246 Infos zu Frank Baetke
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Infos zu
- Hewlett-Packard
- Global HPC Technology
- Computer
- European Open File
- Research
- Architecture
- Open File System
40 Aktuelle Nachrichten
General Assembly [EOFS]www.eofs.eu › events10:00 – Welcome and agenda – Frank Baetke, EOFS - Michael Ott, LRZ. 10:30 – Status of EOFS, accomplishments and report on the recent ...
Heise.de: International Supercomputer Conference und die 27. Top500-Liste...Rund 800 Supercomputer-Spezialisten aus aller Welt reisten diesmal nicht nach Heidelberg, sondern nach Dresden, um hier fernab der WM-Spielstätten Erfahrungen...
BASF in Ludwigshafen baut Supercomputer für die Chemie-ForschungEiner der weltweit größten Hochleistungsrechner in der globalen Chemie-Branche steht bald in Rheinland-Pfalz. Der Konzern BASF baut ihn in Ludwigshafen und...
ISC'10 Streaming-AgendaDr. Frank Baetke, Global HPC Technology Program Manager, Hewlett-Packard SCI, Germany, live + Aufzeichnung. 14: :00, Hot Seat Session 02, The ...
2 Bilder zu Frank Baetke
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Frank Baetke | FacebookFacebook: HPCwire - Frank Baetke, HP's Global HPC Technology ...hi-in.facebook.com › photos › frank-baetke-hps-...LinkedIn: Frank Baetke | LinkedInFrank Baetke. Global HPC Technology Manager at Hewlett-Packard. Ort München und Umgebung, Deutschland Branche IT und Services
LinkedIn: Frank Baetke | LinkedInberufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Frank Baetke dabei hilft, ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Frank BaetkeGlobal HPC Technology Marketing Manager / Dornach
1 Projekte
34.rdf... Baeten Johan Baeten Jos C. M. Baeten M. Baetens Ingmar Baetge Jörg Baetge Sebastian Baethies Howard Baetjer Jr. F. P. E. Baetke Frank Baetke Bernard ...
30 Bücher zum Namen
Organisation der Datenverarbeitung an der Schwelle der 90er ...google.se... Frank Baetke, CONVEX Computer GmbH, Schatzbogen 54, D München 82 durch statische oder duasi-statische Allokierung von Prozessoren unter Zuhilfenahme ...
Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reportsgoogle.se... Frank Baetke p In GERMAN ( ETN ) Avail : NTIS HC A11 / MF A01 The calculation of the three - dimensional flow about sharp - angular ...
Supercomputer ’92: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends. ...google.se... Frank Baetke, Bob Metzger, Presley Smith CONVEX Computer GmbH W Frankfurt/M 71 Summary The CONVEX Application Compiler brings a new ...
Organisation der Datenverarbeitung an der Schwelle der 90er ...google.de... abgesehen von der oft nicht mehr gewährleisteten rechnerunabhängigen Programmierung, im wesentlichen im hohen Overhead * Dr.-Ing. Frank Baetke, ...
13 Dokumente
Nach kurzer Krankheit verstarb unsere geliebte Mutter ...Dr. Frank Baetke Klaus Baetke im Namen aller Angehörigen . Created Date: :27:16 AM ...
Comparing High-End Computer Architectures for OpenMPEComparing High-End Computer. Architectures for Business Applications. Presentation: Track: HP-UX. Dr. Frank Baetke. HP. Page 2. basics basics. Page 3. basic co m ponents / nom e clature cpu memory. Page 4. processors: bandwidth & latency cache cpu. m e m ory bus. m e m o ry band width. ~0.6 GB/s to 2.7 GB/s.
Comparing High-End Computer Architectures for Business Applications...Comparing High-End Computer Architectures for Business Applications Presentation: 493 Track: HP-UX Dr. Frank Baetke HP basics basics basic components /...
HP-CAST 15 AgendaHewlett Packard EnterpriseHP-Liaison and Board Representative. HP-CAST President. HP Executive Updates: Worldwide HPC-Business Review and Outlook and HP's Strategy. Frank Baetke, HP.
14 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Frank BaetkeList of computer science publications by Frank Baetke
dblp: BibTeX records: Frank BaetkeList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Frank Baetke
dblp: Simulationstechnik 1987Bibliographic content of Simulationstechnik 1987
Frank BaetkeDBLPFrank Baetke, Bob Metzger, Presley Smith: The CONVEX Application Compiler - A Major Step into the Direction of Automatic Parallelization.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
1 - IOS Press Ebooksebooks.iospress.nl › Descendants... the support of Hewlett Packard towards the book publication is acknowledged and in particular the persistent consideration and help given by Frank Baetke.
The CONVEX Application Compiler - A Major Step into the Direction of...The CONVEX Application Compiler brings a new level of optimization technology to the software development process. The Application Compiler is the first...
