57 Infos zu Fabian Giebner

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Aktuelle Ausgabe-04_2023gwf-gas.de

Fachbericht von Natascha Eggers, Fabian Giebner, Josua Gutsche, Dustin Heinemann und Torsten Birth.. Konzept für CO2-freie Gasdruckregelanlagen mit Ranque ...

1º dia de Research2Industry Days promove paineis sobre ...BrasilAlemanha News

— Fabian Giebner, da MicroPro GmbH, apresentaram a HyPerFerment, um acréscimo de biodigestor para aumento de eficiência em 25% em plantas de ...

AHK - Research2Industry Days in São Paulo - Cultura Alemãculturaalema.com.br

— Fabian Giebner (SME) - MicroPro GmbH, Research Scientist. 12:30 – Netwoking e Expo. 13:00 – Almoço. Dia :00 – Credenciamento e ...

Networking Event for the Sustainable Energy Sector em ...Sympla

Fabian Giebner (SME) - MicroPro GmbH, Research Scientist. 12:30 – Netwoking e Expo. 13:00 – Almoço. 17:00 – Encerramento da Exposição. Dia :

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Fabian Giebner – Member Of Scientific StaffLinkedIn · Fabian Giebner60+ Follower

Fabian Giebner. Research Scientist at MicroPro GmbH. MicroPro GmbH. Gommern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland. 62 Follower:innen 62 Kontakte.

Fabian Giebner | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Fabian Giebner, with 1 highly influential citations and 10 scientific research papers.

Oliver Wiche - JournalStoriesJournal Stories

Fabian Giebner , Laura Kaden , Oliver Wiche , Judith Tischler , Simone Schopf , Michael Schlömann. January DOI : j.mineng Funder ...

1 Business-Profile

Fabian GIEBNER | Researcher | Research profileResearchGate

Fabian GIEBNER, Researcher | Cited by 83 | | Read 17 publications | Contact Fabian GIEBNER.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Kontakt - HyPerFerment

Dr. Fabian Giebner ist Ihr Ansprechpartner rund um das Projekt „HyPerFerment“. Micro­Pro GmbH. Mikro­bio­lo­gi­sches Labor. Mag­de­bur­ b Gom­mern. –10. Name. E-Mail-Adresse. Ihre Nachricht.

11 Dokumente

DECHEMA: Chem. Ing. Tech Wiley Online Library

Fabian Giebner, Freiberg. Dipl.-Ing. Arne Gröngröft, Leipzig. Dipl.-Ing. Henrike Großmann, Bremen. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Guderian,

Two-day workshop i v Holzhau: „The Future Of The …

Fabian Giebner "Three new methods to quantify activity of leaching bacteria" 14:50 00:20 15:10 BHMZ Ph.D. Dominik Woundrousch "Designing Selective In3+ and Ge4+ Chelators A …

EnergInno Brazil_Research2Industry Days_2S.inddResearch in Germany

Fabian Giebner. Bio2H2 – Prof. Nils Tippkötter and Dr. Mathias Betsch. Green Gas – Prof. Raimund Brotsack and Marcelo Andrade. Biogas Sensors – Dr. Andrea ...

Evaluating the Material and Energy Efficiency of a ...LIVESCIENCE.io


3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

characterization of arsenic0binding siderophores from ...CORE

von G Retamal-Morales — ... Fabian Giebner, Thomas. Heine, Ringo Schwabe, Judith Tischler, among many ... Fabian Giebner. Graphed data represent the average and standard deviation of ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Winners of EnergInno Brazil: HyPerFerment - YouTubeYouTube · Research in Germany250+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

... Fabian Giebner, MicroPro GmbH, who have jointly developed such an innovation. Their project HyPerFerment is one of the winning projects in ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: CarolinaX · Carolina_wi3 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 1 Jahr

And this is Dr. Fabian Giebner explaining the concept of #HyperFerment at the #Research2Industry Days of #EnergInnoBrazil in Sao Paulo.

Twitter-Nachrichten: Fraunhofer IFF - X.comX · Fraunhofer_IFF4 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 1 Jahr

Eines der Gewinnerteams: @TorstenBirth. , Fraunhofer IFF, und Fabian Giebner, MicroPro GmbH, mit HyPerFerment: ...

30 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Absolventen Umweltmikrobiologie | TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Herr Dr. Fabian Giebner (M.Sc. Angewandte Naturwissenschaft): Alternative Ansätze zur mikrobiellen Laugung und neue Methoden zur Bewertung der entsprechenden Kultivierungsbedingungen. ( )

CO Meeting Organizer EGU Copernicus.org

Convener: Oliver Wiche | Co-Conveners: Fabian Giebner , Balázs Székely , Ringo Schwabe : PICO / Thu, 12 Apr, 10:30 –12:00. Mining and industrial activities, particularly in the past, have …

MicroPro GmbH Microbiological Laboratories Gommern - Forschung...

