337 Infos zu Feride Uslu
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- Jan Mihm
- Reebok
- Makeup Artist
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- Abdelwahab
- Courtnee Mid
- Trilise
- Freunde von Freunden
- Kosmetikhersteller
23 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Euro men fall for make-up machine - UPI.com— The Uslu Airlines, named after make-up artist Feride Uslu by her husband and business partner, Jan Mihm, was launched last year at the hot ... ›
Eine Kooperation der besonderen Art: Marc Cain & Uslu Airlines!www.ots.at › presseaussendung › OTS_ _OTS0176 › eine-kooper...· ... Feride Uslu. Rückfragen & Kontakt: Marc Cain GmbH. . D Bodelshausen Phone + www.marc-cain.com . E-mail pr ...
Feride Uslu Archives - EUKICKS Sneakerseukicks.com › topic › feride-usluWe recently posted a preview of the Nike 1World Air Force 1 High designed by Feride Uslu for her label Uslu Arlines. The kicks come in a medium grey, white and ...
Glitzer und Hightechfarben – so sehen die Nägel aus - Hamburger...French Manicure und extravagante Nagelaufkleber waren gestern, heute müssen die Nägel glitzern und schimmern stehen Farben wie Gold und Silber hoch im...
6 Bilder zu Feride Uslu

42 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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Facebook: Feride UsluFacebook: Feride UsluFacebook: Feride Uslu3 Hobbys & Interessen
Lisa Helene Kramer in Numéro Berlin with Lisa Helene Kramer - Fashion...Editorial profile of Lisa Helene Kramer by for Numéro Berlin with Lisa Helene Kramer including all credits and more.
El maquillaje del futuro se aplica hoy con aerógrafo | soitu.esEl maquillaje del futuro se aplica hoy con aerógrafo. Si creías que lo habías visto ya todo en maquillaje, estabas totalmente equivocada. Los formatos en...
1 Business-Profile
Feride Uslu - Overview, News & Competitors | ZoomInfo.comwww.zoominfo.com › feride-usluFeride Uslu - Business Information. Barber Shops & Beauty Salons · Germany ·
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Feride UsluFeride Uslu is a makeup artist that specializes in airbrush makeup and gives airbrush makeup workshops in Berlin.
DEUTSCH — Feride UsluAls Feride Uslu vor über 22 Jahren in New York anfing, mit Airbrush-Make-up zu experimentieren, gab es noch kaum handliches Profi-Equipment. Was die ...
ENGLISH - Feride Usluwww.ferideuslu.com › about-1Feride Uslu is a designer, creator, developer and visionary makeup industry expert. With over 22 years of experience as a make up artist, Feride launched ...
Impressum - USLU TOWERFeride UsluBerlin Information according to § 5 TMG USLU-TOWER FERIDE USLU-MIHM Berlin
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Feride UsluFeride Uslu. Feride Uslu. Profile: Hair stylist, make-up artist, designer and creator of beauty line Uslu Airlines. Sites: ferideuslu.com. In Groups: Trilise ... Feride Uslu. Feride Uslu. Profile: Hair stylist, make-up artist, designer and creator of beauty line Uslu Airlines. Sites: ferideuslu.com. In Groups: Trilise ...
feride musicFeride Uslu · Feride Sofugil · Emel Sayın - Feride / Sevil De Sevme. Feride / Sevil De Sevme · Emel Sayın · Feride Fışkın · Feride Kurti · Feride · Feride* - Dam ... Feride Uslu · Feride Sofugil · Emel Sayın - Feride / Sevil De Sevme. Feride / Sevil De Sevme · Emel Sayın · Feride Fışkın · Feride Kurti · Feride · Feride* - Dam ...
2 Angaben zur Herkunft
Familienstammbäume: Alle Suchergebnisse für ozdemirFeride Uslu Ozdemir. Feride Uslu Ozdemir von Stammbaum Uslu Family Tree. Eintragsinformationen. Geburtsinfo, Konya, Turkey (Türkei).
1 Projekte
Poster Download: Volta - SHOWstudioshowstudio.com › projects › volta › poster-downloadFeride Uslu. Photographic Assistance: Simon Thiselton, Ruth Hogben. Technical Development: Dorian Moore. Digital Postproduction: Allan Finamore, Epilogue ...
10 Bücher zum Namen
The Empire Strikes Back· Hair, makeup by Feride Uslu for Frame Reps. Production by VIP Tourism Turkey. Fashion assistant: Johnna Davis. Photograph by Amy M. Spindler ...
