183 Infos zu Eyolf Dale
Mehr erfahren über Eyolf Dale
Infos zu
- Pianist
- Wolf Valley
- Norwegian
- Music
- Return To Mind
- André Roligheten
- Album
- Nasjonal Jazzscene
- Songs
- Daniel Herskedal
- AllMusic
13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dalen til Eyolf - JazzMed sitt åtte mann store band tek pianist og komponist Eyolf Dale oss med på ei vedunderleg vakker reise.
Pianoperle fra Eyolf Dale - DagbladetStortalent i full blomst på debutalbum.
nrk.no: NRK TV – Jazzklubben - TV – Eyolf Dale Wolf Valley BandPianisten Eyolf Dale fra Skien har inntatt den store, internasjonale jazzscenen med sitt
Guardian: Daniel Herskedal: Slow Eastbound Train review – radiant eloquence...Postbop, Scandinavian folk, Indian melodies and new-age jazz collide on this inviting new album from this star tuba player
77 Bilder zu Eyolf Dale

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Eyolf Dale - Posts | FacebookTwitter Profil: Eyolf Dale (eyolfdale)Ort: Oslo / Pianist & composer from Skien, living in Oslo.
blogg.no: Tor Hammerø – Det er i Scheen det schjerMed Thomas Johansson og Eyolf Dale som premissleverandører, forteller Scheen Jazzorkester oss på to helt forskjellige vis hvilket enormt bra ...
Webmaster | All Jazz RadioWhy not join us on Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/hp with fine artists such as Eyolf Dale, Pixel and Daniel Herskedal producing great album after great ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
lastFM: Eyolf Dale music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fmListen to music from Eyolf Dale like Taplow, Prolleprepp & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Eyolf Dale.
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Return to Mind | Eyolf DaleReturn to Mind by Eyolf Dale & André Roligheten, released 02 March Midsomer Gardens 2. Soaring 3. The Mayor 4. Return to Mind 5. Naurak 6. Woody ...
Wolf Valley | Eyolf DaleWolf Valley by Eyolf Dale & André Roligheten, released 10 June Furet 2. Fernanda 3. Shostachoral 4. Ban Joe 5. Sideways 6. Teglstein 7. The Creek 8.
pianist & composer | Eyolf DaleOfficial website of Norwegian jazz artist Eyolf Dale.
Eyolf Dale & André RolighetenEyolf Dale & André Roligheten Since releasing his Edition debut in June 2016, the poetic and expressive ‘Wolf Valley’, Eyolf has expanded and developed...
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Eyolf Dale | Album Discography | AllMusicFind Eyolf Dale discography, albums and singles on AllMusic
Eyolf Dale – Return To Mind (2018, Vinyl) - DiscogsAuf Discogs können Sie sich ansehen, wer an Vinyl von Return To Mind mitgewirkt hat, Rezensionen und Titellisten lesen und auf dem Marktplatz nach der...
6 Songs & Musik
Eyolf Dale Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Eyolf Dale setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Eyolf Dale fans for free on setlist.fm!
Eyolf Dale - Listen on Deezer | Music StreamingEyolf Dale - Listen to Eyolf Dale on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share...
Eyolf Dale – alle CDs und LPs – jpc.deDer norwegische Jazz ist lebendig wie eh und je, doch man darf sich fragen, woher das kommt. Mit „Yonkers“ veröffentlichen Eyolf Dale (26) und Andre Roligheten
Musik von Eyolf Dale: Alben, Lieder, Songtexte | Auf Deezer hörenErstelle dein kostenloses Deezer Konto und höre Eyolf Dale: die Top-Hits, Playlists oder die gesamte Diskografie.
4 Dokumente
Dale, Eyolf [WorldCat Identities]Wolf valley by Eyolf Dale( Recording ) 3 editions published in in Undetermined and No Linguistic content and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries ...
Category:Eyolf Dale - Wikimedia CommonsNorvegian jazz composer and pianist. Eyolf Dale Nasjonal Jazzscene ( ).jpg. Eyolf Dale performing in Photo: Tore Sætre.
Kongsberg Jazzfestival program 2017EYOLF DALE: WOLF VALLEY. SØLVSALEN // KL. 17: KR Fra alle verdens jazzhjørner strømmer. rosende omtaler av Eyolf Dales ambisiøse.
File:Eyolf Dale and Daniel Herskedal Nasjonal JazzsceneNorsk nynorsk: Avbilda : Eyolf Dale, Daniel Herskedal ... File:Eyolf Dale and Daniel Herskedal Nasjonal Jazzscene ( ).jpg ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Eyolf Dale - WikidataNorvegian jazz composer and pianist
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Eyolf Dale on the making of “Wolf Valley” (part one) on Vimeo▶ 0:49Norwegian pianist and composer Eyolf Dale talks about his project Wolf Valley, released on Edition Records ...
