191 Infos zu Elvan Isikozlu

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten


Ağ3 Eyl · - Elvan Isikozlu, Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC) - María Cárdenas, Research Associate at the Faculty of …

– International Academic Conference “Dirty Peace? The...

Am 19. Oktober veranstaltete das BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion) seine internationale Jahreskonferenz unter dem Titel “‘Dirty Peace?’ The Political Economy of Peacebuilding” in Bonn. BICC Knowledge Note , in englischer Sprache herausgegeben von Elvan Isikozlu und Susanne Heinke, dokumentiert ihre Ergebnisse.

Final conference of the TRAFIG projectTRAFIG

Anila Noor, Global Refugee-Led Network, The Netherlands. Moderator: Elvan Isikozlu, BICC, Germany. Panel 1 | 11:00 – 12:30 CEST. Moving forward: Improving ... Anila Noor, Global Refugee-Led Network, The Netherlands. Moderator: Elvan Isikozlu, BICC, Germany. Panel 1 | 11:00 – 12:30 CEST. Moving forward: Improving ...

Newsletter Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer

— In dieser Practice Note zeigen die Autor*innen Elvan Isikozlu, Katja Mielke und Mudassa M. Javed, welche Schritte die pakistanische — In dieser Practice Note zeigen die Autor*innen Elvan Isikozlu, Katja Mielke und Mudassa M. Javed, welche Schritte die pakistanische ...

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Elvan Isikozlu – Researcher – Bonn International Center for ...de.linkedin.com › elvan-isikozlu

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Elvan Isikozlu auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Elvan Isikozlu aufgelistet.

LinkedIn: Elvan Isikozlu – Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer – BICC...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Elvan Isikozlu auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC ·...

LinkedIn: Elvan Isikozlu - biccpodcastLinkedIn · Elvan Isikozlu6 Reaktionen · vor 8 Monaten

Beitrag von Elvan Isikozlu. Profil für Elvan Isikozlu anzeigen. Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 6 Monate. Diesen ...

LinkedIn: Elvan Isikozlu – Head of Advice and Scientific TransferLinkedIn · Elvan Isikozlu120+ Follower

Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

SALW control training in southern Sudan-Stakeholders ...ReliefWeb

— "Two years after the end of the civil war, security remains the main concern for the population", Elvan Isikozlu, member of the BICC project — "Two years after the end of the civil war, security remains the main concern for the population", Elvan Isikozlu, member of the BICC project ...

TRAFIG Practice Note No. 10: Transnational connectivity ...ReliefWeb

— Authors: Simone Christ, Elvan Isikozlu, Benjamin Etzold. Report details. Primary country. Germany. Other country. World. Source. Transnational — Authors: Simone Christ, Elvan Isikozlu, Benjamin Etzold. Report details. Primary country. Germany. Other country. World. Source. Transnational ...

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies – bicc

Elvan Isikozlu. Senior Management \ Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer. show

BICC About/Staff

Staff Units. Susanne Heinke. Chief Officer Public Relations. + Elvan Isikozlu. Scientific Officer Quality Assurance & Organisational Development. +


AğElvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer. show. Lars Wirkus. Senior Management \ Head of Research Infrastructure and Data. show. Dr Marc von Boemcken. …

2 Persönliche Webseiten

ZEF News Single View

Ağ9 Mar · Elvan Isikozlu, Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC) María Cárdenas, Research Associate at the Faculty of …

Imprint - War and Peacewarpp.info

... Elvan Isikozlu, Marius Kahl, Vera Klöttschen, Christof Kögler, Marc Kösling, Marie Müller, Otfried Nassauer, Monika Obersneider, Gerhard Piper, Jerry Sommer Elvan Isikozlu, Marius Kahl, Vera Klöttschen, Christof Kögler, Marc Kösling, Marie Müller, Otfried Nassauer, Monika Obersneider, Gerhard Piper, Jerry Sommer ...

1 Auszeichnungen

Neue Publikation \ “Dirty Peace?” The Political Economy...Abitur und Studium

— ' The Political Economy of Peacebuilding” in Bonn. BICC Knowledge Note , in englischer Sprache herausgegeben von Elvan Isikozlu und — ' The Political Economy of Peacebuilding” in Bonn. BICC Knowledge Note , in englischer Sprache herausgegeben von Elvan Isikozlu und ...

15 Bücher zum Namen

Results of search for 'ccl=au:"Isikozlu, Elvan"' › ...Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

1. electronic publication. Smart technology in SALW control : Michael Ashkenazi, Elvan Isikozlu and Marc Kösling (eds.) [electronic resource] civilian electronic publication. Smart technology in SALW control : Michael Ashkenazi, Elvan Isikozlu and Marc Kösling (eds.) [electronic resource] civilian ...

Marking and Tracing Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)

— Compiled by: Michael Ashkenazi, Christine Beeck, Elvan Isikozlu Executive Editor: Christine Beeck Concept: TRESA BICC Layout: Svenja Bends ... › books › Jzy...

