82 Infos zu Eva Riedke
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- Singen (hohentwiel)
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- Cultural Anthropology
- University of Mainz
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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SPP Editorial Workshop: “Technologies and Significations”spp1448.deParticipants: Aarjun Appadurai (Discussant), Arlena Liggins, Benjamin Beck, Bert Turner, David Kananizadeh, Eva Riedke, Fazil Moradi, Hlonipha Mokoena ...
afrika-‐kolloquiumGoethe University Frankfurt10. Juli Eva Riedke (Mainz). Antagonising past times: Exploring politics of history in KwaZulu-‐Natal, South Africa.
Welten. Zonen. Atmosphären. Seismographien des ...EVIFA— Selling the Anthropocene (workshop), Eva Riedke and Hanno Mögenburg The [anthro]metronom Lab – Bearing witness to Slow Violence's Inner ...
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Goodtimes Art Project: Board von Eva Goodtimes Surfcamp ...MySpace: Eva Riedke (evariedke)Singen (Hohentwiel), Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Riedke, Eva - kops.uni-konstanz.deBitte wenden Sie sich an das KOPS-Team, wenn Sie keinen Account der Universität Konstanz haben ()
1 Hobbys & Interessen
3KY Urban Trail Run Cologne (3.K.Y.U.T.R.C.)Samstag 8 März Uhr geht s los Der 3 K Y U T R C ist ein Lauftreff für ALLE die gerne laufen 3KY Thr33ky frea...
4 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Eva Riedke | LostEva Riedke completed her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Mainz in The thesis with the title “Concerning issues: Making things political in ...
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Trutz von Trotha - Forschung | Fakultät IUni SiegenTrutz von Trotha in Kooperation mit Dr. Mario Krämer (Ethnologisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln); Bearbeiterin: Eva Riedke, M.A.. DFG-Projekt: ...
Team - LostinfostreamsNetwork Member. Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Southern California. Eva Riedke. Eva Riedke. Network Member. Assistant Professor at the University ...
Wolfgang Scholz - TU Dortmund - IRPUDTU DortmundIn: Eva Riedke (Ed.) The ordering power of narratives Leipzig und Halle, Hossain, S.; Scholz, W.; H.; Baumgart, S.(2015): Translation of Urban ... In: Eva Riedke (Ed.) The ordering power of narratives Leipzig und Halle. Scholz, Wolfgang et al. (2016) N-aerus Recommendations for the New Urban Agenda ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
classmates: Eva Riedke, Class of Sanaa International School - ClassmatesEva Riedke graduate of Sanaa International School in Sanaa, null is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Eva Riedke and other high school alumni ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Riedke, Eva | transcript.open - Open Access Co-Publishing NetworkCounting the Impacts in the Solar Off Grid Sector. Riedke, Eva; Rethinking Infrastructure Across the Humanities. Erschienen: 01. September DOI:
Expecting justice: struggling with the indeterminate ...Taylor & Francis Onlinevon H Drotbohm · — Eva Riedke Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany. Pages | Received 03 Dec 2018, ...
Digitisation and Low-Carbon Energy TransitionsOAPENvon S Sareen — Eva Riedke is a postdoctoral researcher in the Division of Social and. Cultural Anthropology at the University of Konstanz. She engages with off-grid solar home ...
Digitisation and Low-Carbon Energy Transitionsgoogle.nlA Solar Off-Grid Software: The Making of Infrastructures, Markets and Consumers 'Beyond Energy' Eva Riedke 'I sometimes have the feeling that they sell them ...
18 Dokumente
Riedke, Eva the Field and one's Desk Inner Dialogues: Negotiations ...Eva Riedke Most anthropologists can readily recall ethical conundrums during field-work that result in moments of ‘intellectual discomfort’ (Fassin 2008: 333). Emanating from the reflexive turn, …
Sécurité de l’eau pour une planète sous pressionEn prelude l'ecole d'ete, merci dexploiter ce document qui porte sur le meme theme que la thematique de cette annee.
Translocality: Concepts, Applications and Emerging ...John WileyWe thank Eva Riedke for valuable comments on an early draft of this paper. Short Biographies. Clemens Greiner is a post-doctoral researcher at the ...
River Basins and Change - GWSPRiver Basins . and Change. Editors: Janos J. Bogardi, Jan Leentvaar, and Hans-Peter Nachtnebel . With contributions from Sina Marx and Eva Riedke
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Eva RiedkeDr. Eva Riedke, Professur für Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie, Fach 38, Konstanz
Dr. Eva Riedke - uni-konstanz.deEva Riedke’s research and teaching draws inspiration from political anthropology, anthropology of the state, infrastructure studies, feminist and gender studies and Science and Technology …
Inner Dialogues: Negotiations Unfolding between the Field and …5. mai · Eva Riedke Schlagworte: Ethnography, writing, discomforts, uncomfortable reflexivity, ethical moments, South Africa Abstract. This article is concerned with the inner dialogues around …
Fach SoziologieVi vil gjerne vise deg en beskrivelse her, men området du ser på lar oss ikke gjøre det.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
THE ORDERING POWER OF NARRATIVES - LostEva Riedke (University of Mainz) Claudia Gebauer (University of Bonn) Norman Schräpel (University of Halle) Overview to the Working Paper Series The SPP “Adaptation and Creativity in …
A Solar Off-Grid Software: The Making of Infrastructures ...Springervon E Riedke · — A Solar Off-Grid Software: The Making of Infrastructures, Markets and Consumers 'Beyond Energy'. Eva Riedke. Chapter; Open Access; First Online: ...
