79 Infos zu Edita Poljac
Mehr erfahren über Edita Poljac
Lebt in
- Freiburg
- Aachen
Infos zu
- Iring Koch
- University
- Research
- Andrea Kiesel
- Harold Bekkering
- Institut
- Autism
- Müller
- Ervin
- Markus
- Multitasking
- Nijmegen
- Hrvatske
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Osnovna škola "Dr. Stjepan Ilijašević" Oriovac - Print... natjecanju Lino višebojac u našoj školi bile su košarkašice KK Brod na Savi Mihaela Lazić, Marina Akšamović Ćurković i Edita Poljac.
3 Bilder zu Edita Poljac

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Edita Poljac | FacebookFacebook: 035portal.hr - Najefikasnija je bila Edita Poljac s 21 košem | FacebookLinkedIn: Edita Poljac - Senior Research Fellow & Project LinkedInView Edita Poljac's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Edita has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
LinkedIn: Edita Poljac - Senior Research Fellow & Project LinkedInBekijk het profiel van Edita Poljac op LinkedIn, de grootste professionele community ter wereld. Edita Poljac heeft 6 functies op zijn of haar profiel. Bekijk het ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Edita Poljac Player Profile, ZKK Brod na Savi Slavonski Brod, News,...Get the latest news, stats and more about Edita Poljac on Eurobasket, ZKK Brod na Savi Slavonski Brod, ZKK Zagreb, Alvik Basket Stockholm 2nd team
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
our team - Oxford ACClabwww.oxacclab.org › teamEdita Poljac. James Macdonald. Gethin Hughes. Lab Managers. Becca Millington. David Schwartzman. Jason Ralph. Research Assistants. Wendy Niedelman. Ran Liu.
2 Bücher zum Namen
Task switching in autism : an EEG study on intentions and actionsHoofs, Vincentius, Myrthe M. Princen, Ervin Poljac, Arjen Stolk, and Edita Poljac “Task Switching in Autism : an EEG Study on Intentions ...
Understanding behavioural rigidity in Autism Spectrum Conditions: The...Understanding behavioural rigidity in Autism Spectrum Conditions: The role of intentional control. Edita Poljac, Vincentius Hoofs UGent, Myrthe ...
4 Dokumente
Cognitive Control of Intentions for Voluntary Actions in Individuals...Edita Poljac • Ervin Poljac • Nick Yeung. Published online: 21 March Ó The Author(s) This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com.
RPPW10: abstract Poljac, Desain & BekkeringThe benefit of task rhythm for switching and interruption performance. Edita Poljac, Peter Desain & Harold Bekkering Radboud University Nijmegen, the ...
Onderzoek naar aanpassingsvermogen in autismeOnderzoek naar aanpassingsvermogen in autisme. Wie organiseren het onderzoek? Dr. Edita Poljac, wetenschappelijk onderzoeker, en haar onderzoeksteam.
košarka -djevojčice - ArhivaČađavčan, Edita Poljac, Gabriela Bertolović, Dona. Sedlo, Monika Buconjić, Ena Ivanković. 4. OSNOVNA ŠKOLA, DUGOPOLJE, ŠŠD DUGOPOLJE. Voditelj:.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Special issue on New perspectives on human multitasking - RWTH...Poljac, Edita; Kiesel, Andrea; Koch, Iring; Müller, Hermann J.
Neuropsychologia | Vol 103, Pages (August 2017) |...... of goal-directed actions. Original research article: Pages Ricarda Braukmann, Harold Bekkering, Margreeth Hidding, Edita Poljac, ... Sabine Hunnius.
Dr. Edita Poljac - Institut für Psychologie Freiburgwww.psychologie.uni-freiburg.de › MembersMy research interests focus primarily on understanding adaptive human cognition. I am interested in how people guide and control their behaviour in their ...Es fehlt: GKF Gamma Knife Behandlungszentrum Frankfurt/ My research interests focus primarily on understanding adaptive human cognition. I am interested in how people guide and control their behaviour in their ... Es fehlt: GKF Gamma Knife Behandlungszentrum Frankfurt/
Edita Poljac - Institut für Psychologie Freiburgwww.psychologie.uni-freiburg.de › MembersSie sind hier: Startseite › Members › Edita Poljac. Artikelaktionen. Drucken. Info. Willkommen bei Edita Poljac. Start Footer.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Psychological Research, Volume 82, Issue 1 - SpringerVolume 82, Issue 1, January Special issue on New perspectives on human multitasking. Issue Editors: Edita Poljac,; Andrea Kiesel,; Iring Koch,; Hermann ...
DFG Priority Program SPP zu menschlichem Multitasking -...Koordination, Dr. Andrea Kiesel (Freiburg), Dr. Iring Koch (Aachen), Dr. Herrmann Müller (Gießen), Dr. Edita Poljac (Freiburg), Dr. Markus Janczyk ( Tübingen), ...
Dissociating restart cost and mixing cost in task switching |...Three experiments investigated the cognitive mechanisms underlying the restart cost and mixing cost in task switching. To this aim, the predictability of t
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: DFG Priority Program SPP zu menschlichem Multitasking – WikipediaKoordination, Andrea Kiesel (Freiburg), Iring Koch (Aachen), Herrmann Müller (Gießen), Edita Poljac (Freiburg), Markus Janczyk (Tübingen), Hanna Lindemann ...
