121 Infos zu Falko Ziebert
Mehr erfahren über Falko Ziebert
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- Freiburg
- Heidelberg
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- Aranson
- Kulić
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- Dynamics
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- Physikalisches
- Schwarz
- Jakob Löber
- Physik
- Ulrich
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- Walter
8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dr. Falko Ziebert "Substrate-based self-propulsion in biology and...www.softmattergraduate.uni-freiburg.de/events/dr.-falko-ziebert-1 Im Cache Jun 13, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Motor And Energy Store In OnePhysicists and material scientists have succeeded in constructing a motor and an energy storage device from one single component. They used an elastic polymer...
Prof. Jan Genzer "Tailoring surfaces and interfaces in soft...Dr. Falko Ziebert "On unstable thin polymer films and membranes" ... Prof. Jan Genzer "Tailoring surfaces and interfaces in soft materials"
Unbenanntes DokumentFalko Ziebert. Physikalisches Institut - Experimentelle Polymerphysik, Freiburg. Understanding physical mechanisms of cell motility and its relation to substrate ...
5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Falko Ziebert | FacebookFacebook: Open Access - by Falko Ziebert, Igor S. Aranson... | FacebookLinkedIn: Falko Ziebert | LinkedInView Falko Zieberts professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Falko Ziebert discover inside ...
LinkedIn: Falko Ziebert - postdoc, then PI - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg ...größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Falko Ziebert aufgelistet.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
SeminarDr. Falko Ziebert Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und Groupe Théorie et Simulation des Polymères, Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
WS Physics of Dissipative Patterns - An Introduction —...Dozent: PD Dr. Falko Ziebert Zeit: 2 st, Mo Übungen: 1 st nach Vereinbarung Ort: SR II Beginn: Programm: Pattern formation is one of the most ...
Ehemalige - Prof. Walter Zimmermannwww.zimmermann.physik.uni-bayreuth.de › team › alumniPD Dr. Falko Ziebert (Doktorand); Robert Ziener, BSc (Bachelor-Student); Oliver Zier, BSc (Bachelor-Student); Andreas Zippelius, MSc (Master-Student).
10 Bücher zum Namen
Falko Ziebert | Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › falko-ziebertno code implementations • 29 Apr • Oliver M. Drozdowski, Falko Ziebert, Ulrich S. Schwarz. While optogenetic control of polymerization can initiate ...
Engineering Of Chemical Complexity Ii - Google BooksThis second review volume is a follow-up to the book “Engineering of Chemical Complexity” that appeared in Co-edited by the Nobel laureate Gerhard Ertl,...
Glass Transition, Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Polymer Thin Films -...Mobility Gradient of Polystyrene in Films Supported on Solid Substrates, by Yoshihisa Fujii, Hiroshi Morita, Atsushi Takahara and Keiji Tanaka Probing...
Granular Patterns - Igor Aranson, Lev Tsimring - Google BooksThis book is a systematic introduction to a new and exciting field of patterns in granular matter. Granular materials are collections of discrete macroscopic...
17 Dokumente
[ ] A planar lipid bilayer in an electric field: membrane...Authors: Falko Ziebert, David Lacoste. (Submitted on 22 Feb 2011). Abstract: For many biotechnological applications it would be useful to better understand the effects produced by electric fields on lipid membranes. This review discusses several aspects of the electrostatic properties of a planar lipid membrane with its ...
How Influenza's Spike Motor Works - Physical Review Link ...by F Ziebert · · Cited by 7 — How Influenza's Spike Motor Works. Falko Ziebert and Igor M. Kulić. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, – Published 28 May by OM Drozdowski · — Oliver M. Drozdowski, Falko Ziebert, and Ulrich S. Schwarz. Phys. Rev *-heidelberg.de. Click to Expand ... › doi › PhysRevLett › doi › PhysRevE
[ ] Effective zero-thickness model for a conductive membrane...Submission history. From: Falko Ziebert [view email] [v1] Thu, 5 Nov :04:56 UTC (119 KB). Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
Segmental Relaxations Have Macroscopic Consequences in Glassy Polymer...Mithun Chowdhury, Paul Freyberg, Falko Ziebert, Arnold C.-M. Yang, Ullrich Steiner and Günter Reiter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, (2012)
18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dr. Falko Ziebert - GEPRIS - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaftgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personDr. Falko Ziebert. Adresse Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Institut für Theoretische Physik Heidelberg.
Special Issues - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena - Journal - ElsevierSpecial issues published in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena.
Publications: Journal Articles - Soft Matter Physics Division -...Publications Journal Articles 2000: 2001: 2002: 2003: 2004: 2005: 2006: 2007: 2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: ... David Smith, Falko Ziebert, David Humphrey, Cynthia
GRK Workshop | SFBFalko Ziebert: Modeling crawling cell movement on soft and inhomogeneous substrates: Mittagessen (90 Minuten) Session Chair: Ludger Santen : 14: :30:
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Reply to comment on “Polymerization, bending, tension: What happens...We are grateful to Falko Ziebert and Igor Aranson, who continue with their comment on our publication [5] a discussion on modelling concepts. Ziebert and A
Linknovate | Comment on Ziebert & Aranson, "Modular approach for...Commentary on the contribution by Falko Ziebert and Igor S. Aranson [1] in this special issue. © EDP Sciences and Springer.