Publications de Eva RiedkeCairn1 article de revue · “You shouldn't be seen talking to them !” · Accidental frontlines, building trust and coping with danger · Eva Riedke · Dans Civilisations ...
Programm DGSKA-Tagung 2019DGSKAEva Riedke und Sylvia Seminara) für die Planung, Organisation und Ausrichtung dieser Konferenz. Gespannt sehen wir den Vorträgen und Diskussionen entgegen, die ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: "Woow - herzliche Gratulation @JudithBeyer 🥳🥳🥳 ...Twitter— ... @Stefan_Anthro, Maria Lidola, @LenaRose2017, Katharina Bodirsky, Eva Riedke u.v.a. #Lehre #Wissenschaft twitter.com/UniKonstanz/st…
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Eva Riedke's research works | Universität Konstanz ...ResearchGateEva Riedke's 5 research works with 1 citations and 50 reads, including: A Solar Off-Grid Software : The Making of Infrastructures, Markets and Consumers ...
Eva Riedke (eriedke) - Profilepinterest.seSee what Eva Riedke (eriedke) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.
AcknowledgementWe thank Eva Riedke for valuable comments on an early...AcknowledgementWe thank Eva Riedke for valuable comments on an early d การแปล
Auteurs - Riedke EvaEva Riedke ... Accueil > Auteurs > Eva Riedke. Ce site utilise des cookies et collecte des informations personnelles vous concernant. Pour plus de précisions, ...
(PDF) Schritt, Jannik “Crude Talking: The politics of ...Academia.edu“Crude Talking: The politics of naming, blaming and claiming in oil-age Niger.” In THE ORDERING POWER OF NARRATIVES, edited by Eva Riedke, 29–33. Working Papers ...
SPACE AND THE PRODUCTION OF ORDER AND DISORDER - PDF Free DownloadSPACE AND THE PRODUCTION OF ORDER AND DISORDER. Log in; Registration; ... Claudia Gebauer, University of Bayreuth Eva Riedke, University of Mainz Norman …
Authors – Eva RiedkeOpenEditionAuthors – Eva Riedke. Article. “You shouldn't be seen talking to them !” [Full text]. Accidental frontlines, building trust and coping with danger.
Bringing anthropologies of the state to Mainz: A workshop ...Allegra LabBarak Kalir, Timothy Raeymaekers, Eva Riedke, Annalena Kolloch and myself. Apart from bringing researchers together and discussing each other's work, the.
Dr. Jannik Schritt - SFB „Re-Figuration von Räumen“SFB 12652016: Crude Talking: The politics of naming, blaming and claiming in oil-age Niger. In: The Ordering Power of Narratives, edited by Eva Riedke. Working Papers ...
Enquêter en terrains difficiles - Institut des mondes africainsCNRSEva Riedke “You shouldn't be seen talking to them !” Accidental frontlines, building trust and coping with danger. – Pierre Prud'homme
Ethnographic legal studies: reconnecting anthropological ...Max-Planck-Gesellschaftvon J Bens · · Zitiert von: 31 — Drotbohm and Eva Riedke (this issue) similarly propose to conceptually pluralize the state and its law by analyzing it in its historical and ...
Dokumentation. Bonner Symposium Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Vom Leitbild...Dokumentation Bonner Symposium Nachhaltige Entwicklung Vom Leitbild zur Umsetzung Deutsche Welle, Bonn Dezember Autorin: Eva Riedke …
Infrastructural failure in a Ugandan molecular biology labNational Institutes of Health (.gov)von S Calkins · · Zitiert von: 6 — Many thanks to Stephen Buah, Mara Erlenmaier, Kristiane Fehrs, Wenzel Geissler, Sophie Nakueira, Eva Riedke, Ursula Rao, Nick Shapiro, ...
Journal Civilisations CAIRN International“You Shouldn't Be Seen Talking to Them!” Accidental Frontlines, Building Trust, and Coping with Danger; Eva Riedke · Abstract French on OpenEdition Journals.
Mitteilungen Nr September Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...DocPlayer.orgThomas Kirsch, Katharina Bodirsky, Felix Girke, Maria Lidola und Eva Riedke haben diese Tagung sehr engagiert und umsichtig vorbereitet, so dass sich die ...
IMAF - Institut des mondes africains - Enquêter en terrains difficilesEva Riedke “You shouldn't be seen talking to them !” Accidental frontlines, building trust and coping with danger. - Pierre Prud'homme. L'imam, l'expert et le ...
INSTITUT FÜR ETHNOLOGIE - PDF Free Download... des urbanen Landmanagements in Bamako, Mali Eva Riedke (Mainz): Antagonising past times: Exploring politics of history in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 15.
ECAS 2013... and ensuring trust - ethnographic field research amidst pre-election tensions in KwaZulu-Natal, South Af. Author: Eva Riedke (University of Siegen) email
Name Organization Country 25 persons Joseph Alcamo United ...www.gwsp.org/fileadmin/GCI_workshop/GCIwkshpNames.htmEva Riedke. University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF), GWSP-IPO. Germany. Gisela Ritter-Pilger. University of Bonn, Center for Development ...
Qucosa - Leipzig: The Ordering Power of NarrativesQucosavon E Riedke — Eva Riedke. Version / Begutachtungsstatus: eingereichte Version / Preprint; URN Qucosa: urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Eva
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Skandinavisch): Eva; Leben, die Leben Spendende; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); chajjah = lebendig, leben; in der Bibel sind Adam und Eva die ersten Menschen Mutter aller Lebenden Eva ,auch Ava oder Awa wird von Chawa abgeleitet . Sumerisch/semitisch für Lebens-Schafferin .
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