117 Infos zu Florian Stalph

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12 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Florian Stalph kressköpfe - Detail: kress.de

Florian Stalph . Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Passau Deutschland E-Mail-Adresse nur für eingeloggte Benutzer sichtbar ...

Florian Stalph, Thomas Eckerl und Professor Oliver Hahn ...BayWISS

Kolleg-Koordinator Florian Stalph, Doktorand Thomas Eckerl und Betreuer Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn stellen auf der jährlichen Konferenz der ICA (International ...

Seite nicht gefunden: kress.de

Florian Stalph. M.A.. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Passau. Deutschland. E-Mail: Nur für eingeloggte Benutzer sichtbar. Website: ...

Florian Stalph und Kolleg-Professor Dr. Oliver Hahn auf der ...

› news-detail

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: JoKo Passau - Florian Stalph | Facebook

LinkedIn: Dr. Florian Stalph – Postdoctoral Researcherlinkedin.com

› dr-florian-stalph

LinkedIn: Florian Stalph | LinkedIn

Florian Stalphs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Florian Stalph dabei hilft, ...

LinkedIn: Florian Stalph - Research Associate - University of Passau ...

View Florian Stalph's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Florian has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Florian Stalph, Evolving data teams: Tensions between ...PhilPapers

von F Stalph · · Zitiert von: 14 — Evolving data teams: Tensions between organisational structure and professional subculture · Florian Stalph · Big Data and Society 7 (1) (2020).

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Dr. Florian Stalph - LMU

Dr. Florian Stalph Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Postdoctoral Research Fellow Kontakt Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und …

22 Bücher zum Namen

Florian Stalph | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.de

› Florian Stalph

Digital Investigative Journalism - Stalph Florian (Curatore)hoepli.it

Oliver Hahn is Professor of Journalism at the University of Passau, Germany. Florian Stalph is a Research Associate in Journalism at the University of ...

Digital Investigative Journalism: Data, Visual Analytics and ...Goodreads

— Oliver Hahn (Editor), Florian Stalph (Editor) ... In the post-digital era, investigative journalism around the world faces a revolutionary shift ...

bokus.com: Florian Stalph - Böckerbokus.com

Köp böcker av Florian Stalph hos Bokus med fri frakt och snabb leverans. Här hittar du de senaste och mest populära böckerna till bra pris!

1 Songs & Musik

Florian Stalph – Bücher, CDs, DVDs und mehr – jpc.de

Gabe Habash erzählt eine Geschichte über das Alleinsein, die Besessenheit, das Ringen und den Wunsch, etwas Großes zu Schaffen. Sein Held Stephen ...

8 Dokumente

Digi Ta L Investigative Journalism: Data, Visual Analytics ...Scribd

Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph - Digital Investigative Journalism_ Data, Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting-Springer ...

Evolving data teams: Tensions between organisational …

Florian Stalph Abstract This study explores the integration of data journalism within three European legacy news organisations through the lens of organisational structure and …

Dr. Florian StalphUniversität Passau

Dr. Florian Stalph. Forschungsfrage: Der Analyseversuch zielt darauf ab, den Datenjournalismus, das journalistische. Feld sowie andere Felder und letztlich ...

Media and Journalists in the Age of Open Government and ...

FLORIAN STALPH, University of Passau, Germany. When the Law Doesn't Mean What it Says: Freedom of Speech in the Middle East and ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Sekretariat vom nicht besetzt • Universität Passau

Kursanmeldung, Anrechenbarkeiten, Wartelisten usw. wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Florian Stalph (florian.stalph uni-passau.de). | zurück zu Aktuelles.

Science - johannafulda.de

Editors: Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan As the news moved from print to digital media, dynamic, interactive content was seen as a key ingredient to higher …

Program | trialanderror2019

Anne-Christin Hoffmann, Florian Stalph, Michael Johann (University of Passsau, Germany) Evaluation of Integrated Curricula in Journalism and ...

Journalism PracticeScienceGate

Journalism Practice ◽ ◽ ◽. pp Author(s):. Florian Stalph ◽. Oliver Hahn ◽. David Liewehr. Keyword(s):.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

bol.com: Alle artikelen van Florian Stalphbol.com

Op zoek naar artikelen van Florian Stalph? Artikelen van Florian Stalph koop je eenvoudig online bij bol.com ✓ Snel in huis ✓ Veelal gratis verzonden.

bol.com: Acheter des articles Florian Stalphbol.com

Recherche Florian Stalph - Tous les articles ✓ De nombreuses offres sur bol.com ✓ Retours gratuits ✓ 30 jours de réflexion ✓ Livraison rapide.

