85 Infos zu Dunja Donassy

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

MIM & MORE - media in motion

MIM&MORE´s focus are not the young and emerging artists but ... Fabienne Costa, Young Timothy Dempsey, Juraj Dobrovic, Dunja Donassy, Sirma Doruk, Juliane Duda ...

Vladimir Bonačić & bcd: CyberneticArt | ZKM

The event is dedicated to the visionary work of Vladimir Bonačić, which was created at the end of the 1960s, and to the projects that Bonačić has been developing since under the name »bcd« together with architect Dunja Donassy-Bonačić and engineer Miro A. Cimerman developed.

Predstavljanje specijalne edicije mape grafika kompjutorski ...

Radove je ručno numerirala Dunja Donassy-Bonačić. Ova PLN edicija postignuta je proaktivnim sudjelovanjem Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti i ...

bit international – [Nove] tendencije - Ausstellung | Neue Galerie...

Mit der Ausstellung

3  Bilder zu Dunja Donassy

Dunja Donassy | Database of Digital Art
Bild zu Dunja Donassy
Bild zu Dunja Donassy

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Miro A. Cimerman, Dunja Donassy-Bonačić, ZKM - Zentrum ...

Dunja Donassy-Bonačić | ZKM

Dunja Donassy-Bonačić works in the field of cybernetic art (graphics, sculptures, installations) and pursues the concept of a balance between science, information technology and art. She also applied principles of cybernetic art in the development of computer-based designs for communication and opinion research in public media.

Dunja Donassy-Bonačić | ZKMzkm.de › person › dunja-donassy-bonacic

Geburtsjahr, Ort: Zagreb, Kroatien; Gruppe. bcd CyberneticArt team. Biografie. Die Architektin und Künstlerin Dunja Donassy-Bonačić studierte ...

Dunja Donassy-Bonačić | abart

Dunja Donassy. * 1945, Jugoslávie. pohlaví: žena. Archiv výtvarného umění, o.s.. Archiv výtvarného umění shromažďuje, zpracovává a zpřístupňuje veškeré ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

MEDIA-SCAPE Zagreb “The Year we Make Contact ...

BCD, Vladimir Bonacic (D/HR), Andy Cameron (GB), Costantino Ciervo (I/D), Miro Cimerman (HR/D), Heiko Daxl (D), Dunja Donassy (HR/D), ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

Cases of the UNESCO Committee on Conventions and Recommendations

This unqiue collection is being published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the human rights procedure adopted in by the UNESCO Executive Board...

3 Dokumente

File:Dunja Donassy - "bcd cybernetic art team".jpg - Wikimedia ...commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:Dunja_Do...

She cofounded the "bcd cybernetic art team", together with Vladimir Bonačić and Miro A. Cimerman. Captions. SummaryEdit. DescriptionDunja Donassy - "bcd ...

Fitting Abstraction

The Croatian Pavilion at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia

Vladimir Bonai: Computer-Generated Works Made within Zagreb's New...

(? Dunja Donassy-Bonacic?bed cybernetic art team. Photo ? Marija Braut, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb Archive.) 3 spective and one of ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


Miro Cimerman & Dunja Donassy (Berlin, Königswinter, Zagreb) Roman Verostko (Minneapolis, MN) Francesca Franco (Cambridge) Prof. Remko Scha (Amsterdam, NL) Dr ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Computerkunst/Computer Art | Database of Digital Art

People referred to: Herbert W. Franke, Mark Wilson, Hans Dehlinger, Dunja Donassy. Artworks referred to: Tempori pare. Events referred to: ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Vladimir Bonacic pionero de arte digital | C-DARTEcdartemex.wordpress.com › › vladim...

... de Israel Bonacic un equipo de laboratorio para la cibernética, con Cimermam y Dunja Donassy u arquitecto urbanista, dos años después se ...

bibliografia | archeologia mediów, czyli mgliste początki...

Posts about bibliografia written by malpawalewska

Magyar Elektrográfiai Társaság

Vladimir Bonačić (D/HR); Andy Cameron (GB); Paulo Chagas (BR/USA); Costantino Ciervo (I/D); Miro Cimerman (HR/D); Heiko Daxl (D); Dunja Donassy (HR/D); Alen

55 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Architecture in Motion - ppt download - SlidePlayer

(c) Dunja Donassy-Bonačić - bcd cybernetic art team codes and film leaders representing the data streams of media and information ICC TOWER Hong Kong, situated above the MTR Kowloon Station, is the tallest building in Hong Kong NEW COMMUNITY FACILITY Adam Kroll - Lighting / Electrical - Consultant: Dr.

