122 Infos zu Florian Wiencek

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Experten-Symposium „Visual Archives in the Digital Age“

Kontakt/Anmeldung: Florian Wiencek Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH. School of Humanities and Social Sciences Tel.: +49 (0)

Events - Günther Fiala - Composer

Premiere of "Panta Rhei" (cooperation with Florian Wiencek). Echoraum Wien (A) Adventkonzert. Performance of my songs "Bald ist Weihnachten" ...

ICOM Österreich-Halbstipendium für Ausstellungsdesign und -managment...

· ... Oliver GRAU (Forschungsprofessor für Bildwissenschaft; Donau-Universität), Florian WIENCEK (Fluxguide, Wien), Dr. Dieter BOGNER ...

„Kunst im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung“ - KHM

Teilnehmende: Dennis Niewerth (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum), Florian Wiencek (Jacobs University, Bremen) und Stephanie Sarah Lauke (KHM, Köln) Moderation: Julian Thomas, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg "Auf diesem Symposium untersuchen wir die Effekte der Digitalisierung auf die Rezeption von Kunst. Welche ...

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: or-bits.com - BLOG: new post by Florian Wiencek >>...

LinkedIn: Florian Wiencek auf LinkedIn

› posts › florianwiencek_openacce...

LinkedIn: Florian Wiencek | LinkedIn

Florian Wiencek has a background in "Digital Media" as well as "Art and Cultural Mediation" / Gallery Education and combines these two fields in his current work.

LinkedIn: Florian Wiencek - Vienna, Vienna, Austria | 职业档案 | 领英 - LinkedIn

查看Florian Wiencek的完整档案。注册完全免费! 加入领英,找找同事同学,结识业界同行,与全球500,000,000 位职场人士一起驰骋职场。 查看Florian的完整档案 ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

…Talks 2.0 | TALK FOUR: Digital Mediation of Art

WITH Florian Wiencek Adelijn van Huis ABOUT In recent years the question of how to talk think discuss and learn about art ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Florian Wiencek at Duke University - RateMyProfessors.com

Rating and reviews for Professor Florian Wiencek from Duke University Durham, NC United States.

Team - Heritage Science Austriaheritagescience.at › team

Florian Wiencek. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Gudrun Styhler-Aydin. Internationale Beziehungen & Nachwuchs- und Forschungsförderun ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

» Florian

Florian Wiencek (B.Sc. in Digital Media – 2006; M.A. in Art and ...

Florian Wiencekwww.florianwiencek.com

Dr. Florian Wiencek is an expert on the interface of Digital Media and Cultural Learning. He earned his B.Sc. in Digital Media and M.A. in Art and Cultural ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

CV | David Rambowww.davidrambo.org › portfolio

Amanda Starling Gould and Florian Wiencek, (August 2016): Link . Awards and Fellowships. National Science Foundation (NSF) Conference Travel Grant, 33rd Annual ...

CV – Amanda Starling Gould, PhD

ACADEMIC PREPARATION Ph.D., Literature, Duke University, April Dissertation: Digital Environmental Metabolisms: An Ecocritical Project of the Digital...

5 Projekte

Project MUSE - Art Gallery Jury

Everardo Reyes, Université Paris 8. Suzanne Sarraf, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.. Florian Wiencek, Fluxguide.

Digital Projects – Amanda Starling Gould, PhD

The best of my research develops from, or into, collaborative critical practice. My aim is to use material and digital tools to produce a meaningful engagement...

Erfolgreiche Finissage beendet die Schau SPACE TIME NOW

Juli einen schönen Sommerabend bei der Finissage von SPACE TIME NOW im Konzerthaus Ziersdorf. Bevor duo momentum mit Florian Wiencek und Günther Fiala ihre eigens für die Ausstellung gemasterte Studioversion ihrer Klangperformace vortrugen, begeisterte Kuratorin Dr. Barbara M. Eggert ...

Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany Collaboration | Wired! Lab |...

Florian Wiencek, Timothy Senior, Victoria Szabo Duke has established a close relationship with members of the Jacobs University ...

5 Bücher zum Namen

Algorithms of Power: Key Invisibles - Google Books

The literature on

School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age - Google Books

School shootings have raised considerable interest among scholars as a global cultural phenomenon and have increased specifically in the 1990s developing into...

The Permanence of the Transient: Precariousness in Art - Google Books

How should one approach the notion of the precarious in art – its meanings and its outcomes? Its presence in artistic practices may be transient, yet it...

Shifting Interfaces: An Anthology of Presence, Empathy, and Agency in...

Early 21st century media arts are addressing the anxieties of an age shadowed by ubiquitous surveillance, big-data profiling, and globalised translocations of...

8 Dokumente

Florian Wiencek, Media officer at Global young academy | SlideShare

View all of Florian Wiencek's Presentations.

Digital Cultural Learning: Traversing Networks and Activating the Arc…

The idea of the network is central for our information society. From the Internet, over archives to knowledge: all can be perceived and analyzed as networks. I…

Jennie Rose Halperin, Community development at Mozilla | SlideShare

View all of Jennie Rose Halperin's Presentations.

File:OpenGLAM-Workshop jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Date, 10 September Source, OpenGLAM-Workshop. Author, Florian Wiencek. Licensing[edit]. w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike, This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Florian Wiencek

List of computer science publications by Florian Wiencek

From sylviainpublic at gmail.com Tue Jul 4 18:49: From ...

