96 Infos zu Francesca Diella
Mehr erfahren über Francesca Diella
Lebt in
- Heidelberg
Infos zu
- Gianni Cesareni
- Rune Linding
- Lars Juhl Jensen
- Gibson
- KinomeXplorer
- Anita Palma
- Erwin
- Heiko Horn
- Jinho Kim
- Martin
- Miller
- Robin
8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
COMUNICADO: Muchos test de biomarcadores predictivos en tumores se...En un nuevo estudio, los científicos de Molecular Health examinaron los índices de mutaciones secundarias en...
Beyond Hotspots: Many Tests for Predictive Biomarkers in Tumors Focus...HEIDELBERG, Germany and CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, June 29, PR Newswire UK/ -- Beyond Hotspots: Many Tests for Predictive Biomarkers in Tumors Focus...
ProteinArchitecture : Exploring Modular Protein Architecture...ProteinArchitecture : Exploring Modular Protein Architecture Course
ELLS goes to Italy - Alumni Association - EMBLELLS works with alumni to set up learning labs in Milan and Monterotondo
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Francesca Diella | FacebookFacebook: Francesca Diella | FacebookLinkedIn: Francesca Diella | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Francesca Diella auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Francesca Diella hat 6 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Francesca Diella und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
LinkedIn: Francesca Diella | LinkedInFrancesca Diellas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche – Heute (7 Jahre)Heidelberg und Umgebung, Deutschland ... Es fehlt: neckar
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
KinomeXplorer: an integrated platform for kinome biology studies -...author = "Heiko Horn and Schoof, {Erwin M} and Jinho Kim and Xavier Robin and Miller, {Martin L} and Francesca Diella and Anita Palma and Gianni Cesareni ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Search ResultsA biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemistry, and related fields
Francesca Diella | ScinapseUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata, citation: 4714, h-index: 19.
Division of Basic Sciences Annual Research Directory - National...... Walmsley Sam Zaremba Mingzhu Zhu Oncogenetics Section Robert Callahan Laura DeMarchis Francesca Diella Daniel Gallahan Akira Imatani Edith Kordon ...
10 Dokumente
Advanced bioinformatics methods for proteomicsAdvanced bioinformatics methods for proteomics Lars Juhl Jensen
Network biology - Large-scale data integration and text miningNetwork biology Large-scale data integration and text mining Lars Juhl Jensen
3D SIG ISMB Special Interest Scientific Registration List3D SIG ISMB Special Interest Group Registration
Systems biology: Large-scale biomedical data miningSystems biology Large-scale biomedical data mining Lars Juhl Jensen
18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Phospho.ELM: A database of experimentally verified ...Francesca Diella ,; Scott Cameron ,; Christine Gemünd ,; Rune Linding ,; Allegra Via ,; Bernhard Kuster ,; Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén ,; Nikolaj ...
dblp: BibTeX records: Francesca DiellaList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Francesca Diella
Francesca Diella - dblpList of computer science publications by Francesca Diella.
dblp: Diana BornList of computer science publications by Diana Born
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Divergent subcellular locations of HTLV-I tax and Int-6: A contrast...Protein-protein interactions define many important molecular and cellular processes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology. In trying to delineate the conta
Cyclebase.org: version 2.0, an updated BioMedSearchhelp with the database and Francesca Diella for help with providing data on phosphorylation sites. FUNDING. Novo Nordisk Foundation Center ...
Francesca Diella - Wikidataresearcher
Experimental detection of short regulatory motifs in eukaryotic...It has become clear in outline though not yet in detail how cellular regulatory and signalling systems are constructed. The essential machines are protein...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Coiled-coil domain containing WikipediaCoiled-coil domain containing 166 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CCDC Arne C. Knudsen, Christina Mäder, Sabina Merrill, Angelina Staudt, Vera Thiel, Lukas Welti, Norman E. Davey, Francesca Diella, Toby J. Gibson; ...
37 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Protein-protein Interactions - ppt downloadWhy PPI? Protein-protein interactions determine outcome of most cellular processes Proteins which are close homologues often interact in the same way...