Digital Investigative Journalism | SpringerLink

von O Hahn · Zitiert von: 16 — Oliver Hahn; Florian Stalph. Provides an up-to-date and accessible overview of the fast-moving field of digital investigative journalism. › book

Download & Streaming : Florian Stalph Favorites : Internet Archive

Florian Stalph Favorites

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Data journalism implications – Florian Stalph interview - YouTube

Florian Stalph, Research Associate at the University of Passau talked to us about his research. He told about his research about data journalism implications...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: CJ ClarkeWikipedia

A Matter of Perspective in Digital Investigative Journalism, (2018) ed. Oliver Hahn and Florian Stalph published by Palgrave MacMillan.

Tip sheets and presentations | NODA2016 blogWordPress.com

Thursday 21 April: Academic preconference Florian Stalph: Classifying Data Journalism. A Content Analysis of Data-Driven Stories Eddy Borges-Rey: Data ...

Measuring the unmeasured with data - Nicolas Kayser-Brilnkb.fr

— ... to be published at Palgrave Macmillan under the coordination of Florian Stalph and Oliver Hahn of the University of Passau.

The essential data journalism book list | DataJournalism.comDataJournalism.com

— Digital Investigative Journalism: Data, Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting, Oliver Hahn and Florian Stalph.

43 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Florian Stalph | Universität Passau - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Florian Stalph on Twitter: "#passau #stopisis #eziden

Log in · Sign up. See new Tweets. Conversation. Florian Stalph · @fstalph · #passau #stopisis #eziden. Image. 3:47 PM · Aug 13,

Florian Stalph | Universität Passau - Academia.eduAcademia.edu

Florian Stalph, Universität Passau, Professur für Journalistik Department, Faculty Member. Studies Data-Driven Journalism.

Digital Investigative Journalism - Hahn, Oliver; Stalph, Florian ...

Digital Investigative Journalism: Data, Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting: Hahn, Oliver (Hrsg.); Stalph, Florian (Hrsg.) - ISBN

Florian Stalph - NODA2018

Check out what Florian Stalph will be attending at NODA2018.

#videoautomation – Virtual Conference - LMU

Florian Stalph, LMU Munich: 09:05: 14:05: 15:05: Michael Koliska (Georgetown University) will present, for the first time, the results of an in-depth interview study with a range of online news …

River - Datawrapper

Florian Stalph. Created. 5 years ago. Last update. 5 years ago. Source. IFPI. Reused Data drawn from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry's (IFPI) Global Music …

Twitter als Ausprägung der Second Screen Nutzung - PDF Kostenfreier...

Florian Stalph Matrikelnummer: Prüfungsnummer: S + 34 + Benjamin Hartwich Matrikelnummer: Prüfungsnummer: ...

Talks & Presentations given by Neil Thurman

Oct 24, · MeCCSA Local and Community Media Network webinar on AI and Local News, invited speaker, 30 June (with Bartosz Wilczek, Florian Stalph, and Sina Thäsler …

Scilit | Article - Data Journalism Sustainability

During its period of rapid growth, data journalism was poised to position journalism as society’s watchdog once again. But despite eager predictions,...

Data Journalism Sustainability: An outlook on the future of...

von F Stalph · · Zitiert von: 28 — Data Journalism Sustainability: An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting. Florian Stalph, Eddy Borges-Rey · NUQ Journalism Program. › ...

An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting – FingerprintNorthwestern University

Florian Stalph, Eddy Borges-Rey · NUQ Journalism Program. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. 18 Scopus citations.

Digital Investigative Journalism Data, Visual Analytics and ...

Oliver Hahn · Florian Stalph Editors Digital Investigative Journalism Data, Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting › digital-investiga...

Classifying Data Journalism | Scinapse

The review of theoretical and empirical studies in data journalism has uncovered different conceptualisations | Florian Stalph | Journalism Practice |

Data journalismCERIST

Florian Stalph, Eddy Borges Rey,2018, ... Florian Stalph, Eddy Borges-Rey, DATA JOURNALISM SUSTAINABILITY An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting, ...

Details for: Digital Investigative Journalism Data, Visual Analytics ...unibague.edu.co

... [electronic resource] : Data, Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting / edited by Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph.

Digital Investigative Journalism | springerprofessional.dewww.springerprofessional.de › digital-investigative-journalism

Autoren: Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph. Verlag: Springer International Publishing. Erschienen in: Digital Investigative Journalism.

Digital Investigative Journalism Data, Visual Analytics and ...ugent.be

... Visual Analytics and Innovative Methodologies in International Reporting / edited by Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph. ISBN: ; Author: Hahn, ...

stalph - Free Online Videos Best Movies TV shows - Faceclips

Data journalism implications – Florian Stalph interview 00:02: ... Florian Stalph, Research Associate at the University of Passau talked to us about his research.

European Parliament MEPs

GUE/NGL51. S&D189. Verts/ALE52. ALDE68. PPE219. ECR73. EFDD43. ENF35. NI21. Chart: Florian Stalph Source: European Parliament, Get the data.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Florian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Polnisch): Florian; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); flos = die Blume, die Blüte; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Florian (4. Jh.); der lateinische Name 'Florianus' ist eine Weiterbildung zu 'Florus'

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