35 Infos zu Florian Naef

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Florian Naef | Jewish News

Britain's Biggest Jewish Newspaper Online

Video: Florian Naef, "Linearization of the Goldman-Turaev BV algebra...

Florian Naef speaking at BIRS workshop, Field Theories and Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics, on Monday, June 5, on the topic: Linearization of...

Agenda des événements de l'Université de Genève - Goldman-Turaev...

Goldman-Turaev formality from the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection (Florian Naef, UniGe) :30. For an oriented 2-dimensional manifold Σ of ...

Abramovich ends Swiss residency bid after 'defamatory' claim | AP News

Federal police spokesman Florian Naef declined to comment on the case. “The representatives of Mr. Abramovich withdrew their client's ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Florian Naef | LinkedIn

professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Florian Naef dabei hilft, ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Goldman–Turaev formality from the Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov connection -...

Comptes Rendus Mathématique - Vol N° p Goldman–Turaev formality from the Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov connection - EM|consulte

3 Dokumente

[ ] Goldman-Turaev formality implies Kashiwara-Vergne

Title:Goldman-Turaev formality implies Kashiwara-Vergne. Authors:Anton Alekseev, Nariya Kawazumi, Yusuke Kuno, Florian Naef. (Submitted ...

[ ] Poisson Brackets in Kontsevich's "Lie World"

Submission history. From: Florian Naef [view email] [v1] Wed, 31 Aug :35:26 GMT (21kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers?

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Advances in Mathematics | Vol 326, Pages (21 February 2018) |...

Anton Alekseev, Nariya Kawazumi, Yusuke Kuno, Florian Naef. Pages 1-53: Download PDF. Article preview. select article Rough bilinear singular integrals.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Quantum $${L_\infty}$$ L ∞ Algebras and the Homological Perturbation...

Quantum $${L_\infty}$$ algebras are a generalization of $${L_\infty}$$ algebras with a scalar product and with operations …sponding to higher genus gra

16 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Florian Naef | LinkedIn

View Florian Naef's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Florian Naef discover inside  ...

Florian Naef - Ratings & Reviews - MUBI

Watch truly great cinema. Wherever you are. With no ads. Ever. From new directors to award-winners. Beautiful, interesting, incredible movies — a new film...

arXiv To BibTeX

Preprints: Please add the journal reference and DOI for your papers as soon as they are published. Preview: Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Xiaomeng Xu: “Chern-Simons ...

CRM 50 July Dror Bar-Natan: Talks: CRM-1907

We will then set up the formality question for the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra. This talk is an introduction to the talks by Yusuke Kuno and Florian Naef. Video.

Dror Bar-Natan: Talks: LesDiablerets-1608

August 28, afternoon: Florian Naef on (same, elliptic case): Video. August 29, morning: Dror Bar-Natan on The Brute and the Hidden Paradise: See below.

Course Website

Topics. The class will consist of 6 mini-courses delivered in order by. (1) Pavel Etingof: Drinfeld associators, Feb 6, 8, 13, 15;. (2) Florian Naef, The Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture, Feb 22, 27, March 1, 6;. (3) Giulia Sacca, TBA,March 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 ;. (4) Andrew Sutherland, Arithmetic equivalence of number fields and ...

Poisson International Conference on Poisson Geometry | Fields...

The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra and the Kashiwara-Vergne problem. Florian Naef, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Location:Earth Sciences Centre, ...

Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics in nLab

Florian Naef (University of Geneva). Yu Qiao (Shaanxi Normal University). Hajime Sato (Nagoya University). Martin Schlichenmaier (University ...


Name: Florian Naef Event: Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory. Title: On a moduli space interpretation of the ...


This talk is an introduction to the talks by Yusuke Kuno and Florian Naef. Dror Bar-Natan Title: Expansions, Lie algebras and Invariants Abstract: This will be an ...

Mathematical Physics authors/titles Feb (100 skipped)

Subjects: Mathematical Physics (math-ph); Quantum Gases (cond-mat.quant-gas). [109] arXiv: [pdf, ps, other]. Title: Chern-Simons, Wess-Zumino and other cocycles from Kashiwara-Vergne and associators. Authors: Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Xiaomeng Xu, Chenchang Zhu. Subjects: Mathematical Physics ...

Research Term on the Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces

Florian Naef (Geneva) Gonçalo Oliveira (Imperial) Robert Paluba (Orsay) José Luis Pérez García (ICMAT Madrid) Manuel Jesús Pérez García ...

[ v1] The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra in genus zero and the...

Authors:Anton Alekseev, Nariya Kawazumi, Yusuke Kuno, Florian Naef. (Submitted on 16 Mar (this version), latest version 16 May

Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics: detail-projet

Author, Florian Naef. Director of thesis. Co-director of thesis. Summary of thesis. Status. Administrative delay for the defence. URL. LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter.

au:Naef_F in:math-ph - SciRate Search

Chern-Simons, Wess-Zumino and other cocycles from Kashiwara-Vergne and associators · Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Xiaomeng Xu, Chenchang Zhu. Mar math-ph math.MP arXiv: v1. Scited Scite! 0. @misc{ , author = {Anton Alekseev and Florian Naef and Xiaomeng Xu and Chenchang ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Florian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Polnisch): Florian; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); flos = die Blume, die Blüte; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Florian (4. Jh.); der lateinische Name 'Florianus' ist eine Weiterbildung zu 'Florus'

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