Modestrecke - Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.de... Feride Uslu mit ihrer Nagellacklinie Uslu Airlines. Was die Produktpalette angeht, orientiert sie sich vor allem an Lackfarben, die für Autos hergestellt ...
Working Mother - Mai Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.de... Feride Uslu for Trilise. Michael's and Andrew's outfits, Jacadi, 787 Madison Ave., NYC, ; Madison Ave., NYC, Michael's ...
Working Mother - Google BooksThe magazine that helps career moms balance their personal and professional lives.
2 Dokumente
EBERLE & EisFELd PortraitfotografieMagazin. Matias Aguayo, DJ. Feride Uslu, uslu airlines. Sacha Benedetti, Twen FM / Anselm Reyle, Künstler. Mealbeats, Musikerin / Wolfgang Tillmans, ...
De:Bug 12428 – Feride Uslu // Edel-Punk gegen Frühvergreisung. 30 – Florian Horwarth , Hamburg. , Fax: ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
MYKITA Book 8 - Issuuissuu.com › mykitaeyewear › docs › mykita_book_8· Turissini, Miriam Ugarte, Lorenzo Urbani, Feride Uslu, Torben v. Lassen, Carsten Vagani, Alberto Vara, Dominic Vasquez, Vania Vela, Jose ...
Eine Kooperation der besonderen Art: Marc Cain & Uslu ...— ... Produkt zu entwickeln, das die Marc Cain Kundin gleich begeistern würde", sagt Firmengründerin und Make-Up Artist Feride Uslu. › ...
14 Video- & Audioinhalte
Feride UsluTap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Feride Uslu. Home. Shorts. Library. Feride Uslu. @ferideuslu video. Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Feride Uslu. Home. Shorts. Library. Feride Uslu. @ferideuslu video.
uslu airlines inflight video "beauty makeup supersonic"VimeoTUMI Case Studies: Feride Uslu, founder & Creative Director of uslu airlines · ANOMALY by Alexa Karolinski · uslu airlines x Alexa Karolinski x ...
uslu airlines Make-up online bestellen | FLACONIDie Idee zur Marke Uslu Airlines entstand im Jahr in New York, wo die Namensgeberin Feride Uslu bereits als erfolgreiche Visagistin arbeitete.Ihr Partner, der deutsche Unternehmer Jan Mihm hatte die Idee, eine eigene Kosmetiklinie zu entwickeln.
Feride Uslu - YouTubewww.youtube.com › channelFeride Uslu. Home. Library. Feride Uslu. @ferideuslu6645No videos. More about this channel. Subscribe. HomePlaylistsChannels. This channel doesn't have any ...
16 Meinungen & Artikel
airbrush - Chinese translation – LingueeIt was the 1990s when New-York-based Turkish make up artist Feride Uslu began to experiment [...] with a new technique — airbrush.
Feride Uslu & Jan Mihm — Freunde von FreundenFeride Uslu & Jan Mihm. Make-Up Artists und Gründer von uslu airlines, Berlin-Mitte Nov FvF. Interviews - Feride Uslu & Jan Mihm. EN; DE; Hallo Feride ...
Uslu Airlines - Katarina VoigtPressemappe Uslu Airlines ist ein Kosmetikhersteller für Nagellack, Lippenstift, Lipgloss, Mascara, Concealer und losen Puder. Feride Uslu und Jan Mihm ... Pressemappe Uslu Airlines ist ein Kosmetikhersteller für Nagellack, Lippenstift, Lipgloss, Mascara, Concealer und losen Puder. Feride Uslu und Jan Mihm ...
Feride Uslu | The Nice WorldBeiträge über Feride Uslu von mrsnice
205 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Feride USLU's Post - bravo ma sœurFeride USLU's Post. View profile for Feride USLU, graphic. Feride USLU. RESPONSABLE ADV. 7mo. Report this post; Close menu. bravo ma sœur. Feride USLU's Post. View profile for Feride USLU, graphic. Feride USLU. RESPONSABLE ADV. 7mo. Report this post; Close menu. bravo ma sœur.
Feride Uslu Abdelwahab's PostView profile for Feride Uslu Abdelwahab, graphic · Feride Uslu Abdelwahab. Teacher of Math, Coding and Turkish for Non-Turkish Speakers, Sales Manager and ... View profile for Feride Uslu Abdelwahab, graphic · Feride Uslu Abdelwahab. Teacher of Math, Coding and Turkish for Non-Turkish Speakers, Sales Manager and ...
