134 Infos zu Frédéric Laquai
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- Solarzellen
12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Designregeln für organische Solarzellen | pro-physik.dewww.pro-physik.de › nachrichten › designregeln-fuer-organische-solarzellen· ... Spektroskopie-Experimenten, die in der Gruppe von Frédéric Laquai an der KAUST durchgeführt wurden, sowie von Computersimulationen, ...
Simple chemical can improve quality of perovskite thin films ...www.materialstoday.com › energy › news › simple-...· Photovoltaic devices containing perovskite thin films produced with the assistance of glycol ethers. Photo: © Frédéric Laquai. The thin ...
Den Horizont erweitern - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer ...www2.daad.de › der-daad › daad-aktuell › den-...Dort unterstützt sie das Team von Frédéric Laquai bei der Entwicklung neuer organischer Materialien für die Herstellung von Solarzellen.
Der Sonne entgegen: Nachwuchsforscher soll am Max-Planck ...www.innovations-report.de › energie-und-elektrotechnikBesonders interessant ist für Frédéric Laquai, wie die Struktur des organischen Materials die Leistungsparameter der Solarzellen beeinflusst, insbesondere die ...
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Person – Energie Campus Nürnbergwww.encn.de › person › heiss-wolfgang... Rasouli, Yajun Gao, Se Woong Baek, Bin Chen, Frédéric Laquai, Sjoerd Hoogland, F. Pelayo García de Arquer, Wolfgang Heiss, Edward H. Sargent (2020).
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Dr. Frédéric Laquai - Associate Director - KAUST Solar Center (KSC ...www.xing.com › profile › Frederic_LaquaiBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Dr. Frédéric Laquai direkt bei XING.
patentbuddy: Frederic LaquaiMERCK PATENT GMBH, Stuttgart, DE
1 Auszeichnungen
Dr. Frédéric Laquai - abitur-und-studium.deDer Sonne entgegen: Nachwuchsforscher soll am Max-Planck-Institut die Solarzellen der Zukunft entwickeln. Bilder aus diesen Artikeln. « Dr. Frédéric Laquai. ».
16 Bücher zum Namen
Polymers in Organic Electronics: Polymer Selection for Electronic, ...books.google.it › books277 Frédéric Laquai, Organic Electronics-Devices, Materials and Principles, MPRS Istanbul 2009, 30th August to 4th September, www.home.ku.edu.tr.
Chemical PapersISSN electronic edition: Registr. No.: MK SR Published monthly. Author: Frédéric Laquai. Friday, February 15, IMPACT FACTOR
Chemical PapersAuthor: Frédéric Laquai. Saturday, September 01, IMPACT FACTOR SCImago Journal Rank SEARCH. Advanced. VOLUMES.
Chemical PapersISSN print edition: ISSN electronic edition: Registr. No.: MK SR Published monthly. Author: Frédéric Laquai. Saturday, May 23,
7 Dokumente
Laquai, Frédéric [WorldCat Identities]worldcat.org › identities › viafMost widely held works by Frédéric Laquai. Electronic energy transfer processes and charge carrier transport in pi-conjugated polymers( ) 4 editions published ...
nanoGe - IPEROP20www.nanoge.org › program › oral-abstractsYuliar Firdaus, Qiao He, Yuanbao Lin, Ferry Anggoro Ardy Nugroho, Emre Yengel, Ahmed H. Balawi, Frederic Laquai, Christoph Langhammer, Feng Liu, Martin ...
Frédéric Laquai - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › FrédéricLaquaiFrédéric Laquai studies Event-Related Potentials, Blood Pressure, and Smoking.
Dielectric switching of the nature of excited singlet state in a ...link.aps.org › PhysRevBAnnamaria Petrozza, Frédéric Laquai, Ian A. Howard, Ji-Seon Kim, and Richard H. Friend. Phys. Rev. B 81, – Published 12 May More. ×.