Reversible elastic phase field approach and application to cell...Motion and generation of forces by single cells and cell collectives are essential elements of many biological processes, including development, wound heal
Physical Models of Cell Motility | SpringerLinkThis book surveys the most recent advances in physics-inspired cell movement models. This synergetic, cross-disciplinary effort to increase the fidelity of...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Motorizing fibres with geometric zero-energy modes | Nature MaterialsResponsive materials1–3 have been used to generate structures with built-in complex geometries4–6, linear actuators7–9 and microswimmers10–12. These results...
46 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Mithun Chowdhury - Google Acadèmic... Eli Zysman-Colman,; Guohua Xie,; Yunlong Guo,; Michael Toney,; Graham LW Cross,; Daniele Cangialosi,; Falko Ziebert,; Philippe Dubois,; Ifor Samuel ...
What happens at the leadingedge of motile cells?” by Falko Ziebert ...www.academia.edu › Reply_to_comment_on_Poly...Reply to comment on “Polymerization,bending, tension: What happens at the leadingedge of motile cells?” by Falko Ziebert andIgor S. Aranson.
ESPCI Paris : Séminaire PMMH - Falko Ziebert (Universität Heidelberg)Séminaire PMMH - Falko Ziebert (Universität Heidelberg). 9 mars :00 » 12:00 — A1 (Urbain). Self-propelled motion of biological cells and polymeric ...
Journal articles: 'Falko' – GrafiatiList of journal articles on the topic 'Falko' Bd. 20 (Berlin: de Gruyter Ouldenberg, 2017), 516 pp by Falko Ziebert and Igor S. Aranson. › ... › Falko
Model for self-polarization and motility of keratocyte PubMedby F Ziebert · · Cited by 204 — Falko Ziebert , Sumanth Swaminathan, Igor S Aranson ... Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany. .fr. › ...
List of conference contributions - Michael H. Köpf... Days Europe conference, University of Bayreuth (Sep 2014): Different feedback, different dynamics, invited by Falko Ziebert Talk ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen GesellschaftConfinement and topography control 3D motility of crawling cells — • Benjamin Winkler, Igor S. Aranson, and Falko Ziebert: 10:30: BP 3.5:
Collisions of deformable cells lead to collective migration ...pennstate.pure.elsevier.com › fingerprintsJakob Löber, Falko Ziebert, Igor S. Aranson · Biomedical Engineering · Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences · Center for Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Research ...
2012 :: Joint Mathematics MeetingsMathematics in Computed Tomography. Mohamed Allali*, Chapman University ( VH-2024); 9:15 a.m.. Model for self-polarization and motility of keratocyte fragments. Falko Ziebert, Physikaisches Institut Sumanth Swaminathan*, Northwestern University Igor Aronson, Argonne National Laboratory (1077-VH ); 9:
APS -APS March Meeting Event - Renewal Events in...Authors: Julian Helfferich (Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS, Strasbourg, France and Universit\"at Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany). Falko Ziebert
APS -APS March Meeting Event - Confinement and substrate...Falko Ziebert (Physics, University of Heidelberg). Cell movement in vivo is often characterized by strong confinement and heterogeneous, ...
A nonequilibrium power balance relation for analyzing dissipative ...hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › halFalko Ziebert, Herve Mohrbach, Igor M. Kulic. A nonequilibrium power balance relation for analyzing dissipative filament dynamics.
Collisions of deformable cells lead to collective migration —...Collisions of deformable cells lead to collective migration. Jakob Löber, Falko Ziebert, Igor S. Aranson · Biomedical Engineering · Huck ...
BP 18: Poster VI - DPG-Verhandlungenwww.dpg-verhandlungen.de › year › part › session14:00, BP 18.4, Modelling cell monolayers with an elastic phase field approach — •Robert Chojowski, Ulrich S. Schwarz, and Falko Ziebert.
Comment on "instabilities of isotropic solutions of active polar...Comment on "instabilities of isotropic solutions of active polar filaments". Falko Ziebert, Walter Zimmermann, T. B. Liverpool, M. C. Marchetti.
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayBy following authors. Jörg Baschnagel. Hendrik Meyer. Joachim Wittmer. Igor Kulić. Hervé Mohrbach. Falko Ziebert. Gi-Moon Nam. Nam-Kyung Lee. Albert Johner ...
Dynamics of fiberboids - Archive ouverte HALCitation. Antony Bazir, Arthur Baumann, Falko Ziebert, Igor Kulić. Dynamics of fiberboids. Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, 16 (22), pp
Dynamics of fiberboids - Pub Medpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...... of fiberboids. Soft Matter Jun 10;16(22): doi: d0sm00540a. Authors. Antony Bazir , Arthur Baumann , Falko Ziebert , Igor M Kulić ...
Dynamics of fiberboids - Soft Matter (RSC Publishing)pubs.rsc.org › content › articlelandingAntony Bazir,a Arthur Baumann,b Falko Ziebert · ORCID logo c and Igor M. Kulić · ORCID logo bd. Author affiliations. a Institut Lumière Matière, UMR 5306, ...
Dr. Igor Aronson – Aronson's Group-Löber, Jakob, Falko Ziebert, and Igor S. Aranson. “Collisions of deformable cells lead to collective migration” Scientific reports 5 (2015): Kokot, Gasper ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Falko
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Falko; der Falke; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); falko = der Falke
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