duane Michals entworfene wandschmuck.
Duane Michals photography exhibitionFundación MAPFREAn artist in balance between photography and poetry, Duane Michals (McKeesport, Pennsylvania, 1932) is one of the most prestigious names of North American avant ...
Duane Michals | 381 Artworks at AuctionMutual ArtDuane Michals is an American photographer who was born in His work is currently being shown at Tang Museum ...
Duane Michals | Celia ChangSB YouDuane Michals is American photographer who likes to capture a series of photos and group as a narrative-sequential-storytelling in a form that is similar to ...
Duane Michals | Photography and Biographyfamousphotographers.netDuane Michals has always experimented with photography and he kept expanding the range of tools. After playing around with writing, he began painting on ...
Duane Michals | Sudest57's photographersSudest57Duane Michals is one of the greatest artist of all times. His work makes innovative use of sequential images, which often deal with myths and mysteries and ...
Duane Michals: The PortraitistSnap! OrlandoSpace presents Duane Michals: The Portraitist, curated by Linda Benedict-Jones, the first comprehensive overview of inventive portraits by this influential ...
Duane Michals: The Wizard of Gramercy ParkArt & Antiques MagazineDuane Michals, Nora Barnacle, 2012, tintypes with hand-applied paint. Duane Michals has always chosen to photograph the things you can't see, and now he's using ...
Los 65 | Duane Michals | Portrait of Andy Warhol, 1973VAN HAM KunstauktionenLos 65 | Duane Michals | Portrait of Andy Warhol, ; Datierung: ; Technik: Jeweils: Gelatinesilberabzug auf leichtem Karton. ; Darstellungsmaß: 8,5 x ...
Duane Michals Poster bei AllPosters.deDuane Michals Poster bei AllPosters.de. Über Poster – Individuelle Rahmen, Schnelle Lieferung und 100% Zufriedenheitsgarantie.
Duane MichalsDuane Michals Photographs with written text 44 nn Seiten, leichter Karton. 26 x 20 cm, Kartoniert Amsterdam, A Visit with Magritte by Duane Michals
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Duane
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Irisch): Duane; der kleine Dunkle; Altirisch (Wortzusammensetzung); dubh = dunkel; anglizierte Form eines alten irisch-gälischen Namen 'Dubhan' klein, dunkel
Verwandte Personensuchen
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Duane Michals und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.