37 Infos zu Felix Joho

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Felix Joho | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Felix Joho auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Felix Joho aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...

Facebook: Felix Joho Profile | Facebook

Profile der Personen mit dem Namen Felix Joho auf Facebook anzeigen Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Felix Joho und anderen Nutzern, die du vielleicht kennst ...

Felix Joho - Produktmanager - VICI | Business Profile | Apollo.iowww.apollo.io › people › Felix › Joho

View Felix Joho's business profile as Produktmanager at VICI. Find Felix's email address, mobile number, work history, and more.

Alumni: Prof. Novák - Technische Universität Braunschweigwww.tu-braunschweig.de › ines › institute › people › alumni-prof-novak

Dr. Felix JohoVICI AG International, Switzerland. Dr. Dietrich GoersLiacon GmbH, Germany. Dr. Martin Bärtsch,

2 Bücher zum Namen

Norsk teknisk tidsskrift - Google Books

Fremgangsmåde og maskine til Limn . , Joseph Slater Lewis og Felix Joho Howitt af 6. Fra The Foreign Electric Traction Company af at danne hagerne på ...

Why Gesture?: How the hands function in speaking, thinking and...

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21: 394–405. doi: Bennewitz, Maren, Faber, Felix, Joho, Dominik, & Behnke, Sven ...

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "DTIC ADA : 10TH International Meeting on Lithium...

9 The Complex Electrochemistry of Graphite Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries Petr Nov£k , Felix Joho, Martin Lanz, Beat Rykart, Jan-Christoph Panitz, ...

8 Dokumente

Method of treating a material to achieve sufficient hydrophilicity...

An exemplary method of treating a material such as carbon or graphite to render at least some surfaces of the material hydrophilic includes coating at least a...

Influence of Graphite Surface Modifications on Lithium Intercalation ...pdfslide.net › Documents

To cite this article: Felix Joho , Pete Novk , Otto Haas , Alain Monnier & Francis Fischer (1998) Influence of Graphite SurfaceModifications on Lithium ...

Development of High Power Anode Material for Automotive Li EVs24

[2] Felix Joho, et al., Journal of The. Electrochemical Society, 149 (8). A A1024 (2002). [3] M. Hanhn et al. Electrochemical and. Solid-State Letters, 11 _9_ ...

(PDF) In situ investigation of the interaction between graphite and...

� .Journal of Power Sources 81– –216 www.elsevier.comrlocaterjpowsour In situ investigation of the interaction between graphite and electrolyte...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Journal of Power Sources | Proceedings of the 10th International...

Relation between surface properties, pore structure and first-cycle charge loss of graphite as negative electrode in lithium-ion batteries. Felix Joho, Beat Rykart, ...

Publications - Group Hegetschweiler

Kaspar Hegetschweiler, Oliver Maas, Anja Zimmer, Rodney J ... Marc D. Meienberger, Felix Joho, Stefano Leoni, Reinhard Nesper, Guido J. Reiß, Walter Frank ...

Publikationen - AK Hegetschweiler

47, Maria J. Mayor-Lopez, Jacques Weber, Kaspar Hegetschweiler, Marc D. Meienberger, Felix Joho, Stefano Leoni, Reinhard Nesper, Guido ...

17 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Development of High Power Anode Material for Automotive Li-ion...

References [1] Zhenhua Mao et al, Proceedings, AABC 2008, Tampa, Fl, [2] Felix Joho, et al., Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 149 (8) A1020-A


Felix Joho Family Crest. The last known Crest was provided by Felix Joho on Felix who lives in Nussbaumen Switzerland provided me with a photograph of ...

ETH - Zurich > Nesper group > people > former members

Nicholas Ironmonger CCN. Dr. Anton Ivantchenko Nanomaterials. contact. Dr. Michael Jacob Topology. Michael went back to Sweden to work with Prof. Sven Lidin at the University of Stockholm. contact. Christina Johnson Zintl phases. Dr. Felix Joho Battery research. www.psi.ch contact. Dr. Tommy Kaspar.

Joho - Names Encyclopedia

Felix Joho (1) Valerie Joho (1) Kurt Joho (1) Gabi Joho (1) Rosa Joho (1) Trudi Joho (1) Max Joho (1) Brigitte Joho (1) Franziska Joho (1) Manfred Joho (1)

Journal of Power Sources | downloadur.booksc.org › journal › none

Key factors for the cycling stability of graphite intercalation electrodes for lithium-ion batteries · Felix Joho, Beat Rykart, Roman Imhof, Petr Novák, ...

Electrochimica Acta

SNIFTIRS investigation of the oxidative decomposition of organic-carbonate-based electrolytes for lithium-ion cells · Felix Joho, Petr Novák.

figshare.com › articles › Structure_and_Reactivity_of_Mo_sub_3_sub...Structure and Reactivity of [Mo3-μ3S-(μS2)3]4+ Complexes ...

posted on , 17:00 by María J. Mayor-López Jacques Weber Kaspar Hegetschweiler Marc D. Meienberger Felix Joho Stefano Leoni Reinhard Nesper ...

Redoxreaktionen. Ein Leitprogramm in Chemie - PDF Free Download

... Manfred Giger Felix Joho, Max Maurer Corinne Meier Herausgeber: Walter Caprez Überarbeitet von Markus Lerchi & Amadeus Bärtsch im Jan

Structure and Reactivity of [Mo(3)-&mgr;(3)S-(&mgr;S(2))(3)](4+)...

María J. Mayor-López , Jacques Weber, Kaspar Hegetschweiler, Marc D. Meienberger, Felix Joho, Stefano Leoni, Reinhard Nesper, Guido J. Reiss, Walter Frank, ...

Influence of Graphite Surface Modifications on Lithium Intercalation...

This article was downloaded by: [University of Saskatchewan Library] On: 19 November 2014, At: 13:14 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in...

2007 RO-MAN: the 16th International Symposium on Robot and Human...

Bennewitz, Maren / Faber, Felix / Joho, Dominik / Behnke, Sven | digital version Characterising Dimensions of Use for Designing Adaptive ...

P U B L I K A T I O P e e r - R R e v i e w...

P U B L I K A T I O P e e r - R R e v i e w...

SNIFTIRS investigation of the oxidative decomposition of...

SNIFTIRS investigation of the oxidative decomposition of organic-carbonate-based electrolytes for lithium-ion cells. Felix Joho, Petr Novák · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...

Structure and Reactivity of [Mo 3 -μ 3 S-(μS 2 ) 3 ] 4+ Complexes....

Structure and Reactivity of [Mo 3 -μ 3 S-(μS 2 ) 3 ] 4+ Complexes. Quantum Chemical Calculations, X-ray Structural Characterization, and Raman Spectroscopic Measurements. María J. Mayor-López, Jacques Weber, Kaspar Hegetschweiler, Marc D. Meienberger, Felix Joho, Stefano Leoni, Reinhard Nesper, Guido J. Reiss, ...

The complex electrochemistry of graphite electrodes in lithium-ion...

Strony Opis fizyczny. Twórcy. autor. Petr Novák, . autor. Felix Joho. autor. Martin Lanz. autor. Beat Rykart. autor. Jan-Christoph Panitz.

Synthesis and Crystal Structure Determination of Bifunctional - PDF...

Apr 23, Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, and Department of Chemistry and MARTECH...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felix

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Rumänisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen FelixMännlicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche;; felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Felix

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