215 Infos zu Elena Veljanovska
Mehr erfahren über Elena Veljanovska
Lebt in
- Berlin
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- Director
- Skopje
- Gustafsson
- Disruption Network Lab
- Macedonia
- Videogram
- Artist
- Agosto Foundation
- Design
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Elena VeljanovskaKampf um digitale Selbstbestimmung: Wie können wir Verschlüsselung massenta… Geist des Maidan: Erinnerungen an den "Marsch der Millionen" in der Ukraine…
Credits and License – Create Your Own Reality... Katrin Kämpf, Hans Lammerant, Sonja Peteranderl, Rebecca Puchta, Brett Scott, Çağrı Tașkın, Elena Veljanovska, Harsha Walia, Anna-Esther Younes.
(Künstler aus Berlin und Skopje), kuratiert von Elena Veljanovska ...www.artrabbit.com › events › the-...Exhibition. The World Within Gruppenausstellung (Künstler aus Berlin und Skopje), kuratiert von Elena Veljanovska, Skopje MAC, Stipendiatin der Rave Stiftung ...
53. Venice Biennale "Making Worlds" - kunstaspekteCurators: Zoran Petrovski, Elena Veljanovska. Assistant Commissioner: Jovan Surbanoski. Venue: Riva di Ca' di Dio, Arsenale www.ngm.com.mk www.my-sunshine.eu.
1 Bilder zu Elena Veljanovska

29 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Elena VeljanovskaFacebook: Elena VeljanovskaFacebook: Elena VeljanovskaLinkedIn: Elena Veljanovska - Executive Director - NGO Kontrapunkt | LinkedInElena Veljanovska (1979, Skopje), independent curator based in Berlin. In 2006, graduates at the Art History and archaeology Faculty in Skopje, currently ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Elena Veljanovska | Artist | Artfactsartfacts.net › artist › elena-veljanovskaElena Veljanovska is exclusively exhibited in North Macedonia. Veljanovska has no solo shows but one group show (for more information, see biography).
Elena Veljanovska | Artist | Artfacts› artist › artworks
Elena Veljanovska | Curator | ArtFactsArtfacts brings transparency to the art world. Artfacts helps collectors make better purchase decisions and artists understand their position in the art world.
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
proff: Elena Veljanovska Gustafsson – 3 Befattningar i svenskt näringslivProff.se ger dig information om befattningar om Elena Veljanovska Gustafsson. Se hennes officiella befattningar (3) och relationer (4) i näringslivet - och ...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Personal | Familjeläkarna i Mölnlycke ABKinna Helgesson · Elena Veljanovska Gustafsson · Naseer Ahmed · Lina Karim · Martina von Heideman · Sandra Lindberg · Kenan Hodzic. › ...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
ELENA VELJANOVSKA - AboutELENA VELJANOVSKA · Exhibitions · Projects · Vitae · Exhibitions · Projects · Vitae. Freelance curator and cultural manager. Currently works and lives in ...
public.private - ELENA VELJANOVSKAIntervention -curator and -coordinator: Elena Veljanovska ... As a special highlight, one of the walks will adjust with the concept of KINomad and screen films on ...
Vitae - ELENA VELJANOVSKAElena Veljanovska (b , Skopje) is a freelance curator and cultural manager. Since she is actively working in the cultural sector on national and ...
About – Elena Veljanovska - Mediummedium.com › @elenaveljanovska › aboutGet started. Open in app · Elena Veljanovska · 55 Followers. About. Follow. Sign in. Get started. Follow. 55 Followers. About. Get started.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Kadir Has ÜniversitesiKadir Has Üniversitesi, Türkiye'de eğitim ve kültür alanlarında bir lider konumuna ulaşmak; araştırma ve bilimsel gelişme açısından uluslararası bir merkez...
7 Bücher zum Namen
Events - Projekt Freiraum (Free Space) - Freedom in Europe -...The lecture will be followed by a discussion with Signe Sophie Bøggildand Johannes Ebert, moderated by Elena Veljanovska. For further information about the Freiraum evening For further information about the CRIC Festival. Sofia to Sofia October, Sofia, Goethe-Institut
Elena Veljanovska - Blesok› Дома › Portfolio
Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice -...The courageous acts of whistleblowing that inspired the world over the past few years have changed our perception of surveillance and control in today's...
Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and ...Author and Editor: Tatiana Bazzichelli Editorial Coordinator and Project Manager: Elena Veljanovska Graphic Design, Cover and Layout: Jonas Frankki Copy ...
2 Dokumente
Tomce Ilijevski presentationsView all of Tomce Ilijevski's Presentations.
From mahmood.farooqui at gmail.com Wed Feb 1 09:23: From ...Newspapers in France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Hungary reprinted the (537) Fax: (537) e-mail: sago at cimex.com.cu Or directly CITISM, curated by Elena Veljanovska, Hristijan Panev and Boris Petrovski, ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Elena Veljanovska My SkopPartisanen 4.indd - Kultur Aktiv
Jadro - Javna rasprava by Elena Veljanovska - IssuuPublikacijata e izdadena po povod Javnata rasprava za formiranje institucija na javno civilno partnerstvo
Observations: Light by Jasna Dimitrovska - Issuu— Observations: Light Commissariat | Curator: Elena Veljanovska Artistes | Artists: Yane Calovski | Fleur Helluin | Hristina Ivanoska ... › docs › cataloque_web_2
SeaFair '11 - "Energy, Biopolitics, Strategies of Resistance and...The publication is printed on the occasion of the SeeFair Festival 2011, published by the Museum of Contemporary art, Skopje
20 Meinungen & Artikel
MECCSA Archives - JISCMailwww.jiscmail.ac.uk › webadminElena Veljanovska (Senior project manager, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE) Elena Veljanovska is a senior project manager at the Disruption ...
