297 Infos zu Felicity Jensz
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- Missionaries and Modernity
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- Moravian
- Hanna Acke
- Missions and Media
- British Empire
19 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wie viele Wissenschaftler*innen passen in einen Kellerraum ...ceres.rub.de › aktuelles › wie-viele-wissenschaftlerinnen-passen-in-einen-k...· Mit dabei waren: Barbara Frey (LWL-Industriemuseum Zeche Zollern), Felicity Jensz (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), ...
A window into life at Ebeneezer Mission through a newly ABCwww.abc.net.au › wimmera › programs › breakfast· To understand the role Ebeneezer Mission plays in the Wimmera's history, German-based researcher Dr Felicity Jensz collated a journal from ...
Historian Felicity Jensz has compiled a new story of the ordinary day ...www.mailtimes.com.au › News › Local NewsHistorian Felicity Jensz shared a new look at an essential part of Victoria's history chronicled in her book Ebenezer Mission Station to a small gathering at ...
Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz | Paper Pluswww.paperplus.co.nz › non-fiction › history › general77,00 NZ$ · Missionaries and Modernity Paperback. Education in the British Empire, By Felicity Jensz. Be the first to review this product. 77,00 NZ$ · Missionaries and Modernity Paperback. Education in the British Empire, By Felicity Jensz. Be the first to review this product.
2 Bilder zu Felicity Jensz

17 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Felicity Jensz | FacebookLinkedIn: Felicity Jensz | LinkedInFelicity Jensz’ berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Felicity Jensz dabei ...
LinkedIn: Felicity Jensz | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Felicity Jensz (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
Felicity Jensz fjensz - GitHub› fjensz
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Ein Gespräch mit Historikerin PD Dr. Felicity Jensz - Facebookm.facebook.com › eventsMemo to Trump: Greenland isn't Denmark's to sellwww.smh.com.au › World › Europe › Donald Trump· Felicity Jensz is research associate professor at the University of Munster. This article is republished from The Conversation under a ...
1 Business-Profile
Jensz, Felicity ( ) - IdRefwww.idref.fr › ...· German moravian missionaries in the british colony of Victoria, Australia, : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz,
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Publikationen | Geschichte/ phil / geschichte / mitarbeiter / bonea_amelia / publikationen.html ... In Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth-Century, ed. by Felicity Jensz and Hanna Acke, pp Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Translations (Japanese-English) Yamasaki, Akiko. “Handicrafts and Gender in Modern ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria,...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
6 Projekte
ArticleFelicity Jensz. German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of. Victoria, Australia, 1848–1908: Influential Strangers. Studies in Christian Mission 38.
Coac-network - Children as Objects and Agents of Change (COAC) -...Coac-network
Education in the British Empire, 1830–1910 by Felicity Jensz (review)muse.jhu.edu › pub › article › pdfFelicity Jensz's deeply researched, well-written monograph, Missionaries and Modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830–1910, is an ambitious,.
Publications - Children as Objects and Agents of Change ...Felicity Jensz, 'Hope and Pity: Depictions of Children in Five Decades of the Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt, ', in: Judith Becker, ... › projects › coac
77 Bücher zum Namen
Stimmen aus dem Jenseits : ein interdisziplinäres Projekt = Voices ...www.zvab.com › Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (Hg.):17,60 €Jahrhundert (Kommentar) -- Felicity Jensz, The Voice of Mourning -- Mrinal Pande, The Voice of Ethnography (Comment) -- Simon Rapple, The Taming of the ,60 € Jahrhundert (Kommentar) -- Felicity Jensz, The Voice of Mourning -- Mrinal Pande, The Voice of Ethnography (Comment) -- Simon Rapple, The Taming of the ...
education in the British Empire, 1830–1910, by Felicity Jenszwww.tandfonline.com › ... › Latest Articles· ... Felicity Jensz. by Felicity Jensz, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2022, viii + 278pp., £ (hardback), ISBN
Felicity Jensz | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.dewww.beck-shop.de › felicity-jensz › creator39,00 €Hier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Felicity Jensz . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke. 39,00 € Hier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Felicity Jensz . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke.
Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood : Jensz, Felicity ...booksamillion.com › search139,99 $by Daniel Gerster, Felicity Jensz No Ratings. Online: Preorder. $ November · Follow us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram! 139,99 $ by Daniel Gerster, Felicity Jensz No Ratings. Online: Preorder. $ November · Follow us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram!
3 Songs & Musik
Felicity Jensz – alle Bücher, LPs und CDs – jpc.deDas Buch Missions and Media jetzt portofrei für 48,00 Euro kaufen.
Felicity Jensz – alle Bücher – jpc.de› ...
Felicity Jensz – alle Bücher – jpc.dewww.jpc.de › ...Ihre Suche nach "Felicity Jensz" ergab 1 Treffer. Sortieren nach: Bitte auswählen, Interpret A-Z, Interpret Z-A, Titel A-Z, Titel Z-A, Preis aufsteigend ...
16 Dokumente
SCHATTENBLICK - MELDUNG/079: Literaturhinweis - Wenn Menschen Stimmen...und Mrinal Pande, die Historiker PD Dr. Klaus Große Kracht, Dr. Felicity Jensz und Simon Rapple sowie die Soziologin Silke Müller.
Jensz, Felicity [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Felicity Jensz ... Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, : influential strangers by Felicity Jensz( )
Felicity Jensz and Hanna Acke, eds: Missions and Media: The ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs· Felicity Jensz and Hanna Acke, eds: Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century. Stuttgart: Franz ...
Felicity Jensz and Hanna Acke, eds: Missions and Media: The Politics...This is a commendable addition to studies on nineteenth‐century Christian missionary endeavours, and provides a useful insight into the rather understudied...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Felicity Jensz German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of ...www.jstor.org › stable › jmorahistFelicity Jensz. German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of. Victoria, Australia, 1848–1908: Influential Strangers. Studies in Christian Mission ...
Dr. Gabriele Richter - Universität Bremenwww.uni-bremen.de › religionswissenschaft › personen › dr-gabriele-richter"Review" on Felicity Jensz: German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, Influential Strangers (Studies in ...
WWU Münster > Religion & Politik > Personen > Acke, Hanna, M. A.Religion und Politik > Personen > Graduiertenschule > DoktorandInnen
The Function of Inaugural Editorials in Missionary Periodicalsvon F Jensz · · Zitiert von: 9 — Felicity Jensz. During the nineteenth century, over 300 missionary periodicals were established in Britain,18 along with hundreds in North America,. › stable
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Firewood, fakirs and flags : the construction of the non-Western ...www.worldcat.org › title › oclc... periodical. Show more. Author: Felicity Jensz. Front cover image for Firewood, fakirs and flags : the construction of the non-. Print Book, English,
Felicity Jensz - Wikidata› wiki
PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME, PAEFELICITY JENSZ. Nationalism, transnationalism, and patriotism in a German-American. Freethinker periodical, Blätter für freies religiöses Leben ( ). › › PA...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Armin Owzar – Wikipediavon Felicity Jensz und Hannah Acke, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN , S. 133–149. The Imponderabilia of Constitutional Festivities. Constitutional Culture ...
Wikipedia: Lake Boga mission - WikipediaLake Boga Mission station was established on the south-eastern shores of Lake Boga, Victoria, ... Cultural Heritage Landscape, 10 September 2010, Accessed 24 September, 2011; ^ Felicity Jensz, pp , German Moravian missionaries ...
Also on settlements as utopias: Andrekos Varnava (ed.), Imperial...A blog for the advancement of settler colonial studies
Anthropological Forum - Volume 27 number 3 (2017)A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology. A journal that publishes both accomplished and emergent scholars on contemporary issues and that...
131 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Felicity Jensz | LinkedInView Felicity Jensz's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Felicity Jensz discover inside ...
The Edinburgh World Missionary Conference and ...linkedin.comFelicity Jensz's Post. View profile for Felicity Jensz. Felicity Jensz. Researcher bei University of Muenster. 5y. Report this post; Close menu.
