53 Infos zu Emanuel Hupf
Mehr erfahren über Emanuel Hupf
Lebt in
- Bremen
Infos zu
- Enno Lork
- Jens Beckmann
- Michael
- Stefan Mebs
- Truong Giang
- Simon Grabowsky
- Andreas Nordheider
- Dylan Jayatilaka
- Eric Rivard
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Prof. Dr. Th. M. Gesing - Lehre aktuell16.o Dr. Maxie Hesse / Emanuel Hupf (AG Grabowsky). Relativistic effects in the crystal electron density. Crystallographic Seminar winter term
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Mitarbeiter*innenverzeichnis - Universität BremenDr. Emanuel Hupf. KontaktContact. Fachbereich 02: Biologie/Chemie ( FB 02 )Faculty 02: Biology/Chemistry ( FB 02 ) Mitarbeiter*in, Lehrveranstalter*in.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dr. Emanuel Hupf - Universität Bremenwww.uni-bremen.de › beckmann › mitarbeiter › dr-...Dr. Emanuel Hupf. Universität Bremen. Fachbereich 2: Biologie/Chemie. Institut für Anorganische Chemie und Kristallographie. Universitätslektor.
5 Bücher zum Namen
Search Results for RSC PublishingJulian Brünig, Emanuel Hupf, Enno Lork, Stefan Mebs and Jens Beckmann. Base hydrolysis of an intramolecularly coordinated arylantimony tetrachloride is the ...
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
21st Century Challenges in Chemical Crystallography II: Structural...This volume summarises recent developments and highlights new techniques which will define possible future directions for small molecule X-ray crystallography....
Peri-substituted Diphenylphosphinonaphthalenes and -acenaphthenes -...Title, Peri-substituted Diphenylphosphinonaphthalenes and -acenaphthenes. Author, Emanuel Hupf. Published, Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...
3 Dokumente
Aurophilicity and Photoluminescence of...Do, Truong Giang, Emanuel Hupf, Enno Lork, Julius F. Kögel, Fabian Mohr, Alex Brown, Ryojun Toyoda, Ryota Sakamoto, Hiroshi Nishihara, ...
Peri-substituted phosphorus-tellurium systems-an experimental and...... Buhl, Sharon E Ashbrook, Emanuel Hupf, Victor Knight, Lilianna Chęcińska, Francisca Knight, Paula Sanz, J. Woollins, Paul Beckmann.
Synthesis of 7,7,14,14-tetrachlorodinaphtho(1,8 bc :1′,8′- fg...Jens Beckmann* , Emanuel Hupf and Enno Lork. Synthesis of 7,7,14,14-tetrachlorodinaphtho[1,8. bc :1. ′′ ,8 ′′ - fg ][1,5]distannocine. Molecular structure.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Emanuel HupfDr. Emanuel Hupf, Department of Chemistry, Saskatchewan Drive, Edmonton AB T6G 2G2, Kanada.
Publikationen AG Langer... Sinas Furan, Matthias Vogt, Konrad Winkels, Enno Lork, Stefan Mebs, Emanuel Hupf, Jens Beckmann; Organometallics 2021, 20, 9, 1284–1295.
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Peri-substituted phosphorus-tellurium systems – an experimental and...By Andreas Nordheider, Emanuel Hupf, Brian Alexander Chalmers, Fergus Ross Knight, Michael Buehl, Stefan Mebs, Liliana Chęcińska, Enno Lork, Paula Sanz ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
+++Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie - Форум химиковJens Beckmann,*, Truong Giang Do, Simon Grabowsky, Emanuel Hupf, Enno Lork, Stefan Mebs, Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine ...
38 Webfunde aus dem Netz
AG KnappEmanuel Hupf , 10:00 AG Sänger TBA Mayumi Kamada , 10:00 Container Big Room Electron and proton coupling …
(IUCr) Probing the accuracy and precision of Hirshfeld atom...... Noether grant No. GR to Simon Grabowsky; scholarship No. HU to Emanuel Hupf); Danmarks Grundforskningsfond (grant No. DNRF93).
Molecules | Free Full-Text |...Bis(6-Diphenylphosphinoacenaphth-5-yl)Telluride as a Ligand toward Manganese and Rhenium Carbonyls. by. Truong Giang Do. ,. Emanuel Hupf.
Aurophilicity and Photoluminescence of (6 ...tus.elsevierpure.com › publicationsTruong Giang Do, Emanuel Hupf, Enno Lork, Julius F. Kögel, Fabian Mohr, Alex Brown, Ryojun Toyoda, Ryota Sakamoto, Hiroshi Nishihara, Stefan Mebs, Jens ...