17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Frédéric Laquaigepris.dfg.de › gepris › personDr. Frédéric Laquai, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( KAUST), P.O.Box , Jeddah , Saudi-Arabien.
How to design organic solar cell materials -- ScienceDailywww.sciencedaily.com › releases ›· Anthopoulos, Derya Baran, Denis Andrienko, Frédéric Laquai. Intrinsic efficiency limits in low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor organic solar cells.
Dr. Frédéric Laquai - gepris - DFGgepris.dfg.de › gepris › OCTOPUSDr. Frédéric Laquai. Projects. As Applicant. Completed projects. Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of excited states in conjugated polymers for organic.
Professuren der Fachrichtung Chemie und LebensmittelchemieXiaodong Zhuang, Dominik Gehrig, Hai-Wei Liang , Manfred Wagner , Michael Ryan Hansen , Frédéric Laquai, Fan Zhang, Xinliang Feng. Adv. Mater , 27, Electrical Characteristics of Field-Effect Transistors based on Individual …
10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Akmaral Seitkhan | PubFactsAkmaral Seitkhan
Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › bookFrédéric Laquai, Denis Andrienko, Carsten Deibel, Dieter Neher. Pages PDF · Controlling the Electronic Interface Properties in Polymer–Fullerene ...
Interview with Professor Frédéric Laquai - Issuuissuu.com › docs › ksc_newsletter_no_5_onlineFrédéric Laquai studied Chemistry at the Universities of Oldenburg, Marburg, and Cambridge (UK) and graduated with a diploma degree in Physical Chemistry ...
Switching off FRET in the hybrid assemblies of diblock copolymer...Recently, it has been noticed that surface plasmon resonance of metal...
7 Meinungen & Artikel
The role of spin in the degradation of organic photovoltaics | Nature...· Safakath Karuthedath & Frédéric Laquai. Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) and Institute for Applied ...
All-round perovskites | Nature MaterialsThe demonstration of amplified spontaneous emission from thin films of perovskites could pave the way to solution-processed low-cost lasers that can be easily...
Intrinsic efficiency limits in low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor...... Yuanbao Lin, Erkki Alarousu, Pierre M. Beaujuge, Stefaan De Wolf, Iain McCulloch, Thomas D. Anthopoulos, Derya Baran & Frédéric Laquai.
Impact of polymorphism on the optoelectronic properties of a...Ahmed Hesham Balawi; & Frédéric Laquai. Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Science, Key Laboratory of Organic Solids, Institute of ...
59 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Frédéric Laquai's research works | King Abdullah University of ...www.researchgate.net › scientific-contributions › Frederic-LaquaiFrédéric Laquai's 204 research works with citations and reads, including: 18.4% Organic Solar Cells Using a High Ionization Energy ...
Mainzer Photovoltaik-Forschung preisgekrönt: Dr. Frédéric Laquai ...www.solarserver.de › › mainzer-photovoltaik-forschung-preis...· Die Walter und Sibylle Kalkhof-Rose-Stiftung verleiht Frédéric Laquai, Wissenschaftler am Mainzer Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung ...
CV Frédéric Laquai - www2.mpip-mainz.mpg.dewww2.mpip-mainz.mpg.de › ~laquaiFrédéric Laquai. Max Planck Research Group Leader. PostHeaderIcon Curriculum Vitae present: Max ...
Frédéric LaquaiDr. Frédéric Laquai. Max Planck Research Group Leader. PostHeaderIcon Welcome. I am head of ...
Frédéric Laquai | King Abdullah Universitywww.kaust.edu.sa › study › faculty › frederic-laquaiResearch Interests. His current research focuses on the photophysics of excitonic solar cells, specifically processes such as exciton dissociation, charge carrier ...
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Frederic Laquaiplu.mx › kaust › kaust-frederic-laquaiFrederic Laquai. Associate Professor, Material Science and Engineering; Associate Director, KAUST Solar Center. KAUST Faculty Profile Page, KAUST ...