Feride USLU's Postlinkedin.comFeride USLU's Post. View profile for Feride USLU · Feride USLU. RESPONSABLE ADV. 3mo. Report this post; Close menu. ❤️ . View ...
Feride Uslu Abd-ElWahab adlı kullanıcının gönderisilinkedin.comFeride Uslu Abd-ElWahab adlı kullanıcının gönderisi ... Tarayıcınız bu videoyu oynatamıyor. Daha fazla bilgi. YouTube'daki diğer videolar.
Feride Uslu's Postlinkedin.comDann werde jetzt Teil von Feride Uslu Airbrush MakeUp als Mit-Gründer*in! Feride Uslus Airbrush Makep ist ein innovatives Produkt, in dem
Eine Kooperation der besonderen Art: Marc Cain & Uslu Airlines ...... Produkt zu entwickeln, das die Marc Cain Kundin gleich begeistern würde", sagt Firmengründerin und Make-Up Artist Feride Uslu.
The Lomographic Society Proudly Presents >> A Lomography and Colette...Feride Uslu, makeup artist/entrepreneuse. www.usluairlines.com. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Shauna T designs, makes art and other things. Shauna T is one half of cult
Feride UsluFeride Uslu was born in Turkey and raised in Germany. She started her makeup career in Madrid and then moved to New York where her career really took off.
Bazaar Fragebogen: Feride UsluDie Gründerin des Beauty Imperiums Uslu Airlines über Fehlkäufe, Ängste und Glück
Courtee Mid by Feride Uslu - Reebok Affili'art Collection - March '10wakeortho.com › cecdshop › › reebok-...65,00 € · ... Feride Uslu wasn't satisfied adding her Uslu Airlines touch to one ... Feride Uslu appears to be a white shoe with YELLOW gold patterns ,00 € · ... Feride Uslu wasn't satisfied adding her Uslu Airlines touch to one ... Feride Uslu appears to be a white shoe with YELLOW gold patterns ...
(Glow In The Dark) Reebok Courtnee Mid By Feride Uslu - StyleFrizzNow that's something that would set your sneakers apart in a sea of kicks! Feride Uslu, a German artist brought her vision in a new ...
FERIDE USLU EMPFIEHLT: DEN HAAR-SALON KIEZSCHNITTFERIDE USLU EMPFIEHLT: DEN HAAR-SALON KIEZSCHNITT. Ankommen. Fallenlassen. Wohlfühlen. Diese Perle eines Friseursalons vermutet man in der …
Feride UsluTikTok'ta Feride Uslu (@feride.uslu) |50 Takipçi.Feride Uslu (@feride.uslu) adlı kullanıcıdan en yeni videoyu izleyin. TikTok'ta Feride Uslu (@feride.uslu) |50 Takipçi.Feride Uslu (@feride.uslu) adlı kullanıcıdan en yeni videoyu izleyin.
Zu Gast bei Feride Uslu – uslu airlines - renk.renk. ist zu Gast bei uslu airlines. Feride Uslu und ihr Airbrush-Make-Up. Berlin.
Reebok Classic Courtnee Mid Feride Uslu glow - StyleFrizz› reebok-classi...
Feride Uslu | bon.seVärldens kanske mest konceptuella nagellacksmästarinna Feride Uslu kom till Stockholm och parkerade svenska brandbilar på klorna hos The Local Firm.
Кроссовки Reebok Courtee Mid “GLO” by Feride Uslu , р. 38 (us 7,5 eur...Кроссовки Reebok Courtee Mid “GLO” by Feride Uslu светящиеся, р. 38 (us 7,5 eur 38), длина по стельке 24,5 см ...
FERIDE USLU RECOMMENDS: HAIR SALON KIEZSCHNITTFERIDE USLU RECOMMENDS: HAIR SALON KIEZSCHNITT. This fine little hair salon is an unexpected gem on Lausitzer street! Upon entering you'll ...
Feride Uslu x Nike AF1ViacomitFeride Uslu x Nike AF1. By viacomit, in A la Une, Style. lundi 6 avril World est la collection d'Air Force 1 créée en collaboration avec des ...
Instagram video by Feride Uslu • Sep 12, at 1:01 AMSana olan sevgimi anlatmaya kelimeler kifayetsiz .Annesinin en iyi arkadaşı. ❤ ... Photo by Feride Uslu on November 21, May be an image of 1.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Feride
Weiblicher Vorname (Türkisch): Feride; einmalig, wertvoll; Arabisch (Wortzusammensetzung);
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Feride Uslu und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.