Fleeing Conflict --: Trajectories of Displaced Persons - Elvan...

On 3 November 2016, BICC hosted its annual International Academic Conference, focussing this year on the pressing global issue of internal displacement and...

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in ...

In Smart Technology in SALW Control: Civilian Protection, the UN-PoA, and Transfer Control (Smartcon), edited by Michael Ashkenazi, Elvan Isikozlu, ...

33 Dokumente

MELDUNG/039: Neue BICC-Publikation - "Zur Typologie ...Schattenblick

— Sie werden auf verschiedene Weisen von Mitgliedern unterschiedlicher bewaffneter Gruppen verübt", unterstreicht Elvan Isikozlu, BICC — Sie werden auf verschiedene Weisen von Mitgliedern unterschiedlicher bewaffneter Gruppen verübt", unterstreicht Elvan Isikozlu, BICC- ...

Pietz Tobias, Remillard Marc - Reforma I Konverzija ...Scribd


Isikozlu, Elvan (Ed.); Heinke, Susanne (Ed.) documentation...

NETWORKS OF ORGANIED VIOLENCE \ ELVAN ISIKOZLU, SUSANNE HEINKE fl Eds. ff SUMMARY On 28 October 2015, BICC hosted its annual international conference entitled “Networks of Organized Violence”. This topic was chosen because of a perceived shift from the primacy of the state to the importance of networks in perpetrating organized violence ...

Isikozlu, Elvan (Ed.); Heinke, Susanne (Ed.) conference SSOAR


5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Nothing is more permanent than the temporaryHAL-SHS

von B Etzold · — Benjamin Etzold, Elvan Isikozlu, Simone Christ, Laura Morosanu, Albert ... Steffens, Elvan Isikozlu , Gizem Gül Güzelant, Heike Webb, Jana ...

Elvan IsikozluHAL-SHS

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8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Crossing the Fence: Challenges of Operationalizing PSSMIssuu

by Elvan Isikozlu, Matthias Krötz, and Claire Trancart [ BICC ]. Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) can be broadly defined as a series of ... by Elvan Isikozlu, Matthias Krötz, and Claire Trancart [ BICC ]. Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) can be broadly defined as a series of ...

Bonn International Center for Conversion - How is Bonn International...

BICC - Bonn International Center for Conversion. Looking for abbreviations of BICC? It is Bonn International Center for Conversion. Bonn International Center...

Elvan Isikozlu - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Formulieren Sie Ihre Suchanfrage genauer. Sie können festlegen, ob einer der Suchbegriffe, eine genaue Wortfolge oder alle Suchbegriffe in den Ergebnissen vorkommen sollen.

The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 21.3Issuu

— ... Elvan Isikozlu, Matthias Krötz, and Claire Trancart (BICC); Lee Moroney (Golden West Humanitarian Foundation), and Robert White (GICHD) — ... Elvan Isikozlu, Matthias Krötz, and Claire Trancart (BICC); Lee Moroney (Golden West Humanitarian Foundation), and Robert White (GICHD).

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

BICC International Conference YouTubeYouTube · biccdotde130+ Aufrufe · vor 11 Monaten

... Elvan Isikozlu (BICC) 57:55 Final Session: Prospects for Peace? Implications for Practitioners and Policymakers 1:28:16 Reflection by the ...

Elvan IsikozluVimeo

Elvan Isikozlu is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Elvan Isikozlu is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Female Faces of Conflict: Women at the Foreground of War ...YouTube · Zentrum für EntwicklungsforschungCa. 60 Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

, Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification - Elvan Isikozlu, Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer ...

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: FFVT on Twitter: "RT @Fluchtforschung: Aktuelle Publikation von ...

Aktuelle Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Benjamin Etzold, Simone Christ und Elvan Isikozlu über "Familie kennt keine Grenzen – Was kann ... › Fluchtforschung › statuses

Twitter-Nachrichten: Elvan IsikozluX

Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Elvan Isikozlu. Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Elvan Isikozlu.

Modul präsentieren - English translation – Linguee

discussion and to present first results of working with the training module on M&TI," Elvan Isikozlu, one of the module's authors, explains. bicc.de. › german-english › modul+pr...

90 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Elvan Isikozlu - Rheinmetall, KMW & Co.

Elvan Isikozlu's Post. View profile for Elvan Isikozlu · Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 1y. Report this post Elvan Isikozlu's Post. View profile for Elvan Isikozlu · Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 1y. Report this post

Elvan Isikozlu - biccpodcast

Elvan Isikozlu's Post. View profile for Elvan Isikozlu · Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 10mo. Report this post; Close menu. Elvan Isikozlu's Post. View profile for Elvan Isikozlu · Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 10mo. Report this post; Close menu.

