239 Infos zu Enrico Rukzio
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19 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Winter School – ERC AMPLIFYUser-centered design processes and how they change with AI (Enrico Rukzio) Ideation methods and hands-on. Funding start-ups: Pitches of the future. Experiences with start-ups: Saturday …
Enrico Rukzio | Interactive Media Lab DresdenInteractive Media Lab Dresden› news › iml_persons › enrico-rukzio
Prof. Dr. rer. nat Enrico Rukzio - Pressemitteilung der ...www.uni-due.de › Ressort Presse › PressemitteilungenEnrico Rukzio eine Juniorprofessur für Mobile Mensch-Computer-Interaktion mit Software Services angetreten. Der 33-Jährige verstärkt damit die ...
Duisburg: Juniorprofessur für Handy & Co.An der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE) hat Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Enrico Rukzio eine Juniorprofessur ...
12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Enrico Rukzio aus Falkenstein/Vogtl.StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Prof. Enrico Rukzio (University of Ulm) Center for Internet ...LinkedIn: Enrico Rukzio – Geschäftsführer – Institut für Medienforschung ...de.linkedin.com › enrico-rukzio-7368ab27Enrico Rukzio. Professor at Ulm University. Institut für Medienforschung und Medienentwicklung gGmbHLudwig-Maximilians Universität München. Ulm und ...
LinkedIn: Enrico Rukzio – Geschäftsführer – Institut für Medienforschung und ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Enrico Rukzio auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 6 Jobs sind im Profil von Enrico Rukzio aufgelistet.
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio, MI, UUlm - Universität UlmEnrico Rukzio is a Full Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, the head of the Human-Computer-Interaction group, and director of the Institute for Media Research and Media Development at Ulm University.
Enrico RukzioLancaster University› pages
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Enrico Rukzio - YouTubeYouTube› about
Contact - MUM2012MUM 2022Please contact us via contact [at] mum2012 [dot] org if you have any questions regarding the conference. Mail address. Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio › cont...
2 Auszeichnungen
Das SenseEmotion-Team mit Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André, PD...Das SenseEmotion-Team mit Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André, PD Dr. Jonghwa Kim, Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann, Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio, Dr. Friedhelm Schwenker (5. › Bilder › Das-SenseE...
Die Doktoranden Florian Geiselhart und Michael Rietzler promovieren...Die Doktoranden Florian Geiselhart und Michael Rietzler promovieren an der Universität Ulm bei Professor Enrico Rukzio. » melden. Artikel. Uni Ulm auf der ...
35 Bücher zum Namen
Enrico Rukzio | Papers With CodePapers by Enrico Rukzio with links to code and results.
“Enrico Rukzio” | AR Lab› authors › enrico...
“Enrico Rukzio” | XRL - Extended Reality LabExtended Reality Lab› authors › enri...
Companion Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology...Future technical systems will be companion systems, competent assistants that provide their functionality in a completely individualized way, adapting to a...
9 Dokumente
Tutorial: Development of Interactive Applications for Mobile …Enrico Rukzio .de Java on mobile devices: History [1,4,9] 2002: Second version of Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP 2.0) April 2004: 250 Million mobile phones …
A Dataset and Ablation Study for Thermal Comfort Prediction ...von M Colley · — Authors:Mark Colley, Sebastian Hartwig, Albin Zeqiri, Timo Ropinski, Enrico Rukzio · Download PDF. Abstract: State recognition in well-known ... › cs
Download | HCI Games Grouphcigames.com › download › jumpvrDennis Wolf, Katja Rogers, Christoph Kunder, and Enrico Rukzio JumpVR : Jump-Based Locomotion Augmentation for Virtual Reality. . (Visited 9,
A Design Space for Human Sensor and Actuator Focused In ...arXivvon P Jansen · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... and Actuator Focused In-Vehicle Interaction Based on a Systematic Literature Review. Authors:Pascal Jansen, Mark Colley, Enrico Rukzio. › cs
31 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Forschungsgruppe Enrico Rukzio - Universität Ulm4 dic · Sie wird von Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio geleitet. Wir entwickeln interaktive Systeme, die es Nutzern ermöglichen, effektiver, effizienter und zufriedener zu leben und zu arbeiten. …
Unveiling the Lack of Scalability in Research on External …Enrico Rukzio Institute of Media Informatics Ulm University, Germany Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom …
Professor Dr. Enrico Rukzio - DFG - GEPRISDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft› gepris › person
dblp: Enrico RukzioList of computer science publications by Enrico Rukzio
10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Enrico Rukzio - OpenresearchRetrieved from "https://www.openresearch.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Enrico_Rukzio&oldid=3105"
Pervasive Displays : the 9th ACM International ...WorldCatAuthors: International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Sarah Clinch (Editor), Jan Gugenheimer (Editor), Enrico Rukzio (Editor), ACM SIGMOBILE, ... › oclc
Ohne Titel› wiki › Enrico_Rukzio
Adding Vibrotactile Feedback to Large Interactive Surfaces |...Interactive surfaces and multi-touch tables are increasingly available outside academic contexts, and are entering, for instance, work or educational contexts....
