94 Infos zu Endric Schubert

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22 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: Autoren in iX | Heise Magazine

Endric Schubert. Wissen. Aufgespannt. PCIe über TCP/IP. Martin Alfke. Praxis. Puppenspieler. Modulentwicklung mit Puppet, Teil 1: Grundlagen und Bedienung ...

Heise.de: PCIe über TCP/IP | iX | Heise Magazinewww.heise.de › select

Andreas Braun, Endric Schubert. Der Einzug von FPGAs, also programmierbarer Schaltkreise, in die Rechenzentren eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zum Bau ...

Cadence Announces Production Release of Virtual Platform for Xilinx...

Cadence Virtual System Platform Used by Missing Link Electronics to Dramatically Reduce Time-to-Market for Automotive Infotainment and Medical Systems ...

Team | Universität Tübingenwww.ti.uni-tuebingen.de › team

Dr. Endric Schubert · Dr. Eva Schubert · Dr. Thomas Schweizer · Jürgen Sommer · Dr. Heike Speckmann · Dr. Martin Spüler · Dr. Suguna Subramanian.

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Endric Schubert aus Altenholz

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

2 Hobbys & Interessen

PRO DESIGN Announces Collaboration with Missing Link Electronics to...

... partner to collaborate with on next-generation HPC and datacenter acceleration,” says Endric Schubert, Co-Founder and CTO of MLE. Missing: Stamouli ‎AE"

Nils Endric Schubert - Patents

Sorry, we were not able to pull up patent applications associated with Nils Endric Schubert. It's possible that Nils Endric Schubert's patent was not ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

[netfpga-beta] [Fwd: [fpl-list] FPL final call for papers (Deadline...

Novotny, Masaryk University Endric Schubert, ESIC Solution ...

8 Bücher zum Namen

Laufzeitoptimierung und Technologieabbildung in der Logiksynthese unter Verwendung von Mehrbereichsdarstellungen boolescher Funktionen

von Endric Schubert, Shaker VerlagTaschenbuch

Applied Formal Methods - FM-Trends 98: International Workshop on...

[KSR92] Udo Kebschull, Endric Schubert, and Wolfgang Rosenstiel. Multilevel logic synthesis based on functional decision diagrams. In Proc. European Design  ...

New Trends and Technologies in Computer-Aided Learning for...

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Dr. Endric Schubert and Thomas Kumpffor helpful advice and suggestions. This work is being supported ...

Representations of Discrete Functions - Google Books

... Jeffrey Nowlin Hiroyuki Ochi V. V. Bapeswara Rao Kewal Saluja Endric Schubert Radomir S. Stanković Yasuhiko Takenaga Anh Tran Bapriaju Vinnakota Ingo ...

2 Dokumente


DESIGN CHOICES FOR EMBEDDED REAL-TIME CONTROL SYSTEMS @ 4th FPGA Camp. Endric Schubert, Missing Link Electronics Glenn Steiner, Xilinx Visit http://www.fpgacen…

Einsatz von SystemC im Systementwurf

Endric Schubert ( _01) What is a "System" ... Endric Schubert ( _01) Open Source Library managed by. Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Schubert - Universität Ulm

· Endric Schubert is a senior technologist with over 20 years experience in EDA and semiconductor markets. He is the Co-founder and CTO of ...

dblp: Endric Schubert

List of computer science publications by Endric Schubert

Goethe-Universität —

Endric Schubert, Felix Eckstein, Joachim Foerster, Lorenz Kolb, Udo Kebschull: ... Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Hauspostfach 23 Senckenberganlage 31

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Structured Formal Verification of a Fragment of the IBM S/390 Clock...

We present a simple and powerful method for formal verification of hardware that exploits hardware symmetries. We il…rate the method at an industrial...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Semiconductor-IP directory for FPGAs indexes over 17,000 IP blocks...

Today, I came across a very interesting story, which stated that Parallel Engines has launched the world’s largest semiconductor-IP directory for FPGAs....

vhdl, XNF to VHDL converter?computer-programming-forum.com › ...

Endric Schubert Universitaet Tuebingen Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik Sand Tuebingen, Germany Telefon: +

50 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Endric Schubert | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Endric Schubert auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Endric Schubert hat 2 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Endric Schubert und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.

Endric Schubert | LinkedIn

largest business network, helping professionals like Endric Schubert discover ...

Endric Schubert - Chief Technology Officer, Director LinkedIn

上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Endric Schubert的职业档案。Endric的职业档案列出了2 个职位。查看Endric的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。

WO A3 - Hardware debugging in a hardware description...

