38 Infos zu Frank Huethe
Mehr erfahren über Frank Huethe
Lebt in
- Freiburg
Infos zu
- Maurer
- Carlos Trenado
- Hepp-Reymond
- Marie-Claude
- Ignacio
- Jürgen Schulte-Mönting
- Mendez-Balbuena
- Rumyana
- Elías Manjarrez
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
CORE - Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 4 für Suche: 'Frank Huethe', Suchdauer: 0.1s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur, Verfasser ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulić, Elias Manjarrez, Ignacio...Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulić, Elias Manjarrez, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Marie-Claude ...
Subthreshold Electrical Noise Applied to the Plantar Foot Enhances ...philpapers.org › rec › SHASENCarlos Trenado, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Elias Manjarrez, Frank Huethe, Jã¼Rgen Schulte-Mã¶Nting, Bernd Feige, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond & Rumyana Kristeva ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Advanced Search | Journal of NeuroscienceQuantitative Approaches to the Russian Language - Google BooksThis edited collection presents a range of methods that can be used to analyse linguistic data quantitatively. A series of case studies of Russian data...
Broad-band Gaussian Noise is Most Effective in Improving Motor...Authors, Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulic, Elías Manjarrez, Jürgen Schulte Mönting, Frank Huethe, Rumyana Kristeva. Published, Export Citation, BiBTeX ...
Enhanced Corticomuscular Coherence by External Stochastic Noise -...Enhanced Corticomuscular Coherence by External Stochastic Noise. Front Cover . Carlos Trenado, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Elías Manjarrez, Frank Huethe, ...
5 Dokumente
Huethe, Frank [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Frank Huethe. Enhanced corticomuscular coherence by external stochastic noise by Carlos Trenado( ) 2 editions published in
EBSCOhost | | A battery-driven, low-field NMR unit for...and hyperpolarized samples. Robert Borowiak • Niels Schwaderlapp • Frank Huethe • Thomas Lickert •. Elmar Fischer • Sébastien Bär • Jürgen ...
Beta-range EEG-EMG coherence with isometric compensation for...Beta-range EEG-EMG coherence with isometric compensation for increasing modulated low-level forces. Authors: Frank Huethe, Jürgen ...
Corticospinal interaction during isometric compensation for modulated...Authors: José R Naranjo, Xi Wang, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Christoph Maurer, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, Rumyana ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Frank Huethe – ScienceOpenAuthors: Carlos Trenado, Florian Amtage, Frank Huethe … Role of proprioception and vision in handwriting. Authors: Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, ...
FreiDok plus - Frank Huethe{{role.value| show_role_text:"person_project_role":this}} () {{role.value| show_role_text:"person":this}} ...
Forschungsdatenbank FreiburgBorowiak R, Elmar Fischer, Sebastien Bär, Jochen Leupold, Frank Huethe, Thomas Lange, Jeff Snyder, Jürgen Hennig, Dominik von Elverfeldt, Jan-Bernd Hövener: Development of a low-field NMR unit using a crossed coil setup for calibration of a PASADENA polarizer.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Broad-band Gaussian noise is most effective in improving motor...By Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulić, Elias Manjarrez, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond and ...
A battery-driven, low-field NMR unit for thermally and hyperpolarized...The design of a multinuclear low-field NMR unit with variable field strength
21 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Frank Huethe: memuat turun secara percuma. Perpustakaan ...my.booksc.eu › ...Frank Huethe: memuat turun secara percuma. Perpustakaan elektronik. Toko buku dalam talian di Z-Library | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books.
Huethe,%20Frank?order=year: Z-Library pulsuz elektron kitabxanasıHuethe,%20Frank?order=year: Z-Library pulsuz elektron kitabxanası | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books
Beta-range EEG-EMG coherence with isometric compensation for ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...by V Chakarov · · Cited by 159 — ... Frank Huethe, Rumyana Kristeva. Affiliation. 1 Neurological Clinic, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. PMID: ; DOI: jn
A battery-driven, low-field NMR unit for thermally and hyperpolarized...... of Radiology, Freiburg, Germany. Frank Huethe. University Medical Center Freiburg, Scientific Workshop, Neurocenter, Freiburg, Germany ...
Ein Schritt Richtung Brexit - PDFDOKUMENT.COMund Handel, Forschung und Lehre, Ban- ken und Versicherungen, Werbeagentu- ren, Unternehmensberatungen ... Sandra Harnis...
Human Equilibrium Control Principles Implemented into a Biped ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Human-Equilibr...... Principles Implemented into a Biped Humanoid Robot}, author={Thomas Mergner and Frank Huethe and Christoph Maurer and Christoph Ament}, year={2006} }.
Broad-band Gaussian noise is most effective in improving motor...Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulić, Elias Manjarrez, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, Rumyana ...
Role of proprioception and vision in handwriting - INFONAwww.infona.pl › resourceResearch report. Role of proprioception and vision in handwriting. Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, Vihren Chakarov, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Rumyana ...
Suppression of enhanced physiological tremor via stochastic noiseread.qxmd.com › read › suppression-of-enhanced-p...Carlos Trenado, Florian Amtage, Frank Huethe, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Stuart N Baker, Mark Baker, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, ...
Experimental setup.Experimental setup.
Improved Sensorimotor Performance via Stochastic Resonance |...Improved Sensorimotor Performance via Stochastic Resonance
CiteSeerX — RESEARCH ARTICLE Open AccessBibTeX. @MISC{Naranjo_researcharticle, author = {José R Naranjo and Xi Wang and Jürgen Schulte-mönting and Frank Huethe and Christoph Maurer and ...
Corticospinal interaction during isometric compensation for modulated...more. COLLAPSE. José R Naranjo, Xi Wang, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Christoph Maurer, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, Rumyana Kristeva.
PLOS ONE: Suppression of Enhanced Physiological Tremor via Stochastic...· Frank Huethe,. Affiliation Department of Neurology and Neurophysiology, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. ⨯. Jürgen Schulte-Mönting,.
Transcranial Electrical Brain Stimulation in Alert Rodents | Protocol...Dieses Protokoll beschreibt eine chirurgische Einrichtung für eine permanente Epicranial Elektrode Steckdose und einer implantierten...
Kaufhaus Klinikum Beschäftigte profitieren von günstigen...... MÖGLICHT DIE ENTWICK- LUNG NEUER THERAPIEME- THODEN hervorragende Ergebnisse zu erzielen, erzählt der Elektronikingenieur Frank Huethe.
Patients' characteristics.Patients' characteristics.
Sending message cancelledJosé R Naranjo, Xi Wang, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, more · BMC Neuroscience > > 11 > 1 > Background During ...
Suppression of Enhanced Physiological Tremor via Stochastic Noise:...Frank Huethe, ... Carlos Trenado,; Florian Amtage,; Frank Huethe,; Jürgen Schulte-Mönting,; Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena,; Stuart N. Baker,; Mark ...
CiteSeerX — Suppression of Enhanced Physiological Tremor via...BibTeX. @MISC{Trenado_suppressionof, author = {Carlos Trenado and Florian Amtage and Frank Huethe and Ignacio Mendez-balbuena Stuart N. Baker},
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Frank
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Frank; vom Volksstamm der Franken; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); franko = der Franke; frank = frei (Germanisch); der Stammesname leitet sich ev. ab von 'frank', einem alten germanischen Wort für 'frei', wie in 'frank und frei'; ev. aber wurden die Franken benannt nach ihrer charakteristischen Waffe, der 'Francisca' (lateinisch 'securis francisca', eine Art Wurfbeil) Der Freie (daher frank und frei) gruß franky
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