29 Infos zu Elmar Pfeffermann
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- Wolfgang Pietsch
- Gisela Hartner
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Top Cited Articles during in astro-phArticles Cited Most Often in SPIRES-HEP Edition
5 Bücher zum Namen
New Cosmic Horizons: Space Astronomy from the V2 to the Hubble Space...New Cosmic Horizons tells the extraordinary story of space-based astronomy since the Second World War. Starting with the launch of the V2 rocket in 1946, this...
Optical Detectors For Astronomy II: State-of-the-Art at the Turn of...th The 4 ESO CCO Workshop, Optical Detectors for Astronomy, was held during September , at its usual location, the headquarters of the European...
The Invisible Sky: Rosat and the Age of X-Ray Astronomy - Bernd...- 7 Astronomy is not confined to the exploration of the
Das Schicksal des Universums: eine Reise vom Anfang zum Ende -...Diese abbildenden Proportionalzähler (PSPC: Position Sensitive Proportional Counter), die das Team um den Kollegen Elmar Pfeffermann entwickelt hatte, ...
3 Dokumente
[astro-ph ] The ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue... Wolfgang Burkert, Konrad Dennerl, Jakob Englhauser, Rainer Gruber, Frank Haberl, Gisela Hartner, Guenther Hasinger, Elmar Pfeffermann, Wolfgang Pietsch ...
eROSITAdanielmarin.naukas.com/files Predehl_MPE.pdfKendziorra, Dieter Lutz, Norbert Meidinger, Mikhail Pavlinsky, Elmar Pfeffermann, Andrea Santangelo, Jürgen Schmitt, Axel. Schwope, Matthias Steinmetz ...
[astro-ph ] Improving XMM-Newton EPIC pn data at low energies:...... Gisela Hartner, Anatoli F. Iyudin, Eckhard Kendziorra, Norbert Meidinger, Elmar Pfeffermann, Wolfgang Pietsch, Lothar Strueder, Vyacheslav ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
LandOfFree - Scientist - Elmar PfeffermannCheck out Elmar Pfeffermann. Rate and share your experience with other people.
14 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Elmar Pfeffermann"Search Results. Results: 1 through 2 of 2 ( secs) You searched for: creator:"Elmar Pfeffermann". [texts], Improving XMM-Newton EPIC pn data at low ...
au:Pfeffermann_E in:astro-ph - SciRate SearchHigh quantum efficiency over a broad spectral range is one of the main properties of the EPIC pn camera on-board XMM-Newton. The quantum efficiency rises ...
2014 Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation - PDF Free DownloadThe x-ray telescope erosita: qualification of the thermal control system, Maria Fürmetz, Peter Predehl, Elmar Pfeffermann, Josef Eder, Lars Tiedemann, ...
Who's Who on the ACE SEPICA Team at UNHCravens, Washington U. St. Louis. Elmar Pfeffermann, MPE. Wolfgang Wiewesiek ...
36-cm2 large monolythic pn-CCD detector for EPIC on XMMSPIE Digital Library Proceedings
List of Contributors - Proportional Counters - Bedford Astronomy ClubMax-Planck-Institut f r extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstra e, Garching, Germany e-mail web mpe.mpg.de Institut f r Astrophysik,
PPT - CMU Richard Griffiths - PI GSFC Robert Petre – Deputy PI Keith...Xavier Barcons – IFC, Spain Lynn Cominsky – Sonoma State U. Patrick Henry – U. Hawaii Abraham Loeb – Harvard U. Takamitsu Miyaji - CMU BALL Steven Jordan...
TECHNICAL PROGRAM. Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Your...... Benjamin Mican, Siegfried Müller, Kirpal Nandra, Elmar Pfeffermann, Christian Rohé, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany), et al.
Who's Who on ACE/SEPICA at UNHSteve Battel, Battel Engineering. Jim Cravens, Washington Univ. St. Louis. Elmar Pfeffermann, MPE. Wolfgang Wiewesiek, TUB. Kay-Uwe Reiche, TUB.
Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray - SPIEAuthor(s): Maria Fürmetz, Peter Predehl, Elmar Pfeffermann, Josef Eder, Lars ... of Leicester (United Kingdom); Joel Bregman, Univ. of Michigan (United States).
au:Dennerl_K in:astro-ph - SciRate Search... Haberl, Gisela Hartner, Anatoli F. Iyudin, Eckhard Kendziorra, Norbert Meidinger, Elmar Pfeffermann, Wolfgang Pietsch, Lothar Strueder, Vyacheslav E. Zavlin.
au:Predehl_P in:astro-ph - SciRate Search... Branduardi-Raymont, Joel Bregman, Laura Brenneman, Murray Brightman, Gisela Hartner, Guenther Hasinger, Elmar Pfeffermann, Wolfgang Pietsch, ...
Meetings of the high-energy astrophysics group at MPEElmar Pfeffermann. Wolfgang Pietsch, Delphine Porquet, Bettina Posselt, Peter PredehlNatalya Prymack ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Elmar
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Elmar; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); adal = edel, vornehm, der Adel, aus vornehmem Geschlecht; mari = berühmt, bekannt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; jüngere Form/Kurzform von 'Adalmar'
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