241 Infos zu Felice Varini
Mehr erfahren über Felice Varini
Lebt in
- Kirchheim
Infos zu
- Swiss
- Cité Radieuse
- Optical
- Switzerland
- Illusions
- Locarno
- Marseille
- Paris-based
- Corbusier's
- Corbusiers
- Formen
- France
- Galerie
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wakka-Wakka-Kunst: Eine Pacman-Illusion für zuhauseUngeschlagener Meister der Perspektive scheint allerdings der italienische Maler Felice Varini zu sein, der sein Gesamtwerk auch öffentlich im ...
Swiss artist Felice Varini has created an installation, Arcs...Swiss artist Felice Varini has created an installation, Arcs d'Éllipses, in Fremantle's historic High Street. Posted 24 Oct 2017, 6:21pmTue 24 Oct 2017, 6:21pm. Artist Felice Varini oversees the final piece of Arcs d'Éllipses going into place. ABC Radio Perth: Emma Wynne ...
Felice Varini Adds a Vibrant Art Installation to Corbusier’s Unité...This historic Brutalist building gets a splash of paint
FOCUS: Kunstinstallation in Osnabrück: Felice Varini bemalt Marktplatz und...Felice Varini bezaubert Osnabrück derzeit mit großflächigen, geometrischen Farbkompositionen, die auf die Häuserfassenden (am Marktplatz) und das Kirchenschiff der Kunsthalle appliziert sind. Das Bemühen, räumliche Situationen auf eine Fläche zu übertragen, ist so alt wie die Malerei selbst.
71 Bilder zu Felice Varini

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Felice Varini - Home | FacebookTwitter Profil: Felice Varini (felicevarini)Felice VariniZKMFelice Varini. Year of birth, place: 1952, London, United Kingdom. Publications. Cover of the Publication »Negative Space«, Negative Space.
Felice VariniKUNSTFORUM InternationalFelice Varini. , * 1952, Locarno, Schweiz. Artikel; Bilder.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
OK Go Music Video Optical Illusions - Business InsiderAn optical illusion is a kind of visual trick where what your brain thinks you see is actually different from reality.
Felice Varini | Swiss artistBritannicaIn Swiss artist Felice Varini—known for large-scale anamorphic installations—created Three Ellipses for Three Locks, for which he painted three ellipses, ...
Photo: Bearing the zigzag artwork of Felice VariniTripAdvisorDomaine de Trevarez, Saint-Goazec Picture: Bearing the zigzag artwork of Felice Varini - Check out Tripadvisor members' 511 candid photos and videos.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Quatre couronnes entremêlées by Felice VariniSwiss ReTake a step to the left, or a step to the right, however, and the obstacle melts away. Location. Armonk. © Felice Varini. Just an illusion: from ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Felice Variniart contemporain, creation artistique
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Felice Varini - DesignersDemisch DanantFelice Varini was born in in Locarno, Switzerland. and currently lives in Paris. He paints directly onto architectural and urban spaces, ...
2 Projekte
Felice VariniArtnetFinden Sie Kunstwerke und Informationen zu Felice Varini (französisch/schweizerisch, 1952) auf artnet. Erfahren Sie mehr zu Kunstwerken in Galerien, ...
Artist Transforms Iconic Le Corbusier Building - artnet NewsIllusory artist Felice Varini completed a new installation that marks his first time manipulating architecture by Le Corbusier.
3 Bücher zum Namen
Point View by Felice VariniAbeBooksFelice Varini: Points Of View (English edition) by Muller, Lars (ed); Fabiola Lopez-Duran (text) & Felice Varini (designs) and a great selection of related ...
bokus.com: Felice Varini - BöckerBokusKöp böcker av Felice Varini hos Bokus med fri frakt och snabb leverans. Här hittar du de senaste och mest populära böckerna till bra pris!
Felice Varini: Points of View - Google BooksVarini explora los espacios arquitectónicos, transformando el acto pasivo de ver en una experiencia activa. Las formas que pinta en espacios cerrados o...
1 Dokumente
Perceptions - sociological vision gamesFelice Varini
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Felice Varini: Points of ViewSpringervon L Müller · Zitiert von: 2 — Book Title: Felice Varini. Book Subtitle: Points of View. Editors: Lars Müller. Publisher: Lars Müller Publishers Baden (Switzerland).
The Anamorphoses of Felice VariniResearchGate— Download Citation | On Jul 7, 2017, Cristiana Bartolomei published The Anamorphoses of Felice Varini | Find, read and cite all the research ...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Felice VariniWikipediaFelice Varini (born in Locarno in 1952) is a Paris-based, Swiss artist who was nominated for the Marcel Duchamp Prize.