Elena Veljanovska | DEZ ORGPosts about Elena Veljanovska written by dezorg
Elena Gjeroska who - Radio nEuropaIvan Blazhev – Elena Veljanovska. Ivan-Blazhev - Bojana Stojmenovska. Ivan Blazhev – Bojana Stojmenovska. Elena Gjeroska. Elena Gjeroska. Elena Gjeroska. › photowho
Videogram Elena Veljanovska - izabela rojo› ...
126 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Elena Veljanovska | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › elena-veljanovska aView Elena Veljanovska's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Elena Veljanovska ...
Elena Veljanovska - Executive Director - NGO Kontrapunkt | LinkedInView Elena Veljanovska's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Elena has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Elena Veljanovska - Google Sites› site › hyp...
cv - Elena VeljanovskaElena Veljanovska [b , Skopje]. Lives and works in Skopje. FORMAL EDUCATION – present MA Candidate - Cultural Studies department, Institute for ...
Chain reaction - Elena VeljanovskaThe mechanisms of staging the exhibition Chain Reaction and its discursive sphere were generated from the horizontal structure of the Upgrade! International ...
Elena Veljanovska - Agosto Foundation› tag
Elena Veljanovska - Artalk.cz› tag › elena-veljan...
Stream Elena Veljanovska 1 music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists...Play Elena Veljanovska 1 and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
The city in the night - The night in the city - Elena VeljanovskaElena Veljanovska. Search this site. The city in the night - The night in the city. In this solo exhibition, Matej focuses on showing night scenes from city life.
Elena Veljanovska - Mediamaticwww.mediamatic.net › page › elena-veljanovskaElena Veljanovska is an art historian and independent curator. In order to reach all her interests, she always makes a balance between the need for ...
Elena Veljanovska – Re-Imagine Europere-imagine-europe.eu › community_item › elena-vel...Elena Veljanovska is a senior project manager at the Disruption Network Lab. From to she was the executive director and programme curator at ...
Elena Veljanovska - Agosto Foundationwww.agosto-foundation.org › elena-veljanovska-cur...· Elena Veljanovska is a freelance curator and cultural project manager from Macedonia who takes inspiration from cultural theory and the ...
Discover elena veljanovska 's popular videos - TikTok› Discover
Elena Veljanovska's stream - SoundCloudsoundcloud.com › elena-veljanovskaListen to Elena Veljanovska | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.
Elena Veljanovska - Monoskop› Elena_Velj...
Videogram Elena Veljanovska -· Hostem bude tentokrát makedonská kurátorka a kulturní manažerka Elena Veljanovska, aktuální rezidentka Agosto Foundation, která přiblíží ...
Elena Veljanovska has passed to better life with SeppukooElena Veljanovska has passed to better life with Seppukoo.
Weart - curatore Elena Veljanovskanumero eventi artistico culturali in WEART di Elena Veljanovska: 1
Elena Veljanovska has passed to better life with Seppukoowww.seppukoo.com › memorialElena Veljanovska. Died on 6th Nov, Elena's last words were: "In life, nothing comes for free... even dying requires living." Commit Seppukoo Do like ...
24 Bilder über :\ auf We Heart It | Sieh dir mehr über quote, sad und...Find and speichere Bilder der Sammlung
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Elena
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch): Elena; die Strahlende; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); helene = die Fackel, der Glanz, die Sonnenstrahlen; in der griechischen Mythology ist Helena die Tochter von Zeus und Leda; ihre Entführung war der Grund für den Trojanischen Krieg; der Name 'Helios' des griechischen Sonnengotts hat dieselben Wurzeln Bedeutung: Sole Quelle: griechische Name des Tages: 18. August Farbe: Gelb Stein: Topas Metall: Gold Und "eine der häufigsten Namen in Italien für die Frauen, wobei der fünfzehnten Platz, auch in der Doppel-Variante Elena Maria. Es ist im Grunde ein Name dank der Verehrung vieler christlichen Heiligen, der bekannteste von denen s war. Elena Römische Kaiserin, Mutter von Konstantin, der im Heiligen Land des wahren Kreuzes Christi entdeckt, die nach Rom, wo s gemeldet wurde. Elena baute die Kirche Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. Aber es ist auch ein Array-Name mythologisches Wesen Elena Tochter des Zeus, die Frau des Menelaos, durch Paris entführt und dazu führen, des Trojanischen Krieges. Der Ruhm des Namens wurde jedoch in der heutigen Zeit dank dem Ansehen der Königin von Italien erneuert Elena von Savoyen, Prinzessin von Montenegro, die Frau von Vittorio Emanuele III. Im Vertrauen auf seine Kraft und sein Urteil, Elena Der Wert müsste sich anderen aufzuzwingen. Ist dies der Fall, weil es zu viel Respekt vor den Freiheiten anderer notwendig und Selbstbestimmung eines jeden hat.
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Elena Veljanovska und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.