287 Infos zu Flavio Poli
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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Innauction: Christmas Sale am 16. DezemberDas neue Innsbrucker Auktionshaus "Innauction" wird am Stadtname / PLZ ... Zudem kommen italienische Möbelstücke von bekannten Designern wie Flavio Poli, Cesare Lacca und Cio Ponti sowie Vasen von Guido ...
MARDI 8 MARS | Les EchosDesign du XXe siècle Le collectionneur Torsten Brohan fait disperser par Sotheby's un ensemble de 260 lots, meubles et objets du XXe siècle. Certain...
FLAVIO POLI SOMMERSO GONDOLA SEGUSO | Collectors WeeklyShop for—and learn—about vintage and antiques. Browse the best of eBay, connect with other collectors, and explore the history behind your favorite...
Design: Viel Geld für einen KettensesselSpitzenreiter war die riesige Deckenleuchte (um 1954) des Glaskünstlers Flavio Poli für das einst berühmte Luxushotel Bristol in Meran. Sie erzielte
26 Bilder zu Flavio Poli


23 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Flavio Poli | Facebookwww.facebook.com › flavio.poli.50Facebook: Flavio Poli | FacebookLinkedIn: Flavio Poli | LinkedInFlavio Polis berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Flavio Poli dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Flavio Poli - Consulente assicurativo - Cattolica Assicurazioni ...Visualizza il profilo di Flavio Poli su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Flavio ha indicato 2 esperienze lavorative sul suo profilo. Guarda ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Flavio Poli | Artist | ArtFactsView Flavio Poli exhibition history and Artist Ranking
19 Bücher zum Namen
wirkkala - ZVABKunst + Handwerk Jahrgang Einzelhefte von Autorenkollektiv Herausgeber: Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH, Düsseldorf und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher,...
Murano - Perlentaucher1952, Flavio Poli für Seguso Vetri d'Arte, Foto: Anna Seibel Gabriele Detterer freut sich sehr, dass die Museen wieder M […] ... Jedes Jahr besuchen über zwanzig Millionen Menschen diese mythische Stadt Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck,
Flavio Poli (Translator of L'induismo)Flavio Poli is the author of La civiltà indiana e noi (2.67 avg rating, 3 ratings, 0 reviews, published 1964) and L'hindouisme (3.25 avg rating, 8 ratin...
Seguso Vetri D'Arte von Marc Heiremans - englisches Buch - bücher.deGlas machen hat auf Murano eine lange Tradition. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts gibt es völlig neue künstlerische Impulse: schließen sich Antonio Seguso...
2 Dokumente
Category:Flavio Poli - Wikimedia CommonsMedia in category "Flavio Poli". The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total. Flavio poli e alfredo barbini per barovier seguso & ferro, ...
File:Muranoglasvase von Flavio Poli.JPG - Wikimedia CommonsDeutsch: Rippenvase aus mundgeblasenem Muranoglas von Flavio Poli für Seguso Vetri d'Arte in Sommerso-Technik, um Deutsch: ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
BLOCK VASE MURANO FLAVIO POLI UM fach SOMMERSO on PopScreenBLOCK VASE MURANO FLAVIO POLI UM fach SOMMERSO in Antiquitäten & Kunst, Glas & Kristall, Murano-Glas
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Flavio Poli - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Flavio_PoliFlavio Poli ( ) was an Italian artist, known for his designs in glass. Born in 1900, he was trained at the Istituto d'Arte di Venezia, then began work as a ...
My little Murano Glas Collection « Carp3noct3mMy Favorite Artists: Flavio Poli, Cenedese and Nason ! My Favorite Manufacture: Venini ! Some of my Glass is made with Uran. So under Blacklight it lights in Neon. Some is Alexandritglas and it glimmers in blue and purple. ...
Flavio Poli - Sommerso-Vase - Kunst und TrödelFlavio Poli - Sommerso-Vase Glas
Flavio Poli | Le Verre et le CristalArticles traitant de Flavio Poli écrits par Le Verre, le Cristal et la Pâte de Verre
200 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Flavio Poli Möbel – 197 im Angebot bei 1stDibsShop authentic Flavio Poli decorative objects, serveware, ceramics, silver and glass and other Flavio Poli furniture from the world's best dealers. Global...
