82 Infos zu Felix Noth

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Sommersemester 2012

Noth ... "The Theory of Corporate Finance" Dr. Felix Noth, Dr. Ulrich Schüwer ...

Oasen - Trier - Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Trier

Mai. | Lionel Albert | Noah Elwert | Robin Hameier | Hannah Hartke | Lea K rämer | Johanna K ürwitz. Jonas K ürwitz | Felix Noth | Gideon Pirrin ...

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Felix Nöth | Facebook

MySpace: Felix Nothing ( )

MySpace: felix nothintoaboss ( )

MySpace: felix nothing ( )

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Justia Blawg Search - Law Blogs, Lawyer Blogs, Legal Blogs Directory...

Law Blogs, Lawyer Blogs, Legal Blogs Directory & Search Engine

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

DIW Berlin: Interactions between bank-specific risk and macroeconomic...

Diskussionspapiere/ Discussion Papers (2017) Bank-Specific Shocks and House Price Growth in the U.S. Franziska Bremus, Thomas Krause, Felix Noth

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Dilek Bülbül | Frankfurt UAS

Felix Noth und Marcel Tyrell (2014), "Why do banks provide leasing?", Journal ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften: N-Z

A-M N-Z; Jun. Prof. Dr. Felix Noth. Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Dissertation topic: Graduation year: Current employer: IWH Halle Main Research:

1 Traueranzeigen

Traueranzeigen von Felix Noth | www.abschied-nehmen.de

Besuchen Sie die Gedenkseite von Felix Noth. Lesen Sie die Traueranzeige und gedenken Sie dem Verstorbenen mit einer Kerze oder Kondolenz.

12 Bücher zum Namen

Financial intermediation and its consequences for the real economy -...

Description. Cover Image. Preview. Financial intermediation and its consequences for the real economy. vorgelegt von Felix Noth. Year of Publication:

Papers by Felix Noth

Papers by Felix Noth

Operational Risk in Banken: Eine methodenkritische Analyse der...

Anja Hechenblaikner untersucht die derzeit wichtigsten Methoden zur Messung von Operational Risk. Aufbauend auf einer klaren Kategorisierung des IT-Risikos als...

Raum und Banken: Zur Funktionsweise regionaler Banken - Franz Flögel,...

Den regionalen Sparkassen und Kreditgenossenschaften gelang es, die Kreditvergabe an Unternehmen in der Finanzkrise zu steigern, während Groß- und Landesbanken...

18 Dokumente

The Effect of Natural Disasters on Bank Failures by Felix Noth,...

We tests whether natural disasters have an effect on failure probabilities of banks in affected regions. Using data on property damages from hurricanes, earthqu

Noth, Felix [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Felix Noth. Preparing the soil to make economic growth sustainable insights into cultural factors and discretionary policy measures by ...

Forschungsbericht Forschergruppe IWH

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Felix Noth (Juniorprofessur "Banking and Financial Systems") Jun.-Prof. Qizhou Xiong, PhD (Juniorprofessur "Financial Economics") 3. Forschungsprofil

Why Do Banks Provide Leasing? by Felix Noth, Dilek Bulbul, Marcel...

Banks are engaging in leasing activities at an increasing rate, which is demonstrated by aggregated data for both European and U.S. banking companies. However,

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Felix Noth


OPUS 4 | Structural reforms in banking: the role of trading

In the wake of the recent financial crisis, significant regulatory actions have been taken aimed at limiting risks emanating from trading in bank business...

Bank bailouts and competition - DICE

... Stephen Karolyi for valuable comments. All errors are our own. Email addresses: (Michael Koetter), -frankfurt.de (Felix Noth).

Forschungsdatenbank Zeppelin University

http://www.zeppelin-university.de/buchanan. Projektbearbeitung. Ekatarina Svetlova, Constatin Slotty, Felix Noth, Dilek Bülbül, Sascha Steffen, Andre Güttler.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Why Do Banks Provide Leasing? | SpringerLink

Banks are engaging in leasing activities at an increasing rate, which is demonstrated by aggregated data for both European and U.S. banking companies. However,...

Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog

Information about the Law Professor Blogs Network.

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Anmeldung Diplomarbeit Abteilung Finanzen - Raute Wirtschaft

Felix Noth 10. Ulrich Schüwer 11. Ru Xie 12. Olaf Clemens 13. Nina Moisa 14. Walerian Petrouchanski 15. Torben Bruder 16. Yigitcan Karabulut

24 Webfunde aus dem Netz

What drives banks’ geographic expansion? The role of locally...

Motivation Main contribution of this paper: We use variation in exogenous, locally non-diversifiable risk and combine it with the staggered deregulation...

ResearchGate - Temporarily Unavailable

ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. Connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs and conferences. All for free.

Prof. Dr. Felix Noth - Forschungsportal - ID:92063

Seit dem . März ist Felix Noth Koordinator der Forschungsgruppe Innovationen im finanz- und realwirtschaftlichen Sekto

Felix Noth – YES! – Young Economic Summit

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und begann seine ...

Citation profile for Felix Noth

Felix Noth: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS/CitEc

DIW Berlin: Banking Globalization, Local Lending and Labor Market...

This paper estimates the effects of banks' foreign exposures on local lending and labor markets in the aftermath of the world financial crisis for...


Behr, Patrick, Norden, Lars, and Felix Noth (2013): Financial Constraints of Private Firms and Bank Lending Behavior, Journal of Banking and ...

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Professuren / Dozenturen

Felix Noth: E-Business Prof. Dr. Abdolkarim Sadrieh: Financial Economics Jun.-Prof. Stefano Colonnello, PhD: Entrepreneurship Prof. Dr. Matthias Raith: Financial ...

OVGU - Forschungsportal-Portrait: Prof. Noth

Seit dem 1. März ist Felix Noth Koordinator der Forschungsgruppe Innovationen im finanz- und realwirtschaftlichen Sektor am Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung ...

Altmetric – Structural Reforms in Banking: The Role of Trading

jfr/fjw018. Authors. Jan-Pieter Krahnen, Felix Noth, Ulrich Schüwer ...

Bank market power, factor reallocation, and aggregate growth —...

= "Robert Inklaar and Michael Koetter and Felix Noth",. year = "2015",.

American Economic Association

Felix Noth. ,. Halle Institute for Economic Research. Oliver Rehbein. ,. Halle Institute for Economic Research. View Abstract; Download Preview (PDF, MB) ...

Search Results | Asia First

Tags: Banking · Bank bailouts and competition - Did TARP distort competition among sound banks? Michael Koetter, Felix Noth European Central Bank.

Emirates NBD bank history

Emirates NBD is one of the largest banking groups in the Middle East.



Loan officer Incentives and the Limits of Hard Information | NBER

Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings...

Programme&Papers - CREDIT2018, Venice, September 2018

Economic Research) and Felix Noth (Halle Institute for Economic ...

Former Years - Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Financial...

... (Swiss National Bank) • Giacomo Nocera (Audencia Business School) • Felix Noth (Halle Institute for Economic Research) • David Oesch (University of Zurich) ...

LAPE - Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Prospectives Économiques -...

LAPE Bank seminars, Workshop Bank Structure Competition and Risk, Safety Efficiency Financial System Asialink Conference

Katalog Plus: Titel: Does IT standardization help to boost...

Titel: Does IT standardization help to boost cost and profit efficiency? [Elektronische Ressource] : Empirical evidence from German savings banks / Felix Noth, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felix

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Rumänisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen FelixMännlicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche;; felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Felix

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