97 Infos zu Fabiana Kubke
Mehr erfahren über Fabiana Kubke
Infos zu
- Science
- University of Auckland
- Zealand
- Claudia Koltzenburg
- Daniel Mietchen
- Förstner
- Gmail.com
- Gregor Hagedorn
- Konrad
- Medical
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
BdWi - Rankings bei Publikationen?7) Daniel Mietchen, Gregor Hagedorn, Konrad Förstner, M Fabiana Kubke, Claudia Koltzenburg, Mark Hahnel, and Lyubomir Penev 2011: ...
A better name for 'non-communicable diseases'Fabiana Kubke over at Mind the Brain had a great post about this following the tragic events of Newtown, CT, highlighting how by adding the ...
2 Bilder zu Fabiana Kubke

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Fabiana Kubke - Yes I will fly and go!!! (at least in spirit ...Facebook: Fabiana Kubke What a Dylan Scholinski | FacebookLinkedIn: M_Fabiana Kubke - New Zealand | LinkedInView M_Fabiana Kubke's (New Zealand) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like ...
kubke (M Fabiana Kubke) · GitHubkubke has 8 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Web Postings | Best Practices in ScienceFabiana Kubke's blog discusses open access publication and science communication. Also, the blog includes posts about neuroscience. ChemBark.
User:M Fabiana Kubke/cv - OpenWetWarePersonal Information. M Fabiana Kubke Senior Lecturer Department of Anatomy with Radiology Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
8 Bücher zum Namen
M Fabiana KubkeM. Fabiana Kubke Senior Lecturer. Auckland, New Zealand. Neuroscientist - interested in evolution of neural circuits. Neuroscientist ...
M Fabiana Kubke - AuthoreaM Fabiana Kubke
OPUS Würzburg | SuchenDespite the internet's dynamic and collaborative nature, scientists continue to produce grant proposals, lab notebooks, data files, conclusions etc. that stay in static formats or are not published online and therefore not always easily accessible to the interested public.
Insights from Comparative Hearing Research - Google BooksThe hearing organs of non-mammals, which show quite large and systematic differences to each other and to those of mammals, provide an invaluable basis for...
4 Dokumente
Fabiana Kubke, Scienctist at U auckland | SlideShareView all of Fabiana Kubke's Presentations.
File:NZOSA Judge Dr Fabiana Kubke - University of Auckland...File:NZOSA Judge Dr Fabiana Kubke - University of Auckland ( ).jpg. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.
The Structural Development of the Mouse Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus -...MIAOMIAO MAO,1,4 JOHANNA M. MONTGOMERY,1,4 M. FABIANA KUBKE,2,4. AND PETER R. THORNE. 1,3,4. 1Department of Physiology, School of Medical ...
File:Fabiana Kubke ( ).jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFor more information, please see nzosa.org.nz. Date, 12 November 2014, 21:01. Source, Fabiana Kubke. Author, Kristina D.C. Hoeppner from Wellington, New ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Hearing Research | Vol 147, Issues 1–2, Pages (September 2000)...... of the auditory brainstem of birds: comparison between barn owls and chickens . Original research article: Pages M.Fabiana Kubke, Catherine E. Carr.
MozFest: Bringing the Web to Science - Research in progress blog... using Appmaker for Citizen Science – Brian Fuchs (Mobile Collective); Curriculum Mapping for Open Science – Fabiana Kubke (Univ.
dblp: Claudia KoltzenburgList of computer science publications by Claudia Koltzenburg
dblp: M. Fabiana KubkeList of computer science publications by M. Fabiana Kubke
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Emu and Kiwi: The Ear and Hearing in Paleognathous Birds |...Palaeognathae are undoubtedly the most ancestral of all living birds and are central to understanding the early evolution of birds, especially of auditory...
Benutzer:C.Koltzenburg – WiktionaryDaniel Mietchen, Gregor Hagedorn, Konrad Förstner, M Fabiana Kubke, Claudia Koltzenburg, Mark Hahnel, and Lyubomir Penev (2011). Wikis in scholarly ...
User:M Fabiana Kubke - OpenWetWareContact Info. M Fabiana Kubke Department of Anatomy with Radiology University of Auckland Private Bag Auckland, New Zealand.
