94 Infos zu Effy Vayena
Mehr erfahren über Effy Vayena
Infos zu
- Health
- Professor
- ETH Zurich
- Bioethics
- Alessandro Blasimme
- University
- London
- Glenn Cohen
- Ethical
- ETH Zürich
- Harvard Medical
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
«Ohne Vertrauen geht es nicht» - computerworld.chDie personalisierte Medizin wirft Fragen hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes auf. Wie die Systeme im Gesundheitssystem zukünftig gebaut und gehärtet werden müssen,...
«Wir brauchen mehr Menschen, die sich sinnvoll engagieren» |...Die Ethikerin Effy Vayena setzt sich dafür ein, dass Laienforscher genügend Anerkennung bekommen.
Welcome New Fellows: Niousha Roshani and Effy Vayena | Network of...Subtitle. By Sun Woo Lee and Grant Nelson. Teaser. This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the
Medizin in der Cloud: Big Data und die Strapazen des gesunden Lebens...Viel hilft viel, einer der großen Irrtümer der Medizingeschichte, wird er zum Schlachtruf der digitalen Gesundheitsapostel? Ein Lehrstück vom Innovationsgipfel...
6 Bilder zu Effy Vayena

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Join Center faculty Effy Vayena in her Harvard Medical School ...LinkedIn: Alexander Mathys - Effy Vayena on Twitter - LinkedInch.linkedin.com › posts › alexandermathys_effy-vayena-on-twitter-activity...... Effy Vayena and Anita Buchli https://lnkd.in/gP4KS43 · Effy Vayena on Twitter. https://twitter.com · Kommentare · Gefällt mir Kommentieren. Teilen.
Effy Vayena auf LinkedIn: Meet a brilliant leader!ch.linkedin.com › posts › effy-vayena-467b1353_m...Beitrag von Effy Vayena. Profil für Effy Vayena anzeigen · Effy Vayena. Professor at ETH Zurich. 4 Monate. Diesen Beitrag melden; Menü schließen. Meet a ...
Effy Vayena en LinkedIn: Stuck in translationhn.linkedin.com › posts › effy-vayena-467b1353_st...Very done every one including Constantin Landers Effy Vayena ! As part of my MSc Medical Informatics thesis at FHNW, I am exploring these in a LMIC ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Effy Vayena & Alessandro Blasimme, Health Research with Big Data:...To address the ethical challenges in big data health research we propose the concept of systemic oversight. This approach is based on six defining features and...
Philanthropy on trial: can the rich rescue shelved compounds? |...Effy Vayena. Translational medicine has excited expec- tations of the drug development process seeing better days. Hope is much needed,.
Schweizerische Ärztezeitung - Ein ethischer Rahmen für den Austausch...Die rasanten Fortschritte an der Schnittstelle der modernen Biomedizin und der Informatik bringen zurzeit eine enorme Menge an gesundheitsbezogenen Daten mit...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethicsgoogle.nl... Effy Vayena, and Urs Gasser part i shifting paradigms: big data's impact on health law and bioethics 15 Introduction 15 Urs Gasser 1 Big Data and Individual ...
Inspiring Conversations with Women Professors: The Many ...google.nl... Effy Vayena,“ETH Zurich/Giulia Marthaler” Biography Effy Vayena is full professor of bioethics in the ETH Department of Health Sciences and Technology since ...
Personalisierte Medizin: Hoffnung oder leeres Versprechen?google.nl... Effy Vayena (1972) studierte am Imperial College/University of London Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Technologie und Medizin promovierte sie an der ...
Antisemitische Vorfälle in Paris, London und Berlin. Streit über die...Konkret gefährdet Rundblick durch die Feuilletondebatten. Wochentags um 9 Uhr, sonnabends um 10 Uhr.
1 Dokumente
Just Global Health: Integrating Human Rights and Common Goods by John...Effy Vayena. University of Zurich - Institute for Biomedical Ethics. Date Written: May 21, Abstract. An account of justice in global health as ...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Effy VayenaList of computer science publications by Effy Vayena
OPUS 4 | Open sharing of genomic data : who does it and why?Open sharing of genomic data : who does it and why? Tobias Häusermann, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Alessandro Blasimme, Darja Irdam, Martin Richards, Effy Vayena.
dblp: Publications, Volume 5Bibliographic content of Publications, Volume 5
OPUS 4 | Research led by participants: a new social contract for a...In recent years, there have been prominent calls for a new social contract that accords a more central role to citizens in health research. Typically, this has...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Reprogen-Ethics and the Future of Gender | SpringerLink'Reprogen-Ethics and the Future of Gender' brings together three tightly related topics, which have so far been dealt separately in bioethics: assisted...
Share your experience by using the - accademiadeipazienti.orgShare your experience by using the hashtag #FuturePEDS17 on: HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE CONFERENCE APP 1. Connect to the Wi-Fi network: Auditorium Antonianum ... Effy Vayena (Switzerland) Stefano Vella (Italy) Maria Luisa Ventura (Italy) …
Effy Vayena - WikidataSwiss-Greek professor of Bioethics
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Effy Vayena – WikipediaEffy Vayena (eigentlich Eftychia; * in Lefkada, Griechenland) ist eine griechisch-schweizerische Bioethikerin, die als Professorin am Institut für ...