Bis(6-diphenylphosphinoacenaphth-5-yl)telluride as a ligand toward...Bis(6-diphenylphosphinoacenaphth-5-yl)telluride as a ligand toward coinage metal chlorides†. Check for updates. Truong Giang Do,a Emanuel Hupf, ORCID logo ...
DataCite SearchTruong Giang Do, Emanuel Hupf, Enno Lork, Julius Koegel, Fabian Mohr, Alex Brown, Ryojun Toyoda, Ryota Sakamoto, Hiroshi Nishihara, Stefan Mebs & Jens ...
CPP 37: Poster Session III - DPG-Verhandlungenwww.dpg-verhandlungen.de › part... Photovoltaics — •Raphael Märkl, Nuri Hohn, Emanuel Hupf, Gaetano Mangiapia, Matthias Pomm, Eric Rivard, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum.
Proximity enforced oxidative addition of a strong unpolar σ-Si–Si...Proximity enforced oxidative addition of a strong unpolar σ-Si–Si bond at rhodium(i)†. Sebastian Holsten,aEmanuel Hupf, ORCID logo ab Enno Lork,a Stefan ...
Electronic fluxes during large amplitude vibrations of single, double...We present a time-dependent quantum mechanical analysis of electronic fluxes during large amplitude vibrations of ethane, ethene and ethyne in the electronic...
Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: from Small to Large, from...Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: from Small to Large, from Light to Heavy
Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: From PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...... Meyer , Manuel F Ruiz-López , Rumpa Pal , Emanuel Hupf , Jens Beckmann , Ross O Piltz , Alison J Edwards , Simon Grabowsky , Alessandro Genoni ...
Highly Fluorescent Benzophosphole Oxide Block-Copolymer Micellesposted on , 12:04 by Sarah M. Parke Susumu Tanaka Haoyang Yu Emanuel Hupf Michael J. Ferguson Yuqiao Zhou Kensuke Naka Eric Rivard.
Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: from Small to Large, from...... Meyer 2 Manuel Ruiz-Lopez 2 Rumpa Pal 1Emanuel Hupf 1 Jens Beckmann 1 Ross Piltz 3 Alison Edwards 3 Simon Grabowsky 1 Alessandro Genoni 2
Intramolecularly Group 15 Stabilized Aryltellurenyl Halides and...Emanuel Hupf. AN. Andreas Nordheider. EL. Enno Lork. AS. Alexandra M. Z. Slawin. SM. Sergey G. Makarov. SK. Sergey Yu. Ketkov.
Linking Low-Coordinate Ge(II) Centers via Bridging Anionic...posted on , 08:39 by Emanuel Hupf Felix Kaiser Paul A. Lummis Matthew M. D. Roy Robert McDonald Michael J. Ferguson Fritz E. Kühn Eric Rivard.
Linking Low-Coordinate Ge(II) Centers via Bridging Anionic...Authors. Emanuel Hupf , Felix Kaiser , Paul A Lummis , Matthew M D Roy , Robert McDonald , Michael J Ferguson , Fritz E Kühn , Eric Rivard ...
DataCite CommonsRelated Article: Sinas Furan, Enno Lork, Stefan Mebs, Emanuel Hupf, Jens Beckmann|2020|Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.|646|856|doi: zaac
Intramolecularly group 15 stabilized aryltellurenyl halides and...Truong Giang Do, Emanuel Hupf, Andreas Nordheider, Enno Lork, Alexandra Martha Zoya Slawin, Sergey G. Makarov, Sergey Yu. Ketkov, Stefan Mebs, J Derek ...
OUCIOpen Ukrainian Citation Index - Відкритий український індекс наукового цитування
Probing the accuracy and precision of Hirshfeld atom refinement ...pure.au.dk › portal › persons › publications › exportauthor = "Malte Fugel and Dylan Jayatilaka and Emanuel Hupf and Jacob Overgaard and Hathwar, {Venkatesha R.} and Piero Macchi and Turner, {Michael J.} and ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Emanuel
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Emanuel; Gott sei mit uns; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); im = mit; el = der Mächtige, Gott; 'Manuel' ist die spanische Form von 'Emanuel', einer Nebenform von 'Immanuel'; im Alten Testament ist 'Immanuel' der durch den Propheten Jesaja vorhergesagte Name des kommenden Messias
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Andreas Nordheider
- Alex Brown
- Stefan Mebs
- Fabian Mohr
- Enno Lork
- Malte Fugel
- Felix Kaiser
- Jens Beckmann
- Matthias Vogt
- Florian Kleemiss
Personensuche zu Emanuel Hupf & mehr
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