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Eyolf Dale - WikipediaEyolf Dale (born 5 March 1985) is a Norwegian jazz pianist and composer. Contents. 1 Career; 2 Awards and honors; 3 Discography As leader/co-leader ...
Wikipedia: Eyolf – Wikipedia... Eiolf Holø (født 1970), norsk politiker og ordfører; Eyolf Dale (født 1985), norsk jazzmusiker ... Linkedin. Uoffisiell statistikk basert på Linkedin-medlemmer.
永久音楽blog Eyolf Dale "Wolf Valley"色々な音楽を紹介していきたいと思います。 邦楽・洋楽・ジャンル関係なしでやっていく予定です。
Eyolf Dale – Wolf Valley – thejazzbreakfastPianist and composer Eyolf Dale has an octet at his disposal – three horns, vibes, violin and rhythm section – and he uses it to create richly ...
57 Webfunde aus dem Netz
‘Wolf Valley’ – Eyolf Dale – ADRIAN PALLANTEyolf Dale and his accomplished personnel breathe so much into this vast panoply of creative ideas, presenting a recording which is a ...
Interpret "Eyolf Dale" | HIGHRESAUDIOInterpret Eyolf Dale
EYOLF DALE Return To MindEyolf Dale Return to Mind, rezensiert von Michael Rüsenberg in jazzcity.de
Eyolf Dale - WikiwandNorwegian jazz pianist and composer
Eyolf Dale (piano ---) - jazz - jazz - CowblogEyolf Dale (piano ---) - bonjour et bienvenue en mon blog ou vous y trouverez des articles sur des musiciens aux divers styles musicaux(jazz ...
Eyolf Dale - Furet Lyrics | LetsSingIt LyricsFind the video and reviews of the song FURET by Eyolf Dale. Click here now to find out here why others like this song!
Eyolf Dale & André Roligheten: "Departure" CD-Tipp podcastDie beiden Norweger André Roligheten und Eyolf Dale sind Jazzmusiker einer jungen europäischen Generation, die völlig selbstverständlich ...
Eyolf Dale - Wolf Valley - Edition – Audiophile Audition(Eyolf Dale: piano/ Per Zanussi: bass & saw/ Gard Nilssen; drums/ Andre Roligheten: tenor sax, clarinet/ Hayden Powell: trumpet/ Kristoffer ...
Eyolf Dale - albums - MuziekwebOverzicht van alle albums van Eyolf Dale.
Eyolf Dale - artist profile | Improvised Music CompanyEyolf Dale (born 5 March in Skien) is a Norwegian jazz pianist and composer residing in Oslo.
Eyolf Dale LyricsView the 1 full and accurate lyric we have for "Eyolf Dale" on LyricsBox.com. Find them now!
Eyolf Dale Hotel Interludes - Clpcd Jazz - by Curling Legs -...Eyolf Dale Hotel Interludes, CLPCD122, Jazz, by Curling Legs, Hotel Interludes Eyolf Dale.
Jazzfest BonnEyolf Dale will beguile you. This pianist, arranger, and improviser from Oslo is an important figure in the Norwegian jazz scene. He creates broad melodic and ...
Eyolf Dale Wolf Valley - Nasjonal Jazzscene Nasjonal JazzsceneEyolf Dale Wolf Valley. Vigorous and lyrical eight-piece. Landets kanskje fineste oktett er endelig tilbake! Samholdet, sammensetningen og samhandlingen er ...
Eyolf Dale Wolf Valley - TivoliVredenburgEr zijn bij dit concert enkel zitplaatsen beschikbaar. Er is vrije plaatskeuze. De Noorse pianist/componist Eyolf Dale is sinds zijn debuutalbum Do., 21. März Formerly known as Prince - a ... TivoliVredenburg Do., 11. Apr. Insomnio speelt Reich TivoliVredenburg Do., 30. Mai The Como Mamas TivoliVredenburg
Eyolf Dale Tour Dates & Concert Tickets | BandsintownErhalten Sie Eyolf Dale Tickets, um jedes Eyolf Dale Konzert zu sehen. Sehen Sie sich den Tourplan von Eyolf Dale, Live-Bewertungen, Fotos und Details an.
Eyolf Dale on Apple MusicListen to music by Eyolf Dale on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Eyolf Dale, including How could it be?, The Lonely Banker and more.
Eyolf Dale | Down In The Valley - Music, Movies, Minneapolis & MoreThe Twin Cities record store, gifts, and smoking accessories since Our 3 locations sell New and Used LPs, CDs, and DVDs in addition to books, turntables,...
Eyolf Dale || Eyolf Dale's Wolf Valley, Sølvsalen, Kongsberg, July 8,...other artists: Kristoffer Kompen Gard Nilssen Hayden Powell André Roligheten Adrian Løseth Waade Rob Waring Per Zanussi. Eyolf Dale.
Eyolf Dale – Bird is the WormPosts about Eyolf Dale written by davesumner
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Eyolf Dale und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.