Kunstinterview Felice VariniUniversity of St.GallenKunstinterview Felice Varini. Diesen Inhalt aktivieren. Inhalt erfordert Bestätigung. Akzeptieren. Mehr. Weitere Videos. movie. Videos :
I Am a Painter. | Poetic MindFelice Varini: No. When I begin to paint I never think about the viewer. The viewer does not affect the way I start the work. The viewer will become part of the work ...
Kunstinterviews | Universität | Universität St.GallenIn unseren Kunstinterviews sprechen Künstler, deren Werke an der HSG zu sehen sind, über ihre Arbeiten und ihre Vorstellung von Kunst: von Gerhard Richter und...
124 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Le toit de la Cité Radieuse du point de vue de Felice Varini - LinkedInAI Is Eating Software. Jensen Huang on LinkedIn. Is your open office a produtivity nightmare? Credit: istockphoto ...
Le toit de la Cité Radieuse du point de vue de Felice Varini - LinkedInHow P&G and American Express Are Approaching AI. Tom Davenport on LinkedIn. Photo Courtesy of Deposit Photos-College Grads ...
Felice Varini | WidewallsPlaying with the perception of the viewer, Felice Varini creates uncanny, large-scale paintings that offer a different representation from a different...
Felice Varini - Ellipse for SaleArtspaceEllipse, by Felice Varini.
Die Riesenringe des Fassadenkünstlers Felice Varini - Euromaxx |...Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bemalt der Schweizer Künstler Felice Varini Häuser, Wände und Gewölbe mit überdimensionalen geometrischen Formen und spielt mit den...
Felice Varini : La Villette - Eva Albarran & CoEva Albarran & CoLA VILLETTE. After Yayoi Kusama, Pascale Martine – Thayou, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Tadashi Kawamata, Le Parc de la Villette offers its spaces to Felice Varini.
Anamorphic Illusions by Felice Varini | Bored PandaSwiss artist Felice Varini's art installations might look random, but his geometric graphic designs all fit into place when standing in the right spot.
Felice Varini Adorns the MaMo atop Le Corbusier's La Cité ...Architect MagazineSwiss artist Felice Varini, who works out of Paris, has used bold geometric forms of yellow and red to decorate the Marseille Modulor (MaMo), a contemporary ...
Felice Varini Archives - The Aesthetics of Joy by Ingrid ...The Aesthetics of JoyFelice Varini. Art. The magic of illusions. What's your design personality? Take this 5-minute quiz to find out. Free Resource. Find more joy every day.
Arte e curiosità dal mondo – Le geometrie applicate di Felice Varini...Francamente quando ho visto per la prima volta le opere dell'artista svizzero Felice Varini mi son chiesta cosa ci fosse di particolare e tale da produrre...
Felice Varini Contemporary artChemins du patrimoine en FinistèreThrough the two installations found on the demesne, Felice Varini challenges the vision that regular visitors to this prestigious heritage site may have, ...
Felice Varini Sculpture CercleÉditions DilectaFelice Varini. €1, Tax included Red circle, yellow circle or blue circle. Steel paint x x cm 50 examples numbered, signed in ...
Felice Varini puts painting in perspective at the pavilion Paul ...wallpaper.comtrompe l'oeil artist felice varini opens a new solo exhibition of optical illusion paintings at the pavilion de paul delouvrier in paris' galerie de la ...
Felice Varini - I Support Street ArtI Support Street ArtFelice Varini is a Paris based Artist who has been active with since the late 70s. His works demonstrates some 3 D views of art in a most spectacular ...
Felice Varini2005 Acrylic, various dimensions Inv Acquired with the aid of the FRAM Île-de-France Notice Felice Varini works on the space and the (...)
Felice Varini | AccueilCollection Société GénéraleFelice Varini. Born in Artist born in in Lugarno, Switzerland. Lives in Paris. The basis of Varini's work is architecture, although his work ...
Felice Varini – Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI)a-g-i.orgFelice Varini. Lars Müller. Images of Felice Varini. Image 1 — lars-muller (Felice Varini) items. search. Jost Hochuli
Felice Varini - Studio DabbeniSTUDIO DABBENI
Felice Varini – M i c h a e l P i n s k yMichael PinskyParis-based Swiss artist Felice Varini uses King's Cross as a canvas and intervenes onto the buildings, which populate the skyline north of Regent's Canal.
Felice Varini — What's Happening?Site Projects New Haven... Win Davis at Town Green Special Services District and to everyone who has ever taken a photo in front of the Varini. Tagged: Felice Varini, Varini, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felice
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Felice; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Felix
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Felice Varini und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.