60 Infos zu Felix Schüssel
Mehr erfahren über Felix Schüssel
Lebt in
- Ulm
Infos zu
- Frank Honold
- Adaptive
- Fusion
- Florian Nothdurft
- Gregor
- Multimodal Interaction
- Hörnle
- Institute of Media
- Julian
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
ICQ Benutzer: Felix Schüssel (YourTwin), Männlich, Alter: 34, Ulm, Land: Germany
Author: Felix Schüssel | IxDFFelix Schüssel: Publications, bio, bibliography, etc
Felix Schüssel | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Felix Schüssel, with 14 highly influential citations and 37 scientific research papers.
Author: Frank Honold | IxDFFrank Honold: Publications, bio, bibliography, etc
7 Bücher zum Namen
Companion Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology...Future technical systems will be companion systems, competent assistants that provide their functionality in a completely individualized way, adapting to a...
Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer...... Systems Felix Schüssel, Frank Honold, and Michael Weber Institute of Media Informatics Ulm University Ulm, Germany {felix.schuessel,frank.honold ...
Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems - Volume I:...This volume is a collection of research studies on the modeling of emotions in complex autonomous systems. Several experts in the field are reporting their...
Ein UML-basierter Ansatz für die modellgetriebene Generierung...Zusammenfassung Die Erstellung der Benutzungsschnittstelle nimmt mittlerweile einen großen Teil im Entwicklungsprozess ein. Je komplexer Anwendungen werden,...
1 Dokumente
HCI International Posters’ Extended Abstracts |...HCI International Posters’ Extended Abstracts ... Felix Schüssel, ... HCI International Posters’ Extended Abstracts.
19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: BibTeX records: Felix SchüsselList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Felix Schüssel
Dr. Felix Schüssel - Universität UlmLehre. Seminare: Proseminar Mensch Computer Interaktion (Winter ) Proseminar Mensch Computer Interaktion (Winter ) Interaktion in kognitiven technischen
dblp: Felix SchüsselList of computer science publications by Felix Schüssel
Influencing factors on multimodal interaction at selection tasksInfluencing Factors on Multimodal Interaction at Selection Tasks Felix Schüssel, Frank Honold, Michael Weber Institute of Media Informatics Ulm University
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Adaptive Multimodal HCI with Uncertain Data by Collaborative Fission...Multimodal systems that adapt their interface to the surroundings and the user shall be able to handle uncertain data provided by ubiquitous sensors. This has...
Using the Transferable Belief Model for Multimodal Input Fusion in...Using the Transferable Belief Model for Multimodal Input Fusion in Companion Systems. Felix Schüssel, Frank Honold, Michael Weber Using the ...
Using the Transferable Belief Model for Multimodal Input Fusion in...Systems with multimodal interaction capabilities have gained a lot of attention in recent years. Especially so called companion systems that offer an adaptive,...
Ein Goal-basierter Ansatz für adaptive multimodale Systeme -...@inproceedings{HonoldSWBNM11, title = {Ein Goal-basierter Ansatz für adaptive multimodale Systeme}, author = {Frank Honold and Felix Schüssel and ...
23 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Frank Honold - Google ScholarJ.M. Voith SE & Co. KG, Group Division Digital Ventures, Heidenheim - 452-mal zitiert - Computer Science - Multimodal Interaction - Multimodal...
Advanced User Assistance for Setting Up a Home Theater |...In many situations of daily life, such as in educational, work-related, or social contexts, one can observe an increasing demand for intelligent
Lecture Notes in InformaticsVerena Kluge, Frank Honold, Felix Schüssel, Michael Weber Ein UML-basierter Ansatz für die modellgetriebene Generierung grafischer Benutzerschnittstellen
PuK2014 Program... Thilo Hörnle, Felix Schüssel, Stephan Reuter, Matthias Rau, Gregor Bertrand, Bastian Seegebarth, Peter Kurzok, Bernd Schattenberg ...
Interaction History in Adaptive Multimodal Interaction |...Modern Companion-Technologies provide multimodal and adaptive interaction possibilities. However, it is still unclear which user characteristics
Ulmer Informatik-Berichte. Influencing Factors on Multimodal...Influencing Factors on Multimodal Interaction at Selection Tasks Felix Schüssel, Frank Honold, Michael Weber Ulmer Informatik-Berichte Nr Juli Ulmer ...
Companion Technology | springerprofessional.deFuture technical systems will be companion systems, competent assistants that provide their functionality in a completely individualized way,
ICMI :: DemonstrationsICMI ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
How Companion-Technology can Enhance a Multi-Screen ...www.infona.pl › resource › bwmeta1.element.spring...... Multimodal Interaction in Domestic Environments. Jan Gugenheimer, Frank Honold, Dennis Wolf, Felix Schüssel, Julian Seifert, Michael Weber, Enrico Rukzio.
Fusion paradigms in cognitive technical systems for human–computer...Fusion paradigms in cognitive technical systems for human–computer interaction. Michael Glodek, Frank Honold, Thomas Geier, Gerald Krell, Florian Nothdurft, Stephan Reuter, Felix Schüssel, Thilo Hörnle, … [ more ]. Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...
Researchers | HCI Games GroupMarcel Walch, Julian Frommel, Katja Rogers, Felix Schüssel, Phillip Hock, David Dobbelstein, and Michael Weber Evaluating VR Driving Simulation from ...
Multi-modal Information Processing in Companion-Systems: A Ticket...Autoren: Ingo Siegert, Felix Schüssel, Miriam Schmidt, Stephan Reuter, Sascha Meudt, Georg Layher, Gerald Krell, Thilo Hörnle, Sebastian Handrich, Ayoub ...
Program | 6th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and...[slides][paper]. Challenges and Design Space of Gaze-enabled Public Displays Mohamed Khamis, Florian Alt and Andreas Bulling [slides] [paper]. Design and Evaluation of a Gaze Tracking System for Free Space Interaction Felix Schüssel, Johannes Bäurle, Simon Kotzka, Michael Weber and Anke ...
Influencing factors on multimodal interaction during selection tasksWhen developing multimodal interactive systems it is not clear which importance should be given to which modality. In order to study influencing factors on...
Poster presentations - HCI International 2013HCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Qatar University /All LocationsUsing the Transferable Belief Model for Multimodal Input Fusion in Companion Systems / Felix Schüssel, Frank Honold, Michael Weber -- Fusion of Fragmentary ...
XSLT & Dialog Systems | Meta-Guide.comThe Automated Interplay of Multimodal Fission and Fusion in Adaptive HCI Frank Honold, Felix Schüssel, Michael Weber Institute of Media Informatics Ulm ...
Wolfgang Minker - researchr aliasContext Models for Adaptive Dialogs and Multimodal InteractionFrank Honold, Felix Schüssel, Michael Weber 0001, Florian Nothdurft, Gregor Bertrand, ...
Detailanzeige der Metadaten - Open Access Netzwerk (OAN)Contributors: Björn Wiedersheim; Florian Schaub; Bastian Könings; Jonas Beinder; Naim Asaj; Felix Schüssel; Frank Honold; Michael Weber.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Felix
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Rumänisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen FelixMännlicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Felix; der Glückliche, der Erfolgreiche;; felix = glücklich; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname im Sinne eines Wunsches; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Felix
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Thilo Hörnle
- Julian Seifert
- Enrico Rukzio
- Stephan Reuter
- Sascha Meudt
- Gerald Krell
- Florian Nothdurft
- Dennis Wolf
- Martin Schüssel
- Marco Schuh
- Carsten Krauter
Personensuche zu Felix Schüssel & mehr
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