166 Infos zu Evelin Stermitz
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Infos zu
- Austria
- ArtFem.TV
- Slovenia
- Academy of Fine
- Arts and Design
- Fine Arts
- M.Phil
- Media Art
- University of Ljubljana
- Festival
- Gallery
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
aktuellesskin / haut "haut als differenzkriterium". artfem.tv / teilnahme mit meinem video endometriose. kuratiert von anita hofer und evelin stermitz. queerograd festival.
Vortrag und Workshop - Künstlerin Evelin Stermitz – Österreichisches...ArtFem.TV – Videokunst und Feminismus: Evelin Stermitz, Künstlerin und Feministin, gründete die Medienplattform ArtFem.TV im Jahr um ...
News Archives | Alexandros Kaklamanos... Agni Zotis, Alexandros Kaklamanos, Alexis Fidetzis, Alison Williams, Dimitris Foutris, dNASAb, Evelin Stermitz, Fedele Spadafora, Gregory Green, Jennifer Lin ...
In die Stadt — Architektur Haus KärntenEröffnung: um Uhr Ausstellungsdauer: bis
34 Bilder zu Evelin Stermitz

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Evelin Stermitz - Startseite | FacebookEvelin Stermitz | Saatchi Artwww.saatchiart.com › evelinstermitzView Evelin Stermitz's Profile on Saatchi Art. Find art for sale at great prices from artists including Paintings, Photography, Sculpture, and Prints by Top Emerging ... Missing: Selbstverlag" | Must include: Selbstverlag"
Evelin Stermitz - ArtistInternational Contemporary Art: Exhibitions and Events
Evelin Stermitz - kunstaspektecity guide · biennials fairs · specials articles · artists curators · institutions galleries . show more results. artist / curator. Evelin Stermitz. current exhibitions. group exhibition. Die Kraft des Alters Nov Mar Belvedere, Wien ° · exhibition page · imprint · privacy policy · contact · subscription info · login.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Evelin Stermitz | Artist | ArtFactsartfacts.net › artist › evelin-stermitzThe artist Evelin Stermitz is ranked among the Top on ArtFacts. Find out more... Rank: Top 10,000 (Global)Top 1,000 (Austria)
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Evelin Stermitz | web.tvEvelin Stermitz web tv
Evelin Stermitz - Home| photography. | video art. | net art. | ArtFem.TV. | BROCCOLI. | artist talks. | biography. | contact. | archive. | links. last mod Missing: Pustet Salzburg."
3 Projekte
Project MUSE - World of Female Avatars: An Artistic Online Survey on...The project is a collaboration between the artist Evelin Stermitz and the project coders Jure Kodzoman, Ljiljana Perkovic and Loritz Zbigniew in the framework of ...
Cologne Art Show Celebrates Women After Attack -artnet Newsnews.artnet.com › market › cologne-female-art-s...... Anastasia Vepreva, Sarah Faraday, Evelin Stermitz, Kate Durbin, Lacie Garnes, Faith Holland, Sheena Patel, Rupi Kaur, and Poppy Jackson.
basis wien - Evelin Stermitzbasis wien | Kunst Information und Archiv
7 Bücher zum Namen
Likovna razstava Labirint - Dejan Mehmedovič, Evelin Stermitz,...Likovna razstava Labirint. Front Cover. Dejan Mehmedovič, Evelin Stermitz, Boštjan Soklič, Aleksander Bassin, Milček Komelj. Gornjesavski muzej,
Convergence of Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Global Civic...Art is a multi-faceted part of human society, and often is used for more than purely aesthetic purposes. When used as a narrative on modern society, art can...
Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World - Google BooksEvelin Stermitz founds artfem.tv, an Internet television site, dedicated to showcasing women artists from around the world. Traveling on board Soyuz TMA-12 as ...
Keywords in Remix Studies - Google BooksKeywords in Remix Studies consists of twenty-four chapters authored by researchers who share interests in remix studies and remix culture throughout the arts...
2 Dokumente
Evelin Stermitz - Cyberhousecyberhouse.arted.psu.edu/590/presenters/Stermitz_bio.pdfEvelin Stermitz. M.A., M.Phil Austria. Working on media and new media art projects by using different media like photography, video and net, including ...
Evelin Stermitz - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › EvelinStermitzEvelin Stermitz studies Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology. Evelin Stermitz graduated with an M.A. degree in media and new media art ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
ONLINE RESEARCH SOURCESblack.fri.uni-lj.si › BREAKING_THE_SPACEartfem.tv. Art and Feminism ITV Evelin Stermitz www.artfem.tv. Assemblage The Women's New Media Gallery Carolyn Guertin http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
program and abstracts - Evelin Stermitzprogram and abstracts - Evelin Stermitz
Evelin Stermitz | Rhizomerhizome.org › art › artbase › artist › evelin-stermitzEvelin Stermitz. Artwork. ArtFem.TV — Evelin Stermitz. World of Female Avatars — Evelin Stermitz · Make a Donation · Membership · RSS · New ... Missing: Selbstverlag" | Must include: Selbstverlag"
Evelin Stermitz - WikidataAustrian artist
Handelman Resume condensedWEB - Michelle Handelmanwww.michellehandelman.com/.../Handelman_Resume_condense...Contextual Face, curated by Evelin Stermitz, Oslo Screen Festival, Sweden ... Red: The Gendered Color in Frames, curated by Evelin Stermitz, Photon Gallery,.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Evelin Stermitz on Vimeovimeo.com › userEvelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree ... Missing: Selbstverlag" | Must include: Selbstverlag"
VASA Video Series▶ 6:50Evelin Stermitz is a photographer, as anybody can see in the rigorous way she frames her images. She ...
