160 Infos zu Felix Fietkau
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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
news new-hal-release-for-atheros-hardware -...answer: its based on Sam Leffler's HAL sources and was enhanced with the development efforts of Felix Fietkau (nbd / OpenWRT) and Sebastian Gottschall (BrainSlayer / DD
1 Bilder zu Felix Fietkau

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Felix Fietkau - Hi erstmal :D in welcher Folge ist nochmal ...Facebook: Felix Fietkau - Hi liebes Media Markt team, habt ihr im ...Facebook: Felix Fietkau - Liebe Gamescom, WAS SOLL DAS? WIESO ...Facebook: Felix Fietkau | Facebook4 Hobbys & Interessen
22C3: Hacking OpenWRT22nd Chaos Communication Congress Private Investigations. Speakers. Felix Fietkau. Schedule. Day, 1. Room, Saal 2. Start time, 23:00. Duration, 01:00. Info.
22C3: Felix FietkauFelix is a student of computer science at the University of Hamburg and esp. interested in wireless issues. >
media.ccc.de - 22C3: Private InvestigationsVideo Streaming Portal des Chaos Computer Clubs
22C3_1099 Hacking OpenWRT - Chaosradio Podcast NetworkPräsentation vom: , 23:00 Uhr. Teilnehmer: Felix Fietkau ... Speakers: Felix Fietkau Language: en. Date: Time: 23:
3 Persönliche Webseiten
OpenWrt Talks and Slides [Old OpenWrt Wiki]– Felix Fietkau (nbd), CRE076 (German Podcast), OpenWRT Die Linux-Distribution für WLAN-Router – Rex Tsai (chihchun), COSCUP 2008, OpenWRT, OpenWrt and Case Study.
4 Projekte
CShoreWrt / cshorewrt-base [a32acc]configFelix Fietkau, [7a5235] build: add support for automatically removing b... includeFelix Fietkau, [f784b3] build: fix regression in handling ABI_VERSION · packageJo-Philipp Wich, [f79877] libtool: don't clobber host libtool infrastructure · scriptsFelix Fietkau, [cfd835] ...
ChangeLog2) Don't call driver's filter configure method until it's actually open, from Felix Fietkau. 3) Use ieee80211_free_txskb otherwise we leak control information.
CShoreWrt / cshorewrt-base [a32acc] /toolshashes · b43-toolsFelix Fietkau, [18300d] b43-tools: fix tarball hash .
Re: IRQ sharing. | LIRCHi! Felix Fietkau "Nobody168@..." wrote: [...] > My question is, whether there is any reason for not just changing the > flags in the request_irq line in lirc_serial.c ...
4 Dokumente
File:30C3 Felix Fietkau 01.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsDescription30C3 Felix Fietkau 01.jpg. Deutsch: OpenWRT Entwickler Felix Fietkau aka nbd auf dem 30c3. Date, 27 December
en:developers:documentation:mac80211:ratecontrol:minstrel [Linux...The minstrel rate control algorithm present on mac was ported from MadWifi by Felix Fietkau. MadWifi's minstrel implementation was released on January ...
Category:30C3 - Wikimedia CommonsEnglish: The 30th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Deutsch: Der C3 Felix Fietkau 01.jpg MB. 30C3 Felix ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Quantitative Analysis of Physical Layer and Link INET - TU Berlin146–152, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society. [41] Derek Smithies and Felix Fietkau. Minstrel. http://madwifi-project.org/.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Wireless Community Weekend Participants – wiki.freifunk.netFörderverein freie Netzwerke, all days, everything; Borys Sobieski, Freifunk Neckar-Alb, all days, everything; André Gaul, Freifunk Berlin, all days, everything; Felix Fietkau, LEDE, all days, everything; baldo, Freifunk Hamburg, ...
ZBT WN WikiDeviFor a list of all currently documented MediaTek chipsets with specifications, see MediaTek ac PCI Express Wireless Network Adapter. Used in ZBT WE PCI ID: 14c3: MT7662E / MT7612E ac 2T2R GHz PCI Express Single Chip. (WIP Felix Fietkau &> mt
WLAN Einrichten – DebianforumWiki... everything there." - Felix Fietkau, wireless drivers: freedom considered harmful ? (openwert) [32c3] https://youtu.be/niu14NoLeQc?t=40m53s.
Google Summer of Code Application – wiki.freifunk.netFelix Fietkau (OpenWrt, Europe) Frithjof Hammer (freifunk.net, Freifunk BNO, Germany) Harald Schioeberg (t-labs, Germany) Ramon Navarro Bosch (Guifi.net, Spain, former
35 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: [PATCH ] fallthru: jffs2 fallthru support: Valerie Aurora linux kernel From: Felix Fietkau
Google Groups: Traffic Shaping / Labor-Firmware für älter e Fritz!Box?: ... Möglichkeiten zum Traffic Shaping verfügen. Diejenigen, auf denen openWRT
Bug# : linux-image amd64: module ath5k is blocking...From: Felix Fietkau Date: Tue, 6 Mar :06:37 +0100 Subject: ath5k: do not stop queues for full calibration commit
Bug# : ath9k: Ath9K wireless quite unreliable since upgrade to...From 115dad7a7f42e ceb9306dbdb36 Mon Sep :00: From: Felix Fietkau &> Date: Fri, 14 Jan ...
