192 Infos zu Elina Brotherus
Mehr erfahren über Elina Brotherus
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- Wien
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- Künstlerin
- Photograph
- Helsinki
- Artist
- Finnish
- Finland
- Museum
- Photography
- Brotheruksen
- Exhibition
- Kunst Haus Wien
- Uta Barth
21 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Elina Brotherus on ollut 20 vuotta omien kuviensa malli: ”Oma figuuri...Taiteilijan retrospektiivi avautuu Turun taidemuseossa.
hs.fi: Elina Brotherus Heinolla - Kulttuuri | HS.fiVielä ehtii näkemään kuvat, jotka Elina Brotherus on kuvannut Ranskassa Alvar Aallon suunnittelemassa Maison Louis Carréssa.
Guardian: Artist of the week 104: Elina Brotherus | Skye Sherwin | Art and...Skye Sherwin: A photographer whose impressionistic studies of figures in landscapes are both confessional and mysterious
Elina Brotherus - Wiener Zeitung OnlineDie Ausstellung von Elina Brotherus, "It's Not Me, It's a Photograph", ist noch bis zum 19. August im Kunst Haus Wien (Untere Weißgerberstraße ...
52 Bilder zu Elina Brotherus

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Elina Brotherus - Home | Facebookpinterest.com: Elina Brotherus0 Pins • 0 Followers
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Elina Brotherus | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Elina Brotherus is ranked among the Top 1,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Artists - Museum FolkwangMuseum Folkwang
14 Persönliche Webseiten
12 ans après ( ) — Elina BrotherusIn a European organization that promotes the emergence of young artists ( Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes) selected Elina Brotherus as the ... Missing: allmedica arzneimittel
Annonciation ( ) — Elina BrotherusThis a story of false annunciations, about waiting for an angel who never shows up. First we don’t know if he’s there, because he could just be hiding...
Howl (2015) — Elina Brotherus5'19
Francesca Woodman's Aunts (2012) — Elina BrotherusTwo photographers are working to make a self-portrait with a large-format view camera. They pay homage to Francesca Woodman, who for her age could be their...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Elina BrotherusSelf, Master of Photography
Elina Brotherus | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Elina Brotherus auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Elina Brotherus auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
5 Bücher zum Namen
Decisive Days Valokuvia Photographies Photographs by Elina Brotherus...Decisive Days : Valokuvia = Photographies = Photographs signed by Elina Brotherus and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles...
The New Painting, Elina Brotherus by Elina BrotherusThe New Painting, Elina Brotherus book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers.
Site-writing: The Architecture of Art Criticism - Jane Rendell -...The prominent cultural critic Mieke Bal defines the new discipline of 'art writing' as a fresh mode of criticism, which aims to 'put the art first'. Following...
Susan Bright Art Photography Now - random pickswww.schaden.com › book › brisusart04105Mit Fotografien von AES&F, Doug Aitken, Aleander Apostol, Olivo Barbieri, Tina Barney, Uta Barth, Gabriele Basilico, Koto Bolofo, Elina Brotherus, Jean Marc ...
2 Dokumente
Programm - Kasseler Dokfestdie Einladung, meinen Film „Garten der Lüste – Die Cho- reographin Sasha W finnisch / en. Regie: Lauri Astala, Elina Brotherus, Hanna Brotherus. It Hurts.
The Canon Angier Natalie | Pdf/ePub Library - Homemaps.jozkofarmarik.sk/the-canon-angier-natalie.pdfBergström Elina Brotherus Nobuyoshi Araki leibovitz Coping with Coplans Molly, The Rucksack War U S Army Operational Logistics In Grenada 1983, Oecd Publishing European Conference Of Ministers Of Transport, ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Elina Brotherus - WikidataFinnish photographer and video artist
conference proceedings - Architectural Research Centers Consortiumarcc-arch.org/.../ARCC2010_Howard-AIA-CUA-Maryland%20Conference%20Procee...Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Research global interactions and processes, as the development of world-wide systems of transport and to up to one hundred guns and more logistics heLigh1ne00ofSp/ingA;Elina Brotherus GLondon=TheWappingP/o'ec1; TRRSHpp> S[FTX> ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Elina Brotherus: It’s Not Me, It’s a Photograph – Louisiana ChannelFinnish photographer Elina Brotherus tells the story behind some of the most important photos in her career, in which she uses her own naked body as a material.
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Elina Brotherus - WikipediaElina Brotherus (born 29 April 1972) is a Finnish photographer and video artist specializing in self-portraits and landscapes. Missing: inmediaONE"
Wikipedia: Brotherus - WikipediaBrotherus is a surname used first around by Stephan Sigfridi Brotherus, who was a priest in the town of Vantaa in Finland. Nowadays there ... Many living and deceased members of the family can be found from the Brotherus family database maintained by Robert Johannes Brotherus. Elina Brotherus is a photographer who attended the Helsinki School. Robert Brotherus is an ... 未指定: basf agro
Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Bildende Kunst/Qualitätssicherung Archiv –...Spricht etwas dagegen, alle ausser Elina Brotherus und Ipelee QS intern zu löschen? http://www.basis-wien.at/cgi-bin/browse.pl?t=fipo.tpl&fipoid= (nicht Wenn hier falsch, bitte entsprechend weiterleiten, ggf. auch QS Informatik ...
preses fotogrāfs - English translation – LingueeZimbabwe, condemning the Mugabe regime for its relentless and brutal ... Director of the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Greece; Elina Brotherus % with logistics activities, 6.3% with newspaper and baggage transport on behalf ...
