27 Infos zu Dunya Bentama
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- Mathis
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- Klaus Berger
- Andrea Fuhs
- Johannes Mathis
- Rafael Antkowiak
- Claudia Trenkwalder
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Workshop "Gesundheit im Setting Stadt/Stadtquartier" - LZG.NRWTorben Vahle, Dunya Bentama Gesunde Städte-Netzwerk Gesundheit im Setting Stadt/Stadtquartier - Hierarchische Prozesse Dr. Joachim Hartlik
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2 Bücher zum Namen
authors:"Dunya Bentama" - Search | PaperityPaperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease: Long-Term Consequences...Due to the fact that Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom Disease is usually a chronic condition, this book aims to provide physicians with the necessary tools...
2 Dokumente
Abstract | Restless legs syndrome and cancer: an analysis in three...Andrea Fuhs1*, Dunya Bentama1, Wolfgang Hoffmann2, Henry Völzke2, Johannes Mathis3, Klaus Kraywinkel4 and Klaus Berger1. Andrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Henry Völzke, Johannes Mathis, Klaus Kraywinkel, Klaus Berger. Applied Scientific Reports : 4 ( 8 July ... › abstr... › mart...
Band 24 Nr Umweltmedizin - Hygiene - Arbeitsmedizin— Dunya Bentama. Blutbleiuntersuchung bei Kindern. 10:30 – 12:00 Vorsitz: Dr. med. Patricia Hamer. (Gesundheitsamt Bremen). › umwelt...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Restless legs syndrome and cancer: an analysis in three independent...By Andrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Henry Völzke, Johannes Mathis, Klaus Kraywinkel and Klaus Berger. Topics: 610 Medicine & health.
Andrea Fuhs | PubFactsAndrea Fuhs
Oalib searchAndrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama, Rafael Antkowiak, Johannes Mathis, Claudia Trenkwalder, Klaus Berger · PLOS ONE , 2014, DOI: ...
Effects of short- and long-term variations in RLS severity on...PubFacts seeks to make the world's scientific research easy to locate, access, and collaborate on.
17 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Torben Vahle/Dunya Bentama - PDF Kostenfreier DownloadWorkshop Gesundheit im Setting Stadt/Stadtquartier, Bielefeld, Exkursion zu Urban Health im Studiengang Master of Science in Public Health Torben Vahle/Dunya ...
Galerie 20071. Grad - Weißgurt I: Dunya Bentama, Marcus Finger, Maike Holzmüller, Pawel Linke: 2. Grad - Weißgurt II: Andrea Goertsches, Leon Friedel, Daniel Kasprowski ...
Effects of Short- and Long-Term Variations in RLS Severity on...Competing interests: Andrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama and Rafael Antkowiak have declared that no competing interests exist. This study was ...
Arbeitsgruppen - Plattform § 65cDunya Bentama (NI) Katja Klein-Budde (NI). AG Bildung Best-of-Datensatz, Dr. Cynthia Erb (HH). AG Einheitliches Antragsformular, Dr. Maren Pflüger (BB/BE) › wer-wir-sind › arbeitsgruppen
Figure 2Figure 2
Autor: "Johannes Mathis" - Prolib IntegroEffects of short- and long-term variations in RLS severity on perceived health status - the COR-study. Autorzy : Andrea Fuhs · Dunya Bentama · Rafael Antkowiak › eds
Mean values in RLS severity (IRLS), quality of life (SF-36),...posted on , 20:16 by Andrea Fuhs Dunya Bentama Rafael Antkowiak Johannes Mathis Claudia Trenkwalder Klaus Berger. a. p-value for difference ...
Characteristics of the COR-Study participants at baseline. - Figshareposted on , 20:16 by Andrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama, Rafael Antkowiak, Johannes Mathis, Claudia Trenkwalder, Klaus Berger. › articles › dataset ›
Journal - Epidemiology Reports (Open Access)Journal - Epidemiology Reports is an Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal on Epidemology - Scope covers Neuroepidemiology, Cancer epidemiology, Paediatric...
POSTER SESSION GUIDELINES - PDF Free DownloadIncidence of Multiple Sclerosis in Germany [894] Lasse Pachaly, Edeltraut Garbe, Dunya Bentama, Laura Khil, Klaus Berger, Niklas Schmedt. (Germany) 128.
PLOS ONE: Effects of Short- and Long-Term Variations in RLS Severity...PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all...
Effects of short- and long-term variations in RLS severity on...von A Fuhs · · Zitiert von: 29 — Authors. Andrea Fuhs , Dunya Bentama , Rafael Antkowiak , Johannes Mathis , Claudia Trenkwalder , Klaus Berger ... › ...
Final Program - International Society for PharmacoepidemiologyIncidence of Multiple Sclerosis in Germany [894] Lasse Pachaly, Edeltraut Garbe, Dunya Bentama, Laura Khil, Klaus Berger, Niklas Schmedt. (Germany) › doc › final-p...
Journal - articles - ScilitDunya Bentama, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Henry Völzke, Johannes Mathis, Klaus Kraywinkel, Klaus Berger. Published: 1 January by Herbert Publications PVT LTD. › journal-artic...
RLS/WED: Criteria, Differential Diagnosis and Prevalence of ...https://doi.org j.mayocp ; Fuhs A, Dunya Bentama D, Antkowiak R, Mathis J, Trenkwalder C, Berger K. Effects of short- and long-term ... › works
Effects of Short- and Long-Term Variations in RLS Severity on...Effects of Short- and Long-Term Variations in RLS Severity on Perceived Health Status – the COR-Study
Effects of Short- and Long-Term Variations in RLS Severity on ...— Dunya Bentama,. Affiliation Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany. ⨯. Rafael Antkowiak, — Andrea Fuhs, Dunya Bentama and Rafael Antkowiak have declared that no competing interests exist. This study was funded from a consortium ... › comments › authors
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dunya
Weiblicher Vorname (Arabisch): Dunya; Welt;; dunya = die Welt Weiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Dunya; Wohlgefallen, Wunsch; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); eudokia = das Wohlgefallen, der Wunsch; eu = gut; dokein = scheinen (Althochdeutsch)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Lasse Pachaly
- Claudia Trenkwalder
- Wolfgang Hoffmann
- Niklas Schmedt
- Edeltraut Garbe
- Rafael Antkowiak
- Klaus Berger
- Andrea Fuhs
- Laura Khil
- Myriam Bentama
- Maria-Elisabeth Dummel
Personensuche zu Dunya Bentama & mehr
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