86 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Media Alert: prpl Sessions at Embedded Linux Conference ...OpenWrt panel: panelists including Kathy Giori and Mathieu Olivari from Qualcomm Atheros, and Felix Fietkau and Luka Perkov from OpenWrt ...
CRE076 OpenWRT | CRE: Technik, Kultur, GesellschaftFelix Fietkau ist einer der Entwickler des Projektes und berichtet im Gespräch mit Tim Pritlove über die Zeile, Schwerpunkte und Besonderheiten der Distribution.
meetbot.debian.net/olpc-de olpc-de.log _1707.html[17:09:42] * nbd ist Felix Fietkau, OpenWrt Lead Developer, Hamburg [17:09:58] * h01ger lacht �ber olpc-hmmm-de [17:10:25] <yokoy> h01ger: uebernachster topic [17:10:30] <yokoy> lol [17:1 ...
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage - VeranstaltungsdetailsFelix Fietkau. Tina Pollee. Dienstag, 00:00 Uhr, Raum. OpenWrt ist eine Linux- Distribution für eingebettete Geräte, insbesondere für WLAN-Heimrouter. ...
en:developers:summits:barcelona [Linux Wireless]Oliver Neukum ; Albert Ho ; Pieter Hollants ; Felix Fietkau ; Lukasz Rymanowski ; Waldemar Rymarkiewicz ; Dennis Jensen ; Johan Hedberg ; Luiz Augusto von Dentz
dev.sferic.orgMaintainer: Felix Fietkau Architecture: ar71xx Installed-Size: Filename: kmod-mac80211_3.3.8+ _ar71xx.ipk Size:
freecwmpLuka Perkov - Lead programmer Felix Fietkau, Steven Barth - UCI/ubox/ZStream libraries Luka Perkov - microxml library John Crispin - Documentation and testing
kmod-ath9k OpenWrt package [Old OpenWrt Wiki]Source: kmod-ath9k Version: + This module adds support for ... Felix Fietkau
madwifi-project.orgFelix Fietkau Colubris Networks Matthew W. S. Bell Ivan S. Subrov Jochem Berndsen Apologies to anyone whose name was unintentionally left off. Please let us know if you think
r in developers/nbd: ar6k ar6k/htc ar6k/include...... nbd/ar6k/ar6k.h :05:52 UTC (rev 3096) @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) Felix Fietkau
target/linux/atheros/patches ar2313_ethernet.patch -...+MODULE_AUTHOR("Sameer Dekate , Imre Kaloz , Felix Fietkau "); 163 +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AR231x Ethernet driver");
Felix Fietkau | RanklyRankly is a list blogging platform. Users can create, share and discover interesting lists about the stuff in their life they care about.
'Felix Fietkau ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Felix Fietkau <nbd () openwrt ! org>' (2655 msg) Next · Last [1] Re: [PATCH] ath9k: Fix symbol overlap window for half/quar linux-wirel [5] Re: About adding support for MT76x2U to Linux kernel linux-wirel [1] Re: [BUG] kernel crash in br_netfilter ...
Linux MTD development - PatchworkFilters: Submitter = Felix Fietkau remove filter ... Revert "mtd: spi-nor: disable protection for Winbond flash at startup", Felix Fietkau, New.
LKML: Felix Fietkau: Re: Bumping required kernels to 3.0 for Linux...On :16, Johannes Berg wrote: > On Wed, at 11:18 +0200, Felix Fietkau wrote: > >> I'm looking forward to getting rid ...
Felix Fietkau | fosdem.orgFOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary. Search this site: Front page · About · FOSDEM · Sponsors · FAQ · Schedule · Printable schedule · Grid Saturday · Grid Sunday ...
C3Subtitles: Speaker: Felix FietkauCommunication Congress; Language(s):: English. Track(s):: Hardware & Making ...
LKML: Felix Fietkau: Re: Misalignment, MIPS, and ip_hdr(skb)->versionOn :54, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > On Wed, Dec 7, at 7:51 PM, David Miller &> wrote: >> It's so much better to analyze properly where the misalignment comes from >> and address it at the source, as we have for various cases that trip up >> Sparc too. >
08c96abd611beadf2af414a306fe0fb02ba706ff -...commit, 08c96abd611beadf2af414a306fe0fb02ba706ff[log][tgz]. author, Felix Fietkau &>, Sat May :28: +0200.
Zkuste později / Try again later!... framework", author = "Florian Fainelli", month = jan, year = "2008", url = "http://downloads.openwrt.org/people/florian/fosdem/fosdem.pdf" } @Electronic{ openwrt_buildroot, title = "OpenWrt Buildroot", author = "Felix Fietkau and Waldemar Brodkorb", url = "http://downloads.openwrt.org/docs/buildroot-documentation.html" }
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felix
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Rumänisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen FelixMännlicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche;; felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Felix
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Simon Wunderlich
- Michael Buesch
- Florian Schirmer
- Waldemar Brodkorb
- Harald Schioeberg
- Ramon Navarro
- Frithjof Hammer
- Ulf Freyhoff
- Frank Fietkau
Personensuche zu Felix Fietkau & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Felix Fietkau und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.