186 Infos zu Evelyn Bencicova

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11 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Guardian: Snapshot of a strange year: Portrait of Britain – in pictures |...

The nation’s biggest photography exhibition is viewed by millions. This year’s images include a pampered pooch, a Hindu wedding and life under lockdown

Evelyn Bencicova "Merror"telliskivi.cc

Evelyn Bencicova works across genres, using a variety of techniques and sees the photograph as a means of formulating creative content rather than an end in ...

Evelyn BencicovaPressReader

Evelyn Bencicova. Beyond What is Photographed written by Ksenia Rundin. Being born in Bratislava just a few days before Slovakia became an ...

Berlin Masters: Fönen und tönen - Kultur - Tagesspiegel

— Und dann ist da noch Evelyn Bencicova mit ihren verstörenden Fotos und einer VR-Arbeit, in denen Märchen und Albträume zusammenfinden. › Kultur

15  Bilder zu Evelyn Bencicova

Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova
Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova
Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova
Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova
Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova
Bild zu Evelyn Bencicova

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Evelyn Bencicova photography - Home | Facebook

Facebook: Evelyn Bencicova photographyFacebook

Facebook: Evelyn Bencicova | Facebook

100 People ideas | people, people of the world, portrait

de Evelyn Bencicova I hurt a lot, given all of the evidence I see daily All of a sudden, he took off his cap stood in front of me and said, "go ahead, take my ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Why First Virtual Reality Art Prize Is Perfect For 2020

Virtual reality artists are finally getting their due.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Engagiert für digitale Kunst | DKB AG

Aufgrund der besonderen Qualität der nominierten Projekte erhielten die Künstler*innen Banz & Bowinkel und Evelyn Bencicova eine Erwähnung der Jury und eine ... › ueber_uns

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Evelyn Bencicova DiscographyDiscogs

Explore music from Evelyn Bencicova. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Evelyn Bencicova on Discogs.

1 Projekte

Natalia Evelyn Bencicova “Sensus Communis - Anti-Atlantis”Klasse Fotografie

Natalia Evelyn Bencicova “Sensus Communis - Anti-Atlantis”. Klasse Fotografie Gabriele Rothemann. Bilder. Ort | Location: Universität für angewandte Kunst ...

3 Bücher zum Namen

Innovation oder Mimesis: Warum wir Schmuck tragengoogle.de

Elvira Golombosi „Guardians“, Ring aus Jaspis Foto: Evelyn Bencicova http://elviragolombosi.com Eppi Nölke „Tragespuren“ Gelbgold und ein kurz ...

Mavi Bilet - Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.de

... Kapak fotoğrafı: © Evelyn Bencicova E-kitap: ISBN CAN SANAT YAYINLARI YAPIM VE DAĞITIM TİCARET VE SANAYİ A.Ş. Hayriye Caddesi No: 2, ...

Stockholm Reiseführer LIEBLINGSORTE: Entdecken Sie das ...google.de

Kapitel: Merror, Evelyn Bencicova, Fotografiska. Die Abbildung im 26. Kapitel: Coppers, 2019, Theresa Traore Dahlberg, Beckers Art Award 2019, Färgfabriken.

14 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Aesthetica - Wikipedia

Aesthetica Magazine is an international art and culture magazine, founded in Ryan Schude, Natalia Evelyn Bencicova, Maria Svarbova, Brad Walls, ... › wiki › A...


In order for us, humans, to overcome our fears, we must inevitably face them. This is the life lesson that Evelyn Bencicova follows when it comes ...


— A winner of the Hasselblad Masters Awards, 24-year-old Slovakian Evelyn Bencicova is taking the world by storm. Dividing her time mainly ...

Evelyn Bencicova - Mírame y sé color

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134 Webfunde aus dem Netz

ASYMPTOTE by Evelyn Bencicova & Adam Csoka Keller

› asymptote-evely...

Evelyn BENCICOVA - Milanocecontemporary.com

Evelyn Bencicova is a Slovakian visual creative born in Bratislava in Specializing in photography and art direction, she experimented with various ...

Ecce Homo di Evelyn Bencicova #solocosebelle - Glypho

Artist Of The Week: Evelyn Bencicova

Take all beauty standards, its culturally and socially accepted meaning. Take them and throw them away. I wanted to talk with an artist I really like, because...

Evelyn Bencicova (Slovakia) - PhotographerHappenArt

Evelyn Bencicova - Photographer. Evelyn Bencicova (born in Bratislava, 1992) is a visual designer specializing in photography and art direction.

Ecce Homo. I corpi “asettici” di Evelyn Bencicova

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Evelyn Bencicova - Bio, Artworks, Exhibitions and moreArtland

Browse the latest artworks, exhibitions, shows by Evelyn Bencicova. On Artland you can find art for sale, browse 3D gallery exhibitions and much more.

Evelyn Bencicova – Barbara Picci

Evelyn Bencicova

Asymptote - Evelyn Bencicova e Adam Csoka Keller

Asympote è il progetto visivo realizzato dalla fotografa Evelyn Bencicova e dal video maker Adam Csoka Keller

Evelyn Bencicova - Collateralcollater.al

Natalia Evelyn Bencicova ( ) is 23 years old visual creative working mostly with digital photography. Grew up in Bratislava, Slovakia currently ...

Evelyn Bencicova - Carpe Diem

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Evelyn Bencicova - Photography - LilaVert, Graphiste Freelance

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Asymptote | Evelyn Bencicova - Arch2O.com

Evelyn Bencicove has made modern and brutalist architecture her photographic playground depicting people in odd poses to intrigue the viewer. Currently...

Evelyn Bencicova - SFF

› evelyn-benc...

Evelyn Bencicova - SHOOT ME Magazineshootmemag.com

Evelyn Bencicova (b.1992) is a visual creative working mostly with digital photography. The artist grew up in Bratislava, Slovakia and after a career in ...

Evelyn Bencicova - artist, news & exhibitionsPhotography now

Evelyn Bencicova. Contact; News; Texts; Solo exhibitions; Publications; Group exhibitions; Events; Links; Downloads. ♀ *

Evelyn Bencicova photography | Edge of Humanity Magazine

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Evelyn Bencicova - wertn.comwertn.com

Evelyn Bencicova. PHOTO . October 10th, Hi Evelyn, Could you introduce yourself ? I'm Evelyn. Im a visual story-teller of fiction based on truth.

Evelyn Bencicova Archive – Digital in BerlinDigital in Berlin

Evelyn Bencicova. 1 post. . Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 0104, 05, 06, 07, 0811, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Evelyn Bencicova. Portrait of an Anomaly - Mostra - Arte.it

› milano › mostr...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Evelyn

Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Evelyn; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); avis = der Vogel (Lateinisch); geht zurück auf den altfranzösisch-normannischen Namen 'Aveline'; 'Aveline' ist eine Verkleinerungsform von 'Avila', einer Form von 'Ava'; Bedeutung nicht sicher bekannt, möglicherweise im Zusammenhang mit lateinisch 'avis' (Vogel); aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen Evelyn (englisch) ist abgeleitet von Eva und bedeutet 'die Lebengebende'

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Evelyn Bencicova & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Evelyn Bencicova und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.