Dunja Donassy - Monoskopmonoskop.org › Dunja_Donassy

Dunja Donassy. From Monoskop. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Born in Zagreb, Croatia. Member of BCD cybernetic art team.

c Dunja Donassy-Bonačić — bcd cybernetic art teampresent5.com › c-dunja-donassy-bonacic-bcd-cy...

(c) Dunja Donassy-Bonačić - bcd cybernetic art team. Photo: Marija Braut, MSU - Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb Archive. Video documentatio: https: ...

Donassy Dunja – ULUPUHulupuh.hr › clanovi › donassy-dunja

... (s)tvarnosti tematska, selektirana izložba ULUPUH-ove Sekcije za tekstilno stvaralaštvo Organizator: ULUPUH Kustos i selektor … više >. Dunja Donassy.

Dunja Donassy | Database of Digital Art

No further information There is not much information available for this entry. Please check back later.

BCD cybernetic art team | Database of Digital Art

The group’s name is derived from the first letters of the members’ surnames: Vladimir Bonacic (artist and cybernetician), Miro A. Cimerman (software designer) and Dunja Donassy (architect and city planner). The BCD cybernetic art team has been working together since in the field of cybernetic and computer art, design, and science.

Wenn der Wald nur noch aus Plastiktüten besteht

Dunja Donassy beschäftigt sich in

Gespräch und Filmpräsentation - Konzepte-Online ...

Filmausschnitte und ein Gespräch mit Dunja Donassy-Bonačić und Miro A. Cimerman unter dem Titel »Sieben Modalitäten der Beiträge zur Verbesserung der Informationsgesellschaft« geben Einblick in die vielfältige Arbeit von Vladimir Bonačić und dem »bcd CyberneticArt team«: in künstlerische und technische Aspekte der computerbasierten ...

Neuer Bildband: Geheimnisvolles Landau - Kulturnotizen - DIE...

Neuer Bildband: Geheimnisvolles Landau

#bonacic Instagram posts (photos and videos) - Picuki.com

Explore Instagram posts for tag #bonacic - Picuki.com

| B | Artists Biographies

A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International,

CompMus der GeK - Virtuelles Museum der Gesellschaft für...

Das CompMus Gladbeck ist ein virtuelles Museum für den Spezialbereich ’Computerkunst’ teilweise synonym zu verwenden mit ’elektronische Kunst


... computer as creative partner. bcd CyberneticArt team (Königswinter, Berlin, Zagreb): Miro A. Cimerman (Berlin) and Dunja Donassy-Bonačić (per DFNVC from ...

BERLINER LISTE | Medienwerkstatt, Berlin – Bartsch-Art

... A. Cimerman & Dunja Donassy (bcd CyberneticArt team) | mobtik (Christian Brandl) | Nastasja Keller | Nathalie Becher | Nicola Hochkeppel | Ninia Sverdrup ...

Contemporary Art Ruhr – shinkantamaki.net

... Michael Betancourt, Ingeborg Fulepp and Heiko Daxl, Mateo Grubisic, Haruka Mitani and Michael Lyons, Dunja Donassy and Bernd Wendt.

GF.E 32-S | Database of Digital Art

... aluminum, light bulbs, electric parts, 68 × 68 × 12 cm, 1969– Rights. © Dunja Donassy-Bonacic—bcd cybernetic art team. Artists. Vladimir Bonačić.

Bcd - Monoskop

Wiki for Collaborative Studies of Arts, Media and Humanities

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Dunja donassy. Anum aslam wedding pics facebook. Martin kienzle klein winternheim. Was ist eine ansicht. Flossmann suknie wroclaw. Matthew shepard movie ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dunja

Weiblicher Vorname (Slawisch): Dunja; Wohlgefallen, Wunsch; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); eudokia = das Wohlgefallen, der Wunsch; eu = gut; dokein = scheinen (Althochdeutsch)

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Dunja Donassy & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Dunja Donassy und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.