Zasjala i Edita Poljac - Meteormojmeteor.wordpress.com › › zasjala-i-...· U slovenskom Slovenj Gradecu se od 18. do 21. kolovoza održavao turnir U-14 Slovenia ball na kojemu je naša učenica Edita Poljac (8.a) ...
43 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Edita Poljac | LinkedInView Edita Poljac's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Edita Poljac discover inside ... Es fehlt: bad driburg
Cognitive flexibility training in Autism - Donders BCICollaboration. Edita Poljac. Links. www.enhanceflexibility.com. Funding. This project is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie mobility programme of the EU ...
Brodportal-Brođanka Edita Poljac na EP u SarajevuNakon što je seniorska Hrvatska ženska košarkaška reprezentacija odradila pripreme u dvorani Vijuš kao i dvije prijateljske utakmice protiv selekcije BiH isto...
Edita Poljac | Mackolik.comwww.mackolik.com › basketbol › basketbolcu › edit...Edita Poljac maçları, transferleri, maç istatistikleri, ilgili haberler.
Slavonski Brod, Edita PoljacBrodportal- Edita Poljac, Edita Poljac
Biseri brodske košarke, Edita Poljac najbolji asistent i u najboljoj...Postaje teško izvlačiti superlative za slavonskobrodsku žensku košarku.
Edita Poljac (19 år) | RatsitFödd 15 maj, Edita Poljac är ogift och har inga bolagsengagemang. Se Editas uppgifter om inkomst, telefonnummer, fordon, hundar, födelsedag, jubileum...
Sport : Košarka : Edita Poljac (14) briljira u A1 ligi - SBplus.hr ...sbplus.hr › slavonski_brod › sport › kosarka › edita...· Mlada Brođanka Edita Poljac s nepunih 14 godina briljira u A1 ligi. Za nedavnog susreta s Pulom ubacila je 14 poena što je u tim godinama ...
Edita Poljac | Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologiewww.tvnp.nl › overzicht_auteurs › over_de_auteurEdita Poljac. Autism Spectrum Disorders: A special issue of Child Neuropsychology · Edita Poljac · Editie · PDF versie. Jaargang 16, nr. 2, zomer
Edita POLJAC (CRO)'s profile - FIBA U16 Women's European Championship...The official website of FIBA, the International Basketball Federation, and the governing body of Basketball. FIBA organises the most famous and prestigious...
Edita POLJAC (CRO)'s profile - FIBA U18 Women's European ...www.fiba.basketball › europe › player › Edita-PoljacThe official website of FIBA, the International Basketball Federation, and the governing body of Basketball. FIBA organises the most famous and prestigious ...Height: 180cm / 5'11"
Programme TeaP of the 60 th Conference of Experimental...... Edita Poljac, Denise N. Stephan & Iring Koch RWTH Aachen University Talk & Christian Bellebaum Heinrich Heine University, Biological Psychology; ...
Edita poljac | Basketball.hrbasketball.hr › vijesti › oznaka › edita-poljacNajnovije košarkaške vijesti i rezultati iz Hrvatske, regije, Europe i svijeta. Zanimljive kolumne i intervjui iz svijeta košarke.
9. Wissenschaftliche Tagung Autismus-Spektrum 10. und 11. März... Mareike Altgassen (Nijmegen, Netherlands) Neural Fingerprints of Behavioural Rigidity in Autism Edita Poljac (Freiburg) Voice Processing in ...
Trešnjevka prvak, Brođanke četvrte na Final fouru u Splitu, Edita...· Uz njih dvije u petorci turnira su još Gabrijela Kolovrat (Medveščak), Edita Poljac (Brod Na Savi) i Lana Bešlić(KAŽL).
Božena Perić iz Tomislavgrada nastupila za hrvatsku žensku košarkašku...Hrvatska U15 ženska kadetska reprezentacija pobjednik je turnira u mađarskom Seherfehervaru. Nakon 3 pobjede u svojoj skupini danas u finalnoj utakmicu ekipa...
Multitasking as a choice - DSHSauthor = "Laura Br{\"o}ker and Roman Liepelt and Edita Poljac and Stefan K{\"u}nzell and Harald Ewolds and {de Oliveira}, {Rita F.} and Markus Raab",.
Natasa Kovacevic Foundation is a partner of WABA League - Natasa...Just another WordPress site
Current task activation predicts general effects of advance PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Edita Poljac , Ab de Haan, Gerard P van Galen. Affiliation. 1 Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University Nijmegen, ...
Dr. E. Poljac - NARCIS.nlwww.narcis.nl › RecordID › PRS › LanguageDigital Author ID, info:eu-repo/dai/nl ISNI, ISNI Addition, Edita Poljac. Active as. Researcher ...Digital Author ID: info:eu-repo/dai/nl
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Edita
Weiblicher Vorname (Tschechisch, Slawisch): Edita; Altenglisch (Zweigliedriger Name); ead = der Besitz, das Vermögen; gyth = der Kampf; altenglischer zweigliedriger Name, der bereits vor der Eroberung durch die Normannen existierte; erst im 19. Jh. vom Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen
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