79 Webfunde aus dem Netz
ELINA BROTHERUS | Galerie Wilma TolksdorfELINA BROTHERUS · BERLIN. Nov – Jan PRESS RELEASE ENGLISH. The photographic work of Elina Brotherus, based in France and in ... Es fehlt: CGI Informatik"
Backlight Master Class II -Master Class with Elina Brotherus in Nida,...This Master Class provides three days workshop lead by Elina Brotherus. The participants are encouraged to extend their stay in Nida for the ...
Elina Brotherus - Collectors AgendaDie finnische Künstlerin Elina Brotherus setzt sich in ihren Fotografien und Filmen mit der eigenen Biografie, dem Landschaftsgenre und Kunstgeschichte ... Es fehlt: Hahn Mathmann Getränke GmbH"
ELINA BROTHERUS .::: ARTEXTThe book focuses on the recent work of Elina Brotherus Artist at Work, Artist and ... A written text of the artist and an Discussion between Elina Brotherus and Jan ...
Elina BROTHERUS - Artistes IFCartistes-ifc.com/index.php/en elina-brotherusbiographie. Elina Brotherus, born in Helsinki, Finland, works in photography and video. Her early work dealt with personal yet universal experiences, the ...
ELINA BROTHERUS: Règle du jeu | AROUND JournalA selection of photographs and videos from Elina Brotherus' series Règle du jeu (Rules of the game) is currently being exhibited at Galleria ...
Elina Brotherus - Artist and Model Reflected in a Mirror 1 For Sale...For Sale on 1stdibs - Artist and Model Reflected in a Mirror 1, Archival Pigment Print by Elina Brotherus. Offered by Yancey Richardson Gallery.
Elina Brotherus - Artist's Profile - The Saatchi GalleryElina Brotherus's artworks, biography and articles
Elina Brotherus - Baigneuse, orage montant from The New Painting ...View Baigneuse, orage montant from The New Painting by Elina Brotherus sold at Photographs on 8 November London. Learn more about the piece and ...
Elina Brotherus - Elina Brotherus - Le Mois de la Photo à MontréalBiennale de l'image contemporaine
Elina Brotherus voitti valokuvakilpailun ja valloitti teoksillaan...Elina Brotherus voitti keväällä Carte Blanche PMU -valokuvapalkinnon. Nyt hän pitää parhaillaan ensimmäisenä suomalaisena valokuvataiteilijana
»Photographs tell as much about the observer as they do about their...In the Studio: Elina Brotherus, Helsinki
Elina Brotherus - artist, news & exhibitions - photography-now.comElina Brotherus Personnage dans un paysage (eau), Chromogenic print ... Elina Brotherus Courtesy Martin Asbaek ... Solo exhibitions of Elina Brotherus ...
www.blouinartinfo.com | 502: Bad gatewayElina Brotherus Online. Check Elina Brotherus Biography, Art and Analysis of work Online at Blouinartinfo.com.
Elina Brotherus at the Serlachius Museums - Bernieshoot blogueur...Serlachius Museums has announced today a major contemporary photography exhibition for their season 2018: Playground by Elina Brotherus. Playground focuses on...
Elina Brotherus | ArsfennicaElina Brotherus. Ehdokas Kotisivut. Brotheruksen varhaiset teokset ( ) ovat huolellisesti rakennettuja omakuvia, jotka käsittelevät ihmissuhteen vaikeita hetkiä tai suhteen päättymisestä. Malli on kuvissa usein alasti tai kyynelissä; laukaisimen musta johto muistuttaa, että surullinen tai ahdistunut hahmo on ...
Exhibitions in Vienna‘It’s not me, it’s a photograph’ is the title of the current exhibition of Elina Brotherus, a Finnish photographer, on display in Museum Hundertwasser in...
Elina Brotherus: Aikasarja IV – TitanikElina Brotherus: Aikasarja IV. Työstin viime keväästä lähtien ystäväni Lauran kanssa valokuvasarjaa, joka käsitteli hänen syöpään sairastumistaan ja yleisellä tasolla sairauden kohtaamista ja sen vaikutusta omaan ja läheisten elämään. Kuvat oli tarkoitus koota näyttelyksi yhdessä Lauran maalausten ja tekstien kanssa.
Elina Brotherus | Annonciation 30, Last one in my Line (2012) |...Available for sale from Martin Asbæk Gallery, Elina Brotherus, Annonciation 30, Last one in my Line (2012), Pigment print from digital original. Missing: dm- drogerie markt"
Camara Oscura Galeria de Arte Elina Brotherus | Camara Oscura...Elina Brotherus (Helsinki, Finland, 1972) is one of the most widely acclaimed European female photographers. She works in photography and video. Her early ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Elina
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Elina; die Strahlende; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); helene = die Fackel, der Glanz, die Sonnenstrahlen; in der griechischen Mythology ist Helena die Tochter von Zeus und Leda; ihre Entführung war der Grund für den Trojanischen Krieg; der Name 'Helios' des griechischen Sonnengotts hat dieselben Wurzeln
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Elina Brotherus und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.