Elvan Isikozlu on LinkedIn: Pressereferent (m/w/d)linkedin.com

More Relevant Posts. View profile for Elvan Isikozlu. Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer at BICC. 7mo. Report this post

Fernando Rodriguez Terron's Postlinkedin.com

I'm very excited for my wife Elvan Isikozlu to participate in this important discussion. The webinar is open to anyone who is interested.

Elvan Isikozlu | Bonn International Center for Conversionomicsonline.org

Elvan Isikozlu. Researcher Political Science Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany. Biography. Elvan graduated from one of Canada's most innovative ... Elvan Isikozlu. Researcher Political Science Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany. Biography. Elvan graduated from one of Canada's most innovative ...

Elvan Isikozlu's research worksResearchGate

Elvan Isikozlu's 3 research works with 2 citations and 459 reads, including: Nothing is more permanent than the temporary. Elvan Isikozlu's 3 research works with 2 citations and 459 reads, including: Nothing is more permanent than the temporary.

Suchergebnisliste im Detail :59:32Lobbyregister beim Deutschen Bundestag

vor 3 Tagen — Elvan Isikozlu. Maarit Thiem. Dr. Claudia Breitung. Milena Berks. Mitgliedschaften (1):. Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft. Beschreibung der ...

Elvan Isikozlu (eisikozlu) - ProfilePinterest - Deutschland

See what Elvan Isikozlu (eisikozlu) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Panos Hatziprokopiou, Elvan Isikozlu, Eva Papatzani ...Internet Archive Scholar

Oltre il 'paradosso della mobilità': lezioni dall'Europa del Sud. Panos Hatziprokopiou, Elvan Isikozlu, Eva Papatzani, Ferruccio Pastore, Yassin Dia Oltre il 'paradosso della mobilità': lezioni dall'Europa del Sud. Panos Hatziprokopiou, Elvan Isikozlu, Eva Papatzani, Ferruccio Pastore, Yassin Dia

BICC  Publications/By category

BICC - Bonn International Centre for Conversion

Demütigung als Waffe? Warum Soldaten im Krieg Frauen …

Ağ20 Nis · In einer Forschungsarbeit, die von der Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden herausgegeben wurde, hat die Politikwissenschaftlerin Elvan Isikozlu eine …

BICC: Networks of Organised Violence | Bonn Sustainability Portal

BICC Knowledge Note , edited by Elvan Isikozlu and Susanne Heinke, BICC, documents the conference proceedings. The topic of the conference was chosen because of a perceived shift from the primacy of the state to the importance of networks in perpetrating organised violence. Its aim was to view networks of organized violence from different ...

BICC: New Publication: “Facing Organised Violence” | Bonn...

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the BICC hosted an international academic conference on “Facing Organised Violence: Research Agendas and Conversion Potentials”. BICC Knowledge Note , edited by Elvan Isikozlu and Susanne Heinke, documents the …

Amnesty and Collection CapacityGunPolicy.org

Pietz, Tobias, Rebekka Edelmann and Elvan Isikozlu 'Amnesty and Collection Capacity.' SALW Survey of Croatia; Section 5.12, p Belgrade: South ... Pietz, Tobias, Rebekka Edelmann and Elvan Isikozlu 'Amnesty and Collection Capacity.' SALW Survey of Croatia; Section 5.12, p Belgrade: South ...

BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) Email ...RocketReach

Lars Wirkus · Conrad Schetter · Oyewole Oginni · Saskia Boniello · Osman Dinçer · Lamis Saleh · Susanne Heinke · Elvan Isikozlu. Lars Wirkus · Conrad Schetter · Oyewole Oginni · Saskia Boniello · Osman Dinçer · Lamis Saleh · Susanne Heinke · Elvan Isikozlu.

BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)Clodura

... Conflict Studies). Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and... ******** Lars Wirkus. Head of Research Infrastructure... ******** Conflict Studies). Elvan Isikozlu. Head of Advice and... ******** Lars Wirkus. Head of Research Infrastructure... ********

Publications – BICC

Ağ@misc{AshkenaziIsikozluPaesStoneKatz, author = "Michael Ashkenazi and Elvan Isikozlu and Wolf-Christian Paes and Lydia Stone and Avi Katz", title = "BICC comic book: The …

Crossing the Fence: Challenges of Operationalizing PSSM (pdf) |...

Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place

BICC - Deutsch Übersetzung - Englisch Beispiele | Reverso Context

BICC Knowledge Note , edited by Elvan Isikozlu and Susanne Heinke documents the conference proceedings. BICC Knowledge Note , in englischer ... › übersetzung › BICC


Elvan Isikozlu, Ananda S. Millard. Publisher/s: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). Published: in Bonn, Germany. ULC: UNEVOC Library ... Elvan Isikozlu, Ananda S. Millard. Publisher/s: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). Published: in Bonn, Germany. ULC: UNEVOC Library ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Elvan

Weiblicher Vorname (Türkisch): Elvan; bunt;; elvan = bunt

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