32 Infos zu Emre Sekerli
Mehr erfahren über Emre Sekerli
Infos zu
- Yunus
- Muharrem Keskin
- Guclu
- Kelebek
- Yurtsever Soysal
- Agriculture
- Keser
- Serkan Selli
- Comparative
- Gamze
- Hatay
- Mustafa
- University
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Emre Şekerli | Facebookwww.facebook.com › emre.sekerliTwitter Profil: Emre Sekerli (Emreskrli)Emre Sekerli - Hamburg (Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium)www.stayfriends.de › Personen › Hamburg › Emre-Sekerli-P-PNRZO-PEmre Sekerli ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium.
1 Business-Profile
Yunus Emre Sekerli - Biosystems Engineering - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › profile › Yunus-SekerliYunus Emre Sekerli. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University · Biosystems Engineering. Doctor of ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Effect of different drying technologies on drying characteristics and ...journals.scholarsportal.info › detailsAuthors. Muharrem Keskin · ORCID ID · Yurtsever Soysal · ORCID ID · Nafiz Celiktas · ORCID ID · Yunus Emre Sekerli · ORCID ID ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
International Advanced Researches & Engineering CongressGör. Yunus Emre Şekerli'ye, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Kazim Gündüz ve yüksek lisans öğrencisi Hakan Özbay'a teşekkür ederiz. Kaynaklar ...
5 Dokumente
Feasibility of a chromameter and chemometric techniques to ...ifst.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › jfpp· Yunus Emre Sekerli,. Yunus Emre Sekerli. orcid.org Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, ...
List of Accepted Abstracts for. 27th International Scientific-Expert...Muharrem Keskin, Yunus Emre Sekerli, Analysis of Farm Machinery Accidents in Hatay Province of Turkey from Aysel Arslan to Murat Kalender, ...
Literature review synthesis on predictors of Green IoT irrigation ...dl.acm.org › doi· Say, Keskin, Sehri, and Emre Sekerli, 2018, Adoption Of Precision Agriculture Technologies In Developed And Developing Countries, ...
20 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Yunus Emre Sekerli - Google Scholarscholar.google.com.sg › citationsHassas Tarim Teknolojileri Ile Saglanabilecek Faydalar. AA Muharrem Keskin, Yunus Emre Sekerli, Sait M Say. Tarım Türk Dergisi 30 (3)
Dr. Muharrem KeskinDoç. Dr. Muharrem Keskin - Dr. Muharrem Keskin - Muharrem Keskin - Mustafa Kemal University - Antakya, Hatay, Turkiye
Agriculture | Free Full-Text | Phenolics and Antioxidant Activity of...[Google Scholar] [CrossRef]; Guclu, G.; Keser, D.; Kelebek, H.; Keskin, M.; Emre Sekerli, Y.; Soysal, Y.; Selli, S. Impact of production and drying methods on the ...
(PDF) Characterization of aroma and phenolic composition of carrot ...www.academia.edu › Characterization_of_aroma_an...... Yunus Emre Sekerli c , Aysel Arslan c , Serkan Selli a,∗ a Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova UniversityAdana, ...
90www.ensolbio.co.kr › ...Guclu G, Keser D, Kelebek H, Keskin M, Emre Sekerli Y, Soysal Y, Selli S Food Chem Feb 15;338: doi: j.foodchem Epub
Comparative elucidation of colour, volatile and phenolic profiles ofwww.researcher-app.com › paperMuharrem Keskin, Gamze Guclu, Yunus Emre Sekerli, Yurtsever Soysal, Serkan Selli, Hasim Kelebek. Unbookmark paper Bookmark paper.
Gultas HT - AD Scientific Index 2023www.adscientificindex.com › scientist › gultas-htYunus Emre Sekerli. Hatay Mustafa Kemal Unive... # , # Publications Citations. Yunus Emre Sekerli Picture ...
Influence of Leaf Water Content on the Prediction of Nutrient Stress ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Influence-of-Le...... Prediction of Nutrient Stress in Strawberry Leaves using Chromameter}, author={Muharrem Keskin and Yunus Emre Sekerli and Kazim Gunduz}, year={2018} }.
Jubiläum bei „Jugend forscht“ - Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasiumwww.matthias-claudius-gymnasium.de › es-geht-wieder-los-jubilaeum-bei-j...mit diesem Thema setzten sich Can Er und Emre Sekerli (10a) auseinander und gewannen ebenfalls den 2. Preis beim Wettbewerb „Jugend forscht“ im Fachgebiet ...
Ohne Titelmxrz-fntm.againso.sbsMuharrem Keskin, Yunus Emre Sekerli. Learn more about studying at Cukurova University including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and ...
Ohne Titelwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayBy following authors. Mustafa Akkamis. Muharrem Keskin. Yunus Emre Sekerli. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...
Comparative Appraisal of Three Low-Cost GPS Speed Sensors with ...search.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdf· Muharrem Keskin 2,* and Yunus Emre Sekerli 2. Citation: Akkamis, M.; Keskin, M.;. Sekerli, Y.E. Comparative Appraisal.
Impact of production and drying methods on the volatile PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...· Authors. Gamze Guclu , Duygu Keser , Hasim Kelebek , Muharrem Keskin , Yunus Emre Sekerli , Yurtsever Soysal , Serkan Selli ...
Influence of Leaf Water Content on the Prediction of Nutrient Stress...... Leaves using Chromameter Muharrem Keskin 1*, Yunus Emre Sekerli 1 and Kazim Gunduz 2 1 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, ...
Testing of Three Sensor Systems to Predict Water and Nutrient ...www.x-mol.com › paper· Yunus Emre Sekerli , Muharrem Keskin , Yurtsever Soysal. Abstract Natural turfgrass sport fields have some advantages as compared to the ...
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Männlicher Vorname (Türkisch): Emre;; emre = der Freund
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