Supercomputer ’92 | SpringerLinkNo description available for this conference proceedings
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
LAD Frank Baetke EOFS更新_哔哩哔哩(゜-゜)つロ干杯~-bilibiliwww.bilibili.com › video下载Flash插件. Flash未安装或者被禁用. LAD Frank Baetke EOFS更新. 4次播放· 0条弹幕· 发布于 :48:35.
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview: HPC Success Stories Session Coming to ISC 2015This year, the ISC High Performance Conference will feature a new session called Great Success Stories of HPC. To learn more, we caught up with session chair...
Governance [EOFS]www.eofs.eu › organization › board· Board members · Eric Monchalin (Bull/Atos) · Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere (CEA) · Thomas Stibor (GSI) · Frank Baetke (acting for HPE) · John ...
121 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Frank Baetke - Global HPC Technology Manager - Hewlett-Packard ...View Frank Baetke's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Frank has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Frank's connections and jobs at similar companies.
Frank Baetke | LinkedInView Frank Baetke's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Frank Baetke discover inside ...
Bibliography of Frank Baetke | StructuraeVerkkoList of publications (books, articles, conference papers, etc.) for author Frank Baetke catalogued in the Structurae literature database.
1 ©2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information...The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Welcome to HP-CAST India Dr. Frank Baetke ISS / HPC & Service Provider Organization
Frank Baetke - Global HPC Technology Marketing …VerkkoFrank Baetke, Dornach: Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Frank Baetke direkt bei …
Comparing High-End Computer Architectures for Business Applications...basic components / nomeclature cpu memory
Baetke Frank in bei Das Telefonbuch findenVerkkoFrank Baetke began his career as a researcher and academic advisor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He joined Convex Computer Corp. in as manager …
EOFS Elects HP's Frank Baetke as Chairman - High-Performance...Frank Baetke was recently elected by the EOFS Board to serve as the new chairman of the European Open File System organization.
Welcome To The 31 th HPC User Forum Meeting October 16, ppt downloadThank You To Our Sponsors: Altair Fujitsu HP IBM Panasas
Frank Baetke Departs HPE, Stays on as EOFS ChairmanHPCwire— EOFS Chairman Frank Baetke announced today that he is leaving HPE, where he served as global HPC technology manager for many years.
Agenda - www.connect-community.deVerkkoDr. Frank Baetke, Global HPC-Technology Program Manager, Hewlett-Packard Corporation Session C2: Oracle Virtualisierung und das HP Virtual Server …
Frank Baetke Leaves HPE, Stays on as EOFS ChairmanInside HPC— Frank Baetke served as a technology manager in the European Organization of HP. Before its acquisition by HewlettPackard in 1995, he held ...
BASF Digitalisierung: Ein Supercomputer für die ChemieVerkko2. toukok · „Ein Supercomputer besteht im Grunde aus ähnlichen Komponenten wie gewöhnliche PCs oder Laptops“, erklärt Frank Baetke, Supercomputer-Manager bei …
Frank Baetke - researchr aliasASAP - ein neues Verfahren zur Ausführung parallelisierbarer Programme in durchsatzorientierten UmgebungenFrank Baetke. kivs 1989:
DECUS - Veranstalltungen von DECUSVerkkoDr. Frank Baetke Hewlett-Packard Corporation: Session C2: Oracle Virtualisierung und das HP Virtual Server Environment: Mathias Kaldenhoff Oracle Deutschland GmbH: …
Autor: "Frank Baetke" - OpacWWW - Prolib IntegroWyszukujesz frazę ""Frank Baetke"" wg kryterium: Autor. Lista filtrów. Źródło danych. 0 Katalog biblioteki. 3 EBSCO Discovery Service. Ogranicz do: Pełny tekst.
Agenda Planner ISC Personen DetailsFrank Baetke is chairman of the European Open File System Organizations (EOFS). At Hewlett Packard Enterprise he leads the worldwide ...
Hot Seat Session 2 - Prof. Dr. Frank Behrendt, Dr. Fang-Pang Lin, …Verkko25. kesäk · Dr. Frank Baetke, Global HPC Technology Program Manager, Hewlett-Packard SCI, Germany 03:15PM - 03:30PM Scalable Architecture for the Many-Core …
Dr. Frank BaetkeDr. Frank Baetke. Hewlett-Packard. Series · Lectures. Copyright © – tele-TASK – All Rights Reserved | Imprint | About | Privacy | RSS Feed.
Frank Baetke - Contributor Index – Agenda – ISC isc-program.com › presenterFrank Baetke is the president of the European Open File System Society (EOFS) and a member of the EOFS Administrative Council. He is a Fellow and Advisory ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Frank
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Frank; vom Volksstamm der Franken; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); franko = der Franke; frank = frei (Germanisch); der Stammesname leitet sich ev. ab von 'frank', einem alten germanischen Wort für 'frei', wie in 'frank und frei'; ev. aber wurden die Franken benannt nach ihrer charakteristischen Waffe, der 'Francisca' (lateinisch 'securis francisca', eine Art Wurfbeil) Der Freie (daher frank und frei) gruß franky
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