10 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Evelin Stermitz - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Evelin_StermitzEvelin Stermitz (born 1972) is an Austrian artist working in the areas of video art, new media art, performance, and photography, who is also foundress of the ... Missing: Selbstverlag" | Must include: Selbstverlag"
Wikipedia: Cyberfeminism - WikipediaCyberfeminism is a genre of contemporary feminism which foregrounds the relationship Recent artworks of note include Evelin Stermitz's World of Female Avatars in which the artist has collected quotes and images from women over the ...
ArtDependence | The Aestheticized Interview with Evelin Stermitz...Evelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree...
Day 3 > Evelin Stermitz – 17 Days Video Series17days.wordpress.com › › evelin-ste...Rooftop Short, 2:56 TRT Rooftop Sound Collage composed by Elise Kermani. Concept, Performance, Video by Evelin Stermitz. Special credits ...
84 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Votes for Women Evelin Stermitz — Google Arts & Culture"Votes for Women" describes the beginning of a century within the women's suffrage movement of the first feminist wave. While the first Nobel Prizes were a...
100x100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century) - Magmart Festival —...This section include the artworks relative to years 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1904
Evelin Stermitz - Artists - Video Art Worldwww.videoartworld.com › Artists › evelin-stermitzEvelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree ...
Evelin Stermitz - Istanbul Contemporary Art Museumistanbulmuseum.org › evelin-stermitzEvelin Stermitz. Nazli Cemile Karadeniz, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi. . Aspects of Feminism in New Media Art. An Interview with ...
Evelin Stermitz — videokunst.chEvelin Stermitz arbeitet im Bereich der Medienkunst mit dem Fokus einer post-strukturalistischen feministischen Kunstpraxis. Im Jahr gründete sie ArtFem.
Evelin Stermitz Archivi - Cinequanonwww.cinequanon.it › tag › evelin-stermitzPer leggere la versione originale dell'intervista in lingua inglese andare nello SPIN OFF: Videoarte e Cinema Sperimentale Evelin Stermitz (1972,… Continua » ...
Rose is a Rose by Evelin Stermitz — Museo de las Mujeres Costa RicaROSE IS A ROSE video performance. DV PAL/NTSC total time 00:03:52:16. Performance, Sound, Video by Evelin Stermitz.
WoManWoMan, Evelin Stermitz at INVIDEO (english version) - CinequanonEvelin Stermitz (born in Austria) works with media and new media art using photography, video and net, including installations and ...
ArtFem.TV Art and Feminism ITV - performance 1ArtFem.TV Art and Feminism ITV
Evelin Stermitz | Experimental CinemaTags: Evelin Stermitz. Tagged content. AXWFF: Community. By Anonymous on Mon, :12. Autopoiesis (Lana Z Caplan, 2019). Community ...
evelin stermitz | artistlinksevelin stermitz, m.a., m.phil., studied media and new media art at the academy of fine arts and design, university of ljubljana, slovenia, and holds the degree in philosophy from media studies. her works in the field of media and new media art focus on post-structuralist feminist art practices. in she founded artfem.tv – art ...
Zavod Kolektiva / Kolektiva Institute » Evelin StermitzEvelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and ...
Evelin Stermitz | | atractivoquenobello - AQNB.comwww.aqnb.com › tag › evelin-stermitzabout. Search. Newsletter. Skip to content. Evelin Stermitz. An interview with Evelin Stermitz. Eva Folks, 28 June interviews. like | follow | subscribe. :)
Evelin Stermitz Edizioni Precedenti - INVIDEO - A.I.A.C.E....L'austriaca Evelin Stermitz (1972) lavora con vari media e linguaggi, dalla fotografia al video, dalla performance alla rete. La sua ricerca si incentra su tematiche ...
Les Femmes Folles, Evelin Stermitz, artistEvelin Stermitz, artist Evelin Stermitz, Blue House, Dance Improvisation Performance, 2009, video still. Courtesy of the artist. Evelin Stermitz shares with...
Evelin Stermitz (Austria) – AND – Artists Network DatabaseEvelin Stermitz, lives and works in Austria and Slovenia. She graduated with an M.A. degree in media and new media art from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and is holding a master's degree in philosophy from media studies. Her works are in the field of media and new media art ...
Video Evening #14: Evelin Stermitz | Društvo Photonphoton.si › video-evening-14-evelin-stermitzEvelin Stermitz: I Don't Love You Anymore, 2012, still. —. About the artist. Evelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the ...
Evelin Stermitz - Video ArtConcept and Video by Evelin Stermitz. The video depicts a woman's story from a far away century. Based on the images from the popular German novel 'Aus ...
Berlin | post.thing.netEvelin Stermitz , Tim White‐Sobieski , and Sebastian Ziegler. The impact of the former division of Central and Eastern Europe on the balance of societies, in this video program, is reconsidered as a metaphor for dichotomies, separations and alienations which can be found in palpable and impalpable forms in our lives throughout the globe. ...
Field of Vision: BeijingEvelin Stermitz, Villach - Austria, exhibition at BEIJING NEW ART PROJECTS, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing / China, 1 – 16 September 2006
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Evelin
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Evelin; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); avis = der Vogel (Lateinisch); geht zurück auf den altfranzösisch-normannischen Namen 'Aveline'; 'Aveline' ist eine Verkleinerungsform von 'Avila', einer Form von 'Ava'; Bedeutung nicht sicher bekannt, möglicherweise im Zusammenhang mit lateinisch 'avis' (Vogel); aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen
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