Charge Carrier Generation, Recombination, and Extraction in ...www.springerprofessional.de › charge-carrier-gener...Authors: Frédéric Laquai, Denis Andrienko, Carsten Deibel, Dieter Neher. Publisher: Springer International Publishing. Published in: Elementary Processes in ...
Engineering of dendritic dopant-free hole Korea Universitykoreauniv.pure.elsevier.com › publications › engine...Wei Chen, Yang Wang, Bin Liu, Yajun Gao, Ziang Wu, Yongqiang Shi, Yumin Tang, Kun Yang, Yujie Zhang, Weipeng Sun, Xiyuan Feng, Frédéric Laquai, Han ...
Interplay Between Side Chain Pattern, Polymer Aggregation, and ...hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › halClare Dyer-Smith 1 Ian Howard 1 Clément Cabanetos 2, 3 Abdulrahman Labban 2 Pierre Beaujuge 2 Frédéric Laquai 1. Détails. 1 Max Planck Institute for ...
Interplay Between Side Chain Pattern, Polymer Aggregation, and Charge...Clare Dyer-Smith 1 Ian Howard 1 Clément Cabanetos 2, 3 Abdulrahman Labban 2 Pierre Beaujuge 2 Frédéric Laquai 1. Détails. 1 Max Planck Institute for ...
Leuchtende Moleküle – Untersuchungen zur Elektrolumineszenz an ...www.jugend-forscht.de › projektdatenbank › leuchtende-molekuele-unters...Frédéric Laquai (19), Wilhelmshaven ... gelingt, müsste doch auch mit einfachen Mitteln und mit etwas Fantasie machbar sein, sagte sich Frédéric Laquai.
New combination of elements a positive step forwards for KAUST ...www.pv-magazine.com › › new-combi...· Frédéric Laquai, leader of the KAUST Solar Centre team voiced the position of the firm going forward with this challenge “We have several ...
Triphenylamine-Based Push–Pull σ–C Archive ouverte HALhal.archives-ouvertes.fr › halZhipeng Kan 2 Markus Wohlfahrt 2 Eric Levillain 1 Piétrick Hudhomme 1 Pierre Beaujuge 2 Frédéric Laquai 3 Clément Cabanetos 1 Philippe Blanchard 1
A simple additive to improve film quality | Printed Electronics WorldThin films for use in solar cells are more effective when simple chemicals called glycol ethers are added to the film-forming mix.
Ultrafast photo-induced enhancement of electron-phonon coupling ...www.researchsquare.com › article › latest· Frédéric Laquai, Mingcong Wang, Yajun Gao, Kai Wang, Stefaan De Wolf. Frédéric Laquai. King Abdullah University of Science and ...
Light on efficiency loss in organic solar cells | EurekAlert! Science ...www.eurekalert.org › pub_releases › kauo-loe· ... energy losses," explains team leader Frédéric Laquai. "However, the precise role of the energy offsets and their related processes is unclear, ...
Molecular Doping of the Hole-Transporting Layer for Efficient,...· ... Sjoerd Hoogland, Nimer Wehbe, Marcel M. Said, Stephen Barlow, Frédéric Laquai, Seth R. Marder, Edward H. Sargent, and Aram Amassian.
Synthesis and controlled self-assembly of covalently linked hexa ...research.utwente.nl › publications › synthesis-and-c...· Lukas F. Dössel, Valentin Kamm, Ian A. Howard, Frédéric Laquai, Wojciech Pisula, Xinliang Feng, Chen Li, Masayoshi Takase, Tibor Kudernac ...
Chemistry Tree - Frédéric Laquai Family TreeChemistry Tree: academic genealogy for researcher
Inorganic Janus particles for biomedical applicationsInorganic Janus particles for biomedical applications
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Frédéric
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Frédéric; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); fridu = der Friede, der Schutz, die Sicherheit; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter bekannt als Name diverser deutscher Herrscher, z.B. Friedrich dem Grossen (18. Jh.)
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