NZZ Interview mit Vorstandsmitglied Effy Vayena | «Daten und...News. Data to the People – Satellite Panel during WEF in Davos; Posultat “Recht auf Kopie” vom Bundesrat angenommen; Freeing people from digital feudalism – Ernst Hafen im Technologist.eu
Effy Vayena | Bioethics & Society at King's College LondonPosts about Effy Vayena written by Dr Silvia Camporesi
Datenwoche im Datenschutz (KW )Datenschutz und Datenwoche: Online-Manipulation, eCall wird Pflicht, Rolle DSB, Selbsthilfearbeit, Auskunftspflicht und Schutz von Betriebsgeheimnissen.
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Effy Vayena's Post - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › effy-vayena-467bETH Zürich Professor of #Bioethics Effy Vayena talking about ethics and AI in digital health, especially Mental Health at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) ...
Alex Hochuli - bioethics #digital #health #technology - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › postsETH Zürich Professor of #Bioethics Effy Vayena talking about ethics and AI in digital health, especially Mental Health at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation ...
Aneta Kolodziej on LinkedIn: A New Wave Of Disruptors Joins The ...www.linkedin.com › posts › anetakolodziej_a-new-...Jemilah Mahmood, Matthew Lungren MD MPH, Effy Vayena, Ritsaart van Montfrans and many many more! We'll be discussing the post-pandemic #healthcareinnovation ...
Angelo RossiMori on LinkedIn: #lmicwww.linkedin.com › posts... Effy Vayena, Alessandro Blasimme at ETH Zürich here: https://lnkd.in/egD7qnbR #innovation #digitalhealth #healthtech #lmics #healthcare. No alternative text ...
Barry Solaiman on LinkedIn: The Challenges for Regulating Medical ...www.linkedin.com › posts › barrysol_the-challenges...A helpful piece by Timo Minssen, Effy Vayena and I. Glenn Cohen setting out some issues to think about when regulating the use of ChatGPT in medicine.
Bogi Eliasen on LinkedIn: #leavingnoonebehind #healthinallpolicies ...www.linkedin.com › postsCopenhagen Institute for Futures Studies Greek Ministry of Health Charalambos Tsekeris Effy Vayena Sophia Efraimoglou - Kounenaki Nordic Health Movement # ...
Bravo Effy - Céline Rhême on LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › céline-rhême _effyvayena-rfklegacy...Prof. Dr. Effy Vayena is another speaker at this year's Robert F. Kennedy Legacy Gala. She is a bioethicist who works as a professor at the Institute for ...
Christine Jacob's Post - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › christinejacob_patients-...... Effy Vayena · Like · Reply · 1 Reaction 2 Reactions. Raouf Hajji, MD, PhD. Assistant Professor & Consultant of Internal Medicine | Editor ...
Daniel W. Szpilman - Takeda - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › daniel-w-szpilmanEffy Vayena (ETH) Dr. Alessandro Blasimme (ETH). University of Zurich Graphic. University of Zurich. Bachelor of Science - BScBiomedical Sciences(No degree).
Dr William Kleynhans on LinkedIn: The Challenges for Regulating ...www.linkedin.com › posts... Effy Vayena and I. Glenn Cohen. We deliver a short and crisp analysis on a rapidly evolving topic: The Challenges for Regulating Medical Use of ChatGPT and ...
Elena Izmailova on LinkedIn: Home | Digitalmeasureswww.linkedin.com › posts... Effy Vayena Katarzyna Wac Kate Lyden, PhD Christopher Bull Dr Veli Stroetmann Foteini Orfaniotou Joachim Stengel Thanneer Malai P. Beatrix Vereijken ...
Eleni Pappi on LinkedIn: A great opportunity for anyone wants to get ...www.linkedin.com › posts › eleni-pappi_a-great-op...Effy Vayena, Chair in Bioethics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zürich. The 4th Annual Bioethics Summer Course will include lectures from ...
Ernst Hafen on LinkedIn: The new ETH professorswww.linkedin.com › postsThanks Effy Vayena for inviting Amy Dockser Marcus. This will be interesting for members of GdS Verein Gesundheitsdatenraum Schweiz · View organization page ...
KCRI on LinkedIn: #aiinhealthcare #hipaa #airegulation ...www.linkedin.com › posts... Effy Vayena, PhD & I. Glenn Cohen, JD. https://lnkd.in/eH2-5QRN "Generative AI in Health Care and Liability Risks for Physicians and Safety Concerns for ...
Kelly D Myers on LinkedIn: A.I. models being developed for ...www.linkedin.com › postsToday's Atomo, Inc #ai in #healthcare report covers a recent The Economist Article by Effy Vayena and Andrew Morris that addresses regulating AI in ...
Let's talk about trust in biobank research - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › lets-talk-trust-biobank-...· To close this knowledge gap, Prof Effy Vayena, Dr Alessandro Blasimme and I conducted an exploratory analysis of governance mechanisms ...
Professor Kathy Liddell's Post - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts... Effy Vayena, The EAHL Young Scholars Interest Group, The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw ...
Steven (Steve) Bourke on LinkedIn: Digital health technologieswww.linkedin.com › posts › personalpulsestevebour..." Thanks to Effy Vayena for bringing Amy Dockser Marcus to help us learn how to #EmpowerPeopleWhoArePatients in #medicalresearch #citizenscience · View ...
Tauseef Mehrali posted on the topic | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › tauseef-mehrali_healtht...➡ Timo Minssen, Effy Vayena, I. Glenn Cohen. The Challenges for Regulating Medical Use of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models. ( Nature Portfolio ...
Patient Data – Faster but with Respect and Trust - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › patient-data-faster-resp...· Effy Vayena, from ETH Zurich, then had a presentation that showed the many factors that go into this balancing act between risk and benefit and ...
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