Protein-protein Interactions June 18, Why PPI? Protein-protein...40 This paper has been cited >100 times Why the interest in predicting protein-protein interactions? Determining protein-protein ... Francesca Diella.
Francesca diella | ask.fm7
Phospho.ELM AboutPhospho.ELM is a database of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins Francesca Diella - database curator, web design ;
(PPT) From phosphoproteomics to signaling networks - PDFSLIDE.US1.From phosphoproteomics to signaling networks Lars Juhl Jensen Orbitrap in vivophosphosites 9. kinases are unknown 10. functions...
Protein disorder prediction: Implications for structural proteomicsProtein disorder prediction: Implications for structural proteomics. Rune Linding 1†*, Lars Juhl Jensen 12†, Francesca Diella 3, Peer Bork 12, Toby J. Gibson
"Deciphering a global network of functionally associated...By Pablo Minguez, Luca Parca, Francesca Diella, et al., Published on
3D SIG ISMB Special Interest Group Meeting - Program3D SIG ISMB Special Interest Group Program
Amy Altick | Faculty | Department of Biology | University of Nevada,...Teaching Assistant Professor Amy Altick
Attributes of short linear motifs - Molecular BioSystems (RSC...Traditionally, protein–protein interactions were thought to be mediated by large, structured domains. However, it has become clear that the interactome...
Altmetric – KinomeXplorer: an integrated platform for kinome biology...Heiko Horn, Erwin M Schoof, Jinho Kim, Xavier Robin, Martin L Miller, Francesca Diella, Anita Palma, Gianni Cesareni, Lars Juhl Jensen, Rune Linding ...
Systematic Discovery of In Vivo Phosphorylation NetworksRune Linding, Lars Juhl Jensen, Gerard J. Ostheimer, Marcel A.T.M. van Vugt, Claus Jørgensen, Ioana M. Miron, Francesca Diella, Karen ...
ELM server: a new resource for investigating short functional ...... Vincenza Maselli, Allegra Via, Gianni Cesareni, Francesca Diella, Giulio Superti-Furga, Lucjan Wyrwicz, Chenna Ramu, Caroline McGuigan, ...
KinomeXplorer: An integrated platform for kinome biology studies...Heiko Horn, Erwin M. Schoof, Jinho Kim, Xavier Robin, Martin L. Miller, Francesca Diella, Anita Palma, Gianni Cesareni, Lars Juhl Jensen, Rune Linding.
ELM--the database of eukaryotic linear motifs. - ePrints SotonAuthor: Gleb Grebnev. Author: Richard J Edwards. Author: Michel O Steinmetz. Author: Heike Meiselbach. Author: Francesca Diella. Author: Toby J Gibson ...
Phospho.ELM: a database of experimentally verified phosphorylation...Francesca Diella, Scott Cameron, Christine Gemünd, Rune Linding, Allegra Via, Bernhard Kuster, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén, Nikolaj Blom, ...
Molecular Health Release: Tumor Biomarkers Are Essential But Not...Molecular Health Release: Tumor Biomarkers Are Essential But Not Sufficient for Predicting Cancer Drug Response - read this article along with other careers...
EMBO Practical Course - Protein Bioinformatics Tools- Focus on...allconferences
DataCite SearchToby Gibson, Holger Dinkel, Kim Roey & Francesca Diella. Dataset published via Figshare. https://doi.org m9.figshare.c _d1 Cite ...
Progressive Postnatal Motoneuron Loss in Mice Lacking GDF-15 |...Jens Strelau, Adam Strzelczyk, Patricia Rusu, Gerald Bendner, Stefan Wiese, Francesca Diella, Amy L. Altick, Christopher S. von Bartheld, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Francesca
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch): Francesca; die kleine Französin;; francesco = der kleine Franzose; Information zur männlichen Form Franz:; entstanden als Spitzname 'Francesco' ('kleiner Franzose', 'Französlein') von Giovanni Bernardone, bekannt als hl. Franziskus von Assisi; die deutsche Form 'Franziskus' ist eine Latinisierung dieses italienischen Spitznamens, der verbreitete Vorname 'Franz' wiederum eine Kurzform davon
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