Inventores, John Mark Beardslee, Douglas L Perry, Nils Endric Schubert. Requerente, John Mark Beardslee, Bridges2Silicon Inc, Douglas L Perry, Nils Endric ...

Algoblu Announces Network Element Virtualization Platformmoney.yahoo.com › algoblu-announces-network-el...

· The chip is key to Algoblu's NEV architecture with an FPGA-based SMartNIC, all developed in an elegant way," says Dr. Endric Schubert, CTO ...

Heterogeneous Multi-Processing for SW- Defined Multi-Tiered Storage...

1 Heterogeneous Multi-Processing for SW- Defined Multi-Tiered Storage Architectures Endric Schubert (MLE) Ulrich Langenbach (MLE) Michaela Blott (Xilinx ...

PRO DESIGN Announces Collaboration with Missing Link Electronics ...

... dependable partner to collaborate with on next-generation HPC and datacenter acceleration,” says Endric Schubert, Co-Founder and CTO of ...

Hybride Apps DPR und Android auf dem Xilinx ZYNQ. Endric Schubert,...

Hybride Apps DPR und Android auf dem Xilinx ZYNQ Endric Schubert, Missing Link Electronics Fabian Zentner, Univ. Ulm Konvergenz der Rechenplattformen ...

Endric Schubert

CONTROL 2014: UKACC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL (CONTROL 2014). International Program CommitteePROGRAM. Endric Schubert ...

2014 Proceedings - Flash Memory Summit

Flash Memory Summit Speaker presentations

Missing Link Electronics GmbH - Bayern International

Herr Endric Schubert - Geschäftsführung Große Kartenansicht. Ihr Newsletter rund um die Exportförderung – Abmeldung jederzeit möglich. Key ...

Look Ma, No Motherboard!

How one design team put a full single-board computer with SATA into a Xilinx FPGA. The joint solution would not have been possible without short turnaround...

Heterogeneous Architectures for Implementation of High-Capacity...

Heterogeneous Architectures for Implementation of High-Capacity Hyper-Converged Storage Devices Endric Schubert (MLE), Michaela Blott (Xilinx Research) ...

Convertitori Delta-Sigma per l'uscita audio in un FPGA per ...elettronica-plus.it › convertitori-delta-sigma-per-lusc...

Endric Schubert, Johannes Röttig, Missing Link Electronics - Axel Zimmermann, Altera. Iscriviti alle newsletter » · convertitoriFpga · Condividi su Facebook ...

Management Team - Missing Link Electronicswww.missinglinkelectronics.com › menu-company

Endric Schubert, PhD. Co-Founder & CTO. Dr. Endric Schubert is an experienced technologist and entrepreneur in the field of electronic and semiconductor ...

Sydex.net: People Search | Kacey Jones, Premu Griffin, Derek...

People search: find Photos, Location, Education, Job!

Regelung und Datenerfassung basierend auf LabVIEW FPGA - PDF ...docplayer.org › Regelung-und-datenerfassung-basierend-auf-lab...

... on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/heiko-schwindt "The challenge ... Hybride Apps DPR und Android auf dem Xilinx ZYNQ Endric Schubert, ...

Scaling Convolutional Neural Networks on Reconfigurable Logic...

... Architectures Endric Schubert (MLE) Ulrich Langenbach (MLE) Michaela Blott ... Trillion Messages Per Day On LinkedIn 500M Daily active users of iflytek

University of Tübingen ( ) - Alumni USalumnius.net › university_of_tbinge year

... sequencing, Cell Biology, Data Analysis, Sequencing, Genomics, Biochemistry​, Cell Culture, High Performance... Show more. Endric Schubert Alumnus Photo ...

25G/50G Low-Latency Ethernet MAC, Optimized for Xilinx Ultrascale+...

“With Xilinx Ultrascale+ transceivers reaching up to Gbps, 100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity becomes a reality. This is reflected by the fact that Xilinx...

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Schubert

Schubert bedeutet soviel wie Schuhglanz. Meine Vorfahren stammen aus Wernesgrün im Vogtland, die Familie hat, um ihr karges Einkommen aufzubessern, sog. Rußbutten hergestellt, Abfallfett mit Ruß vermischt, was dann zum Schuhe putzen verkauft, verwendet wurde. Die Silbe "bert" bedeutet Glanz, Herbert z.B. Edler Glanz.

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