... Akademie der Wissenschaften), Alexander Rind (FH St. P?lten), Saminu Salisu (Donauniversit?t Krems), Sven Schlarb (Austrian Institute of Technology), Rainer Simon (Austrian Institute of Technology), Florian Wiencek (Donauniversit?t Krems). Auch Daten werden wir euch in einzelnen Blogs vorstellen, ...

dblp: BibTeX records: Victoria Szabo

List of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Victoria Szabo

dblp: Victoria Szabo

List of computer science publications by Victoria Szabo

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Digital Art Mediation by florianwiencek Stack - Issuu

Digital Art Mediation by Florian Wiencek on issuu.

Digitale Kunstgeschichte in der akademischen Lehre – Arbeitskreis...

SoSe Web-Based Multimedia Communication for the Mediation of Art and Culture, BA-Seminar (Florian Wiencek) ...

TrainingProgramProjectSynthetic...wiki.digitalmethods.net › Dmi › TrainingProgramPr...

· Team Members. Ricardo Amaral. Anders Koed Madsen. Florian Wiencek. Research Questions. i) What are the visions of the future of synthetic ...

School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age | Amok Wiki |...

School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age is a book edited by Glenn W. Muschert and Johanna Sumiala, published by Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Florian Wiencek - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

9 Meinungen & Artikel

florian wiencek. digital mediation of art and culture - Urbanauticaurbanautica.com › interview › florian-wiencek-digit...

Florian Wiencek (FW): My thesis started out with looking at the state of the art in digital mediation of art and culture (re-)using digital cultural data ...

Nature Arabic Edition

سامح سرور، عالِم البيولوجيا البِنْيَوِيّة بجامعة حلوان بالقاهرة، هو أول عربي يشارك في رئاسة «الأكاديمية العالمية لشباب العلماء» Global Young Academy. تأسست...

Florian Wiencek | medieninitiative

Posts about Florian Wiencek written by Shane Denson

Program – Forum Media Technology & All Around Audio Symposium

Kasra Seirafi, Florian Wiencek. Innovative and Intuitive Hands-on Interaction with RFID to Enhance Digital Media Experience of Exhibits

57 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Florian Wiencek | LinkedIn

View Florian Wiencek's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Florian Wiencek discover ...

Barbara Grüter, hs-bremen - ppt video online herunterladen

: Überblick über die Veranstaltung Ausgewählte studentische Arbeiten aus dem Wintersemester Uhr für Studierende HfK und Uni: Inhalte der Übungen und...

Florian Wiencek – Digital Project Designer | Ecology of Networks

How does your work engage the idea or object of networks?

Marion G. Müller, Ognyan Seizov, Florian Wiencek, Pinar U. Yildiz

Marion G. Müller, Ognyan Seizov, Florian Wiencek, Pinar U. Yildiz (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany) “Visualizing Victims and Victimizers. An Iconological Approach to Analyzing Media Coverage of School Shootings.” In the last ten years, the comparatively frequent tragedy of high-school and university shootings ...

FLORIAN WIENCEK - ADA | Archive of Digital Art


Collections Florian Wiencek (@fwiencek) has discovered on ...www.designspiration.com › fwiencek

Find ideas and inspiration from Florian Wiencek (@fwiencek) on Designspiration.

fwiencek | HASTAC

Florian Wiencek (*1984; B.Sc. in Digital Media – 2006; M.A. in Mediation of Art and Culture – 2009; University of Bremen) is currently research associate in the ...

Florian Wiencek's profile on ArtStack - art online

Florian Wiencek on ArtStack - Art likes. ArtStack is an online museum, making it easy to find great art from any period. Share art you love in your online ...

Florian Wiencek | Danube University Krems - Academia.edudonau-uni.academia.edu › FlorianWiencek

Florian Wiencek, Danube University Krems, Department for Image Science, Department Member. Studies Digital Media, Digital Media & Learning, ...

florianwiencek Publisher Publications - Issuu

Publications from Florian Wiencek

Florian Wiencek (@fwiencek) Followers on Designspiration

Explore inspiration from other people using Designspiration.

[ISEA2011] Paper: Florian Wiencek & Timothy J. Senior – Art ...www.isea-archives.org/.../isea2011-presentations

Abstract. Historically, notions of art and science have fluctuated in the degree of their [in]compatibility. With the re-emergence of art as a tool through which ...

Digital Mediation of Art and Culture. A Database Approach - Fluxguidewww.fluxguide.com › Puls › Behind the Scenes

„Digital Mediation of Art and Culture. A Database Approach“ by Florian Wiencek. fluxguide T09:40:11+02:00April 25th, 2019|Behind the Scenes|.

Fotografie. bei Andreas Weiss, HfK Bremen, Sommersemester von...

Fotografie bei Andreas Weiss, HfK Bremen, Sommersemester von Florian Wiencek Universiät Bremen Fundort: Trödelmarkt Was weiß ich vom Bild?


Author and Editor Biographies

Die Musealisten

Willem Prins. Kulturhistoriker und Spezialist im Bereich Informationsdesign und Frontend-Webentwicklung. Florian Wiencek. Experte im Bereich Digitale ...

SpringerCitations - Details Page

Chapter. School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age. Marion G. Müller, Ognyan Seizov and Florian Wiencek. Series: Studies in Media and ...

7th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science...

7th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology—Re:Trace – 25 November 2017

Digital Cultural Learning: A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches ...mw2014.museumsandtheweb.com › proposals › dig...

Florian Wiencek, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. It is evident, that digital media severely transformed how we display and interact with cultural ...

Call for papers: RE:TRACE conference on the Histories of Media...

Call for papers: RE:TRACE conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology // March 9, 2017

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Florian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Polnisch): Florian; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); flos = die Blume, die Blüte; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Florian (4. Jh.); der lateinische Name 'Florianus' ist eine Weiterbildung zu 'Florus'

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Florian Wiencek & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Florian Wiencek und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.