Herr Dr. Fabian Giebner - Projektleiter FuE UMAS - M.Sc. (Angewandte Naturwissenschaften) Herr Guido Nowack - Dipl.-Ingenieur (Verfahrenstechnik) ...

FBS MANNSCHAFTSBUS #5: Der BVB-Mannschaftsbus

5 Sep · Fabian Giebner. September 5, at 6:04 pm. Dortmund ist auch okay! Antworten. marctheplayer. September 5, at 6:09 pm. Cool das du denn BVB genommen …

German Research-SME-Tandems

Dr. Fabian GIEBNER | MicroPro GmbH Research and Science - Innovation for Sustainable Development The German research landscape is broad: there are universities, non-university …

730i E65 (@bmw_e i)TikTok

730i E65 (@bmw_e i) bei TikTok |346 Likes.78 Follower*innen.Fabian Giebner.Schau dir das neueste Video von 730i E65 (@bmw_e i) an.

HyPerFerment - Research in Germany

Dr. Fabian Giebner (SME) MicroPro GmbH, Research Scientist. By activating the video, you agree to the transfer of your data (including IP address, date, time, website) to Google Ireland …

MicroPro GmbH Microbiological Laboratories Gommern – …

Dr. Fabian Giebner - Project manager R&D "UMAS" - Applied natural sciences (Ph.D.) Mr. Guido Nowack - Biotechnology-process engineer (Diploma) Mapping/Data interpretation. Mr. Jakob …

Bacterial and Archaeal direct counts: a faster method of ...Semantic Scholar

... to quantify biomass and activity of microbial leaching cultures · Fabian GiebnerS. KaschabekS. SchopfM. Schlömann. Biology Citations. Add to Library.

Biodismantling, a Novel Application of Bioleaching in ...MDPI

von B Monneron-Enaud · · Zitiert von: 17 — ... Fabian Giebner for their support and advice during the initial stages of these studies and Sabrina Hedrich for valuable discussions and ...

VAAM programm.conventus.de

Fabian Giebner (Gommern/DE) Talk time: 12 + 3 min. 14:45–15:00: ST013: High versatility of IPP and DMAPP methyltransferases enables synthesis of C 6, C 7 and C 8 terpenoid building …

Bioleaching of a natural arsenide oreEBSCO

von F Giebner · — Fabian Giebner, Johannes Helmich, Oliver Wiche, Laura Kaden, Michael Schlömann, and Simone Schopf. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Biosciences ...

Webinar Reihe - Zukunft-Biogas

Dr. Fabian Giebner, MicroPro, HyPerFerment. Webinarreihe Part 8 . Stoffliche Nutzung Bioraffinerie. Stoffliche Nutzung: Gemeint sein kann hier sowohl die Nutzung von …


Speaker: Dr. Fabian Giebner / DE br - 14:45-15:00 ST013: High versatility of IPP and DMAPP methyltrans ferases enables synthesis of C6, C7 and C8 terpenoid building blocks Sp eaker: …

Detalhes do EventoCâmara Brasil-Alemanha de São Paulo

... Fabian Giebner (SME) - MicroPro GmbH, Research Scientist. 12:30 – Netwoking e Expo. 13:00 – Almoço. 17:00 – Encerramento da Exposição. Dia :

EGU General Assembly 2019EGUsphere

... Fabian Giebner, Johannes Helmich, Oliver Wiche, Laura Kaden, Michael Schlömann, and Simone Schopf. How to cite: Giebner, F., Helmich, J., Wiche, O., Kaden, L ...

Influence of Citrate on Metal Dissolution and Respiration Rate ...Semantic Scholar

Fabian Giebner, J. Rolle, +2 authors. S. Schopf; Published 1 August 2017; Environmental Science, Chemistry; Solid State Phenomena. The application of ...


... Fabian Giebner, Michael Schlöman // Applied Biotechnology in Mining : Proceedings of the International Conference (Dnipro, April , 2018). – Dnipro ...

Measurements of dissolved oxygen in bioleaching INFONAinfona.pl

von F Giebner · · Zitiert von: 8 — Fabian Giebner · Sebastian Eisen · Michael Schlömann · Simone Schopf. Keywords. Bioleaching tank bioreactor Optode Oxygen measurement · Bioleaching tank ...

Measurements of dissolved oxygen in bioleaching reactors ...OUCI

Fabian Giebner, Sebastian Eisen, Michael Schlömann, Simone Schopf. Funder Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. List of references. Atkinson, An oxygen ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Fabian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch, Polnisch): Fabian; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); faba = die Bohne; vom römischen Vornamen 'Fabianus', der vom römischen Familiennamen 'Fabius' abgeleitet ist

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Fabian Giebner und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.