FLAVIO POLI product design on ArchitonicFind out more about Flavio Poli! Architonic provides information about products, projects, retailers & more. Have a look around and find all..
Flavio PoliDesigner, businessman, ceramic artist. Born in Chioggia, he attended the Istituto d'Arte di Venezia and began work as a designer in ceramics. in he ...
Poli Namensbedeutung und -herkunftPoli als Vorname wurde 488-mal in 29 verschiedenen Ländern gefunden Flavio Poli (11) ... Familiennamen Poli - Austria Familiennamen Poli - France Familiennamen Poli - Germany ... Egypt Hungary Ukraine Finland Australia Denmark Romania Switzerland Canada Turkey Satellite Provider Netherlands Panama India
flavio poli - Französisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONSÜbersetzung Französisch-Deutsch für flavio poli im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
Seguso Vetri D'Arte Glass Identification Guide | Glass EncyclopediaA useful identification guide to vintage collectable Murano glass by Seguso Vetri D'Arte, with picture gallery and information on designers, styles and...
Birthday of Flavio Poli - PronounceItRightToday is Flavio Poli’s birthday. Learn how to pronounce Flavio Poli in Italian and discover how to pronounce all the celebrities born today
Flavio Poli a Fish Sculpture Seguso | TILLIPANFlavio Poli a Pesce Luna fish Sculpture, Seguso Vetri d´Arte Italy 1940, two clear glass fish, in side layer dark grey, on a glass socle, surface rough etched.
169 Best Flavio Poli, Murano ( ) images inGorgeous glass bowl vase with sommerso blue red cased in clear glass Designed by Flavio Poli for the Milan Triennale Made by Seguso Vetri d Arte.
Faceted Murano Glass Bowl by Flavio Poli for Seguso, 1960s for sale...It has a faceted diamond shape and a large size. The bowl is attributed to Flavio Poli for Seguso Vetri d'Arte. It is useful as a bowl for jewelry, candy or as an ...
"Sommerso" Vase by Flavio Poli for Seguso, Italy, 1950s — Gaspare...Sculptural and irregular vase by Flavio Poli made with the
Flavio Poli a big Centerpiece Seguso | TILLIPANa monumental nordic green centerpiece by Seguso Vetri d´Arte Italy 1940, turquoise glass, diamond design, leaf handles, collection Maurizio Albarelli
Flavio Poli - Nekonatonekonato.com › Home › BrandsFlavio Poli was an Italian ceramic artist, designer and a businessman. In he became the artistic director of Barovier, Seguso & Ferro, which later became ...
Flavio Poli - 20th century decorative arts — Unforgethe was trained at the Istituto d’Arte di Venezia, then began work as a ceramicist. In 1929, he began working as a designer of glassware
Flavio Poli a green Corroso Vase Seguso | TILLIPANFlavio Poli a rare Corroso vase by Seguso Vetri d´Arte Italy 1950, clear glass, lime green inside layer, surface rough etched.
Attr. Flavio Poli for Seguso - Multicolor shaded Sommerso ...Offered in Catawiki's Glass Auction (Exclusive Murano): Attr. Flavio Poli for Seguso - Multicolor shaded Sommerso vase s ca, Murano, Italy.
Flavio Poli an Ornament Decanter Seguso VdA | TILLIPANFlavio Poli an ornament wine decanter by Seguso Vetri d´Arte Italy 1950, duck form, pale yellow uranium-glass turquoise inside layer, surface diamond design,
Flavio Poli Online Shop | Buy Furniture/Lighting/Design at ...www.pamono.es › designers › flavio-poliShop Flavio Poli vintage Murano glass designs and more authentic Poli Murano glass. 100% insured shipping and money-back guarantee.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Flavio
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch): Flavio; gelb-haarig, blond; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); flavus = gelb, gelb-haarig, blond; von einem römischen Familiennamen 'Flavius', der wahrscheinlich auf einen Beinamen 'Flavus' (gelbhaarig, blond) zurückgeht; Familienname bekannter römischer Kaiser, z.B. Titus Flavius Vespasianus (1. Jh. n.Chr.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
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