Buy Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz With Free Deliverywordery.com › missionaries-and-modernity-felicity-...10,96 $ · Get FREE shipping on Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz, from wordery.com. This book examines the changing landscape of ,96 $ · Get FREE shipping on Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz, from wordery.com. This book examines the changing landscape of ...
Jensz, Felicity - alle Bücher Online✅ Jensz, Felicity: ✅ : Hier finden Sie alle Bücher und Publikationen des Autors auf buch-findr.de Silke Hensel lehrt außereuropäische Geschicht
Jensz - Names EncyclopediaWriters: Felicity Jensz, David Jensz Books: "David Jensz sculpture" Faces of people named Jensz. Jensz_4 Rating:0. Inappropriate, Not Bad, Good, Great!
Missionaries And Modernity, Felicity Jensz - Livro - Bertrandwww.bertrand.pt › livro › missionaries-and-moderni...28,97 €Compre o livro Missionaries And Modernity de Felicity Jensz em Bertrand.pt. 10% de desconto imediato, portes grátis. 28,97 € Compre o livro Missionaries And Modernity de Felicity Jensz em Bertrand.pt. 10% de desconto imediato, portes grátis.
Felicity Jensz: German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Livro missionaries and modernity de felicity jensz (inglês) | Worten.ptwww.worten.pt › produtos › livro-missionaries-and-...112,47 €Sabe mais sobre Livro missionaries and modernity de felicity jensz (inglês). Compra online, ao melhor preço, na Black Friday da Worten. 112,47 € Sabe mais sobre Livro missionaries and modernity de felicity jensz (inglês). Compra online, ao melhor preço, na Black Friday da Worten.
Felicity Jensz (University of Münster) on “Colonial History and ...centreforaustralianstudies.org › guest-lecture-in-aust...· Guest Lecture in Australian Studies: Felicity Jensz (University of Münster) on “Colonial History and Cultural Heritage: Traces in Mission ...
Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz - Kogan.comwww.kogan.com › ... › Educational & Learning83,32 AU$Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz. $ FREEShipping. Join Kogan FIRST Learn More. kogan ,32 AU$ Missionaries and Modernity by Felicity Jensz. $ FREEShipping. Join Kogan FIRST Learn More. kogan- ...
Missionaries and Modernity | Felicity Jensz - Tales-buecher.detales-buecher.de › Bücher › Wirtschaft & Schule135,00 €156x234x17 mm. Gewicht: 581 g. Über Felicity Jensz. 135,00 € 156x234x17 mm. Gewicht: 581 g. Über Felicity Jensz.
Felicity Jensz - Imperial & Global Forumimperialglobalexeter.com › tag › felicity-jensz· Felicity Jensz · University of Münster. Donald Trump is not the first US President to make an offer of buying Greenland from Denmark – but he ...
Felicity Jensz: German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of...Felicity Jensz: German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, Influential Strangers (= Studies in ...
Felicity Jensz, German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony ...ixtheo.de › RecordFelicity Jensz, German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, : Influential Strangers, Leiden: Brill 2010, 274 p., isbn ...
Education in the British Empireby Felicity Jensz› ...
Jensz, Felicity Full record view Libraries Australia...The Moravian-run Ebenezer mission station in north-western Victoria, t.p. ( Felicity Jensz). Local system number: (AuAU) ; (AU-CaAIA)XX
Felicity Jensz – indiepubs› vendors
Felicity Jensz, German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony ...brill.com › previewpdf › journals › exch › article-p92_7Felicity Jensz, German Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, : Influential Strangers, Leiden: Brill 2010, 274 p., ...
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CORROBOREE - Definición y sinónimos de corroboree en el diccionario...Conoce el significado de corroboree en el diccionario inglés con ejemplos de uso. Sinónimos y antónimos de corroboree y traducción de corroboree a 25 idiomas.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felicity
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Felicity; Glück; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); felicitas = das Glück, die Glückseligkeit, die Fruchtbarkeit; in der römischen Mythologie ist Felizitas die Göttin des Glücks
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