Development of the Auditory Centers Responsible for Sound...M. FABIANA KUBkE AND CATHERINE E. CARR. 1. Introduction. Knudsen and Konishi (1978) found space-specific auditory neurons in the mid- brain of barn ...
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview with PeerJ Editor Fabiana Kubke – PeerJ BlogThis time around we spoke to Fabiana Kubke who is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Medical Sciences (Department of Anatomy with ...
ScienceOnline interview with Fabiana Kubke | ScienceBlogsContinuing with the tradition from last two years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2010 conference that...
Advisory Boarddescription
MRI of postmortem specimens of endangered species for comparative...Protocol
40 Webfunde aus dem Netz
M Fabiana Kubke - Google ScholarZugehörigkeit unbekannt - mal zitiert - Neuroethology - brain evolution - auditory systems
#SciFund Challenge Participants – Google My Mapshttp://rockethub.com/projects/scifund
P2PU | kubkeLearning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything.
Fabiana Kubke – MediumRead writing from Fabiana Kubke on Medium. Neuroscientist by training, educator by tradition (all tweets are cc-by). Every day, Fabiana Kubke and thousands of ...
M Fabiana Kubke - PeerJ› kubke
M Fabiana Kubke (kubke) - Libraries.ioRepositories created and contributed to by M Fabiana Kubke (kubke)
Neurotree - Fabiana Kubke Family TreeNeurotree: academic genealogy for Fabiana Kubke, University of Auckland
Besprechung: Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in...Besprechung: Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in Open Science Bei der vergangen Open Knowledge Conference präsentierten die Kolleginnen und
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) 2011Jul 01, · Konrad U. Förstner, Gregor Hagedorn, Claudia Koltzenburg, M Fabiana Kubke, Daniel Mietchen; Motivations for socio-collaborative learning practices: examining how community and interactions support learning among registered users on OpenLearn Kasia Kozinska, Patrick Mcandrew, Ann Jones, Eileen Scanlon ...
Fabiana KubkeUPDATE: Prezis from the talks are available here. 29 November at Betty's in Wellington. We're back for another evening of geekery! Nerdnite Wellington #3 – In ...
Open Science Archive | Seite 3 von 3 | scidecodeBei der vergangen Open Knowledge Conference präsentierten die Kolleginnen und Kollegen Konrad U. Förstner, Gregor Hagedorn, Claudia Koltzenburg, M. Fabiana Kubke und Daniel Mietchen Überlegungen zu „Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in Open Science“.
Subdivisions of the Auditory Midbrain (N. Mesencephalicus Lateralis,...Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
[Testing] Fabiana Kubke: testing summary auckland October 23[Testing] Fabiana Kubke: testing summary auckland October 23. Fabiana Kubke mf.kubke at gmail.com. Wed Oct :08:15 EDT Previous message: ...
Teaching embryology to undergraduates - the NodeI am employed as a graduate teaching assistant for a first year biomedical sciences course at Auckland University in New Zealand. The class is called
What do students need to know about developmental biology ? - the NodeThis is a question that I keep asking myself. I am starting work on the third edition of my textbook “Essential Developmental Biology”. Over the years the
[Testing] Fabiana Kubke: testing summary auckland October 23Subject: testing summary auckland October 23 From: Fabiana Kubke <mf.ku...@ gmail.com> Date: Sat, 23 Oct :52:40 +
[Testing] Fabiana Kubke: testing summary auckland October 23On :00 AM, Fabiana Kubke wrote: > On Wed, Oct 27, at 9:12 PM, Simon Schampijer<simon at schampijer.de>wrote: ...
OSF | M Fabiana KubkeTagTeam :: Interview with PeerJ Editor Fabiana Kubke - PeerJ Blog -...
Use the link to access the interview introduced as follows: "This is the second in our Series of Interviews with PeerJ Editors, giving them a voice ...
Flowerpoint: Step by step | petermr's blogI have been at #scifoo (more later, hopefully much more) and have met Fabiana Kubke, an ardent contributor to OKF. She has taken to the ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Fabiana
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Fabiana; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); faba = die Bohne; Information zur männlichen Form Fabian:; vom römischen Vornamen 'Fabianus', der vom römischen Familiennamen 'Fabius' abgeleitet ist
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