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Position papers – Designing for Digital WellbeingDigital Wellbeing in the Context of Decision Support Systems Sarah Aragon Bartsch Involving the Users in Designing Systems for Wellbeing Oshrat Ayalon and...
111 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jan Gugenheimer ResearchEvgeny Stemasov, Tobias Wagner, Gugenheimer, Jan, and Enrico Rukzio Mixmatch: Towards omitting modelling through in-situ alteration and remixing of model repository artifacts in mixed reality.. In Proceedings of the CHI …
Jan Henry BelzMUM 2023: Jan Ole Rixen, Jan Henry Belz, Luca-Maxim Meinhardt, Jan Gugenheimer, Enrico Rukzio
Piano: Faster piano learning with interactive projectionMatthias Weing, Amrei Röhlig, Katja Rogers, Jan Gugenheimer, Florian Schaub, Bastian Könings, Enrico Rukzio, and Michael Weber P.I.A.N.O.: enhancing instrument learning via …
Teresa HirzleTeresa Hirzle, Jan Gugenheimer, Florian Geiselhart, Andreas Bulling, and Enrico Rukzio. Towards a Symbiotic Human-Machine Depth Sensor: Exploring 3D Gaze for Object …
Toward Extensions of the Self: Near-body Interactions for …Enrico Rukzio is an associate professor of media informatics and head of the human-computer-interaction group at Ulm University. He is interested in designing intelligent interactive systems …
UbiBeam: An Interactive Projector-Camera System for …Jan Gugenheimer, Pascal Knierim, Julian Seifert, and Enrico Rukzio UbiBeam: An Interactive Projector-Camera System for Domestic Deployment. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive …
Understanding, Addressing, and Analysing Digital Eye Strain in …Teresa Hirzle, Fabian Fischbach, Julian Karlbauer, Pascal Jansen, Jan Gugenheimer, Enrico Rukzio, Andreas Bulling ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 29(4), …
‘Eco Is Just Marketing’: Unraveling Everyday Barriers to the KITENRICO RUKZIO, Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University, Germany Energy-saving features (ESFs) represent a simple way to reduce the resource consumption of home …
Enrico Rukzio's Post - germanprechi #chi LinkedIn› posts
Enrico Rukzio - Google ScholarGoogle› citati...
{ Extending Mobile Interfaces with External Screens Julian ...SlidePlayerPresentation on theme: "{ Extending Mobile Interfaces with External Screens Julian Seifert, Dennis Schneider, and Enrico Rukzio By Sara Fox."— Presentation ... › slide
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Uellenbeck... PermissionWatcher: Creating User Awareness of Application Permissions in Mobile Systems, Eric Struse, Julian Seifert, Sebastian Uellenbeck, Enrico Rukzio, ...
Enrico Rukzio email address & phone number | University of Ulm ...RocketReach› enrico-ru...
Enrico Rukzio visits our Lab – hcilab.org› enrico-ru...
Enrico Rukzio: H-index & Awards - Academic ProfileResearch.com› enrico-rukzio
Enrico Rukzio finished his PhD – hcilab.orgEnrico Rukzio (http://www.rukzio.de/) is the first of my PhD-Students who worked in the Embedded Interaction Research Group ...
Enrico Rukzio: डाउनलोड मुफ्त. इलेक्ट्रोनिक पुस्तकालय. खोजे पुस्तकें...Enrico Rukzio: डाउनलोड मुफ्त. इलेक्ट्रोनिक पुस्तकालय. खोजे पुस्तकें Z-Library | B–OK. Download books for free. Find books
Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio - Global Young FacultyGlobal Young Faculty› gyf2-mitglieder
Enrico Rukzio finished his PhD - hcilab.orghcilab.org› blog › e...
Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio October 5, Institute of Media ...DocPlayer.net›
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Enrico
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Enrico; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); heima = das Heim, die Heimat, die Heimstatt; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bereits im Mittelalter einer der beliebtesten deutschen Vornamen; Name zahlreicher Herzöge, Könige und Kaiser
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